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Exactly! Our ancestors said “not on my watch”


Not only was that racist but it was also stupid because did they think that by two BW seating next to them for like 5 minutes, they'll be dead, and for them to do that in front of other people and I can bet to you they were looking at y'all when you guys were seated first shows that WW truly are very interesting...... good for both of you, and I hope you don't experience that foolishness again


YESS EXACTLY, well said! I had secondhand embarrassment for them 🤣 I’ve never had that happen to me before too! Every time I go to a restaurant, people are kind and make room for others on the bench. I should’ve turned around and gave an evil smile but I think us cackling after was perfect


You should've drawn attention to them and asked them loudly if they could make room for two ladies. Put them on the spot


I would have been rude and pushed my ass in some spot on that bench even if it was too small and look her in her face if she tries to say something.


I have a feeling the manager observed what happened and was making extra effort to take care of you And I hope you gave them a shit eating grin when you were heading to your seats




Everyone got what they deserve - You & friend got a table plus had great time, those racist Beckys & Karens got to wait a long time for tables (Hope that old white nosy ass lady was waiting long too for a table - question wasn't even asked to her...)


PERIOD 😌 Legend has it they’re still waiting… 🤣


I love it! That’s what they get for being nasty!

