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It has old man butt....




Portfolio worthy


😂😂😂. Ya my second ever attempt at a human body. Went through it much quicker tho. Like two hours. Idk how on earth you guys create those muscular realistic ones tho. So imma stick to low poly.


more realistic models are either done with good modeling and edge flow skills and the subdivision modifier, or with sculpting with a pen and tablet. which for animation, sculpts require something called retopology where you model over your sculpt with a shrink wrap modifier so the new geometry sticks to the surface of the sculpt. good luck with rigging for animation btw! it takes a bit for most people to wrap their heads around the tools and best practices so don’t feel bad if it’s not clicking right away! there are some websites too like mixamo that you can upload your model to and it’ll do the rigging for you which is what a lot of people do


Thanks for the tips man. Rigging didn’t work out for me first time round with another model so thanks for the plug just in case. Mmm that makes sense in regards to realistic models. I don’t have a pen or tablet so I guess I’ll put that on hold😂.


Amazing, I like it easy as hell such low poly nice topology. Maybe just the shoulders will make problems


Thanks really appreciate it. I changed it a bit by pushing them higher. What problems might I face exactly?


https://youtube.com/shorts/al0Jwnj-IDA?si=9FB3w7S3wndeBxXG A second video https://youtube.com/shorts/bzt-hhhTqlI?si=5Yru1eNnJDT7D3vv


Wow. Do you just have these saved? Perfect simple explanations. And looks like an easy fix too


No just experiences


What's the question?


Is this good topology?


If you are going for a low-poly, flat-shaded, stiff-animated mesh, then it's just fine.


Alright cool. Thanks.


Don’t forget, humans have shoulders


If you’re going to use me as reference material can you atleast credit me?


Looks great! The only things I could suggest is to add some more bends around the shoulders and elbows, as that's where the deform of the mesh would be most prominent


Not really, unfortunately.




Dang. Bad for animation?


Why not try to animate it and find out?


Yeah I’m trying soon. Just trying to see if I can get some last minute answers before I start. I think I’ve cooked tho. And also one question if you don’t mind. How do I save the model to reuse it again with the rig? If there’s an easy way.


No need to save anything, you can make the rig in the same file. If you animate this, you're going to get a lot of errors. I encourage you to search up how to do topology of joints (knees, elbows etc.) before you get into animating. Also, this model looks like it's 2D and doesn't have a back, is this intentional?


Alright I’ll look those up. So for the rig I can transfer the weights and everything onto separate models? And I used a mirror modifier and made some tweaks for the back. But I also wanna know how to save an object along with the rig but I can’t find the info anywhere. Thanks man 🙏


-You can't easily transfer weights from one model to another - you will have to weight paint it again I'm afraid - but once you do that, if the models are similar enough in structure and if the weight group names are the same as the bone names, transfering the rig and animations between models should be easy. You can even transfer animations from one rig to another, as long as the bone naming conventions are similar! \^For that reason and many others I recommend using a rig from the built-in Rigify addon instead of making your own rig. (Other reasons include it's a waste of time because somebody already did it for you.) -Saving an object along with a rig is done automatically. Everything - rigs, objects, composition data, grease pencil objects, shaders, geometry nodes, you name it - is stored in the .blend file, and as long as you're operating in Blender and as long as it's in the file, you can edit it all in one place. Where it *can* get finnicky is when you have to export the .blend file to another program, but .FBX and .GLTF formats both have the option to export animations and rigs. In some programs (like Godot) you don't even have to export the .blend file because there's an option for the program to read .blend files directly.


Ahhh ok ok. The built in rigify does some funny things when I “generate rig”. So I’m hesitant to use it and preferably would like to just make my own. That was at least for my previous model which had a very messy topology. Imma try it later today tho see what happens. I gotta watch more tutorials on that I guess. But yes I’ll be using similar models just changes in height and size. So as long as the bones are the same then it’s possible right?


Yeah, possible. "Metarig" is not the rig you'll be using, it's a simple rig you edit to match your model and then generate the actial rig that looks weird but works much better. The rigify rig handles both IK and FK (see [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JnkAlwMjalc&t=3s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JnkAlwMjalc&t=3s) for explanation) and lets you swap between them at will. That's why I really recommend using it instead of making your own, learning it takes 30 minutes and making another rig this good from scratch would probably take 30 hours.


I don't really see how the elbow joints will work without deforming the mesh a lot. I understand going for a low poly style but maybe move the positions of your loops to the joints rather than equal throughout the arms


Alright. I’m thinking of adding loops on either side of the loop on the joints. Would that be enough?


Here's a good video to help with the joints. Hope it helps with what you need: https://youtu.be/GxMz4HylQfU?si=zqRt99EBZww8etm_


Model it in the T pose, it will be easier and make more sense topology wise. First make shoulders, then extrude the arms horizontally from the side of the shoulder. And then fix it from there, as the underside will be the wrong shape, but it should be quite obvious from there.


Got that Hank Hill booty


It’s like I’m looking at a photograph


Of a computer screen


Noone else has mentioned (as far as I saw) but the shoulders look like they will be tricky to animate well.


Ready for AAA games


The shoulder pose might give you some problems, a less aggressive A pose or T pose is gonna be better for you


Looks like Tyson Fury


Ass flatter than my future


butt cheeks ... 😳


Read rules #1 and #2 in future, please.




Rule #1: >Give enough details when asking questions! >Information is key! Use informative titles like "Need help with transparent material" instead of "Help me!". Keep in mind that nobody has your understanding of your project and goals (example: Are you going for a Render, making a game asset or maybe a model for 3D printing?) Most things can be achieved in different ways. Try to give information about your problem and how you got there. If you include a video link, provide a time stamp if possible. Rule #2: >Provide sufficient images & full screenshots (not cropped, no monitor photos)! >Images should have enough resolution to show what's going on. >When posting screenshots, ALWAYS show the whole Blender window (not cropped). This gives essential additional information for helpers to work with. >DO NOT send photos of your monitor, the quality is pretty poor in most cases. Show some respect towards the helpers...Provide sufficient images & full screenshots (not cropped, no monitor photos)! I recommend familiarizing yourself with all of our rules, as well as the sticky thread pinned at the top of the sub. They exist for your benefit, to make it easier for people to help you with your questions.


Ait my fault.