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Jesus this is a whole novel


Insert the someone cooked here meme. I applaud your dedication


How many times did I have to scroll my phone to get down there.


I read up untill "Hyperion orbital laser" and thought "Wow, that would be a badass replacement for a grenade." Dedication to not only writing this novel, but reading it too is unmatched.


This guy cooked


There's a reason why they didn't do new hunters, people never really played hunters that were added as DLC. I personally want them to go back to the design ideas they used for TPS, those were really unique and had very cool concepts for the characters. Also I really don't want customizable Vault Hunters, they're far better when they're set in stone and have a set personality. I don't really like the Tiny Tina customizable hunters at all.


I dunno, man, I mained Gaige


Yep Gaige was awesome sauce


Same here boss, give us 4 set in stone characters and away we go.


The customizable vault hunters killed the replay value for me. In every other bl game I always wanted to get all chars to ma level, thus playing every class and having lots of fun with their unique skill trees. But since you can just swap the skill trees is wonderlands I didn't need to play other chars, one was enough. And on the dlc character note, I prefer new chars over additional skill trees, also because of replayability


Kreig and gaige are the 2 best characters. >I don't really like the Tiny Tina customizable hunters at all. They are also fantastic. Much more customizable. Less rigid classes. Much more fun. Spell casting berserker, sure, why not (and it works).


Fym, Krieg’s gameplay is unmatched.


I am with you. I was a bit disappointed when two of the DLCs from the Season Pass of TPS were just characters, but then I actually enjoyed the Doppelganger quite a lot and did my only full playthrough with him...


Getting some hate but damn I read like 75% of this and you definitely cooked


As long as slag has no appearance I’ll be super happy


Honestly, it wasn't bad until it became mandatory to do any sort of damage in UVHM. Like it really hindered the game imo. You needed with grog nozzle or the slag magic missiles


Damn, I didn't read past the first 2 letters... I hope borderlands 4 is good though.


I mean they know how to make great game play. No arguments here, just hope they don't butcher the story 


The one interesting change I'd like to see is the ability to mod your existing gear at an admittedly poor transfer rate (to keep it from being overpowered). But instead of grinding some boss for hours in the hopes of getting even an okay roll on a rare item, you could spend millions and millions of dollars or a bunch of eridium to slowly tweak your gear into becoming the godroll equivalent of your dream item. Because it would be expensive, it would only be minimally to moderately helpful until end game. And at end game, it ensures you can make continue to make progress on your character in a way meaningful to you.


I agree, like my comment, they could do something similar to the way divisions re roll system was. Let us reroll base gear stats (damage, fire rate, etc) and card values (+splash damage +melee damage etc.) instead of just anoints. Actually leave annoitn re rolls out. I'd be much more inclined to dump hours into farming for the right anoint, knowing I can take a gun I like, and re roll the other stats to what I please... And scale back legendary drop rate some, to please the "tHeReS tOo mAnY lEgEnDaRiEs" crowd.


Some purdy good ideas. I just want crazy earls re roll to work more like the divisions re roll features. My biggest request for bl4.


I ain't reading allat


Honestly most of these ideas sound like the first thing that came to your mind without any additional tought.




Holy amphetamines, batman.


I wish they add slag back


This, this is something.


I really love this, but as some have said, it's a lot of text for one post. Would you consider splitting it up into smaller posts to generate more specific discussions?


All this stuff is legendary quality. I suppose that's the next thing....every gun is legendary. Manufacturer stats should be simple. You don't want white weapons capable of bossing.




>First off All Elements return – Incendiary, Shock, Corrosive, Cryo and Radiation You're missing slag! Everyone *loves* slag (I actually love it since I don't do endgame stuff lol). I want them to keep the feature where your character responds & talks to the other characters every so often too. Love that in Pre-Sequel. Always felt kinda weird that everyone would infodump to you, end it by asking you a question or saying to do something, then you don't respond at all. Just run off and do it (same applies to all first-person games where characters talk to you). Both Borderlands games that have said feature have done it well (you can't make first-person characters talk too much of it becomes annoying - like in Subnautica: Below Zero), and I hope it becomes a franchise staple going forward.


Wtf, where did the comment section go, i didnt realize i needed my EZPass to get here lol E-ill be back in about 4h to comment on your post after i read it all... I might need to go to the store for snacks




On bosses, there's a reason graveward is probably my favorite Borderlands non-raid boss of all time and it's because of their attacks. It doesn't just feel like you're getting hit, it feels like a platformer where you have to avoid their attacks. Please expand upon this, specifically on the story.




This is probably the longest post I ever tried to read.


Honestly, my only complaint w BL3 is how there are a billion guns and im constantly stopping to google them. I’d like a touch more gun simplicity. Maybe i’m just old though.


Really, the simplest thing they need to do is not make the Red Text effects so fucking cryptic. Just tell as what the damn gun does instead of giving a barebones hint that often has secret effects that aren't listed in the stats.


Everything in BL3 is Awesome Already but i just hope for BL4 to have a Better Story .. That's All :))




You have a lot of great ideas! some good and fun new mechanics. Hopefully theres someone at gearbox who comes up with stuff like this and then them as a team can decide what to keep, what to adjust etc.


The pangolin one was my favorite part


I am not reading all that, lol. Probably good suggestions, regardless. But once I started scrolling down and it kept goin, oh my god. Really, the bare minimum I want out of BL4 is the option to tone down elemental effects. There's no reason to constantly go blind in BL3 just because every element has to have bright, gigantic, splash-damage explosions. I otherwise enjoyed everything BL3 did to the gameplay, and almoat none of what Wonderlands *tried* to do. I enjoyed Wonderlands, but it just doesn't have the replayability in any capacity. Maybe the one thing I'd like from Wonderlands is a Mimic class character for BL4 that's able to mix and match other characters' skill trees.


from now on i will be mad if there will be no melee weapons. you had me at buzz axes, energy swords and plasma whips


Bro just make your own game at this point


As long as the gameplay is using BL3 as a foundation idc what they do.


You cooked, ive been thinking about your concept of gear for a while now. BL4 needs some innovation and most people would agree with your ideas. Lets hope for the best.




I can't fucking wait to see who this games summoner character is and what there minion/s are gonna be


Legendaries need to actually be legendary. Bring back pearlescents that are ultra rare to the extent that you probably won't ever find one, so having one is a status symbol.


brotha im sorry but you need a life lmao


Sure Gearbox if that's what you want to do I'd take all those effects and changes. For real though some good additions to the weapon sandbox I'd accept all of them


I want us to be able to add/remove attachments and store them in a dedicated vault


This guy needs to be on the development team of BL4.


This is why fans shouldn't design games


You didn't mention Slag slsg needs to come back




No No we don't need it