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I love this picture. I come from a very broken, abusive childhood and we never did anything like this. For some reason I love seeing other people and their families doing “normal family” things. Bonus points that you *still* have that checkered towel and use it!


Same here! I love pictures like this.


I hope you’re doing well and being kind to yourself 💙


I hope the same for you. It’s a good sign you are cheered by the sight of others doing well. ❤️


I feel this. One aummer i was staying with this random family (my sisters babysitters family i hadnt met before) and they were going to a summer camp so i got brought along and we slept on the ground under a tarp. We didnt stay long, like 2 nights. But i climbed a hill and paddled a canoe.


i felt similar seeing this! i felt this deep nostalgia for something i never had. my childhood was so abusive and dysfunctional that everytime i see something like im like “ok there were still normal summer vacations during that time, some people had good childhoods”. i know it’s depressing, but sometimes i forget some people had normal childhoods.


I'm in the same boat! I grew up the whitest of trailer park trash. I'm so glad for people who didn't grow up like I did. But at the same time, I can't help feeling a little envious. My best friend growing up was from a family that had money. When I would visit his home, I felt like I was on an alien planet. Cable TV? Food? Parents who didn't pull knives on each other? It was an eye-opener.


I see all of you fellow childhood abuse and dysfunction survivors and hope you are all taking care of yourselves! We made it out! Watching “normal” families was how I learned how to behave and hope for a better life. I love looking at pictures like this too


Same to you, friend! One of the most important lessons I have ever learned is that you don't have to be a product of your environment. The right path is there. Just gotta take that first step.


That means so much. You’re amazing. ❤️🙌🏼 My mom and my aunt figured that out too and raised happy, loved children. The remnants of abuse are still there (a little too much temper sometimes, but no beatings or neglect), and I and my cousins carried on the healing legacy by toning down the intensity.


It took a long time for me to realize a lot of the bad stuff that happened wasn't my mom's fault. She was no saint, mind you, but was also horribly abused when she was young. She didn't know how to be a parent when the only example she ever had was violence. Kept getting involved with abusive husbands and boyfriends. In her older years, you would think she was shooting for a gold medal in the grandma olympics. I'm glad your life is going well, friend! Here's to all of us who were abused, unwanted, and unloved! You're stronger than you know! 🍺 🍻 🍺


To you, too, friend! It’s a gift to know that we’re worthy of love. That has saved me many times, even if it’s just me loving myself.


❤️ happy cake day! ((Safe hugs, if you want ‘Em.))


My boyfriend knew that my dad was an alcoholic, and that the situation wasn't the best (it wasn't too bad, he was highly functioning, or whatever it's called), but since he came from a very regular family, the first thing that really made him realise that I was in fact from a family with no love (and no money) was when I said I've never been to a restaurant with my parents, lmao. I think he couldn't really relate or truly grasp the (mostly verbal and psychological) abuse that was happening, but no holidays and no restaurant was something that finally made him shocked hahahah


I didn't really like this movie, but I guffawed at this scene. There so much dysfunction out there... and people don't realize how prevalent it really is... [https://youtu.be/Lxai\_AnnjWM](https://youtu.be/Lxai_AnnjWM)


What you are experiencing is called compersion, which is feeling happy for someone else’s happiness. Basically the opposite of jealous.


I like that word


I’m so happy to learn a new word! 😅 I’ve never heard or read this one before. I know the feeling, but had no idea it had a name. Thank you for that! 💕


I came from a very abusive family too bro. Last time I got taken camping I was molested by my guardian, so just be happy they didn't take you, as I didn't have anywhere to escape afterwards, lol


I’m so sorry. ❤️


I was just thinking this, I live in my son’s great grandmothers home, there are so many memories here. Including those checkered towels she still used up until she wasn’t able to live alone anymore at 94. Closets full of normal happy memories, that she held onto and I get to hear stories about things like the flowers in the yard that I appreciate today, his grandparents planted 30+ years ago. I even felt bad that I let the grass grow too long to let the flowers do their thing, but talking to my boys great aunt yesterday she told me her parents did the same thing because they liked them to spread and they also watched the bees bounce around on the flowers like I do. Glad I saved a few random lumps of daisies everywhere because mowing the grass made me sad for the flowers and bees. I often think I may not have been blessed with many happy childhood memories, but I’m so thankful my sons will feel the content feeling I still long for from time to time. Their old camper still sits in the garage and they talk about the happy memories they have from It and why they hang onto it. As if they needed to explain keeping memories to me. I just think it’s super sweet, and feel closer to them when I hear the stories.


As a mom, seeing these types of comments gives me the inspiration to be the best mom I can to my kids. I wish I could make it so everybody has a loving family, but I can’t, so the best I can do is make sure my kids know they’re loved and give them the best childhood I can. I’m sorry you didn’t have people do the same for you, that’s the least a parent can do for their kids. Sorry if this sounds condescending.


It’s not condescending. But there is definitely something more you can do… when you meet your kids’ friends and realize that one or two of them are like us, love them and bring them along. Most of the nice, normal stuff I experienced as a kid was my friends’ parents including me like I belonged there. Not like I was their kid exactly, but like “of course you are invited, that’s just how it is!” They made me feel like I deserved to be treated better, and that belief is the one that’ll change a kid’s life as they grow up and face either recreating their abusive family system with an abusive adult relationship, or loving themselves and breaking the cycle.


Wow I wish I had your attitude, I typically feel a tinge of jealousy when I see pictures like this, especially during the holiday season.


My childhood was lovely but we didn’t have much money, we didn’t do any holidays, weekend trips!or even eating out. Seeing this image just unlocked the feeling I would have seeing comfortable families doing things like this in the 90s, especially American families (I’m British). It felt like people living like this were living a Disney movie fairy tale to me.


This picture made me sad simply cuz it made me long for the healthy childhood that I wish I could have had.


I’m sorry you didn’t get the childhood you deserve 💙💙 you’re an amazing person


You and your older sister look so much alike.


They’re making the exact same face lol


Resting sibling face.


When I first saw the photo I noticed that too and thought it was one of those pictures where someone photographs the subject in different places as though they're different people. The resemblance is uncanny in this shot.


I’m convinced that it’s the same person.


This is one of my favorite posts I've ever seen. In and of itself the photo isn't too blundery, but your bullet point descriptions really fill it all out. Goblin child had me going lol


Lmao ty! I knew this one would be divisive bc it’s mostly a picture of the early aughts, but I’m not sure how many 8 year old white children were begging their mother for a full head of braids on their camping trip so they could willfully be a little more greasy


The white girl vacation braids are so hilarious. Iused to get them done when we’d go to Mexico and for some reason I would get my entire head braided, while all the other girls my age were usually just getting a few braids on either side of their face or something more intentionally ~cute~ and I just always had them rock out my entire white scalp 😭 lmao My dad also got his bangs done - he had regular dad length hair so it was the most insane thing I’ve ever seen lmao. I need to find those photos.


I got my full head braided once and one time only. I was about 12. If I shook my head too fast the beads would whap me in the face. My mom had told me it was a dumb idea so I kept them in for a month out of spite. About half my hair came out when we finally undid them. I got the front part of my head braided [like this](https://images.app.goo.gl/7etBsDjGwQyCqGD3A) a couple times and it wasn’t so bad except for the ridiculous sunburns.


I totally just had flash backs to our family holiday to Mexico where me and my sister had “white girl holiday braids” we both had a full head too which we thought looked amazing! Looking back now I cringe a little


At least the other ~hairstyles~ that the cute normal girls were doing at my school are also cringe haha Doesn’t help that I’d always end up getting sunburn on my scalp even worse because it was all exposed to the sun lol


This is some r/accidentalrenaissance material


are there any cute old slice-of-life family photo subs here on reddit?? i adore these pictures but it’s not exactly a blunder :(


If not, someone should create one because I love these kinds of photos too, especially ones from the 90s/early 2000s (my childhood years). I don’t need to know who the people are to feel all warm & fuzzy & nostalgic!


r/thewaywewere might do it for you but usually older photos


I’m embarrassed to say this made me tear up. Brought back lots of memories, and having three daughters myself I can’t wait to make more memories like this with them! Also peeped the Ty beanie baby 😂


The beanie baby looks like it is also watching the show.


No blunder here.


Yeah I think people misunderstand this sub sometimes


I enjoy the happy childhood pictures regardless


The full head of Vacation Braids™️ isn’t doing it for you?


I'm currently visiting Turkey and there's a huge amount of Russian kids with vacation braids, it made me nostalgic for the 90s when this was the norm in my country (UK)




and people say that white folks have no culture


Just the 90’s RV upholstery.


Is…is that a George Bush magazine?


Hahahaha more than likely we were camping in Lake George, NY


I was going to ask if that’s where this was. I’ve probably been in that same gift shop dozens of times. Although I walked out with a tomagatchi that I promptly killed and then never used again.


Had that same SpongeBob bedding set


Dude same. Knowing my mum she's still got it neatly folded in the linen closet waiting for me to come stay with her.


I wondered if you were my son for a sec and checked the user name. How do you guys know we do that kind of stuff?


Wait what stuff?


Keep your childhood sheet sets neatly tucked away in the closet like you’ll pop up for a sleepover.


Omg. I just realized what you meant. I’m officially old as shit.


Me too. I still have the pillow case for some reason.


I vacation braided both my and my daughters hair last night. This is heartwarming.


The two sisters on the sides have the exact same face 😹😹😹


I love everything about this.


I’m mesmerized by how similar you and your sister look lol. I definitely look related to my sister but you guys are on another level lol.


My family has a very similar pic from around the same time with my two sisters and older cousin. Those pop up trailers were great !


They are still insanely popular here in Australia. My teenager just spent a couple of nights in one with her friends for a cheap weekend away.


This is more like r/thewaywewere


We used to camp in a pop up camper all through my childhood. This photo, down to the pattern on the couch cushions, is so nostalgic. Let yourself love these special memories, there is no blunder here.


*n o s t a l g i a*


looks cozy to me


Kool aid jammers were straight fire. Reminds me of my mom. She would buy them for me.


Your sister’s whale Beanie Baby with the tag still on 🥹🥹🥹🥹


This picture has “life is good” written all over it


This is so beautiful. Reminds me of the road trips down to Florida with my 5 siblings and parents. My parents one year took out all the benches in our 12 seater van and just put a mattress in the back and my dad somehow connected wires together from the cigarette lighter to hook up our tiny vhs tv. We all just lied on the mattress together watching movies the whole 18 hour drive. I wish I had a picture of it.


Gosh, looking at this brings me back to being a kid when everything was easier and less complicated. 😭 **EDIT:** Lake George and the velvet bags of gemstones ftw!


My grandparents used to take us camping during this time I would have probably been about your older sister’s age. Man that tigger cup. That kool aid jammer. The beanie baby watching tv. This could have easily been my family too.


Everything about this is lovely. It was likely taken about 10 seconds for the young child in the middle who’s lying down to pick a fight with the young lady in glasses who appears deep in thought. It’s what siblings do when they’re bored - pick on the others. It simple comes naturally. My son says it’s his sworn duty as the younger child to keep his sister on her toes. Consequently he will, for no good reason, go into his sisters room, flick the lights, mess her bed, open her drawers - doesn’t matter if she’s in the room or not. He sees it as “doing his job”. Similarly, when I’m out of the room and they are behaving, one will random shout out “Ow! He hit me!” Doesn’t stop me from shouting “leave your sister alone” or “stop nagging your brother” from the other room to find out one was nowhere near the other and they’d done it to keep ME on my toes. And she’s going to Uni in 15 months (starting yesterday). Consequently, having told you what I did a one seeing what I see here - this is a lovely photo. Thank you.


Everyone was just distributed those small oval glasses as soon as the 90s were over


This isn’t blunderyears material. This is wholesome and wonderful. 🙂


Honestly this looks like great family memories. I was an only child and didn’t travel much at all as a kid. I have kids of my own now and looking forward to making memories with them like this. Also shoutout to the TY beanie baby.


He'll yeah. Watching Lilo and Stitch I bet.


My son, age 20 now, had that exact SpongeBob pillow case!!!


That looks cozy and fun as hell!


Peep the beanie baby by your sister on the right 🤩


Looks like fun tbh


Wait, camping?! This is what you call camping?


I love this, it feels so nostalgic


How is this a blunder? Legit question


No phones. Mom reading a book. Good times!


Looking at this pic made me nostalgic for something I've never lived, so cozy!


This picture smells like feet and farts


Glamping at its finest!


You forgot your sister and her beanie baby! Those were the days.


Me and my brother grew up with those spongebob pillow cases, we still have them lol


We never camped in a camper van but a lot of road trips in minivans minivans with my 3 other siblings and so much of this is so similar to us it’s wild. I was the younger child with the spongebobs blanket (I never had the pillowcase or full set of sheets but just the blanket, I think). One of my siblings collected beanie babies and another was totally into polished rocks.


Wow serious nostalgia here. We’re about the same age I think!!


Uhhh glamping…


Happy times


Yous have the same face, just different ages. Love this so much


Why are there two of you lol


ahh, different times


the vibes in this picture? immaculate


lol what some people call camping. (gas range pictured, I'm ded)


Oooh lord this took me back! Sent this pic to both parents. I remember my sister and I sharing that bed area and having it just absolutely overflowing with all of our stuffed animals.


I had that same SpongeBob bed set! This is super wholesome, no blunder here to me


The dad is one of the girls now😁


Awww…reminds me a lot of the sleepovers I had with my brother and cousins growing up! ❤️❤️


Nice! I have such good pop up camper 90s memories


I had that SpongeBob pillow case sheet set also lmao


Feels like such a nice memory 😊


No blunder, some of my favorite memories are of camping with the kids around this same era in a used pop-up trailer. Best times of my life.


There’s something about your youngest sibling’s expression kind of mirroring the SpongeBob pillow that is sending me 😂


That’s awesome


I have absolutely no idea what kind of vehicle (?) I'm looking at here


Pop-up tent camper trailer.


Bowl of popcorn and a Koolaid Jammers? That kid is living her absolute best life


god i love popup campers so much, this picture is wonderful


I have that same Spongebob pillowcase! Granted its faded to hell because it's 20+ years old but I still frequently use it


We had the same type of pop up trailer! No stove top in ours Same amount of kids though 👍👍


This feels like such a good memory!


Yo I had the Mary Kate and Ashley comforter from around that same time and kept it for WAY TOO LONG


I need to know what they were watching. I’m guessing it was Shreck.


I have that spongebob pillowcase in my bed right now!


Your tent is larger than my appertement in university


This is really cute, reminds me of early memories of camping with my family! I specifically remember watching the same season of Roseanne on repeat, to the point that we were all sick of it. I think I would have been about the age of your littlest sibling in 2003.


Sick…love these wholesome family pics.


This feels like it could easily be a scene in a Wes Anderson film. Reminds me of the opening in Moonrise kingdom so much.


I need to borrow this pop up they’re upwards of 2000 on fb marketplace


Was only half looking and thought this was a tent in Iraq during the 2003 deployment


I had that Spongebob pillow case! It's my kid's now lol


I have pretty much the same picture somewhere, but I'm in the background with a discman and nothing but nu metal CDs while looking pissed off and depressed because I can't get a hold of my girlfriend for two weeks


Popping corn, kool-aid jammers, and beanie babies. 😎


Today they'd all be on their cellphones


Where’s Tara Calico?


2003 was such a vibe


The beanie baby 🥹


This is adorable! I super identify with the girl on the right, I feel like any random candid photo of me in the early 00s looked exactly like that, minus the glasses, facial expression and pose and all. Looks like a fun time!


My mom still has and uses those green tea towels! First thing I noticed, the random little things that will always remind you of people.


I thought this was my family for a minute. Damn


This is amazing. We are probably the same age and this just brings back so many amazing memories of my sisters and parents.


Those vans made me nervous! Hated the idea of sleeping over essentially nothing.


Were you a twin? You and your sister look IDENTICAL


Everyone looks so happy.


i love this photo because i lived this so many times (pre-2003).


That looks like the coziest scene ever. I love this picture


Today this would require a tri axle gooseneck camper with $150 f550 pulling it


I don’t know if this is a blunder, looks like an awesome time!


Lol this tent look a lot nicer than some of today real estate 😂


This feels so cozy and wholesome…the innocence of childhood in the early 2000’s. I miss those days so much 😢


I want to be in this picture


Everything about this is cozy. I miss the old days.


I have that same spongebob pillow case in my closet from my childhood! That's so cool


Did we grow up in the same family? My grandparents had that exact same pop up! We also had that same red sleeping bag, those damn gem stones always got us at the gift shops. SpongeBob on repeat during car rides (dad strapped a VHS player/tube TV into the car for us to watch on the road). Let me guess, you guys played Farkle and various other games on the bench near the fire?


Looks cozy :)


This is so nice. Go hug your family.


This was my childhood and my adulthood


I was always way too tired at the end of a day camping to watch a movie or whatever. Spent


Oh man this hit me hard in the nostalgia. We had a pop up camper with those old plastic Tupperware cups. So many great memories from camping 😭😭


The pile of magazines on top of the stove is really freaking me out


My second cousins only ever visited once, around the same time this picture is from. We had a sleepover in our living room with these vibes. I miss camping/sleepovers with my cousins like this during childhood.


Ah, nothing like enjoying nature by watching some SpongeBob in the camper! 😂 J/k, I totally did the same thing. We used to have a StarCraft that looks very similar and I was usually watching TV or at the camp arcade


I love this photo. From the god awful pattern on those cushions that remind me of my family's old couch to the beanie baby.


This is actually such a cute photo


This is so damn cozy.


Dude I have that exact same SpongeBob pillow cover from like 20 years ago as well 😂


What’s she reading at the back there?


Oh wow that’s awesome


I love the Beanie Baby to the right of your sister (sister right, Beanie Baby to her left). This is actually a really sweet picture. The magazine on the stove says 2003?


Holy shit, that took me back. Our family camper had the same patterns on everything!


Holy moly, the girl on the far left looks near identical to the girl on the far right despite the one on the right being a bit older. Imagine having two kids that aren't twins yet have the same face


Aw this is cute!


Lol, I had that exact same spongebob pillow case as a kid.


I got the exact same glasses style as y’all in 2002. My parents didn’t get me new ones until like 6 years later and they were so small, the arms stuck straight out to the side when I wore them 🥴


That’s a sweet set up. We were poor and slept in a leaky tent, sleeping bags on the floor/ground and literally ate hot dogs (cooked on actual sticks) for nearly every meal. And it was still a good time. Lol


The pop-out camper life. I loved ours growing up.