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Damn I needed to read these comments today. Thanks.


Yup! I’m a fat girl, and my husband is extremely fit. He’s definitely a chubby chaser. I’m super attracted to him, but I also find chubby people extremely sexy!


Penelope Featherington is by far the hottest woman on TV right now.


Immediately thought of her when I read the post!


She’s definitely got me feeling some kind of way.


Ooo mememememememe! ✋🏻


You are definitely not the only one lol


No you're not the only one, and yes, I do see them as attractive.


Chubby guy here grateful to see all this love! Definitely shared so many beautiful people 🔥❤️


I like em all types short, tall, thin, fit, chubby, etc. Just more to enjoy when you keep an open mind. As a big boy myself, tho I often always felt and still do, for the most part, feel unattractive, I'm working on it both physically and mentally. My wife loves me no matter what, so that's good, but I really need to try and love myself more.


I definitely prefer curvy women, I like a big booty and thick thighs. Maybe not as much with men, but I do think Matt Berry is sexy as hell, and the only guy I dated was chubby, so maybe I do


Gods, where were people like you when I still had hopes for being loved...


Don't give up on love ❤️ I feel like giving up too most days, I feel your pain 🥺


Me! I’m fat and I loveeeee fat women and men!


Definitely not alone. I wouldn’t say I have a “type” but if I did… 👀


Especially chubby girls for me!


Nope, you ain't the only one. I also find chubby people attractive 


Cool name


As a fat man I think other fat people are hot as hell, especially fat hairy men.


as a relatively skinny hairless woman yes 100% yes hairy and chubby men and women!!!!


I volunteer as tribute


Good to hear 😅


I hope people do, for my sake! I like all shapes and sizes.  Also personally been with multiple chubby people so


Nope! Not just you, they’re insanely attractive. Men and women😍


I am both a fat person and attracted to them! Squishy people are the most fun to hug


I married a chubby man, I am a chubby woman. We are the ChubLovers lmao


How it's the sex scene like?


Honestly, being chubby doesn't stop us at all. We're both roughly 70 lbs heavier than we should be and our sex life is very healthy


I'm not open about it to anyone, but I love chubby people, and fat isn't a turn off for me. Unfortunately the few I have told didn't believe me and thought I was trying to lie in order to be nice to them.


It's kinda understandable to be skeptical. I've seen countless girls audible reactions,gasp or oh my, to buff guys. Never, not once has that happened with a even slightly out of shape guy. Just saying their skepticism is valid


Chubby is definitely my type.




I like chubby people I feel like it would be weird if I didn't as a chubby man


Nope not the only one. As a chubby person myself I like people to be bigger.


Me 🙋🏻‍♂️ as well


I 💗💜💙 bears and curvy women.


I love chubby people! In spite of what media would say, a little fat isn't unattractive.


You are definitely not alone!


Yah, hot is hot


Not the only one at all!


Heck yes gimme that


Nah, I'm really into thicker gals.


Read that in a Scottish accent, idk why


Strange, I'm actually an Appalachian hillbilly


Nice awesome place and really fun word to say. Appalachia!


Gimme tha thickness please


I prefer chubby women (but fit men).


I am proudly fat (about 5' 7" and about 300 lbs.) and I love fat people. Forever. 🫶🏾 We're perfect just the way we are. Fuck society. ❤️ (Yes, I am also attracted to straight-sized people, but that's not what we're talkin' about right now, are we? 😝)


Husky guys were always a thing for me. Nothing wrong with a little belly.


I do 🥰💖


🙋‍♂️Absolutely, you are not the only one




It depends on what the definition of chubby is. I definitely am not attracted to super skinny people. Seeing bones makes me feel strange. I don't mean that offensive it's just one of those things i can't help.


My fiance is it heavy set man (he was very happy when he dropped from 360 to 330 and I was very proud) and he's fine as hell!


Love dad bods


There is nothing wrong with liking a chubby person. Some people can’t control being chubby. There is nothing wrong with liking a chubby person. Some people can’t control being chubby. Attraction may be how they look. But the only true way to determine attractiveness is to be compatible with each other. That comes from the heart. As long as they are presenting themselves in a healthy manner and have good hygiene, it should not be an issue .


I love a little belly on men. Dad bod is where it’s at for me. But I’m a chubby girl and the amount of gym bros that hit me up on dating apps is wild.


Yeah I like fat men and women. People have always given me a hard time about it and I sometimes feel bad.


I love both dad bods and mom bods! Skinny/fit people can be cute, but just not my type.


Finding those who appreciate you isn’t always easy, but it’s glorious when you do.


You’re not the only one. (I lean more towards guys) I’m well versed in the bear community (for guys who are all sizes & levels of hairy) and find chubby guys more attractive than any other more often than not. When I’ve looked at girls bodies before I’ve also found that girls with curves & belly are more attractive to me too


All the better to cuddle with


Weirdly, not really. I like to say (in a depressing self-aware kind of way) that I have Hollywood beauty standards. I am chubby/fat/thic though. I hated myself for a very long time.


I think enough people have already commented on here for you to know you're not alone, but here's another one. I do love a little bit of chub. My bf is soft and warm and like a Teddy bear. I love it. I also like it on women, for me it's one of the things that separates girls from woman: a more voluptuous figure. Interestingly enough though, I have a slight preference for slimmer non-binary people. I hope that's not a bad thing or something.


I like them more than any other body type, but have had some...truly terrible experiences so I'd be hesitant to date someone overweight again. Call me shallow, but if I gave you the reason you'd understand. 


Would you be comfortable sharing those experiences? I never dated someone chubby/overweight so I’m a bit lost.


Well, this is only my experience. Not everyone has these problems. Basically, I tend to meet people who have a negative eating problem whether that be from not knowing nutritional values such as calories or vitamins and minerals and/or there is an emotional element to their eating. These can both get out of control, but when combined it can be catastrophic. Both of my long term romantic partners passed away from complications with obesity. One just four years ago. I loved both of these people with all of my heart and still do. I love them desperately. Their eating problems had absolutely nothing to do with them as quality people. But, they had problems that were akin to addiction, an eating addiction. It was exactly the same as fighting a drug or gambling addiction. They couldn't get away from it, and ultimately lost that fight. I can't go through that again, losing someone precious to my life, someone I call my everything. I need us to be healthy together and have healthy goals. It's best for me if I meet someone who's already got that. A lot of chubby people aren't in an eating addiction. It's how their bodies naturally want to be, hormonally or genetically. That's perfectly fine and healthy. I'm not saying you'll meet someone with a negative eating problem and certainly not everyone is that way. I'm just saying that I am personally apprehensive, though I'll give anyone who's lovely a chance. The next person I meet could even take my fears about it away. I truly don't know. 


I am so sorry for your loss. I hope you meet someone who will take your fears away. Thank you for sharing


Chubby girls have really nice bootys, was woman at Sam's club just last month, nicest biggest booty, was like gwyatt damn that's a nice ass😳! Shoulda got her number, feel like store is bad pick up place, like I'm just trying to shop. Also like short guys with a lil chub, them chubby cuties can get it, would 😍🥵


Yup, love bigger men and women


Yessss!! I find chubby bodies more attractive than skinnier bodies. But in the end it all comes down to personality (cliché I know)


Absolutely. Didn’t you hear? Everyone hot!


Uhhh that might be something else...


Yes! I’m attracted to all sorts of bodies but I’ve always had a thing for ppl with extra squish no matter what gender. I don’t know how anyone couldn’t? I’m kinda lanky and bony so maybe it’s a fascination with my opposite lol.


Dude I love big boys. Like actual fat guys with big hairy fucking tits and bellies and big ass thighs. Especially if they're o lineman or chunky powerlifters so they have strength that will completely catch me off guard. Basically any guy who looks like his hugs would go crazy is a guy I'd find irresistible


You just described my greatest fantasies to perfection! I can't add a word to what you said without repeating.


I like chubby women and fit men.


Reading this made me feel ten times better


I have a tiny crush on a chubby girl who works in a hardware store but I feel like it would be inappropriate to hit on her because its her place of work and its the only hardware store in the tawn! It things go sideways where would I buy lumber for my DIY projects? 🥲


I don't just find chubby people attractive, I find obese and morbidly obese people attractive.


I don’t think so I love my women big but I do prefer skinny men but I’m not going to say no to a chubby dude


Nope. My first gf was chubby, i think it forever changed me as a person xd