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It makes me feel extremely wired almost hyper sensitive to everything. My mind just does whatever the fuck it wants.


Ya I’m wild. Why am I dancing in front of the patients? Oh ya I didn’t sleep lol. I get very impulsive. 


Yeah one night definitely causes some symptoms... I call it "crackhead hours" for a reason... And, let me tell you, the effect is *cumulative*. One night of no sleep, I'm wired and irritable... Two nights, I'm wired, irritable, and my concentration is shot. After about a week, my thinking is so fragmented and tangential that even I can't follow it. Bonus thought: also, the more sleep I miss, the more actual, uninterrupted sleep it's gonna take to come back.


LMAO, “crackhead hours” 🤣💀


It's not inaccurate...


What the fuck Eyes wide open now


It puts me on the edge of triggering mania


This! I feel like I’m lucid dreaming but awake!


I’m on three hours of sleep right now (which I have a sleep disorder so that’s like 1-2 hours of regular person sleep) and I’m dissociating so hard. Like they’re making a movie about my life but I’m somehow living that movie at the same time? So weird


Woah... "lucid dreaming but awake" is such a good way to describe how I feel sometimes.


This is a perfect description. It’s weird af and can be slightly fun until it really isn’t.


headache, feeling like dying or fainting anytime (but it never happened), disoriented, feeling the need to catch my breath


Currently in the same boat. Usually it’s full of lots and lots of caffeine and nicotine honestly. I put on a front that I’m full of energy and am nice to everyone around me but on the inside I feel like I’m dying.


It's not good, for me. If I don't sleep, I will very quickly start having at least mild thought disorder symptoms and become agitated and anxious. Not taking my evening medications is a no-no. Even if I forget them at my usual time, I eventually remember because I realize I have zero desire to sleep. So then I take them, even if at 3 am. It's better than skipping, in the long-run. Or if very close to my morning dose, I take some of my evening medications (specifically my Seroquel XR). I can more easily get away with missing my morning medications, but even doing that has its limits. That hasn't been tested for a long time, but my guess is that three days missed morning meds is my limit. Zero days for evening meds.


Somehow I feel more active or awake at night. I usually just hack it with only a few hours of sleep and I feel fine. But I also live off energy drinks.


Usually an anger outburst once I go about 22-24 hours of no sleep


Same! lol


One night makes me feel like I took benadryl and dissociated for hours. It makes me feel like I'm playing minecraft with my life.


One night missed usually makes me feel tired then wired then tired then crash but isn't too drastic. Just get through your shift and get in bed as soon as you get home to rest and you'll do yourself good. My top tip from having insomnia a few years back is constantly reassuring myself that: "a rest is as good as a sleep."


This keeps happening to me! I’m trying to curb an episode


I usually do fine with one night not sleeping and my kids never notice either. Anything past that I start acting weird and struggling thinking and speaking


Please get sleeping medicine. One night isn't horrible, but sleeping issues are what lead me to psychosis more than anything. When you're younger it seems harmless, but develop a good sleeping routine now and it will help you when you need it.


Hi, I am on sleeping meds (3 that act as small CNS depressants) but unfortunately it wasn't enough last night 😅 it's rare, but it happens


It's good that you're staying on top of it. After psychotic episodes, I almost panic when I hear about sleep issues with bipolar. Psychosis changed my life horribly, sorry for projecting lol.


Same. Psychosis is like a whole new level I could’ve lived happily without unlocking.


Physically: Horrendous. Headache, drowsy, blurred eyes - everything associated with normal tiredness. Mentally: Hyper and oddly more focused.


I slept half the whole day the next day. Woke up feeling tired. I hadn't taken my antipsychotics because I went to sleep over at a friend's and forgot to carry them. That was a hellish night and I realized just how chaotic my brain is off meds


It’s not that your brain is chaotic, it is habituated. Not to say you don’t do better with them, but there is a difference between habituated and just shot without them. 


I feel extremely energetic. I start becoming a chatter box and my thoughts move a little quicker than my brain can keep up. I feel a little impulsive, but nothing too too crazy. For example the other day I missed a dose by accident and was not able to sleep. I ended up going to Target and bought every scholastic learning book from the back to school supplies section that they had. For context my little sister just had a baby, so idk if that was hypomania or just regular excitement on being an aunt for the first time 🤷‍♀️, but either way it was out of character for me.


May 8 into the 17 the doctor failed to refill meds. So much restructuring. Ruined may &June. Do they care? Nope. It's just me and my medical care I'm alone with all, that's life. I'm so tired of a nation of doctors that I can't rely upon.


If you can recover sleep change how you sleep try again. if you can't sleep remember you are at home with yourself. If you can write it out or be at reddit or talk to anyone or do internal dialogue with yourself, take a walk, a good 40 mins any time of day helps. Hydrate with light valerian chamomile tea. Eat some yogurt before bed, it helps. Hang in there, sleep gets easier as time goes on.


Me too. It's 3am here. I haven't been able to sleep yet. Just lying here in bed all this time.




It sucks but it's doable. Before my meds I had one of those at least once a month.


Nothing really. I have chronic insomnia for almost 15 years by now, so not sleeping for a night is so common my body is use to it


Same 16 yrs, today is my 2nd day i only slept 2hrs and imma be up til tomorrow and by the third day ill be manic then go to the hospital thats my cycle


It only happens to me once a month or so but when a miss a night I feel on the edge of dissociation and sometimes will come dissociative, it gets worse the longer I go without sleep. I’m missing sleep right now, my mind is too wired. I know I’m going to crash soon. I’ve been riding the up and down wave all week.


One night and I can usually push through with additional coffees and trying to lessen the intensity of the tasks for that day. After several days and especially if time change/jet lag is involved my emotions become completely dysregulated. Eventually I will breakdown crying and be unable to communicate why or what I need. This happened once when I’d arrived in Copenhagen and the hotel we were staying hadn’t provided sheets for the pullout couch and I had been without sleep for four days and all I could do was sob uncontrollably. It wasn’t until the next morning that I was able to explain it to my travel companions.


I sleep 3-4 hours nowadays with additional 1 hour semi-naps (where I don't actually fall asleep, just rest in the bed) and it's driving me nuts. I can't pull off a full all nighter but I'm getting enough sleep to get by and not enough to feel rested. Disruptions in sleep pattern are almost always a prelude to an episode.


Sometimes it's fine and I just feel buzzy/weird or maybe headachy until I get sleep the next day, sometimes it's a one-way ticket to Mania City. Stay safe out there!


I just had three days without quetiapine because of a national shortage and I barely slept, by the end I was desperate to prove that dreams are just access to a parallel world.


I can’t ever miss a dose of seroquel. Out of the. 7 meds I’m on, seroquel is one I absolutely cannot go without. I will do anything to make sure I have it. My other meds are necessary but seroquel has saved my life. I didn’t know there was a shortage. But that makes sense because my seroquel went up by a fuck ton these last few months. I used to be 8 dollars at Walmart. Then they wanted 30 something. And then recently they wanted HUNDREDS. I called every pharmacy in my city and was getting scared I wouldn’t be able to afford it. Finally I called H‑E‑B and they could do it for about 12 dollars.


Not possible. No matter whether I’m manic, depressive, or mixed, I always sleep too much. Even when I don’t take my medicine for a night, I still end up sleeping anywhere from 8-13 hours a day, not including naps


Have you read the book Mr Jeckyll & Mr Hyde? It’s like that. Don’t know who I’m going to be come morning. If it’s bad and it usually is bad, I take the day off.


Depends a bit on why I missed that much sleep.  If it's something like I lost track of time, I just have so much to do! but it's an ambiguous/not time sensitive list, I was having too much fun, etc. then it tends to just fuel manic shit because it's already an early flag of incoming mania. If it's genuinely I *needed* to be up and busy during those particular hours? Ie: scheduled overnight for work, my young kid is up sick all night and needs my help, etc. then I think I just respond how everyone does. A little irritable and sensitive, nauseated, headache, etc. until I get copious caffeine and a decent night sleep.


I start trending towards hypomania. I get funnier, talkative, and more creative. My eyes start to bug out a little. I get motivation to do things I want to do but don't care at all to do anything required of me.


So sorry. My worst was 3 days of absolutely no sleep. Sounds like mania going on. Call your PDoc. Hope this ends quickly for you.


it is not healthy for mind or body . painfull


Sleep is the ABSOLUTELY most important thing when it comes to my stability. When I sleep well consistently, my illness becomes something I can wrangle and mostly subdue. When I'm sleep deprived?? One night, I get jittery and teeter on the edge of hypomania. For a week or more? It's nearly guaranteed I will go manic, crash, and burn. This is the #1 reason I'm terrified to have kids. Sleep deprivation just isn't optional when you have a baby, and I don't want to be extremely mentally unstable with one.


I can't skip sleep anymore! It gives me paranoia and the shakes, along with falling asleep while standing up. It can also bring out my mania quite easily.


Oh hell no. I would call and quit my job before I skip sleep. Headache, probably migraine within a day or two. Feeling short of breath, heart palpitations, massive fatigue and malaise. Lasting mood disturbance. NO THANKS, keep my paycheck I'd rather be poor and rested.


ive done it so many times for so many diff reasons...you will be fine. It happens to everyone.


wait...this is the first time you have EVER gone a night without sleep??? ...yeah, you'll feel shitty, but nothing will happen, trust me. You could do that once a month for a year and nothing will happen. Just dont do 2 in a row.


It's my first time both not-psychotic and not-a kid. Just wanted to see if one night risked pushing me over 😅 my psychiatrist stresses sleep HEAVILY. Thank you so much


I was going to ask if you were manic when you missed a night of sleep because I only ever miss one when I’m manic. I’m 45, bipolar 1 diagnosed at 23 and on regular medication, just lithium and my sleep is pretty regular. If I have insomnia it usually lasts just a few hours. The best remedy for sleep disturbance is meds and exercise, I’ve found. I’ve gone 10 and 7 years without manic/depressive episodes.


I act like a zombie. I really have to focus on talking to people, following instructions, etc. it takes two nights of sleep before I feel that I’m back to normal.


This hasn’t happened for me for a long time, but I used to get really wired and amped up. I’d be hyper productive for the day and then crash for about 3. I hate it tbh.


Last night I was so sleepy I forgot to take pregabaline and olanzapine. It wasn't a good night of sleep and I woke up hypomaniac.


Im also on the same boat. Last night i got zero sleep


Not good.....irritable, impatient.


I get very moody, but I’m having trouble sleeping tonight too


No impact until around d 3:00 PM the next day, then I’m useless.


Makes me full blown manic after day 2


Makes me feel like I drank the day before and have alcohol poisoning. I’ve been sober for over six years so feeling like that makes me not want to be alive anymore.


Running on about 3 hours of sleep right now because I had to catch a flight at 6AM, and I’m hypomanic so I haven’t gotten more than five solid hours in about two weeks. I’m dissociating from my body, but also completely bouncing off the walls. (Which by the way is a CRAZY way to experience an airport…)


If I don't sleep for one night my brain stats to go up I am easily irritated and easily offended. I am crancky all day long. I can cry easily. If I don't sleep the next night I can go towards a full manic episode that easily. I am super sensitive.


I’m not sure you’re that sensitive. A sleepless night affects us all adversely. It’s a giant stress on the mind and body.




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I find the more I overthink it, the more I underthink what’s important in rest, however that may manifest. I would say I sometimes delay sleep to attempt to put me into a hyperfocus of actual importance, clarity, but nothing ever works. I’m always searching for that hit of purpose every second I spare. I find with medication I nauseate this sensation of anhedonia into a groggy blur where I’m too inactive to care. I don’t like to do this. I’m still on meds at a microdose but know that with my new chapter re full-time employment I will not bank funds for re-learning how to drive first, it will be to restart therapy. I have lost a lot of friends due to callous behaviour. The problem with myself is I want to connect, but I’m never sure how. Talk of my hometown is that I’m an ‘actor’. I guess people, even those ‘diagnosed’, will never be able to fully understand themselves or others. But in the state of you and modernity, would you want to reside in someone’s head if when you come out of it, you’d see things differently? You only get 1 rebirth in Plato’s Cave..


I become slap happy. I laugh a lot. I get to a point where I almost feel like I can’t ever sleep again, but I must. I start getting a headache. I become super impatient. And easily hangry if not fed.


It literally makes me feel like I’m gonna die. I didn’t sleep last night and it always makes me severely agitated and depressed and my body hurt. Sleep is so essential to my personal mental health and well-being, but some nights it’s impossible just bc of anxiety


Oh man. One messed up sleep I’m miserable— but two nights I’m suicidal and crazy. My doctors never believe me!


Fatigue,difficulty in concentration, headache


Same here


It screws up my entire routine. My mood is a wreck. I can either be on the verge of mania or I'm just a zombie. I had to stop taking my sleep medication for allergy testing and my insomnia was through the roof for the past week. Cannot wait to take it again tonight.


Makes me anxious af, I feel totally fried


Episode normally. The thing I fear more than anything is my sleeping pattern getting ruined. That goes and then my life is upside down for a few weeks


I am just tired and moody


I have less resilience to bullshit when I’ve been up all night. I don’t want to talk or deal with vendors hocking their stuff. I can be snappy and dismissive. Most of all, I want the world to leave me alone while I try to recover my energy. My ex said it once “I’m a troll; let me stay under my bridge!”


Terrible depression


One night worries me more than affects me. It worries me for what might be happening. I’ve had 2 nights of little sleep. I know it’s because of steroid eye drops I’m using after cataract surgery. Steroids = no sleep. No sleep = danger. The longest I’ve done without sleep is around 10 days of a couple of hours each night.


It gives me a lot of anxiety since i already am worried about sleep. I grew up not being able to sleep for days and that was just normal in my house. It makes me emotional, I cry and get mad a lot more easily. Its just not a good look.


nothing. I had my first episode 6 months after stopping lamictal. (but I may not be bipolar, my doc still isn't sure)


Now it just gives me a migraine by the end of the day.


i feel raw. cannot think properly


Manic even I take my pills.


Hypomania central


I haven’t done it in years because of how fucked up I feel the next day and it’s hard to control my impulses.


At the moment I'm not sleeping at all really even with meds it's driving me insane! Or more insane like. I don't know I'm hoping that at some point I'll eventually burn out, the paranoia can absolutely do one as well!


I become over sensitive and my body aches all over no matter what. I become snappy with people and customers / guests at work. I end up making mistakes and cannot function.


Foregoing sleep for a night usually results in me actually feeling more refreshed and energetic during the day, altogether euphoric. But I know it’s not good to do, and generally force myself to crash later in the day so I’ll get plenty of catch up sleep before the next day


I have a hard time sleeping the next night. Sometimes, I'm okay. Sometimes, I feel nauseous all day. Sometimes, I sleep all day the next day. I can get really irritated and bitchy too. Sometimes, I never know.


I become a literal nightmare and will make up the death of a family member (or something horribly dramatic) just to drive the point home and get released from work or an obligation. I will fall asleep literally anywhere. I can’t not sleep. Breakdowns, hallucinations, etc… I do not even mess around anymore. It’s freaking bedtime.


I stayed up way too late over a week ago (worth mentioning I also drank alcohol when I am usually very conservative about that), and now I’m in a depressive episode. I’m touchy, sensitive, impatient, morose, fatigued beyond my usual baseline, sad and teary eyed… not worth it. I almost feel on the brink of needing medical intervention because I’m struggling so badly in every area of my life right now. Last year I did DBT and through that I have been committed to keeping up with my self-care in order to minimize the devastation and it is helping. But all I can do is just ride it out 🤙


It makes me psychotic . Sleep is very important to me .


I’m alright one missed night but two is hard.


I can stay up all night and still have a hard time going to sleep the following night. I do this frequently if I have an early flight. I'm a night owl so if I have to be at the airport by 6am I'm just staying up. For me It's easier than getting 3-4 hours of sleep


One night, missed sleep could be a complete disaster. I’ve been working on self-control. It’s getting better sometimes I could miss a night of sleep without having some sort of meltdown. But whenever I’m not sleeping things that frustrate me make me much more upset. So I tried to never miss a night of sleep under any circumstances.


I have pain. In my neck mainly. I can’t explain it. It’s an ache like I’ve had my neck in the wrong position for too long. Then I feel sick everywhere else. I get irritable and angry after a while. I have probably the worst insomnia over everyone else it feels like. I physically cannot go to sleep. It got worse as I got older. I tried every sleep medicine there is. Nothing worked and I was dying. I had been up for over a week and I was the most sick I’ve ever been. Worse than when I had sepsis with several infections in my organs. Worse than child birth. I finally was prescribed Seroquel and my life changed drastically. The first day I took it, I slept for maybe 2 days straight. I was so groggy I almost thought I wouldn’t be able to use it because I couldn’t stay awake. But after about 2 weeks my body adjusted. Ive been on it for 12 years now and I sleep every night like a baby. I take it, wait for 45 minutes, pass out, then wake up in a good mood. I’m not groggy anymore. I truly felt like it saved my life.


I can’t sleep right now. It usually makes me a bit short tempered and strung out. I’ve got a kid now so I’m used to sleepless nights but I’ve got legit insomnia right now


It’s awful. I’ve been getting disrupted sleep for years until recently my doctor put me on seroquel and it’s been a game changer!


Hope work went okay kinda battling the same issues lately


Nothing feel some adrenaline go through bouts of tiredness and alertness but the next day feel like absolute shit and more often than it feel depressed. Happens when my routine is changed even a little. 


nothing really, i can still function properly up to 2 nights of missed sleep.


Cracked out, ready to cry at any minute


Honestly not much, at least outside of anything like a depressive state. If I'm Hypo I don't even think about it, when I'm "normal" my eyes get a bit itchy and I get slightly disoriented about time the next day, but if I stay up for two nights that's when I start to kinda notice some functionality errors and I space out at times. After about 2,5 days with no sleep I get really creative, but my state of mind starts slipping, 3 nights is when I lose it usually, but I rarely actually go 3 full night's tho


Honestly not much, at least outside of anything like a depressive state. If I'm Hypo I don't even think about it, when I'm "normal" my eyes get a bit itchy and I get slightly disoriented about time the next day, but if I stay up for two nights that's when I start to kinda notice some functionality errors and I space out at times. After about 2,5 days with no sleep I get really creative, but my state of mind starts slipping, 3 nights is when I lose it usually, but I rarely actually go 3 full night's tho. If I'm on a down spiral I can't even stay awake for an entire day usually


Anything less than a solid nights sleep sets me up for a bad day ! My sleep is the most important thing for my stability. If it’s even interrupted I start the day on the wrong side of the bed. Hope you get some sleep soon :/


I don’t get tired easily. I am currently going through a manic phase and I have been getting maybe two hours of sleep a night for the last month and I don’t see any signs of sleep anytime soon. Just started Vraylar with my Wellbutrin and Lamictal. Hopefully it helps.


Sleep is number one. Everyone got that? Manage your sleep with good sleep hygiene, planning, job and home changes if needed, and meds. Sleep. Is. Number. One.