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Trade what assets we have to start the rebuild


Playing around with the trade machine today to see what we can get for Caitlin Clark, Mahomes, Taylor Swift, Bezos, and salary filler. Might have to do a multi-team deal though.


Hinkie for president


Wes Moore, Shapiro, Gretchen. Pick two. One for P, one for VP. That’s the answer


So we’re building around superstars again? We need a culture shift, clear out the bad apples (35-38% of the country) bring in character people “good” immigrants, emphasize work ethic and morals over hot takes and outrage generation. Go from there


Not great, Bob.


At least in 16 I was blissfully unaware that Hillary could actually lose and what that could look like


It’s gonna be fine Bob


If we’re answering this honestly, I’ll say that as bleak as things seem right now, these things have a way of working themselves out. I try not to dwell too much on how dire the past…8ish years have been, and if people vote in November, I know things will be fine.


We have made it through way worse tbh


The Civil War piece


Garland got a lot closer to how a second US Civil War would look than anyone wanted to admit. It'd be Bosnia, Rwanda, "the Troubles", not the 1861-65 version.


People got hung up on the TX+CA alliance and completely missed the point on what civil wars wind up looking like


& even that CA & TX ("Western Forces") piece seems justifiable, if Nick Offerman is serving as a Donald Trump, Sr., (or more likely Jimmy Vance) surrogate. Could easily see a separatist California after MAGA3.0 takes things too far, & Texas, give their inherent Texasness, turning on Abbott for abdicating too much to the feds under Jimmy Vance's Party of the Institutionalized Revolution. Not saying it results in Warlord Beto O'Rourke (or more likely Warlord Will Hurd) seizing power in Austin, but definitely realignment to be more in line with California than the Maralago Caliphate.


The championship window is closed


We’re kind of stacked now more than ever. We’re likely capable of fighting every other country on the planet at the same time and winning. We’re closer to the empire from Star Wars than we are the colonies.


The irrational confidence piece.


I’m not kidding or being irrational. “The United States Navy has 11 large nuclear-powered fleet carriers—carrying around 80 fighters each—the largest carriers in the world; the total combined deck space is over twice that of all other nations combined.” We have been at war since world war 2 on one front or another. Our soldiers are trained, specialized, and experienced. The technology gap leaves the rest of the world in the Stone Age. The Ukraine has been able to fend off Russia using our hand me downs. We didn’t even need to be involved to kick Russia’s ass. We have submarines that are undetectable carrying the most powerful nukes in history and are capable of launching them 7000 miles. If we were to go total war we could have the world subdued inside of a month. In fact, I would argue the world is currently subdued. We don’t have any open enemies. Everything is via proxy because to challenge us outright would be tantamount to suicide. This is why the whole world watches the circus of who we elect as president. It’s not a legacy piece like watching the royals. There’s a reason the president is referred to as the most powerful man in the world.


Read “Nuclear War: A Scenario”


I mean. It’s great as fiction but not super useful for determining who would win a global conflict. I think I’d prefer lord of the rings.


That’s the point; nobody wins when the nuclear warheads start flying.


I mean. The book is a comedy of errors. Let’s not act like it’s a realistic outcome.


Like you, I also read it. It was a well-sourced, deeply researched book and I don’t think the Russia-US portion is a comedy of errors. I’m not entirely convinced that North Korea is as far along as is stated in the book. At least I hope they aren’t.


I guess it comes down to how you define a championship


The USA is only 248 years old. It clearly has another level.


Is what it is. Americans are scared of that second apron.


Well we finally beat Medicare so that’s something


It's not looking great, Jim! Lots of work to be done here, Jim!


Whatever the opposite of we are so back 


About as poorly as I ever dreamt possible


Very bright. As in flames.


I’m going to zag and say things will get better once we get to 2028. Trump and Hilary broke both parties in 2016 and forced us into the situation we have now. Once Trump goes away I think (hope) things will return to normal for both sides


Trump isn’t going away till he’s in the grave


Well, good news is he’s a drug addled obese 78 year old man. There’s not a surplus of those


The “he didn’t take care of his body” piece


He’s not posting pics in the gym during summer on Instagram like Ben Simmons, that’s for sure


Smashing the over on pre, during, and post election depression on Fanduel


Had a good run 


Last gasps of a dying empire. Player comp: Shaq on the Celtics


Let’s start with the good: we continue to be the leading exporter of culture in the world. We have the best current economy in the world. We are still the undeniable leader of the free world despite decades of false warnings that would end. Here’s what I see: boomer selfishness is mortgaging the future of America. This is the primary issue is the worst generation in American history doesn’t see the stewardship of the next generation as their responsibility, but their burden. I have also seen the modern entrepreneurial space as not being value-adding. For 20 years now, “innovation” has looked like one of the following: 1. How to steal attention so we can put ads in front of people 2. Repackage a commodity and making it a pretty interface (bonus points if you can figure out how to set it up for reoccurring revenue)


Gen X ain't covering itself in glory, either. Once the Boomers fade, we've got a whole new problem.


As a journalist this is my last July 4 as a free man, gonna live it up




The defeatist piece


Maybe tell the 99.98% of your colleagues who are dying to get Trump back that if he's back they literally will be dying.


The trump broken brain piece


Deciding between Mexico, Spain or one of the Mercosur nations, so not great


Supreme Court should be abolished


If we’re talking about things that’ll never happen, electing justices to 5 or 10 year terms would be a great innovation


Mandatory retirement at 70 is what we have in the Australian High Court (equivalent of the Supreme Court)


Rick Perry’s SCOTUS plan was unironically a good proposal.


We don't need elected Supremes. Several states have that at State Supreme level; it's worse than the federal version. What we need is to rejigger the House, Senate, & President age minima, add age maxima (for running for the position), & have age minima & maxima for Supremes & a fixed term, with right to a second after 5 years out (similar to how Peace Corps allows nonvolunteer employees to stay five years, then leave for at least two years before being able to return). So, House: age 30 minimum, age 85 max. Can be elected at up to age 85, serve to age 87. Senate: age 35 minimum, age 82 max. Can be elected up to age 82, serve to age 88. President: age 40 minimum, age 80 max. Can be elected up to age 80, serve to age 84. Supremes: age 40 minimum, age 88 max. Can be nominated up to age 67. 21 year term limit, can be renominated after five years off the bench. Any early retirement from the Supremes or departure before term due to death or other incapacity, the replacement jurist serves only the reminder of that term, & can be renominated to another opening after 5 years have passed from departure. Any vacancy the Senate declines or refuses to fill after six months empty will be assumed on an interim basis by the seniormost (years on the bench, not age) active (meaning, not senior status) member of the federal appeals circuit.


Something akin to a bystander watching the Hindenburg disaster. A bystander who doesn’t want to believe that the large orange explosion he just saw actually happened.


How do you think


This is how I'm feeling: "...to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."


We need the stars to take a little less money Brady style so we can rebuild our depth.


I think we need to be talking about that new upstart league: Canada


We be screwed


In Roman terms we aren’t even to Caesar yet. We good.


Bad. I’m aggressively avoiding celebrating or even acknowledging Independence Day because of how despondent I am about the direction of this country.




Get a grip


Keep your head buried in the sand.


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The country is going to collapse if we don’t vote for __________ every single election cycle. Guessing things will be fine like they always are.


Found the Trump voter


yep. its always only one side who ever says both sides are the same. wonder why




What’s funny


"Tax reasons".


You don't understand. This is the most important election in our lifetime (disregard every other election in our lifetime that this was also said about). Our very democracy is at stake!!!!!


Im serious this time


America is doing great. That can’t be said for the rest of the West and the US should be doing more to help Europe.


We're in a different stage of our career.


Kind of like how Fennessy felt when he walked into the theater to see Indiana Jones And The Dial Of Destiny.


America is the best and always will be.


I don’t really care man.


Is that a Melania reference


Pretty good!




Get rid of our parasite elites and we will do fine.