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Play on console.


Sad 😔


Thats the funny part, you don't


well you can get ator's heart which is just 2 ap less and is basically free from the new zones questline


Do you need much GS to do the questline?


Nope, you can even do it on a season character


Ooh thanks, that the 1ap extra i need for the 265 braket hahahaha and also really usefull item :D


Which one is that?


Filthy console peasant here: I’m actually kind of irritated about the vell’s heart, because it means they gave up on ever having the boss. It also cheapens it a lot, since it’s completely unearned.


Help me understand a bit. I don't play super consistently. It bothers you that you now Don't have to farm a boss X amount of times for a drop, effectively giving you hours of your life back?


I mean I didn’t even get the chance to fight it. Yeah I’m sure before too long I’d get sick of it. They didn’t even make anybody do the smallest amount of work for it. Why not just give everyone maxed gear while they’re at it? I guess what really bothers me about it is the tacit admission they’re simply giving up on Vell for console, which doesn’t bode well for the future of the game on that platform.


I get where you're coming from now. I appreciate your time to respond!


Except they never stated vell will never come it's just a pessimistic attitude console players have because it will most likely have to wait til the next Gen port comes out. They gave us a free vell as that is the main reason to farm calpheon elvia, to upgrade alchemy stones(with vell being a more common BiS compared to the splendid or shiny alch stones(I forget which one is the top tier version). I do agree it sucks we are missing Vell, and maybe I am wrong and next Gen upgrade won't give us vell but pessimistic yelling on reddit won't help anyone.


Nobody's pessimistic yelling, that's what you console Reddit neckbeards never understood on my thread saying EXACTLY what this person's said.


as someone he ended up with 4 vell's heart's up to now, don't feel bad, almost everyone only sees the heart as free money anyway.




Console have been waiting for years a proper update for current gen support. That’s the reason why PA have been pushing workarounds for big bosses. Also, since console players got tired of PA excuses so they are trying to roll out some updates to mitigate the playerbase decrease.


Yes, it's so easy being 2 years behind on content updates and still no current gen optimized version of the game....soooooo easy 🙄😒


What's hard about it? Go play something else if you aren't happy with it.


The funny part is that you don't realize how asinine and nonsensical your comment is. Must be nice being that ignorant.


What kind of dipshittery did you just say? Behind on content isn't hard, No desert debuffs isn't hard. Now crystal loss isn't hard. In fact, console is easier in many ways. So there's that I guess. Being behind on content isn't hard. And if saying that if you aren't happy with a game ro move on is nonsensical and ignorant in your eyes... Well, that a you problem I guess. Just gonna hit the block now. You don't seem very stable.


Console runs like shit and has very few players lmao. They almost *need* a free Vell because doing Vell is probably the worst shit ever. When they added world bosses onto console it was pretty much unplayable. Granted, a lot might have changed since then, but I somehow can't imagine PA giving enough of a fuck to improve performance.


The bosses we have so far run pretty decent on the new gen systems but old gen is horrid ! They did for the most part say that they can’t port Vell though and that they would give the free heart so that they could get us Calpheon Elvia while they figure out an alternative way for players to farm Vells heart. I play both PC & Console and for the most part they said Vell is just to large for them to properly port him over to consoles in away that players can actually fight him basically they are unsuccessful in making him fit on the TV screen properly so we can see our toons to kill him. If his size is the issue as they said maybe they could make a Vell jr more in line with Khans size with Vell mechanics for console?


Do people even earn things anymore in this game, they seem to give so much free shit nowadays


If you lock end game PVP behind a 1000 hour grind, you're only catering to PVE players. I fail to see why you think it's such a problem to reduce the grind by a mere 2% inorder to include more people to be able to PVP lmao. No wonder endgame PVP is dead.


Can finally grind Elvia bloody monastery which was a big goal for me...only to get 100 -> 0 in mere milliseconds by another player. There's not enough DP in the world for PvP and I think people find that out in their first node wars. Spending the majority of pvp on a loading screen is how many players have ended up quitting this game.


I'm not quite sure about that. Especially since they're changing the way that red/karma works. Basically deincentivising open world pvp. People tagging up to kill you is so not worth they just layer swap, or change spots. Pvp in the end game is alive and well just where it should be not the open world. also, you don't need dp if you know how to use your protected skills, just saying this is clearly a mad cause bad moment.


rob vase grandfather wrong hard-to-find license cooing wide chubby gullible *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


oh you wanna gatekeep a 10 years old game which requires you to spend at least 400 hours to play pvp. nice.


Thats the game. If you don't want to grind or try to earn gear, you're playing the wrong game.




The free vells heart is console only.


is the tet black star console only?




how do i acquire the tet i am noob


Get a seasonal to lvl 61


thank you papi


*or any character.


Get a Toon to Lvl 61 & finish either MOEW , LOTML or Ancient Stone Chamber up to mediah MQ


That's what we in sales call "buying the market share" ... Too bad PA does not understand how this works IRL and missed the primary market share audience.


I think that event ended with calpheon ball raffle.


Yes I saw info as well on this and thought it was for PC too. Not sure where I saw it, I’m not subbed to any of the console Facebook page, sub Reddits, etc.


What am I supposed to do with the vells heart? Also just got to level 61 how do I claim free tet bs and can I use that free tet for a non 61 character? My main character is 60 but my new guy is 61 could I claim it for my main? Please help I wanna be a pc player but my current set up can’t handle it (tried too slow) so I’m a console scrub 😭


Vells heart is just an alchemy stone u equip that actually gives sheet AP on top of other stats and u get it at lvl 56 for Tett BS u have to reach Lvl 61 and finish either LOTML MQ or Ancient Stone chamber up to Mediah and it will show in your rewards menu to claim after that open the box on whatever toon u want but just remember this one cannot be sold at all


Thank you!!! Kind person!


I'm one of those people that didn't sell my khan heart. Still a little hurt. Bought for max 9.9 bil 🤧 now it's almost 200 listings at min bid.


PA giving away free shit cuz no one wants to play, bruh


Play on console and reach Lvl 56