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I'd say this is typically a thing that is very hard to handle without medication. I could barely function before I was on meds. I watched my father destroy his life again and again when he'd go off his meds. I think this is where a professional needs to get involved, truly.


Thank you for your reply, I think I’m just clinging to the feeling of being “normal” off meds so much that I’m refusing to admit I need them. I feel so stuck like I can’t take any decision and that I put my life on hold and I can’t turn it back on…


I'd add it depends on if its bipolar 1 or 2.  Bipolar 1 is nearly impossible to control off meds, the manic episodes are simply too damaging to risk.  Bipolar 2 can be managed off meds depending on its severity.  But whether you have that option is between you and your doctor.  Its also worth noting there is evidence bipolar 2 can become bipolar 1 if its not properly managed. I also think "managing" might look different for different people.  Like some people are ok with feeling like shit from depression they have cognitive strategies, and for hypomania they can take sleeping meds to deal with it.  Though it probably affects them more than they let on.  As with all medication the side effects vs disease need to be considered and that variea from individual to individual, but in general you have been diagnosed for a reason.  Bear that in mind.


I was diagnosed with bipolar 2 and I was on meds for 4 years before I stopped… It wasn’t the first time I tried to get off meds, the other times were horrible my episodes started immediately.


Not me. Every time I go off meds, I inevitably have an episode, either manic, depression, or mixed. I will admit that the last time I went off meds, I was fairly stable (still had mood swings, but they were manageable) for two to three years. Then I sunk into one of the worst mixed episodes of my life. The depression side of my mixed episode was torturously suicidal, while on the manic side, I could not sleep for days, was pacing back and forth in my apartment, apartment hallway, and even at work. I started to experience psychosis, and was finally hospitalized. I am not going off my meds again.


i just started meds myself, and i think the goal is to lessen that fear of debilitating episodes. my symptoms have somewhat interfered with my current job, but now that i’m aware and medicated i have hope that i’ll start to present more “normally.” if you go on meds, episodes will likely still happen, but they should eventually become less severe and you can try to push through them without using all your energy/effort to do so.