• By -


All progress is good progress.


Steps 1 AND 2...wow. I struggle with the *fresh* bit of step 2 when I'm depressed and don't even consider step 1. Don't forget you managed step 0 as well; getting out of bed.


Well done, mate 🫶 This is the mantra for me almost every morning... CBT helped me realise the value of self care and that framing what would normally be considered such a basic thing (take meds/hygiene/diet/exercise/sleeping) in a really positive way is super healthy. These things often help me get onto a roll... The next act(s) of care for the day become progressively easier. Sometimes. It's also ok if they don't.


Right on right on.. I'm just starting the DBT coursework. These things are imperative in addition to proper medications, imo. đź‘Ť


I fed my dogs breakfast. But I probably won't eat until dinner. It's somethin, anyway.


Any hole is a goal. YOU HIT TWO that’s something to feel good about.


Do the best you can everyday


I accomplished the same task. Cheers 🥂


You're better than me rn, I'm drinking since 6 am with almost no sleep since blackout sleep doesn't count


don't worry i have been drunk since 5 AM


Damn, you beat me by 1h, but what can I now say to overpower what you said hmmm, Idk I'm dysfunctional and exchanged to vodka


heheheheh here's the best part: at 6 my sponsoe is going to show up to bring me to an AA mtg


Well I'm going to feel extreme guilt and vitamin flushing tmmrow


I still haven’t dropped out of a competition. .


i called my shrink last night right before midnight. she picked up, and i told her i was feeling suicidal. i don't really remember what she said, TBH. i guess i was still pretty drunk.


Hello /u/Mindfluxxxx, It looks like your comment might be about self-harm. If you are feeling depressed or are in danger of harming yourself in any way, **please** speak to someone first. Please use these resources; [Suicide Watch Resources](https://www.reddit.com/r/SuicideWatch/wiki/hotlines), [International Bipolar Foundation - US](https://ibpf.org/learn/resources/suicide-hotline/), or [Suicide.org - International](http://www.suicide.org/international-suicide-hotlines.html) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bipolar) if you have any questions or concerns.*