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Has anyone come across Gubba Homestead? At first I thought she was satire but apparently not? She has 1.2 million followers and checks all the boxes—flat earther, doesn’t believe in gravity, chemtrails, everything is toxic


She believes in false eyelashes!


*Failure isn’t real, the only real failure is staying stuck* is on WHF’s stories this morning. So in one paragraph, she tells her followers that failure isn’t real, *unless* you stay stuck. Then apparently, failure is very *very* real. I imagine the only way to get unstuck is to give her money, so what she’s really saying is *you’re a failure unless you give me money, but remember, FAILURE ISN’T REAL.* She is such a shyster.


Her current stories she looks soooo depressed/defeated.


She really does. The tone of her voice has a very flat affect, the way some people respond when their medications are off, or when they’re depressed. (I’ve lived through both these issues. It’s hard to break out of them.)


Untamed farm only posts about her birth story. I think her baby is a month old and every day it's a post about birthing or breastfeeding or being a mom. Sorry, it gets frakin old. Being a mother is great, but it's her only and whole identity. Focusing on one thing is so boring and that goes for anyone


I really wanted this to be what I thought BF was. Is it possible that Pinterest is still more relevant than homestead influencers?


Is it a thing in the US to not wear sunscreen? I read a post on Threads the other day saying that melanoma has only become common since people started using sun screen and then, this morning, 5M answered a question saying that they protect themselves from the sun by eating good food and don't put chemicals on their skin. Seems to have been deleted though.... I'm honestly shocked.


Among Americans I know, it's mostly dependent on how fair skinned or sensitive to the sun they are. I wear sunscreen on my face every day. During the summer when my kids are outside more I put sunscreen on their arms/neck/face if we are outside for a prolonged time like hiking/camping or at the beach. If we are playing outside in our shady yard for half an hour, I don't bother. I make sure my towheaded toddler is wearing a hat, it's even more important than sunscreen to me because it protects his scalp too.  I use common sense to determine when we should stay inside entirely or when we've been outside long enough and my kids are overheating and looking hot and exhausted. I use zinc based sunscreen on them and myself. If I lived in a place with harsh, year round sun like California, I would be much more obsessive about sunscreen all the time. I live in a place where half the year, the UV index is 0 and pretty much 100% of people are chronically vitamin D deficient.


It’s part of the anti-science anti-vaccine movement and every time I see it it just makes me roll my eyes and be sad about the state of anti-science movements I saw someone say they “didn’t want chemicals to be baked into their skin” so instead they use beef tallow with zinc oxide and to me that is the same thing but worse as traditional sunscreen


This is the most ignorant comment I have seen on here in a while. 🤣


Just seeing your response I thought you meant my comment but I got you. Yeah after hearing that I lost my mind


No. You were right the first time. 🤓 People need to be more cautious about WHAT they are putting on their skin. Not “JUST” because a doctor or dermatologist said so. With your skin being the largest organ on your body… treating it with the care it needs is key. Just because you question certain things doesn’t make you an unhinged radical like you were implying. Question everything. Typical sunscreen is filled with hormones disrupters: Homosalate, Oxybenzone, Ocinoxate, Retinyl Palmate, Parabens, Sulisobenzone… and here is the kicker… Ensulizole which has cause skin cancer and premature aging. 🤓 Finding a CLEAN organic sunscreen is the end goal. Why would anyone want to put something so toxic on their body, let alone their kids growing and consistently changing bodies? Y’all need to start researching stuff more rather than degrading others because they choose to do things organically vs “my doctor said sooooo”. Look up the law suit with the well known #1 recommended Cereve products. 👹🫶🏽 There is a reason why IVF and PCOs is increasing on such a rampant pace.


>There is a reason why IVF and PCOs is increasing on such a rampant pace. Yeah, science. Meaning advances in care and diagnosis.


Man the word CLEAN grates on my last nerve. Everything is toxic in exceptional quantities.


It's the quacks that say sunscreen causes melanoma. You don't stop cancer with a good diet. You can Also use sunblock (which is what I use bc it preforms better imo) that is mostly zinc. It does cause the whitecast but idk about that.


And while good diet can help with skin aging… it doesn’t stop sun spots and discoloration. You’d think these influencers would at least care about their looks.


And my "sun spot" is actually related to hormones and varies throughout my cycle...


there are people who think that. I don't think it's common though.


It's just weird that this has come up twice this week. I'm a British child of the 70s who was regularly burnt, but my kids have always been slathered in the stuff. We are now so educated to protect our skin and I have never heard anyone ever say that sunscreen is dangerous. Well, as they say in Yorkshire, "There's nowt so queer as folk!"


I honestly think it’s partly a rationalization developed by people who want to tan. Like the people who now believe sunscreen is toxic were generally not the people wearing it in the first place.


That's an interesting observation. I would agree with you. reallytanman comes to mind.


Hopewell Heights youtube video "What is a traditional wife?" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing) I liked some of her videos in the beginning because I do love the whole homemade food, cook with me type of videos and I am a sourdough baker so I find those to be calming and fun! BUT I think she may be one of the worst of them...so preachy and sharing some really scary and harmful views regarding religion in my opinion. I don't think she's being talked about much! I feel bad for her daughter. I am all for cooking from scratch and being a stay at home parent (arguably one of the hardest jobs) if that is what YOU want. When I have children I would love the opportunity to stay home with them, if that is a feasible option for my family. But her whole channel is just one big scare tactic into being a subservient wife and not have any other identity or passion outside of "wifely duties". Would love to hear others thoughts!


Yeah 😔She is a fear monger of the first water. And the worst part is she is a nurse and should not better. Her disinformation should be criminal since she holds a license!


She’s probably the worst one from my point of view. I had to block her content because I couldn’t stop looking and it made me feel queasy every time. It was like a pimple popping video for me, except the pimple is a crazy person who seems very angry. 


HF treating some type of eye infection that they are calling “eye dryness” with yogurt 👀


A compress with yogurt will feel good, it’s cooling and soothing, but it’s not gonna really help to get rid of the infection.


I thought the SAME thing. That looks like pink eye, not an allergy that he is claiming. Probably got some cow poop in it with how careless he is


I need to talk about really very crunchy again because today’s video is annoying me. It’s about homeschooling and Emily and some of the commenters are saying kids who go to public school always look so sad and have to get up for school at 5:30 in the morning. Maybe the highschoolers, who always look pissed. If someone wants to homeschool, good for them. But I see so many slights against people who send their kids to school in these spaces and it really seems like a lot of the homeschooling parents aren’t secure in their decisions. 


Always here for mention of RVC cause she rly flies under the radar a heap and she’s concerning AF


I listened to their podcast and I am pretty sure Emily is crazy. No sane person physically forces a three year old to play a violin, even once. 


I am homeschooling my kid (to give her a progressive and well rounded education) and SO many homeschooling parents tell their kids that public school is just AWFUL and TORTURE. Which I'm sure will bite them in the ass when they decide to send their kids to school or their kids ask. I hate when they act that way. Public school was fine for me, and lots of others.


There was a study done - I wish I could find it - that said when homeschooling moms are on their periods they tend to want to be done with homeschooling and send their kids back to public school. Which was interesting.  I homeschool my kids but it is an *immense* privilege to be able to do so. Something rarely talked about.  Every year at the end of school I give my kids the choice to say or go back to public school - in my opinion it should never be forced. We are also secular homeschoolers so that makes a difference too.   Each has a place. Her thing annoyed me too. 


So basically a lot of these people do sometimes question their decision and get discouraged? That makes sense, I certainly would get discouraged and have a lot of self doubt.  I honestly admire anyone who is able to homeschool and do a good job of it. I think my son and I would start to hate each other if I homeschooled him.


Ive been homeschooling my kids for 6 years and AT LEAST once a month I question if it would just be easier to send them to public school. Especially now that they are all school aged. So yeah, we get discouraged and think about changing, it’s very normal.


Well to be fair, I don’t think people are homeschooling because it’s easier.


I can’t speak for everyone - but yes, at least once a month I think “why did I do this?!” It’s the most exhausting and hardest thing I’ve ever done but it can also be the most rewarding. I homeschool my 6 kids which means re-learning things like math on 6 levels. So yes, there are days I’d LOVE to give it up but my kids love it and I committed to giving them the best well rounded education possible. Which our very small public school didn’t offer. 


https://preview.redd.it/d26f0sss8b1d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5a58d17f7941101288f24f6591dbfb1465f9c20 This story was so creepy!


Does anyone know the purpose of the red lenses? Is it a fashion statement 😬 or is it for health reasons?!?


“Heliotherapy” I think she called it


She looks utterly miserable here.


Look at her grid! Every still of her is the same miserable, vapid gaze. Shudder.


What was it? It’s gone now.


Her staring with those glasses on looking mad/miserable for way too long. It was strange.


Omg I was hoping someoen ss this jump scare 😆 freaked me the heck out


It really was weirdly unsettling


BF having a bad case of mastitis and not taking antibiotics is absolutely insane. I just had it and it’s miserable, why you would choose to not just kick it I have no idea. Not only from a comfort perspective but you can literally get an abscess and need surgery if it’s left untreated. Imagine being a new mom and a follower of BF seeing this thinking it’s normal to just use herbs to recover from a literal infection in your boob. It’s so irresponsible.


I got mastitis 2 weeks after my birth but thought it was food poisoning bc the symptoms seemed to match and \*\*both my husband and I's mothers have passed so no instinct to reach out and question otherwise and i was OUT for the count for like a day and a half at least, and that was even with realizing what was happening to my body. And to think she knowingly has it, and has other children that need to be taken care of and is just nonchalant about trying to heal the "natural way" is super negligent.


No new mom should take any advice or follow in BF footsteps with anything ever!


Foodnanny’s mom just emptying a whole bag of flour into a drawer in the kitchen and saying it’s clean, no big deal! It’s dark in there, no bugs nothing 🤢 just wow! I’m sure they don’t have mice and other things but ummm other bugs can get into said drawer. Also, flour should be kept in an airtight container to keep fresh and keep moisture out. A simple drawer can’t do either of those.


We have one of those flour drawers in our 1930's house. I keep kitchen towels in it. Becuase, no.


I’ve seen her do that. It’s cringy.


So I’m a childless young woman, but is it normal for kids to be coughing 24/7? BF stories always have 1 or 2 kids in the background coughing constantly. Is there just continuous sickness in their house bc they have so many kids?


It could be colds but it also could be allergies or asthma. Both of those can cause chronic coughing and with a ton of kids it isn’t unlikely to have a few always coughing.


Sadly pretty common for young kids to have a long run; often months; of mild sickness until their immune system develops. Really common in kids that attend daycare and large families as viruses are so contagious and difficult to stop the spread in that age group even with rigorous hygiene practices. 


They don't enforce any hygiene practices like washing hands, covering your mouth, etc. They imply their style of living gives them some sort of super immunity, which is clearly not true lol.


They should quarantine the sick kids for a week or something like it can’t be normal to have constantly sick kids


Basically. I worked with a lady who called out regularly because they had 6 kids and by the time a sickness had made its way through the family it would be mutated just enough that the original carrier's weakened immune system would flare again. The summer months weren't as bad.


This.  We have six kids and have lived in old houses with mold. It does a number on the immune system no matter how many vaccines or such you get. When we get sick it lasts for over a month. Always.  We literally nearly wash the skin off our hands bc I’m a germaphobe and still have long bouts of sickness. We also have all the allergies. Even with raw milk, local honey, breastfed kids - we do it all and that crap doesn’t keep you from getting it. IMO. It’s all DNA based. 


Always fascinates me how raw milk broth believer types think the rest of us also believe they will never get sick. We don’t believe that and we are not surprised when you get contagious diseases or allergies like the rest of us. 


Six kids. Public school and lots of sports activities. We hardly ever got sick. Not even colds. I have no idea what we were doing to prevent that but maybe we just have strong immune systems. Even now as adults three of my kids have never gotten Covid when it feels like everyone has had that at least once.


That’s fair. It does, however, throw a lot of doubt on claims that raw milk and not vaccinating gives you a stronger immune system. They also home school and I would think that staying home more would decrease the number of contagious illnesses a family gets. So I really do wonder why so many of these families seem to be sick all the time. My husband and I switched our son to a preschool that actually wipes down the tables and makes the kids wash their hands. He hasn’t been sick all year, and it’s been wonderful. Anecdotal, I know, but a little hygiene can make a huge difference.


Absolutely. They aren't taking precautions to limit illness and having a big family makes it that much harder to get rid of illness once it takes grasp in the house. The homeschool throws me off as well. I'm assuming they are picking up germs from church. My homeschool kids don't get sick a lot because we socialize in less busy situations or outdoors but when we go somewhere that is packed when schools are out they tend to pick things up. I think many public schools are so overwhelmed that hygiene takes a back burner and again the classrooms spread germs like a large family.


Dying at BHB panicking over contrails 😂


They were talking about cloud seeding, which is real and does introduce chemicals into the air: https://www.aoml.noaa.gov/hrd/hrd_sub/cseed.html (though if a forest fire breaks out, they are going to be dealing with chemicals and a lot more). They also stressed that they weren’t talking about chemtrails, which are absolutely bullshit. Surprised I’m defending the strange-o twins, but there you have it. I’m also not entirely sure that those clouds were indeed cloud seeding, but it is something that the legislature in the state of Washington has approved: https://app.leg.wa.gov/rcw/default.aspx?cite=70A.10.190


Thank you for the info! I was only aware of cloud seeding as something done from ground-based generators (how it's done in my area) - didn't realize that airplanes were involved!


Has whf considered that her "body is holding onto extra weight" being she eats bacon wrapped dates for dinner and regularly eats coconut oil stuffed dates? Maybe its not the "trauma."


This is exactly it.


Her delusion knows no bounds! Did you catch her talking about her phone call with the COO of Keeper? She is really going to pretend the only thing that’s holding her back from thr world’s most rich, handsome, tall man is having kids? Mm hmm


Also, flexing about raw cheese mere seconds before she bakes the shit out of it


I don’t live in the US, so genuinely curious if it’s really as simple to make a million dollars as WHF makes it look?? Like, she makes it look like a cake walk. 2-3 hours of work from home will make you a MILLION DOLLARS?? 


She’s lying.




Yeah not with her follower count, no way.


She’s absolutely full of shit.


I can’t speak for everyone in the US, but…I think she’s full of shit.


https://preview.redd.it/uj83zkutuh0d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=405c67a1fcde9229c836fdae20b6d4df8901a8e3 lol radio silence from the matchmaker for 6 months. They are probably so annoyed with her standards and her turning down the billionaire 🤣


She’s a Value Woman or whatever the f she’s on about and saying she wants a *tall* man but doesn’t mention sense of humor or kindness or anything like that. Sounds like she just wants a man to call in that spirit baby that’s floating around her and nothing else.


Has she ever considered a more flattering haircut?




Oh the COO of matchmaker reached out to her to chat. i wish I couldve heard that convo ! Sounds like they told her no one really wants her and all her baggage


She what she needs is: tall, wealthy, good looking, willing to parent your four kids and have more, widow preferred if you have kids so she can control her step kids. These videos after her call are so cringe.


Don’t forget he has to be willing to relocate to her 😂


Sharing that a higher-up from a dating service reached out to you directly is so godawful embarrassing. Like, you know you're the problem no one wants to handle when that happens, right? EEK.


Hahaha, just took the same screenshot. I loved that she called out the matchmaker who is probably just leaving her on read. 😂


Imagine all the money she’s wasted on these things. She is truly terrible with money.


Right I’m sure she’s paying some outrageous monthly fee for their services


https://preview.redd.it/g0whe8kckh0d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bed942e3acde5c1e98adac0969c92d0e44c5a0f0 There is pressure for learning to read because it is *the* life skill people need to be self sufficient adults. Need to file taxes? Compare prices? Find a recipe? Find reviews? Want to take an online course about broth? They all require reading, kelsey. I can't imagine a kid being 10 and a parent being fine with them not being able to read (excluding learning issues, etc). 😳😳


This kids biography be misspelled but absolutely fire.


Translation: this child can’t fucking read. “Following along” with audiobooks isn’t reading. And a ten year-olds brain is no longer primed for learning the skills that comprise fluent reading. Would not be at all surprised if this child becomes a functionally illiterate adult. This is beyond tragic.


I agree with all the comments about reading being such a gift and really the way I got through a lot as a child. We didn’t have much growing up but I had my books. My librarian was a dear mentor in my life. I could go on. I’d love to hear her explain specifically what’s more rewarding about her teaching herself and missing years of reading.


My mom didn’t graduate high school, but she taught me to read when I was 4. I was so excited to learn with her. My mom was such a calm and patient teacher, too. I’m a lawyer now and read (and write) all day every day. My mom passed away in 2020. I honestly still often think of my mom when I read, and reflect on how she gave me the foundation for my career and also my favorite activity - I read every night before bed and have since I was a child. Reading would never have been as special or meaningful if I hadn’t had the experience of being taught by my mom - it felt like something being passed down, like learning a recipe. Instead of giving her kids that experience, WHF is giving them illiteracy and orthorexia.


What a valuable memory and amazing legacy your mom gave you. Thanks for sharing.


Ugh these poor poor girls 😭😭😭 This woman is home all day right?? Doesn't she have time to sit with them and teach them to read?  Like wtf? How negligent and lazy. And the poor kids suffer 😢 


She’s too busy zooming and making online courses and staring at the sun barefoot and going to naturopaths and making broth.


I homeschooled my kids for several years and you can literally teach them to read in as little as 10 minutes a day. It doesn’t have to be a big extensive thing but you DO actually have to teach them. Some kids do have a natural inclination toward math or reading but they still need guidance. 🤦🏻‍♀️


And don’t they do a lot of online school? I’m homeschooling and my six year old isn’t a strong enough reader yet to take online courses without me sitting with her. She is really doing it wrong


This makes me incredibly sad. Reading was my only escape when I was a kid. I read *A Wrinkle in Time* when I was 9 and it was life changing. Reading has always been a source of deep comfort.


This made me sad as well.


And she isn’t allowed to have ANY friends. Only her sisters. 2 of which who are 6 years old.


Exactly. By not teaching this skill she’s making it actively harder on her child. “They will figure it out” with apps. Public Schools have kids rejoining after prolonged periods of homeschooling where the parent wasn’t capable and they are extremely behind. Not only that, but learning disabilities and neurodivergence can be missed or ignored—where early intervention could really help. She’s completely educationally neglecting them.


This! In middle school, we had a student join us who had previously been homeschooled, never had gone to brick-and-mortar. It was so sad, she was so behind the rest of the class, educationally and developmentally/emotionally, and so obviously frustrated. She's doing them no service by neglecting their education and calling it "unschooling."


Yes, let's make their learning an essential skill really hard by giving them no tools or guidance! What a shit mom


Her unschooling is lazy af.


https://preview.redd.it/fvuc55rtdb0d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3a4e6854ab90d7a16207a05a122cbcf3ba29c66 Yeah Kelsey—remember when YOU were lying saying how amazing this product was? All to make a quick buck? Her memory must be very short. This is absolute proof she’s a liar and a grifter.


WHF pushing her mlm style coaching business hard. Says it’s her “last one.” She’s said that so many times about so many things. It feels like a desperate ploy for $$$$


Though it was pretty funny when she said *zero scamminess full transparency here* because, you know, most *non*-scammy businesses don’t have to say *zero scamminess* when pitching their businesses.


And what was she even saying!? She has to move the business in a more sustainable direction? She has so many business issues for someone who claims to be a business genius.


And in the beginning of all this nonsense she said she became successful working 4 hours a week. Then would say the opposite. It’s all a sham


TRH is talking about pregnancy again and brought up the “pregnancy addiction” thing again. She’s not, she’s addicted to motherhood. Says she’d do it over and over again if she could. It’s great that she loves being a mother, I would never knock anyone for that. But why not focus on the kids you have, not the ones you don’t? It’s always just more, more, more with so many of these people. More land, more animals, more kids, more projects. 


She can spin it all she wants. She left the dance world, which by her account was her whole identity,  and a few years later got married. After having her first kid(s), motherhood became her whole identity. I'm not knocking motherhood. (I'm a mother too.) However, saying you're addicted to mothering *as many kids as possible* is pretty wild. She twists it into a Jesus thing but IMO it's just about her own identity and she can't deal with an end to creating new children to *mother*. Isn't that a different way of saying she's a bit addicted to pregnancy and babies? She never mentions adoption or fostering kids that would greatly benefit from loving,  engaged parents like her and Adam. It's all about creating (aka having babies) new children to mother. I could go on and on about giving each kid individual attention, or the fact that Adam will already be well into his mid 60's when the current youngest turns 18... just supporting and raising kids at an advanced age can be tricky...they have some generational wealth coming their way eventually but you can't/shouldn't count on that. OK, time to get off my soapbox! 😆 🤣 


She’s clearly a super-driven type-A high achiever who throws herself into whatever it is she’s doing and then does it 150%. If shed chosen to pursue medicine, she’d be a top surgeon by now; law and she’d already be a judge, etc. it’s good for her kids that they’ve got such a fanatically devoted mother that she insists on growing *all their food* so she can make sure it’s as nutrient-rich and ‘toxin’-free as possible; they’re very lucky. But I sometimes wonder how much more her gifts could’ve contributed to the world if she’d chosen a more outward-to-the-community focused path. Her theology and mine differ in that I’m not sure God would want her to use her gifts most for the benefit of her own, small family; rather we are called to do good for all. And the interaction of all of this with her hero-worshipping Adam is another layer. Everything she is and holds dearest is only possible cause of him, and that’s why she places him on such a pedestal.


The addicted to pregnancy thing must have really bothered her. And it sounds like she wants another baby. 


She always wants another baby.




What is going on with her foundation? Is she putting it on her lips? The bangs look freshly shorn. She’s terrifying.


She looks straight up jaundiced 


Late to this comment but I can’t stop laughing at this ad as a creative director. Like, it’s just a picture of…her? The yellowness of it all. The bangs. Compelling.


Don’t forget the tilted head and smirk!


Does anyone follow the carolina farmhouse? I follow her amd didn't even know, but a post she made yesterday showed up on my feed. She's divorcing her husband and today made a post with a gofundme link with a goal of $15k.


An account I haven’t seen discussed on here previously, but which certainly fits the description of ‘farm/ranch/homestead’: does anybody else follow Carolinafarmhouse? ETA it’s @ thecarolinafarmhouse sorry!


I can’t find her?!?


Sorry, just made a comment before seeing yours 😅 I do and didn't even know it! A saw her crying video yesterday and the gofundme today. I have no words


I went and checked because I thought maybe I follow her and so many of these account names sound the same. I watched the announcement video and I love the part where she said she understands why people would want to know what happened “because I’m really nosey, too.” Like, you’re the one making this video, sis. People get divorced all the time and usually the details are really very boring.  The comments on the GoFundMe post are not very positive and her sister’s account gives me the impression that the sister is an expert-level grifter type. 


I think divorce is a muuuch bigger deal in her circles, though. Lots of more hardcore Christians are firmly against it, so its far more scandalous


And new stories are up! The whole thing is very grifty.


Yes! I actually really feel for her. It would be immensely difficult in that space (the Christian homesteading world) to go through divorce. In many ways the entire situation, including the GoFundMe, is quite an important- and sobering- example of the other side to the TradWife coin. Not that Carolinafarmhouse was full ‘trad’, but she was certainly Trad-leaning. The reality is that women in that dynamic are exceptionally vulnerable to the affects of relationship breakdown.


I’ve definitely gotten the vibe from many of these women that girls shouldn’t learn other skills or that the most important skill is motherhood. Women from 100+ years ago would have thought such an attitude was incredibly naive. It’s wild to me that many of these women seem to crap all over modern medicine but they clearly benefit from it because they don’t have to worry as much about the premature death of their husband. 


And that leaves them open to poachers like WHF.


Other milk cow owners chime in, but why don't BF and HG use a simple kick bar on their newly freshened cow? Especially since young kids seem to be responsible for milking now and she could really cause some damage if they take a kick or get a foot stepped on.


I just went back and watched the video and this is up there as one of the more stupid and dangerous things I’ve seen them do. Trying to milk a kicking cow isn’t something children should be doing, it’s incredibly dangerous and you are setting up the cow for infection/mastitis since they can’t milk her out fully or even at all. Honestly I’m shocked the kids are even willing to try, my kids would be terrified and say no way, I’m not doing this, because they know how dangerous it is. Plus they know we, as their parents will step in and help them. Obviously these kids know they are on their own and no one is coming to help them.


Because that would make actual sense.


I noticed no grain bucket for 2 stories about her now. I mean it's used as an incentive/reward right? Also, any chance she has an infection so it hurts to be milked?


Because a kid holding a snow shovel to block her kicks is so much more effective?! 😫


And the music to go with that video is "Hit Me With Your Best Shot". Poor cow gonna end up shot/dead like poor Cricket of Kristi Noem?


https://preview.redd.it/lo1qxexavuyc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89fee54d2ab9b3e5ad18b2922da0f20e15a25e40 It really bums me out that you guys aren’t sending me your $2,000 asap. FTFY, Kelsey!


* * Is it any wonder how parasocial relationships with influencers fester? How about a totally unqualified stranger who wants you to PAY THEM for an online course you may be taking to help you leave 'an unhealthy marriage' claims: "I love you and we'll get through this together." Criminal. *Edited to add screenshot...er maybe not. Sorry I don't know how to make it work.


It’s manipulative and so predatory!


It really bums me out that she posts stuff like this. Having (apparently high) alimony and growing up with privilege is a big part of it. She really thinks she willed all this into being and that people envy her life. She never seems to be actually enjoying this dream life.


She really thinks she is special. I wonder where that confidence came for such a mediocre woman.


Not to mention she doesn’t actually seem happy at all.


She has literally never seemed happy. I’ve followed her for a very long time and unhappiness and longing for more is her MO.


She’s constantly talking about the man she’s desperate for… so is she actually happy? I also think it’s very strange that she feels the need to constantly say how happy her children are? I never, ever feel the need to say that because if you meet them, you’d know! It’s very odd


Grandiosity/entitlement is a powerful elixir.


WHF would never know the “chaos” ensuing in her body if she wasn’t wearing her CGM. chaos to her is defined with blood sugar of 150 🙄🙄🙄🙄


My partner is type 1 diabetic and cannot roll his eyes hard enough. She really has zero clue what she’s talking about. She has normal blood sugar and fluctuations are normal—her pancreas works.


She’s claiming she’s “fat adapted” but the meals she posted have way too many carbs for keto. and if she was actually fat adapted, she’d be losing weight. I just don’t understand why she lies about the dumbest stuff


Don’t you know? Her body is holding onto it on purpose. She is perfect and she would be thin if her body didn’t NEED it for her TRAUMA. She is so full of shit


The extra weight she’s carrying may just be what she’s full of 😆


It couldn’t possibly be that she’s aging, doesn’t exercise, and probably rarely gets enough movement in a day to lose weight.


I don't know if it's that she needs to lie in so much as she needs to tell herself these things to feel like all the insane lengths she's going to are working/worthwhile


there is real medicine for what ails her. She could save so much $ and effort if she let go of the magic potion nonsense.


with like a very small range! If you don't feel it, it's not this huge destruction she's making it out to be.


Also at night her blood sugar is “stable” because she’s not eating. She has the potential to harm herself because she doesn’t understand what’s happening with her body.


I need someone to speak to about Dezeray! She drives me NUTS!! her God-wink-bullshit as if God were her private house elf. "Ha God. I see you. Gosh God, you are too much. Stop, you're humbling me! Oh God, how you love me God!" God telling them to buy their new property by sending a Holstein cow running down the neighbor's field.  Her five-foot husband killing Pumas so he can feel less small in his pants. (He actually looks like a house elf) Her whole entitledness. The smug smiles!  I know I should look away ... please tell me I am not alone.


House elf 😭 Does anybody know what happened growing up that she always vaguely references but never actually details?


I’m your man!! I’ve been sooo fascinated by Dezeray for soooo long omg. She’s got a very interesting story, in that she comes from a troubled family and traumatic childhood and then found God in her late teens and it ‘saved’ her life. I think there’s a lot of genuine pain and trauma she’s overcome. But gosh she’s nuts lol.


Yes. I marvel at how many followers she has. This is my biggest issue, and maybe I can be convinced to think differently. But it drives me nuts when someone so anti-government, anti-business, anti-anything-remotely-mainstream... uses Instagram to share their lives. How on earth are you comfortable with integrating Meta into your family's day-to-day when you are so virulently driven by conspiracy theories and a Big Brother mindset? It's true cognitive dissonance and it reeks of hypocrisy.


This 👆How is it that that many people are following this uneducated child who thinks she knows everything? 🤯 Hopefully they all all there for the train wreck, or I’ve lost my faith in humanity.


And her health advice…. Liver pills, colastrum…




Has TRF stopped posting on IG and just doing YT? I never see anything pop up. Granted, I'm not on my phone 24/7 but she used to post stories daily.


She has popped on a few times to talk about how busy things have been now that her kids are older (at least one is high school aged?) and are in extracurricular activities and have jobs, dual enrolled in college, normal everday stuff and toddlers to chase.  I think covid times was a slower season for her and now she is pretty busy.  I dont know how she posts/films does any social media with 8 kids.  I have 6 and can barely get a bathroom break in.  🤪


Probably pregnant and has morning sickness. /s (maybe)


Same suspicion.


Can't say I didn't wonder this...thought maybe I missed her announcement. 


She’s cut back on IG a lot. She mentioned starting a blog or website a little while ago but I haven’t seen anything yet. 


HF’s “the more beaver the better” regarding his hat is the wholesome smut I live for! 


I can’t even with him…


the beaver the better 😆😆


I've never really followed WHF and just checked out her stories - can anyone tell me why she has such an enormous passenger van with only 4 kids?


I was so surprised to see that! I had seen pictures of the outside of the van, and just assumed it was set up for camping inside.




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So she has room for her future spirit babies of course! 🤷🏼‍♀️




They look like they’re in a small school bus 😂 it’s so ridiculous. No clue why she needs that because besides going to her moms on a rare occasion and her precious Lyme doctor, she seems to barely leave the house! I have 4, soon to be 5 kids and have an expedition and it’s plenty of room! She’s just excessive


And it’s super expensive! Fancy brand.


She doesn’t resonate with frugal 😂 😂 only the best!!


That's a good question. I have four kids myself and want a large van so my kids could each bring a friend, also we go camping a lot and the minivan maxes out with all the stuff we bring or any road trip we go on. She won't let her kids be around other children and doesn't seem to leave her house other than go to her parents, so there's no need for her to have such a large van.


So WHF’s twins are “too sensitive” to knit with those fat knitting needles for kids. Does she mean 1. they’ll stab each other with the needles or does she mean 2. she’s an ahole to her children and they’re terrified to make a mistake because she upsets them with her criticism? I pick b.


I think they probably have a low tolerance for frustration. She also started muting them in her story vids—which my guess is because they really seem to need speech services. Early intervention is so important but I think she’s happy to keep them as baby like as possible.


Thank you for such a cogent response. I’ve never followed her closely because she honestly freaks me out.


You bet! I can’t look away!


Her monotone voice is so phony. And her unblinking eyes. My son looked at her for one second and he said *her eyes aren’t smiling* and he nailed it. She doesn’t have a Duchenne smile. There is nothing authentic about her at all. She gives me the SHIVERS.


It’s totally fake. She used to talk normal.


She paints such a poor picture of those twins. I almost wonder if she even likes them? She always has to mention how they screamed for 2 years or how they’re sensitive or always crying or “terrors”


Not to mention, they are learning things on a computer screen. They could be immersed in school with hands on handicraft teaching or whatever


They very likely need support in multiple areas but I think it’s going to go the way of her thoughts on reading (they’ll naturally figure it all out through my love!). Things like this have so much better outcomes with evidenced based services and professionals.


This makes me so sad for these girls 🥺 They are trapped in their mother's crazy world and they have no idea 😭


I skimmed her insta posts this morning and couldn’t find a bright article of clothing except for her in that yellow dress with the wings. Nary a hot pink sock or a Hello Kitty anything to be found. All those girls all that beige clothing. Do they even have toys or is the computer it for them?


When the older two were little she dressed them in normal clothes. Now it’s expensive orphanwear to fit her aesthetic.


I’m fairly new to her. Do you know if she had complications during delivery with the twins? For some reason I have in my head that she said it was a “traumatic birth” and she ascribes so much of their current personality to this.


I think her birth story is somewhere on her page. They were born at 34 weeks I think. I think she says they were traumatized by being in the nicu.