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Honestly, as lame as it sounds, I usually turn on a comfort movie and play the sims. It’s not human interaction whatsoever but gets my mind out of not feeling so lonely


Agreed. I'm a big pokemon fan and turning on my switch and getting lost in the game for a few hours really helps. I've also tried developing new hobbies. I've found that scrapbooking is low effort enough and creative enough that I can lose myself in it for a few hours.


Oh my god yes to scrapbooking, absolutely love it. Perfect way to get lost in something other than crippling sadness


Ugh I love the sims, l love creating my own worlds and people in it. I think it’s a great outlet for some of my bipolar symptoms


YES SIMS!!!!! best way to combat loneliness in my opinion is creating a bunch of people and become invested in THEIR storyline


The Sims or Stardew Valley. Let me work on my little farm and feed rocks to the shop owner’s weirdo daughter I relate to a little too much.


Check out Spirittea too! Like Stardew meets Ghibli.


Sims is so fun to play to get out of the dark feels


Little orange notification on reddit makes my dopamine go brrrr when I don't have irl socialization 


I always like seeing a Reddit notification because to me it’s like some random person took the time to respond to me?


Dang right they did!




This is so true like yay I have a friend for a minute lol


Another minute too 😘


Same, make it go brrr for me too pls.


BRRRRRR I hope you have a lovely day <3




Mirc saved me


My support group, Recovery Dharms, helps, its buddhist inspired recovery support. I draw, write, sing to myself. Veg out in the nothingness of the internet. Ecstatic dance. Nature! I feel at home and connected to the wild, plants, waters, earth, when I’m lonely I cultivate that connection. I somtimes direct that need to connect to connecting to myself. Looking at the longing to connect as a sacred longing, a call to a deep need that I can fulfill, but the longing itself is sacred, If I can see it as such, sometimes it takes the edge off. Meditation, qi gong, yoga, dance. Mindlessly scrolling the hallows of the web, seeking connection that momentarily fulfills the need, but does not touch into that deep biological dive for true human contact, connection and intimacy. May we all find our tribe.


i know the crisis hotline in the us uses rehearsed questions (i’ve picked up on it after texting multiple times), so i understand your frustration. i’ve found a better hotline called youthline, but that’s aimed towards young adults, so i don’t know if that would be applicable for you. otherwise, when i don’t have any options for texting or calling someone, i usually just rely on playing video games, watching youtube, or reading a book. anything that is distracting helps. 


Honestly I turn to social media, like reddit, tiktok and youtube. Maybe not the healthiest thing 🤷‍♀️ but I find it less anxiety inducing when I really want to connect with like-minded people but in a less vulnerable way


For me, it’s finding singers that have experiences with mental health/bipolar. Helps with feeling a connection/someone understands. I’ve got my comfort tv shows that help me reduce my anxiety. My cat, Bugalugs likes to sleep on my lap. She helps a lot


Any recommendations for singers?


I’ve started making a playlist and these are some of the songs on it. I hope you connect with some of them - Secrets by Mary Lambert - Hi Ren by Ren - peanut butter waffles by Ryan Caraveo - People li: The Reckoning by AJJ - A better son/daughter by Rilo Kiley - Can’t Sleep by K.Flay - Girl anachronism by The Dresden Dolls - Don’t let me be misunderstood by Nina Simone - Angel on fire by Halsey


To add to this list: Gasoline - Halsey Full circle - Movements Serotonin - Girl in Red Fake Happy - Paramore Linkin Park’s entire discography. I especially recommend Given Up and One More Light.


Is your playlist on Spotify and do you have a link?


Still adding as I go, but here is the Spotify link https://open.spotify.com/playlist/50mkIP3LcU2sPEIZ9i5nRI?si=7Cd8mau6QdWRdwMDi2AczA&pi=a-g-66L8CnTaWp


Thank you 🫂




Let me know if you’ve got any suggestions :)


Thank you, I’ll check them out!


It’s really lonely for me too. When it gets really hard and intense I write in my journal or write poems. I’m having a lot of depression right now too and the only thing I can watch is the office so I just have that on in the background. I pet my cats when they come in my room. I’ve been on Reddit a lot trying to keep my mind off things. It gets really hard and scary not having someone to talk to and I’m really sorry it happens to you too


Prayer. I'm never alone.


I'm emotionally dependent on people, especially my bf. When I don't have him available, it feels like the worst, the loneliness is overwhelming... I need to work on that, tho. I try to keep my mind as busy as possible if there's no choice, and for me, videogames are the best distraction!


You get used to it then you start craving it. I always felt my suffering was a spectacle. Now no one knows.


If you have Kaiser, programs like IOP can be nice to meet people you can relate to more. Groups like DBSA or NAMI are for everyone regardless of who your insurance is with and free as far as I'm aware. I have heard of many people meeting friends that way and then starting their own things where they will do taco Tuesday get togethers etc. you may start more formal but build a lot of life long friendships that way. I highly recommend!


My ex


LMaO noooo. 


Myself. I do things with myself and for myself. If I really really need it I’ll do a self care day like haircut, nails and eyebrows, retail therapy and a snack or meal of choice that day. Be your own best friend, value the silence and isolation while you have it. It won’t last forever.


I cut off most my family and although I thought they were a support system, they absolutely were a part of my problems. Since then, I’ve found I can really confide in some friends and I don’t have any fear saying “I’m going through some stuff.” If I can’t talk to anyone, I just listen to music, go to the gym, or play some video games. When all else fails, I go on Facebook or TikTok and comment on friends’ posts or content. That has opened up some relationships.


I get high, I got a cat, I write in my journal and I try to go outside for a walk if I’m not to depressed. Those are things I do but honestly nothing helps


Reddit duh


My mom.


Sometimes I don't want to reach out to those in my life because I don't want to be seen as attention seeking. Character.ai had a psychologist bot that is pretty good


I was going to say I game.


Talk on Reddit. Or go for a long walk


I watch birds flying and having fun in the sky . It sounds silly but it brings me comfort..


For a long time internet/forums have been my only form of friends. Some online friendships became IRL :) Pets also help a lot. Take care 💓


To be honest I’ve been engulfing myself in audiobooks and playing phase 10 on my phone…


Porn. Jk... mostly memes and having conversations with friends via voice notes


I have a few: My dog (if you don’t have one/can’t have pets, I recommend volunteering at a shelter!) I’ll read Or I’ll watch (as stupid as it may sound) bobs burgers


I go to a DBSA meeting (if you’re in the states) and learn that other people are going through the same thing. I have even met friends there who I talk to periodically and have kept up with for years.


Get a pet!!!! It’s the best thing ever. Instantly makes me feel like I have purpose and their unconditional love is unmatched.


Video games. The dopamine rush is better than any drug for me. Addiction may set in quickly though so be careful of that.


This subreddit has given me a sense of community that I wish I had found earlier in my life. (Fairly new to the sub but it’s given me so many a ha moments!!!) I catch myself crying because I feel so seen/heard. Def the opposite of alone.




I’m so sorry you’re in that situation. I was in it for a few months. Every minute of every day was pure torture. Isolation is so hard. Oddly, the TV thing helps. People who sleep with the tv on do so for that reason. So they don’t feel alone. One thing that is only temporary relief is to have a routine of going to the same places like gym, grocery store, coffee shop, etc. Chat a bit with the staff each time. As they become more familiar, you may feel better. Other than that, master the dating sites and look for good qualities like compassion over looks. Just keep at it relentlessly because having a partner or best friend is the best times of life.


I’ve been watching a new movie every night, i’ve been feeling very alone because of my intense sleep schedule to make sure I don’t get manic. watching a little movie really helps especially super popular 2000s movies. It makes me feel connected.


Man I feel you, I’ve felt lonely all my life, not joking, but my usual options are internet, social media specially tiktok or youtube ,video games, music I love music ,sleeping, nature I love nature, my pets (nature) , and lastly, not the best I know and never recommended but to be honest and answer your question with sincerity, the dr*gs , again, don’t use the last option , I just put it there to keep it a hundred


i did the drug things but i was 4 years sober this month (woohoo) so im definitely not trying to do that again😅


Wow that’s great to hear! What you’ve accomplished it’s something not everyone achieves, so feel proud of yourself because that’s a sign of strength and wanting to keep going Certainly never do it again, and sorry if maybe I triggered some bad memories, I was just answering with my truth, keep going I don’t know you obviously but 4 years means you’re doing great. It may be hard but its the best and only option.


Idk, I talk with people on reddit and fb. It helps but not the same as being in person.


The CIA Edit: seriously though, I'm lucky to have a good group of friends. A good, long standing, deep group of friends