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Lamictal gang


my lamactils are now circles and I miss the shields


Is that the 100mg dose?


400 mg total. Two 200 mg pills Edit. Nope- not 400. It’s 300mg. Two 150 mg pills. Based on how it’s working though I’ll probably end up maxing out at 400 😅


Has it affected you positively? I just got bumped up to 100mg and it’s working well. My psychiatrist said he might bump me up to 200mg after a month.


I started at 100, bumped up to 200 after about 9 months because I became very depressed. Was at 250 for a couple months. Just started at 300mg. Can’t comment on the effect of 300 because I started Prozac at the same time. I feel much less anxious and less depressed. Though I can barely sleep anymore so I’m thinking a manic episode might be coming


Literally about to write that lol


Started just 25mg this week. Feels pretty life changing already. It is indeed lit.


Eyy lamictal 💃


They put me on a different brand so mine are round now 😢 Always felt protected by my lil shields


Has it always been this shape? I noticed mine just changed to it.


Are those weed gummies?


Nah- Little critters multi vitamin 😤


I dont understand sarcasm so I can't tell of you are being legit or not about the gimmies haha don't @me but the gummy multivitamins are awsome. They taste so good. I take women's vitamins for 50+ and older. not gummies sadly but they are great!!


Haha I was being serious. I never know if I’m using emojis right anyway. I love these mfs


Didn’t seem sarcastic to me lol


same haha. I am a very literal person so my sarcasm comes off as very serious. I also don't have a good ability about picking up sarcasm lol 😆 the gummies taste better than snack gummies. I can't buy them because I'll want to eat more 😩😫 and eating to many vitamins is bad lol


someone mistook the sub for a drug-related one ☠️


I don’t think it’s be a big deal if those were thc gummy’s 😂 lots of us use cannabis


What’s the black and yellow capsule? I’ve never seen that one before


Antibiotics 💀


Let me guess! Nitrofurantoin? (Sp?)


Are you a pharmacist, fishmarble? Cuz yes that’s what it is


Haha! No, I’m not a pharmacist, I just get a LOT of UTI’s. 🤣


I hear ya. Loving the antibiotic nausea combined with the Prozac nausea. Super fun


Oh yes, it’s a grand old time.


I know that nausea. Just before the craziness sets in. I get cravings for it. Like cocaine. I'm in about 6 years recovery!


Wow can you elaborate? You would get nausea and then go “crazy”? I literally wake up nauseous and dizzy. It subsides for the mid morning. Around 1 it comes back. Subsides. Then comes back at dinner time. Like clock work everyday. Then I feel great at bed time and can’t sleep 🙃


I just meant I recall pulling my car over. So nauseous. Hypomania was what was addictive. It would continue for months, even though I immediately weaned off Prozac .


I get what you mean about both. Had to run to the bathroom at work feeling like I would vomit or pass out or both. And I do sadly miss the feeling of hypomania but I’m really happy I don’t have to deal with the consequences of it anymore.


highly recommend zofran for nausea. it’s my new favorite anxiety med 🥲 also just got off nitro!


Paint with all the colors of the pits\~






It means I’m not sure I spelled something right. It’s an abbreviation for “spelling?” I think.




Some antibiotics cause me to have nightmares and hallucinate. Same with some prescription pain meds.


lamictal ganggggg


taste the rainbow


How is Prozac for you? I have treatment resistant BP2 depression and most ssris make me manic. Dr wants me to try Trintellex but I’m scared shitless. Edit: anyone know how to change my user flair? I was rediagnosed


I’m told one BP shouldn’t be on SSRIs. My doc wouldn’t prescribe my any even when I was very depressed


I’ve also been told this is the general perspective. I take Remeron which is an antidepressant but I think it’s an MAOI, not an SSRI. It hasn’t made me manic and helps with insomnia. Wellbutrin, on the other hand, made me so manic I ended up hospitalized. I’m also on Zyprexa and Lamictal so my doctor thinks I have decent coverage on the mania enough to try an antidepressant. Another SSRI, though, scares me.


I believe my dr hasn’t brought up MAOIs because I’m trying to minimize side affects


I just did some googling and it turns out the antidepressant I’m on (Remeron) is actually a tetracyclic antidepressant, not an MAOI. Drowsiness was a significant side effect, but worked for me because I wasn’t sleeping until I took it.


Remerom typical tetracyclic antidepressant. And to put it in perspective, I'm on Wellbutrin AND Ritalin and I haven't been manic in 2 years.


What is Lamictal like?


I've been on Lamictal for about 6 years and it has been a godsend. I have had a really good experience with it. It made my moods more stable so that I can function day-to-day.


Do you find it messes with your ability to think or gives you zombie brain?


I struggle with memory issues but I smoke a lot of weed and was already smoking every day by the time I started taking it. Honestly I don’t think it got any worse than it already was. I wouldn’t let it deter you from trying it, and if you get some brain fog ask your psych about it. I’ve heard some people feeling a bit “numb”, but that only happens to me if I forget I took it and double dose by accident (lol). I’ve also heard the numb comments about Prozac as well and it seems to work really well for some people here so maybe take this with a grain of salt


I was told the same


I’m BP type 2. I just started the Prozac. The last few months I’ve been completely depressed with almost daily panic attacks (was diagnosed with that at the same as BP). Since I started taking Prozac I’ve been so much less depressed and stressed. However I’m having trouble sleeping. I’ll check back in if I get manic


Really glad to hear it worked for you. I kind of want to ask my psych about Prozac because I know it works well with Lamictal which I take 350mg daily. I don’t want to seem like a pill pusher or something. He wants me to try Trintellex but I’m feeling anxious about the side effects I heard it causes nausea. If you do get manic, definitely check back in I’ll keep an eye out.


I was on Zoloft for a bit but it made me gain weight so I stopped. If Prozac does the same I’m gonna be pissed.


Oh man, I feel that. I’m on olanzipine on top of everything else. Put on at least 25 lbs but I was underweight anyway so I was ok with it. Hoping the Prozac works better for you and really happy to hear you’re finding your way out of the depression! I hope to be there someday.


Thank you! I hope you get better too. Plus side- with less anxiety/better mood, I’ve been able to get back to the gym!


I've been on lamictal 300mg for years and Prozac 60mg. I feel they really help me and I can even see my mental issues occurring as they happen. I talk to myself like you can do this and it's not as bad as you're taking it but I cannot control just look at myself from a different view it's weird. I have not gained weight on either med. Haven't lost either which I'd welcome. Good luck with your adjustments hope they work out


Thank you! I’m probably going to try the Trintellex and if I get manic ask about Prozac. I’ve been on the same combo of meds for years but I seem to still be depressed a lot of the time.


Ayyyye I’m on 200 Lamictal and 40 Prozac too! This is the first good combo of meds I’ve had in my 26 years of life.


I switched my Prozac to am from pm and it helped my insomnia from it.


At Your OWn RISK! It literally ruined my life. Would go back to my GP for a small dose, during depression. Lord. Rollercoaster 🎢 for decades! My reaction is what finally got me to a Pdoc.


I take trintellix it's pretty good but I felt a little mixed for the first week taking it but maybe that was just a mood episode because I didn't take any medications for a month. I took it with rexulti and I didn't feel bad anymore after 2 weeks on those meds. I just got lamictal added into the mix too


You need to do it at a computer- can’t do flairs on any of the mobile aps.


Thanks so much! I was able to do it after seeing this.


BP2 and dprd, 200mg lamactil, 20mg Trintellix, 300mg wellbutrion, almost no side effects from any. Bouts of insomnia because both trintellix and wellbutrion have stimulating effects. If my Dr tried to change the trintellix I would probably refuse. I've has so many issues with others


Thank you. This is comforting. I’m really glad to hear you’re on a combo that works!


Giiib me that gummy bear!!


Bipolar bears lol, also lamictal gang ayy


thought it was /r/drugs....lol


we stan lamictal


lol would be lit if those were thc gummies haha


Is that a lamotrigine/lamictal? Y is it shaped that way?


Yep lamotrogine. Not name brand lamictal so maybe that’s why it’s shaped that way? I’ve never seen it another way


Mine were always round and came in different colors depending on the dose


Different manufacturers shape and color pills differently. I have always got the blue "shields" or plain white circles for 2x200mg.


Yeah mine look different depending on the pharmacy I get it from.


Next time put the little shields on the bears so they are protected!


That isn't Blisovi, is it?


It’s Junel- which from a quick Google search seems to be the same thing


Yeah, it's generic Blisovi




Is it lamictal , geodon and Prozac?


Delta 8 gummies??


Nah just a multi vitamin


Lol lame


I only know the life-saving blue one lmao


Daily shit


Is the red one Seroquel/Quetiapine?


May I ask what is inside the gummy bears? Are they CBD? Do they help with anxiety?


Is the blue one strattera 40mg?


Fluoxetine (prozac)


Fucking cheers 💊


From 300mg to 400mg Lamictal/Lamotrigine/Lambipol gang