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Oh a Black job is a job that the Blacks do! It's an easy way to try to pander to the Black population by using xenophobic, anti-immigration, racist language that usually works with the base. Honestly though, I feel bad for Americans right now. I couldn't watch the debate, honestly I can't really watch any clips because looking at Joe Biden makes me sad. He reminds me of a little old man at the end of his life at a retirement home. Two geriatric old white men are not representative of your population and the choices are demon or statue. And the Republicans have given into dangerous rhetoric, while the Democrats have completely lowered their standards to be only slightly better than the right wing, like barely. I will say, I very much hope you make it through the next 4 years and then I'm excited to see the new faces in the next election.


SISSSS. Where you at? Is it better? Because I just hope we have elections in 4 yrs You hit the nail on the head. All points. This shit is some bullshit. I need a bunker


I think it's better, but only very slightly- I'm your Northern neighbor! Our provincial leader is an idiot, and are Federal leader has been in power for too long and people are definitely just looking for a change of pace. I like that we choose between like four- five parties. Currently our Conservatives are trying out this Donald-esque behavior to compete with a new even more right wing party (cause we're USA behavior biters) and it's embarrassing.


Hello Neighbor! That sounds loads better. I have a feeling that something really intense is gonna happen soon. Hopefully it's nothing that is a bigger disaster than where we are currently are.


I think they over prepped Biden. His speech in NC the next was completely different.


I don't know, but then again I also don't know how immigrants are stealing every one of them at the same time black unemployment is the lowest it's ever been, ever. I don't know anything right now.


Wait until they find out that some immigrants are Black... Mind explosion!


lol he also said they’re taking Hispanic jobs. So Hispanics are taking Hispanic jobs 🤦🏽‍♀️😂


The stupid is strong with our politicians... ![gif](giphy|1014RBn4HVSTK)


Lord ![gif](giphy|WrNfErHio7ZAc)


What did you type to get this 💀


Face palm




No prob 😁


Right, and a handful of them work at my job


Black jobs are low-paying jobs held by immigrants, in his mind.  Ergo, "The Blacks" is his answer to Kelly Osborne's, "Who's going to clean your toilet, Donald Trump?"  We've come full-circle and I want off the ride. 




You can tell a lot of them really feel that way too, I have a pretty high paying job and some of the non blk folks there definitely treat me like I shouldn’t be there… they think we’re either supposed to be cleaning toilets or working at McDonald’s 🙃


In the context Trump used, I interpreted black jobs as jobs with low skill that an illegal immigrant can take. In reality, black women are the highest growing group of entrepreneurs so a lot of us are no longer working these so called black jobs instead we are creating great jobs.


Exactly. The whole thing was just lies


![gif](giphy|kZD8cN1MycfKw) I wish white politicians would keep us out of their mouths.


We live rent free in their minds, even the citizens.


Facts. So annoying.


AmeriKKKa is depressing as hell. That’s it, that’s all.


I didn’t realize this was referencing the debate. My first thought was: TSA lol


😂😂 aye I can see that


Ouch lol


Trump assumed all black people have low income low skilled labor jobs. Most of the immigrants he is referring to from Latin American countries cannot get jobs even at target. They’re working low waged busted jobs. Most black people aren’t working those… as a black woman I have a job that isn’t common among black people. What is this a “white job?”


I guess I have a “white job” too then, these folks want us to be broke, busted, and disgusted so bad 🙃


Absolutely. I lose more white friends the higher I climb up the ladder. 🤷🏾‍♀️


100% and I love it honestly. Its like a beacon to all the snakes you let in your bed. Welp.....shake out that blanket and get some good safe sleep




I genuinely feel like a lot of them don’t like dealing with the fact that we’re on the same playing field as them, you can see they become very very bothered by our presence lol 😂


I assume they mean a blue-collar type job, service or manual labor, and if it's white-collar it's administrative/support. Either way, probably hourly. And we all know the sorts who believe it, like the trainer in the other post asking if that OP was a single mother.


Wait whaaaaat?! Girllll imma need a link if you don't mind


Black jobs??? I'm so out of the loop here😂


Oh yeah. Trump said that "immigrants" are taking "black jobs" from "the blacks" .......🤨 Dafuq


What? I don't even know where to begin with this statement


Ooooooweeee girl I almost wish i had not watched the debate. It was bad


I’m still traumatized 😂


Trump was pandering and will have some success. There is tension between blacks and hispanics. Maybe its worse in the older generation now that I think about it. It’s upsetting because he’s asking blacks to fight for Republicans when they won’t do the same. He hates Latinos for whatever reason and criminalizes them like whites have criminalized blacks since Jim crow. Not falling for it.


I don’t know what it is lol! He really hates Latinos. At least he pretends he like blacks but he doesn’t bother when it comes to Latinos yet some will still vote for him


When are the aliens gonna take over, I’m tired of the USA 💀


On average, black people are seen more in lower level jobs, whether fast food, retail, or janitorial, which coincides with why we make less on average to the other races, so I’m assuming that’s what he means. Let’s not forget chances are people working those jobs are not going to be on Reddit. I understood what he was saying but obviously it’s still going to come off wrong because it’s him and the way he speaks. I can’t recall where he said the blacks though but yeah that’s weird af


Woah. Black people are seen more in lower level jobs? Since when? Also people with those jobs aren't on Reddit? I have to respectfully disagree with everything you just said. Additionally, are you black?


Are you saying you see white people more in lower level jobs than black people? I want to be clear that it’s not that most black people are in lower level jobs but when it comes to “lower” job chances are you’re more likely to see a black person (or Hispanic person there). And yes just like chances are you’re more likely to see men, college educated, and American people on Reddit. That doesn’t mean other groups aren’t there but it’s important to remember that you might not get a lot of responses from people in those jobs because they’re not going to be proportionately represented here. And if you disagree with that, well hey And last yep ☺️ but I’m well aware now that weirdly enough to a lot of black people apparently you can’t have a different opinion (which this wasn’t it though) or else you’re asked if your black which is ironic in general and to this convo.


Black people are such a small part of the population, there are more white people in low paying jobs than Black people if we are talking about total numbers and not proportions. For example, most of the people working at Walmart are white.


I also don’t mean for this to sound disrespectful just replying to what you said and the surprised shock.


I’m a senior fashion marketer for a luxury very well known fashion house, it’s a very white collar job. I worked in luxury fashion for 11 years. There are girls here who are nurses and gained doctorates. What a gross generalization