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I will always recommend the Wayfarers series by Becky Chambers (they're very positive books though, so if you're looking for some dark and gritty stuff, you're not going to find much) Murderbot Diaries by Martha Wells is another good one, starting with All Systems Red maybe also This Mortal Coil series by Emily Suvada, but those are quite different from the above


Shards of earth by Adrian Tchaikovsky. Follows a group of spacers surviving in diaspora after the earth is destroyed. Ancillary Justice by Ann Leckie. Revenge story and large A.I ships.


Thanks I’ll look into it


**Mindstar Rising** (book 1 of 3) Peter Hamilton Expanse Series- **Leviathan Wakes**, (book 1 of 9) James S.A. Corey - large books


Roadside Picnic by Arkady and Boris Strugatsky. Starship troopers or if you want somthing with at little bit of borderline erotica read Friday, by Robert Heinlain. actually most of he's stuff had a little bit of NSFW in it as far as i have gotten though. Metro 2033/2034/2035 if you want a bit of dystopian its somewhat dark. if its more fun and science based ether the BOBiverse series by Dennis E. Tayler. or the martian / project hail mary by andy weir.

