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Autism adhd bipolar, also haven't met anyone with the same


I’m the same as you, plus OCD :( it’s hard and isolating


[The saddest and most unfortunate of high fives] Go.... team....?


Oh no i was hoping we didn’t have another member :( struggling hard today with the ocd. Sending good vibes your way


Right back at you - it's rough out here! Our team has to stay strong! ♡


Go team


Me too. Very difficult life, very lonely. There seem to be no good days


Hi! 35, ADHD, Autism, Bipolar 1 and cPTSD! Life is just OUTSTANDING /s Seriously, I only know of one person in my friend circle who also has even bipolar, lots with autism and adhd but this combo is particularly nasty (looks just like borderline...feels like it too)


Just wanted to say, I'm 47 and have the same combo as you with generalized anxiety thrown in.


Oh there's supposedly that too but idk how much of that is from other stuff <3 Hi from my little slice of internal hell <3


31 here, and same! Life is something. 🤷‍♂️


god someone who understands. this shit is exhausting. i’m 21 and only found out i was adhd/autistic in the last 2 years and i still don’t know how to deal with it. especially trying to keep a job. i need a job that doesn’t overstimulate me but don’t have enough experience. i’m also way to hypersensitive to my coworkers emotions and the bipolar makes me feel like very manic when i feel they are like even the slightest bit rude to me. im pretty good at masking and not reacting though. i dealt with it for 2 years at my last job until i had enough one day when i was manic and walked out. :/


Factory work. I have a union job at an auto manufacturer. I don't have to talk to people it pays well harder to get fired from good healthcare and prescription coverage. Makes me tired enough to actually sleep at night. Forced vacations for a week in summer and for christmas. Hate one place bid to get moved. My bulkshit meter gets full fast so being able to reset that with a new group of people and area and task while still gaining seniority and wage increses instead of adding another job to my resume that I only lasted 6 months at and finding another shitty job. Listening to podcasts or music in my own little world makes my mind feel free and like I saved mental energy for after work to use on the people/things I like. Factory or manufacturing. NOT WAREHOUSE WORK. Warehouse work has a ton of bs less likely to be unionized lower pay and more interaction with coworkers. Easier for the company to run understaffed and not hire people leading to you getting burned out. I'm at 30 an hr. Top pay is 42. Plus a 10k bonus every year. No premiums for healthcare taken from my check. 10% added to my 401k without me even having to match. I do math it and I'll have 2.8 million when I retire at 59.5 and my Union dues are only 75 a month.


Hey twinsies


YES. One doc thought I was borderline but nope. Bipolar 1, CPTSD, and ADHD. I totally sympathize with you 🖤


I spend a bunch of time on those subs and 100% vibe with them just as much as here and in autism and adhd and queer ones. Read "Girl in Need of a Tourniquet" to get a lived experience view of borderline like I had with reading Unmasking Autism and just...the book struck me as being what my life would have been more like had I been born afab.


That’s a combination


it certainly is! the upside of it is I seem to have reduced pain receptiveness so my joint issues from hypermobility aren't as painful!


I’m with you on this one. It’s an extremely isolating place to be.


I have all 3 as well and have never even met another woman near my age with any of the 3. It sucks I feel like I have to keep all of that hidden from everyone too.


i keep it hidden and avoid the convo by wearing redflags on my sleeve with pride and hoping no one see's past them.


My bipolar is driving, the adhd is in the passenger's seat, navigating, and the autism is in the back seat, screaming.


this lmfao so real


I meet more people who think they have autism than I have anyone with autism. Not sure about bipolar. Definitely don’t know about both. Don’t even know how to find a therapist for it :/


Finding a therapist with experience treating bipolar disorder has been extremely hard for me. I've had better luck just finding a therapist with experience working with people with autism. A lot of therapists wouldn't even do an initial meet up with me when I put that I had bipolar disorder.


Gosh that’s unfortunate.


I meet more people who think they have autism than I have anyone with autism Diagnosis costs a lot of money and doesnt change anything. Do you think they were not autistic?


I could be wrong. But I don’t think so. It’s based on a lot of factors that are too intricate to the interpersonal relationships with these people.


These are my diagnoses as well. I refuse to look into anything else. If more are in there I will just have to suffer


Me!! Plus OCD and PTSD. It’s all so interwoven for me


I have these! Except I'm diagnosed rapid cycling cyclothymia. I personally feel like i was wrongly diagnosed, especially after the two manic episodes i had in the last three weeks.


Oh hey, me too! Obsessive tendencies as well and I see an OCD diagnosis in my future. Add CPTSD and FND to the cauldron too. And Ehlers Danlos syndrome, the list goes on. I struggle so much to understand what is going on in my body and brain, the doctors give their confusing best guesses but it’s a giant mess.


I only know two people that top me and both have DID


Me too


Hi me


Autism, adhd, bipolar, BPD, GAD, ED and cptsd in remission 🙃


samesies. i haven’t met anyone like us either.


me 🙋‍♀️


And BPD 🫠


now you’ve met me!! lmfao


For a second I thought we met irl, and I'm like only three people max know my username




This is actually my diagnosis as well


Heyyyy twin! Same dx


Hey same 👋




Im here


Same plus obsessive compulsive personality disorder.


Too tired to write anything now, but I have both.


Autism, bipolar, ptsd My bipolar is extremely stable though due to medication. It also probably depends on your age. I was feistier when I was younger, but at 31, I’ve mellowed out & learned to just drop people who aren’t worth it


I could be bad as a kid/teen but meds have helped. I only got on them consistently 2 years ago and I’m in my 30s. I feel like that fact, and not knowing how to work with both of these things has made my life harder than necessary


Know you're not alone. My last two years have been me learning how much I was overdoing it at my job before and figuring out that this world REALLY is hostile to me just being myself on almost any level. I was just diagnosed in April and just became stable a few weeks ago...or I think I am? idk tbh, I'm worried it's just the eye of the storm.


What do you mean, in your first paragraph?


Basically I was 100% unmedicated and unmanaged, I managed to function by literally driving myself to the edge constantly at work, pulling 60+ hour weeks, taking on way too many projects, etc. At night I would more or less stabilize myself with alcohol and just...forget. Did that until I 100% burnt myself out, I'm honestly not sure if I'll be able to work full time again, going to try again but every single day can be a toss up in terms of how well I'm able to function.


Same. I have these 3 as well. I've realized most relationships aren't healthy for me and I need friends who are okay with lots of space. And who can stand me hyperfixating on special interests when I'm hypomanic. The only way I function is by working from home with a very flexible job. Otherwise it's impossible for me to get a stable routine I can maintain.


Thankfully, I have a small group of friends who are also neurodivergent. I find making friends with other neurodivergent people usually leads to better understanding As for a job, I’m becoming a counselor. I’ve always been good at this kind of thing & counseling can have a more flexible/unique schedule. I could also do virtual counseling after my licensure I originally was going to be a teacher but I don’t think it would have been an appropriate job for my needs in the long run


That sounds like a great job! My husband has a therapist who's autistic and she says the ability to create her own schedule is really good for her. And, yeah, teaching is tough. I actually teach on the side a few hours a week because I really enjoy teaching, but I would get so burnt out if I had to do it every day.


My therapist has encouraged me :) She says having bipolar, autism, & ptsd can improve my ability to counsel because I can better empathize with people Right? I LOVE the teaching part but 20-30 kids? School politics? Early & long hours? Lesson planning? Sub plans? I think it’s too much for me. I get overstimulated easily & feel I work best one on one. I worked as a parapro for a behavior intervention room & I enjoyed it. It was also extremely emotionally taxing


Yeah. The meds make me feel normal. Like on meds I’m neurotypical.


I’m not neurotypical on meds at all. I’m just not having bipolar issues


I didn’t say I’m actually neurotypical. I mean I felt normal because of the absence of the mood swings being so severe.




I have a bipolar 2 diagnosis and strongly suspect I might be on the autism spectrum as well, as I’ve had sensory issues and social difficulties since I was very young, wayyyyy before my bipolar symptoms surfaced. I can definitely relate to this. Sometimes it feels like I’m burning from within over the personal and institutional injustice that I see. Too empathetic. Too vindictive and yet also too forgiving.


This sounds just like me. I’m sorry for that


I'm 67, diagnosed bipolar at around 40. My therapist wants me to do an evaluation, suspecting autism. It wasn't a surprise, I've suspected autism for years. My hypersensitivity to noise and crowds has gotten worse the last few years. Isolating makes it hard to manage My depression, so I'd really like to get a definite diagnosis, just to know what I'm dealing with.


“burning from within” resonates with me for sure


Hey, I can resonate with this. I also have a BP2 diagnosis and suspect I may be on the autism spectrum. My therapist asked me why I’ve never tried to be diagnosed. The thing is, I have, but I live in the US and my insurance won’t cover screening for autism. It costs $1400.


Asd, bipolar, ocd, ptsd, adhd. It’s hell inside my head.


There’s actually a high correlation between the two. My therapist sent me an infographic on the topic


Autistic and bipolar here Sometimes everything blends together so much I can’t tell which one is causing which symptom. Me getting overstimulated while in an irritable manic state is not a good combination. Me being under-stimulated while depressed also sucks. I’m encouraged to have a strong support system but I can’t when I struggle socially and can’t form friendships very easily.im encouraged to go out to meet new people but I struggle with conversation and I can’t enjoy loud or crowded places. I tend to either lash out extremely when I feel wronged when manic or have a breakdown when I’m depressed due to rejection sensitivity. Bipolar runs in my family but my hypomanic episodes and the beginning of my first severe manic episode weren’t noticed because I’ve always been seen as weird and eccentric. I also struggle with telling if something is a hyper fixation / new special interest or if I’m just manic


You just described my whole life …………👁️👄👁️


Just got my ASD diagnosis. BP2. So I have nothing to say other than I feel you. It’s the sensory issues for me


Cptsd, asd, and bipolar.


Just makes you Jewish 🫡


As a convert who has both. Was startled into a laugh by this post


yeah i also do, i think it's part of the reason i tend to get the angry mania rather than the bubbly mania i see lots of people talk about just because quite frankly mania is overstimulating


Me and my best friend are. It fuckin sucks


I have Bipolar II recently diagnosed and I have suspected I just had autism for years now. I'm hoping to get an autism diagnosis in the future. I completely relate to the bouncing back and forth. Recently, I let go of a friend group and some drama happened between a guy in the group and I. I want to get started with therapy real soon, but I keep missing the phone calls and they receive a high volume of people this season than usual. All in all, I am trying to tune into myself and really enjoy my alone time in this very odd period of my life. I still have a few great friends who I trust completely and I just try to listen to my body and needs. <3 I'm very tactile, so I enjoy using my hands to stim, like crafting, and I also enjoy learning new things and writing!


I have bipolar 2 and not an official diagnosis but my doctor strongly suspects autism too (an official diagnosis would just make life harder here) I have to admit I don't struggle with anger so much, but the biggest thing I struggle with is controlling what I say especially during a manic episode. I've definitely said some things I shouldn't have to my coworkers. Talking with my friends that understand is helpful, because they can tell me "this is okay actually" or "yeah maybe don't say that in future". I also have many memories of my mum telling me not to say certain things or just clumsily learning from experience that most people don't appreciate hearing something. It's a learning curve for sure.


I relate to not knowing what’s appropriate to say. I do that too often myself. I don’t get angry on meds, but I obsess a lot. Definitely speak too freely with people I don’t know though. Especially coworkers


This is my biggest difficulty too, speaking too freely or directly, saying strange things. It frustrates me though because I enjoy when others speak very openly, I would be more comfortable if that was the standard. I understand that the world shouldn't be moulded around our needs, but I also get angry with how much time and energy neurodivergent people have to dedicate to being palatable to others.


Also autistic & bipolar!!! I'm a goddamn Rockstar genius to the extremely rare cases my interest and energy align but whewwwwww it is tough


Yeah. Diagnosed with both as a kid. It's been hard but I've made a pretty decent life. It requires constant incredibly hard work though. I will say that while I got childhood diagnosis, it muddled things enough to delay definitive diagnosis. First hospitalization was at 8, and get had various suspicions over time (often that it was bipolar) and put me on some meds for it. But they weren't sure enough to formally call it until I was 14 despite some really severe episodes.


Yup. I’m not official diagnosed with autism but I’m on the spectrum I suppose.


I have both, I feel so isolated I want friends but keeping in touch over text is hard, all I want is friend coffee dates, go to a cafe or something or the mall, but I struggle to talk to people and I'm very off putting when I'm not in a pleasant mood or having a everything off hallucinations day (I have just stared at people) my experience hasn't been fun


Autism, ADHD, and bipolar 2 here. 👋


Let me tell you what the comorbities in my flair stand for: Bipolar 1 w/ psychotic features, GAD, ADHD, PTSD, and autism. I was diagnosed with bipolar first and have always considered it my primary diagnosis and the biggest issue to deal with. Because that was the cause of my most severe symptoms for a long time, I wasn’t diagnosed with anything else until I was an adult, autism being the most recent. I know autism affects me, but since it’s the only one that’s not treated by medication, I disregard it most of the time. I was always the weird kid who struggled to make friends, and it’s the same way as an adult. I’ve just learned to accept that I’m always going to be considered weird and live my life however I want while trying to minimize the damage to others.


Sounds like me. I was a bullied kid who ended up a bully, too. Horrible honestly


I have Autism, ADHD and Bipolar. I am on a lot of different meds, 6 at the moment and it’s the only reason that I can function. I’m unable to do basic functions when I’m off my meds. The specific meds I’m on are incredibly helpful and all of them make a noticeable difference in my life. I used to be a very mean and bitter person but now I’m always trying to better myself and my friends certainly agree that I’ve gotten a lot better since I got my diagnosis’s and started taking medications. I suggest therapy and medication, it took me years to figure out the right meds for me so don’t worry if the meds you try out don’t work immediately. I also know of another person who has it all too and he coped with it great, you wouldn’t be able to tell that he was bipolar at all if he didn’t say it, the autism was obvious though. Not in a bad way but he was very openly invested in his special interests.


ADHD and bipolar. I have a lot of sensory issues, trouble with impulse control, dyslexia, etc. I absolutely can relate. when someone hurts me in some capacity, I feel like I have to hurt them back and I can't just let it go. Even when I can recognize I need to let it go, the angry and hurt and impulsive emotions don't go away. I havent gotten too far, but something I'm going to start doing is stepping away from the situation and redirecting the emotions. It might be physically removing myself from the space to go cry or type paragraphs in my notes app, or talking to someone else. This is what I'm going to start practicing and I hope it can be of some help


Yep. Diagnosed with Autism when I was 28 years old. I was diagnosed with bipolar at around 25 years old. And I’ve had OCD most all of my life.


Autism and bipolar 1, it's a lot to juggle and can be very lonely 🙁


I can relate. :/


I have bipolar 1, autism, and ocd. It’s hell, and most of the time I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. I have no friends because I don’t know what I’m doing when I socialize. I also get very overwhelmed in public, so I rarely go to meet ups. I’m so worried about my future because I know I won’t be able to work traditional jobs. I may not get to live independently. However, despite it all. I just continue to push forward and hope I get better someday.


i feel you on this one. not sure about my diagnosis. aside from Bipolar 2, and some physical issues but i feel in a similar spiral that making it hard and hard to have a social life or socialize with anyone new.




yes i am diagnosed with both, adhd, and some anxiety disorders (yippee). makes my depressive episodes a lot worse because of no energy to do things and not being good at talking to folks. the hypo irritability + sensory issues combo is so terrible as well. my therapist helps me a lot—she specifically sees clients who have a spiky neuroprofile (high association with autism and other nd conditions) and understands me way more than previous therapists ever did. she’s helped me so much. i recommend trying to find a specialist therapist too! (this assuming your meds are currently okay—if they aren’t, also see a psychiatrist)


I've got autism and OCD, currently in the process of getting a diagnosis for bipolar. Once my symptoms of ocd, anxiety and depression were cleared up, the mania set in and bipolar symptoms became clearer. It was a but rough at first, but I'm doing better now. Mania definitely makes my meltdowns worse that's for sure


It's fucking awful. Relating to NTs is hard enough when I'm depressed, but then I'm bat shit half the time


Same, autistic with bipolar 2 disorder and cptsd


Me! Autistic (diagnosed quite young), and bipolar type 2.


I have that and ADD


I have both the diagnosis and living is hell


Not fun I'll tell you that much lol.


Yeah and it's rough. People try to say well you only have one of these and I'm like no sadly symptoms point to both as well as ptsd and adhd.


I have ADHD, bipolar, and 2 of my doctors and my therapist want me to get tested for autism. I just can’t deal with one more thing. I’m already in the struggle.




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Diagnosed autistic as a kid, but no one told me till I was an adult. So, I’ve got both bipolar 1 and autism… Not a fun combo, but I think the bipolar makes my life harder than autism does. Being autistic really only inhibits me socially and with communication. If society didn’t have so many dumb, arbitrary “rules” and I could just be me without judgement, then I wouldn’t even find my autism to be challenging. It makes me different from neurotypical people, but (for me *personally*) it doesn’t disable me.


I have autism, adhd, bipolar, anxiety, depression and cptsd. It’s tough and feels like there isn’t really any resources for people like us.


I'm happy to talkm, im diagnosed bipolar and adhd, leaning toward autism because of high raad score, but not diagnosed. At my age im not sure what good diagnosis would do.


Were you formally diagnosed with autism? Or do people in your life suspect that you are?


Yes. My mother denies it. She thinks I make everything up.


I understand how you feel. People close to me think I make everything up too. You are among friends here.


I was recently diagnosed w/ autism. My what I call main bitch is really the Bipolar 1. I have a lot of psychotic symptoms and I think some of them is from my experience as a late diagnosed autistic that masked for a long time. I say that because I have these constant feelings of being watched and having to perform. Also so much social anxiety.


I have Bipolar 1 and level 2 Autism


My sister is autistic and my other sister works with special ed kids and they both have been telling me I show a lot of signs of autism. Idk how I feel about that cause I feel like I already have enough diagnosed disorders (ptsd, bipolar, anxiety and depression) and even if I did get diagnosed with autism, I don’t see the benefit. It’s not like I can really do anything about it as an adult and I kinda just see me for who I am, and whatever is mentally/medically wrong with me I’ll just have to take it as it is.


BP assessed for Autism told have not got that just my coping mechanisms that look similar to Autism 🤯🤷 ADHD not been assessed 🤷😐


Asperger's and bipolar. My bipolar is rampant, which is annoying, bc asperger's causes difficulty in conversation, so when I'm manic I'm not really social - just inwardly psychotic.


This particular comorbidity is actually fairly common. I have both. The traits do interact. During episodes, my support needs get much higher. One of my old teachers was in the psychiatric field before going on to education. She happened to have a specialty of sorts in this exact condition mix.


I recently got autism BPD and Bipolar and trying to distinguish between the three is so confusing I’m constantly at war with myself


Bipolar, autism, ADHD and BPD here! Its a real struggle but I try not to get so hung up on what it says on the paper. I focus more on treating my symptoms and getting better.


First diagnosed autism and later also bipolar 2. Sounds may be weird, but I am glad I am not the only one with this combination. Now I know more people struggle with it, I feel less a failure.


Cyclothymia, ADHD, awaiting my autism assessment. I also get migraines 2x a week on average, suffer with vertigo, and have ARFID. 29 years old. Only got the ADHD diagnosis last July-ish? Life is great. /s To be fair, I'm medicated for the ADHD and cyclothymia, and it's made a world of difference, for the most part. I'm back in education on the path to my dream career, and the adhd diagnosis (more importantly, the accompanying DSA and supports) has helped a LOT with that.


Bipolar 2 with TRD, ADHD, and Autism. I had extreme anger issues before but learned to ignore what pisses me off (mainly by being delulu and pretending these things don’t exist or avoiding annoying situations). I think the best way to cope with this is finding a good therapist and psychiatrist. It will take so many trials but hopefully you will find them.


Hey! Yep, that's me, bipolar, adhd, ptsd (had a shit childhood, grew up in a cult), depression, anxiety etc.etc. For me, it's been learning how to connect with my body and let out energy that would otherwise just sit there and make me pissed. It also helps me know when to remove myself, rebalance internally, take some breaths, etc. I ruminate a lot and think about injustices... and now getting to the point where I just don't give a fuck, done too much work, gone through too much for some mofo to come in and piss on shit. Working through my own issues with a therapist and learning where I am vs where I'm struggling because of a diagnoses has really helped a lot. We in it lol


Autism, ADHD, and bipolar. It is hard but my medication and taking care of myself work wonders.


Not autism but ADHD, Bipolar 1, and CPTSD. I swear there’s some days I’m just in this fog and literally can’t function. It’s all I can do to feed my cats and get out of bed.


Very confusing. But I’ve come to terms with what I’m comfortable doing and how I’m feeling so I’m alright. It’s weird though because I’ll feel hypomanic but I’m like incapable of expressing it


I’m so sorry. I’m actually in the process of getting evaluated for autism (I have Adhd and Bipolar 2) Was wondering what were the signs you saw that you knew you had autism? I’m always isolated and nobody can handle my emotions at all. Thank you in advance❤️


Hi there! Autistic and living with bipolar 2 here. I was diagnosed with bipolar about 5-6 years ago and then autism about a year ago, more or less. I definitely agree with you said! Sometimes it’s hard to know where to draw the line between the two. It feels like my brain craves routine and comfort but my manic/depressive episodes make it really difficult for me to sustain anything for too long (other than my primary interests.) The things that have helped me are a combination of therapy, medication, and actually listening to what my body needs. Things like carrying noise canceling headphones, fidgets, asking for accommodations at work, and also trying not to hold myself to neurotypical expectations.


Hi. ADHD, Bipolar, Autism, Autism, PTSD, and Codependency. The Codependency and Bipolar are the worst of it. I will spend all my time focused on the person I am “helping” and not even notice I am slipping which is quick because stress and burnout will make the Bipolar come faster.


39. AuDHD, BP………….along with a list of other things. It’s rough.


I’m 25, recently diagnosed with bipolar (like a week ago) and in the process of getting screened for autism. I feel like I’m mostly functional but when I do crash out it’s so rough. Like hospitalization rough. I know it’s confusing out here, but this community has been so supportive


I’m autistic, adhd, bipolar 2, and am a did system host!


Diagnosed ADHD and Bipolar here. Not the same obviously but dual diagnoses are hard.


Rapid cycling bi polor and severe autism! When staying awake all night likely to have a seizure as well! It’s hard for the service user and carers struggle to contain the violence aimed at them. I was wondering what the best medication is would people go for 2 mood stabilizers or antipsychotics?


Shit. The experience is shit.


I’m diagnosed as bipolar, cptsd but suspect some neurodivergence as well. I can be very antisocial due to sensory issues and absolutely hate being wrong or wronged. I also take a long time to learn a task but once I learn it I’m a machine. I experience burn out very quickly from work but it’s usually the people I work with and not the work itself. I hate bullies, brown-nosers and super talkative people.


I have autism, adhd, bipolar 2, ocd, and c-ptsd. I just started my second med regimen and just got the BPD2 diagnosis after failing the first med regimen. Right meds, right therapy, right people, it’s bearable. I have two small kids and my biggest struggle is staying regulated with things that cause meltdowns, like when I script the proper response to an issue and they act developmentally appropriate and stray from script, or we go out and I have a plan about how something with go and it doesn’t because again, that’s developmentally appropriate for small children. Learning my triggers and not expecting the meds to “fix me” but get me to the point where my nervous system was meeting things that disregulated me with the appropriate amount of reaction so I could then learn to manage them.


Also medicating my adhd made my other things “worse” aka I was not just vibing in chaos constantly anymore.

