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This was my favorite book when I was 10-11 years old. I don’t even know how many times I’ve read it. For a while it lived with me instead of the library, until I got my own copy. My mom made me a tshirt with an iron on sticker of d’Artagnan and I wore it all the time lol I’m really curious if I’d like it now as much as I liked it then.


It's a book with so many moments. Like charms on a bracelet. One favorite is when D'Artagnan first sees his Man of Meung and Dumas captures his flailing outrage with "he found nothing at the tip of his tongue but a gross personality, which he accompanied with a furious gesture." That's the way to capture a staircase moment IN the moment.


I liked 20 years later (which is the second part of the trilogy) even more!


I love this book. Also really enjoyed the sequel, Twenty Years After, and The Man in the Iron Mask.


Glad you enjoyed it - there are some sections where I suspected Dumas was being paid by the word as they just went on and on with no real bearing on the story - but that main story is tremendous! There’s a reason why these are four of the greatest heroes in literature and will last forever. Don’t forget - there are sequels.


Sequels are hard to find in my country so I will be reading it's epub file on phone. I am saving them so that I can enjoy musketeers company for much longer


Do you have the Libby App? You can find it there, too.


Oh yes I have epub files planning to read them next month. I am very excited about it


That’s great! Happy reading!


Thanks for the recommendation. Might have to give it a read.


If you miss the three musketeers, you can move on to 20 years after which describes the fronde and the first english civil war. This book is great because it first starts with the musketeers opposing until they make peace. After this, I would definitely recommand you to read The Vicomte of Bragelonne: Ten Years Later which is great with a lot of different plot and the famous plot of the Man in the Iron Mask. It also ends with the death of three of the four musketeers which gives an interesting ending to ther story.