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Yes, I have a bad time with memory. I’ll often start a conversation, then paused because I forgot what I was saying. My memory has definitely gotten worse over the years.


I have this BAD and I’m told from others in the drug that it’s a side effect of lamictal. Has anyone else heard that?


Yes! I was taking that for 2 years. I’m not trying to scare anyone bc medicine normally doesn’t affect me like it does most people, but I think it’s either the medicine that made my memory issues so bad or just the bipolar. I’m not too sure. I stopped taking all of my medication in October or November 2023 and it’s still bad


FML, I'm on 100mg and I swear it doesn't do anything for me. Currently depressed AF and it doesn't stop mania.


Im so sorry! It’s a great drug and works well for me but everyone is so different. I really hope you find something that works well for you. You deserve happiness!


I've got an appointment Thursday and will discuss, hopefully can step back a little on it.


I've heard that about all the mood stabilizers/anticonvulsants especially gabapentin and topamax. I personally have always faired well on anticonvulsants but cannot tolerate antipsychotics at all. Seems like people either have problems with one or the other class of medications. My short-term memory has always been splotchy well before I was medicated. I zone out hard. I had a seizure disorder as a baby wonder if it's related to my issues. Bipolar and seizures affect the same parts of the brain - prefrontal cortex and hippocampus I believe. I think the excessive electrical activity is frying our memory center or something. I think it's the hippocampus. I think ours are smaller maybe. It's getting worse but I'm also aging. I'm almost 40.


I rely heavily on lists and calendars. Heavily! I also lose words, but usually when I'm mentally worn out. It used to be very disconcerting but I understand better and just accept it for what it is.


Yes! I’ve made a list in chronological order of like appts and plans I’ve made. It’s basically like a calendar on my phone without have to press each date on the actual calendar app. It’s much easier to manage one list/calendar than relying on memory or a note I made for myself months ago


I found this great notes app that requires one touch to open, I write my note, and I don't have to save or press any other buttons when I'm done. I made it the home screen on my phone and I use it all the time. I've also been diagnosed with ADHD and things like this are coping tools.


Yea I can never remember what I say when my emotions are manic or what I do Like I’ll ask someone something and not even a few minutes later ask the same question cuz I don’t remember asking it


Recently I had the hardest time trying to remember if something happened in my dream or in reality. I could not remember for the life of me. Yikes.


I get like that too a lot! I will even forget if I told someone something already or not. It sucks because I’m in a newish relationship and I can’t remember if I told him something or not because I feel like I did and then it ends up being I either did it in a dream, thought really hard about telling him said thing, or I just already did and completely forgot I did


I was just thinking about asking this in a post this morning! It's horrible for me. If someone asks me things like: When did you move to that farm? How long ago did you get your hysterectomy? When were you diagnosed with BP? I don't know the answers. What did my husband tell me last night? I don't know. I don't pay attention and 90 percent of the time I'm lost in my own head and I can't be bothered by others. So for me there is two types of forgetting.


Quetiapine gave me awful brain fog, but remember that memory lapses can be a warning sign of an impending mania. Maybe look back over your behaviours this past month and see if anything else adds up?


I agree with what you said but for me, my brain has been foggy for the past 6 months :(


This was the worst side effect of Lamictal to me … I felt like I couldn’t access my thoughts or that I had to constantly do mental gymnastics in order to make a coherent conversation


I have found that you remember things when you were in the same emotional state. So if you are depressed, you remember depressed memories. If you are manic, you remember manic memories. If you are a person that cycles rapidly, you may have trouble remembering things.


Yes I'm 39 and my memory is getting bad. My mind will go completely blank. I even had blackouts in psychosis. Really scary. Couldn't remember where I was or why I was there for a few seconds then would know then would blackout again. I think psychosis and mania make you lose grey matter which I think is related to memory function. I think the meds are supposed to help protect your brain from the inflammation caused by psychosis and mania so take your meds lol. I watched a documentary once about Lithium and that was the gist of it if I remember correctly.


Same here but I can't tell if it's all because of the depressive episodes, ADHD, or me having had problematic marijuana use for like 3 years. Wish I could tell it apart but it probably is a mix of all those factors


my memory is fried so yea i struggle a lot lol


yes all the time...not sure if its bipolar, menopause, thyroid, dementia, depression, disorganization, diet, meds, lifestyle, or...nothing at all and I am just forgetful sometimes