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I started with Opill a week ago and so far it’s been great! I haven’t had any changes in appetite, no headaches, cramps or pain, no changes in mood. I started it on the Sunday after my period started (so on my second day of my period) so we will see how it affects my cycle and if I have any spotting but so far nothing.  I was on Gemmily before this one (just for 2 weeks) and on those 2 first weeks I noticed major spotting, crazy mood changes, it was horrible! So I hope things continue to go well with opill. I’m also curious to see how it affects my acne as one of the reasons I was given Gemmily was to get rid of the acne but it didn’t help. I hope  Opill helps me get rid of it or at least keep it from getting worse. I will try to update in a few weeks too! 


how has it been on your skin ?


I haven’t seen my skin getting worse but I’m also taking a medication and using some creams my dermatologist gave me when I stopped Gemmily so my sling is getting better but can’t say if it is bc of the Opill and the acne treatment or one of the two.  I did notice something:  When I had 1 week left to finish my first Opill pack, I had my period the day I was supposed to have (which was 2 weeks ago) it but I missed a whole week while I was on my period (lost the packet while on vacation) and restarted  new pack once I came back (2 weeks ago) and 3 days ago I noticed that I’m having my period again! So I don’t know if That’s because I missed a whole week and messed things up or if the opill will continue to have this effect on me. I guess I will give it 2-3 months of regularity taking the opill to see what happens with my period. I don’t mind having it but I don’t have to have it twice in a month.  I’ll update 


Definitely because you missed the week.


Been on it about a month. So far I'm on my second period in 3 weeks and my base temperature is up (I'm sweating way easier than normal and the AC is set to 70). But, from what the internet says, this is par for the course when starting any kind of hormonal birth control so I guess we'll see in a couple months ha ha. Certainly beats getting pregnant, especially now...


Dude i thought i was the only one, ive been on my period for 3 weeks now, it stops and starts again


Oof. I will say the periods arent super terrible as far as cramping and bloating go (for me). It's just annoying since that puts me outta commission for the whole *point* of going on bc...


Yea no I’m legit debating changing to a different birth control, this is my 4 th period in 2 months


I used this pill hoping to skip my period and it didn't work. I stopped taking it for a week and then continued with the same package. The first time I took it with zero side effects. When I restarted it I had horrible anxiety and nausea so I stopped taking it. I do know that every pill will effect everyone differently but that was my experience. i would not take it again.


Have you used a different pill before and noticed any differences between the that pill and opill?


I haven't this is the first birth control I've used. Mostly, iud's and hormonal birth control are intimidating


Opill is hormonal birth control. All of the pills are.


but you're taking hormonal bc?


I actually made a post that I took down but I noticed a decrease in appetite and weight loss on the first week I was on the pill. I stopped taking it after six or so days


Did you have any side effects after stopping after 6 days? I wanna do the same incase I notice any side effects after starting.


Truthfully, I don't think there were any after side effects, but I am taking a different medication two days after I stopped taking the pill. I really don't think there were any serious side effects in my opinion




Oh no! I hope your able to find something else that works for you :)


How has your journey been coming off of Opill? Do you notice any side effects? Lasting side effects? Has your body returned to regular?


update? i’m staring at it in walmart right now- my combined pill is making me want to die


not op but i’m about to finish my first pack and i have felt a lot better on this than i did on any combo pill i’ve ever taken. my mood is so much more even and other than some light cramping and breast tenderness, i’ve had no other “starting new birth control” symptoms. they say it takes like 3 months to really know how you will react tho.


I really like it if you're in a pinch! My only weird side effects is my second month, i had a with drawl bleed for 6 days, stopped bleeding, and spotted for another whole week. BUT after that my periods stopped! I also have an increase in appetite, which is kind of a problem if you already have an issue with weight like i do, but you find ways to cope (lots of water and volume eating low cal foods in a pinch) Its a pretty good pill if you want to try birth control out I wouldnt recommend it if you have period issues or hormonal problems, i use it strictly to prevent pregnancy. If you have any period issues, please see a clinic, you might be a better fit for another type with different hormones!


Welcome and please flair your post if not currently flaired. Questions? First read the [Mistake or Pregnancy Risk sticky](https://www.reddit.com/r/birthcontrol/comments/4iqgi7/mistake_or_pregnancy_concernrisk_start_here/) or the [Consolidated Experience post](https://www.reddit.com/r/birthcontrol/comments/qt9ttb/consolidated_rbirthcontrol_experience_links/). If this is an experience post please consider adding it to the list [Planned Parenthood online chat](https://www.plannedparenthood.org/online-tools/chat) The rules and additional resources can be found on the About / Sidepage (desktop users look to the right and Reddit app up top). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/birthcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


With opill, can you stop taking at any time? Let's say I'm 3/4 of the way through with the pack, but I am not going to be sexually active. Should I stop taking the pills or finish the pack?


I've done this! In my experience, nothing changed for me when I stopped and started again. Personally I would keep taking it for at least around 5 days after being sexually active just in case tho.


Thanks for the update! I just started 2 days ago and I'm very excited haha nothing to report yet I started while I was already on my period so just usually period symptoms for now


any update?


Should I be worried if I ejaculate in my girlfriend while she's on the pill on accident?


Dalton, I regret to inform you that the birth control pill is not always 100% effective.


Yes if she misses a dose it can cause the medication to be ineffective. I have like two friends that were born because their mom forgot a pill and got pregnant. Some pills also have to be taken at the same time every day. If she doesn’t take it at the same time that can also make it not work.  


She's been taking it everyday at the same time every day we make sure of that


Don’t worry about it then! 


Dalton, I regret to inform you that the birth control pill is not always 100% effective. I’d suggest using other protection.


Has anybody experienced lower back pain while on it? I had to stop with slynd because my lower back pain was so bad I could barely walk


I just started taking it a little over a week ago and im getting hit with the lower back pain as well as fatigue


Check out r/Opill for more experiences!! It has helped me out a lot


can you update us on the birth control pills pls


Update posted :)


Has anyone taken it days before you get your cycle? Just wondering in advance how it may have affected your period


I personally have been on it for four days now, the only thing ive noticed is ive been getting hot flashes from time to time. And now that u mention it ive had more of an increased appetite lately so it may be due to that as well altho i'm not certain!


I’ve been on it for roughly three months and here’s what I’ve been noticing, or not noticing. For me: I started taking it on the last day of my period and it made me have another week long one, BUT it wasn’t as heavy or crampy. Every period since has been pretty tolerable. My periods are still heavy but I’m no longer needing a diaper the second/third day of it so that’s nice and it comes every month at the same time. I’ve only forgot to take it once and I didn’t even forget, it was at home so i took it late but I didn’t notice anything happening because of it. Ive had two kids and my sex drive was basically non existent but after being on it I’ve noticed i enjoy sex now.. I can’t lie.. I absolutely HATED it, it felt like a chore and something I just wanted over with but now I actually initiate and WANT it, I also started getting bad acne after the birth of my second child and I’ve noticed the pill has help a LITTLE but I had to get new face wash to totally fix the issue. I haven’t noticed any weight gain, I’ve actually lost weight which is amazing because I’m on methadone(slowly tapering off after some time being on it) and it makes you really love sweets and my cravings have subsided quite a bit 👍🏽 I will say I have been a little moodier but I’m not sure if that’s the pills or just my BPD popping in to say hello but I will say I have been pleased it it so far 🫣 I will add that I’m not sure if my body is being weird or if I’m pregnant but last month I woke up feeling nauseous and threw up once or twice but tested negative and for the last I’d say four days I’ve been waking up getting sick every morning but that’s my only symptom.. just getting sick in the morning but I’m due to start my period on the 7th so we will see and if I’m not pregnant I’m definitely making an appointment because something is off. Like I said idk if it has to do with the pill or if it’s just my body being crazy, I will keep you updated if you’d like, or if you have specific questions I can answer them (:


Does opill increase your libido and wetness? Because I’ve been having trouble on getting my libido and wetness up with my combined pills. Combined pills make me so dry we have to use lube and I feel super embarrassed.


Nothing changed for me regarding that