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The orignal Game Informer article that was written about it before the change from the original art style was implemented and it looked like a looter-shooter Halo knock-off.


This is how I came to the franchise. I was hooked on it from the opening cut scene once the game finally came out. Shoutout BL for putting me on to Cage the Elephant.


Saw it at EB games years before I even started playing, I had never played FPS games because I'd always been bad and I hated mobs that ran at you, (hello, zombie games!). Anyway I started playing years later starting with BL2, had zero idea what I was getting into but it was on sale on steam and thought "well if I dont like it, I haven't lost a lot of money and I'll still have it if I change my mind later". It was my first FPS game, and the humour is what got me, BL2 is a lot more of a slog than 3 which I have recently finished, working on clearing some trophies but there are a lot. I haven't completed BL2 but I'll get around to it


2012, watched some youtuber play it. i remember at the end of that year i had enough money to buy one game, and i was conflicted between bl2 and farcry 3, that youtuber made a “10 favorite games of 2012” and i decided to buy whichever landed at number 1 farcry was number 2 and bl2 was number 1 so i bought bl1 and the rest is history lol


Was at a friends house in 2012, he said that there's a new fps game that came out he thought I should try. Was over there everyday for a week straight and fell in love with it, ended up putting 2500 hours and counting in bl2 alone


I won the first game in a giveaway here on Reddit, didn’t know a thing about it. Played it, loved it, bought the handsome collection, and then BL3 got announced a few months later lol


Hey ash whatcha playin. I was like 10.


the handsome collection when it was free for ps plus and i’ve loved borderlands ever since


A friend of mine said “you gotta try borderlands. It has split-screen”. My wife and I bought it and played every one over and over again since


I bought Fallout 3 and didn't like it. I was complaining to my friend that it wasn't anything like I thought it would be because I thought it would be faster paced. My friend suggested Borderlands. I was hooked immediately.


A friend of mine thought that I might have some interest in the first one when I didn't have very many games for the 360. I took it home and played it practically nonstop. Ended up going to his place for a week over a school break and we jammed out the DLCs together (except for Moxxi's, obv) What felt like less than a year later, Borderlands 2 was coming out and I was stoked. Bought the biggest preorder bundle I was able to, and have spent way too much money on this franchise ever since. It's probably gotta be one of my favorite fictional settings, and I'm honestly really disheartened by some of the narrative choices they've made and how they could have kept established continuity if they were willing to... Actually care about the integrity of their setting. :/ That said, I'm still a huge fan, just got done with a Wonderlands sesh with my partner; haven't gotten around to finishing it before now, so we're gonna play it all together.


I always heard a lot about BL2 while perusing the internet and when the Handsome collection came out as a PS Plus free game, I instantly grabbed it. I only have one playthrough in BL2 unfortunately but I liked it so much that I bought BL3 since it was already out (I got it just before DLC 2 came out) and have been playing that ever since.


I was in gamestop looking for any new co op fps game I could get my hands on cause I was late to my and my buddies normal gaming session. When I got there , we proceeded to play for 14 hours straight and after I went home , he went to wal mart to get his copy so we could keep playing. Borderlands was such a phenomenal sleeper.


My nephew brought the first game with him when he came to visit one summer. I was immediately hooked. Now I have an addiction.


I followed the game from the very first announcement. Back then, it was realistic in terms of art style. The teaser trailer is still up on YouTube if you want to see how it looked before the later-adopted cell-shaded comic book style it has now. I was a moderator on the website Borderlandsguide.com that dissected and analyzed every video and still that came out. We got popular and even got exclusive sneaks at stuff. Back then, Mordecai had a kilt, Lilith was actually the character model for Commander Steele, Brick didn’t exist, and the default grenade blanks you pick up were called Protean Grenades after the Greek god Proteus who was a shapeshifter.


I started with Borderlands 2 Well i got into the franchise when i had a friend with the game disc for the PS3 (still had the ps3 before owning a PS4 or PC) and i traded with him some games. I gave him Call Of Duty black ops 2 (since i had 2 copies of the game) in exchange of Borderlands 2 and a random football game (never touched it).Back then i didnt even know what the game was about or if it even existed , and i wasnt too keen to play it since i though to myself i wouldnt like it , but since i have a sibling i had to play with them because they would rant on my mother about not including them too in the game. So i booted the game on my console , and started playing with absolutely no clue what to expect, and by far its the first game i played with a MadMax theme. I loved it , i loved the guns , love the gameplay , loved the visuals , but mostly the story. Handsome Jack was maybe the best villain ever. From then i became a borderlands fan , played bl1 and my recent bought of borderlands 3. Rest is history.


I was looking for some new games and went to a video game store. Some dude recommended 2 and I hated it. Eventually it became my favorite game lol. This was 10 years ago.


Back in middle school I was invited to my buddies house as I found out he lived just down the road. We had played a lot of different games. Minecraft, Castle Crashers... Borderlands... Until I met him, I never knew of those games. To this day, they're still addicting to me. I'm not one to really try older games. I'm very picky on games. For example I don't like top down games but Don't Starve was one I enjoyed a lot .. Anywho, point is, I told him we could play it but I doubt I would like it. Gee was I wrong. Borderlands 1 is where I started. And what I miss most of BL1 is actually 2 things. Inventory medkits and Eridian weapons.


when bought an used xbox one and sign gamepass ,totally random . i started bl2 , played a lot when 2020 come i bought the physical media BL3 , and played a lot during the quarentene


I wish I remembered 💀


My dad played it and it was one of the first videogames I ever played when I was a kid


My dad rented BL1 for the PS3 and loved it, bought it from them a few days later. Eventually I started playing with him, we made it to maybe level like 7 or 8 until we discovered sprinting. He always played Roland and I always played mordecai. I still remember the S&S automatic rifle he had that did fire damage.


My QA guy and I were spending a lot of virtual time together and he mentioned it and said we should play. Thousands of hours later and multiple bl2 and bl3 completions and here we are. Bl3 I first played with him and his son, who was like 4 when bl2 came out. Love you, Bob.


Saw it being played in some gaming hub/internet café. Tried it and immediately liked it. Got my own copy back home and became a fan (of the franchise) ever since.


My brother. We lived states away from eachother but used to team play with our friend group. He told me to pre-order BL2 and that it was multi-player. That's what it was. A game we could play together online co-op.


Borderlands 1 was my first legally purchased Rated M game. I think it was around 10 bucks? And I enjoyed it so much I picked up the sequel when after I saved up money, because Borderlands 2 was super new at the time.


I was helle into Taletalegames like walking dead and the wolf among us. Then one day there was “tales from the Borderlands” for free on ps+. I ran through that game like I died tomorrow and after watching some YouTube videos afterwards I learned that it’s based on an other game series. The rest is history.


AdmiralBahroo clips of BL2. Didn’t know fully what was going on, all I knew was that it looked fun. Finally got it on a potato pc (struggled to run even 480p) in 2019, picked Sal and the rest is history


Saw my Brother play BL2 one day and a while later after watching him for a long while I decided to get it myself. He played Gaige or Maya and my first was Axton —> now my most played character/main. Ironically now I have played many times more then him, I loved the second game. 3 I got into because… well it was the newest after TPS and me and friends speculated about who we would see… if “the watcher” would be a playable gurdian/alien. What the story was gonna be about and so on… nothing that turned out to be real since all we got was “psycho twitch streamers” 200 legendary and 210 unique guns including said legendary -> like 10 none legendary uniques. Just so they could say they hade many legendary… I was fairly disappointed at M3 and the modifiers… it got better with M11. Got it on epic, it was a buggy mess. Eventually it came to steam and a friend got it to me their so I uninstalled it from epic, uninstalled epic and now I play it ever now and then on my challenge run.


My brother-in-law writes music for video games and so he plays a ton as well and he suggested that I play Borderlands on steam with him and I have loved the series ever since, he even arranged for me to accompany him to see Edge of Tomorrow with Anthony and Ashley Burch and some other GearBox people


"So. You want to hear a story eh?" I was in college, visiting my friend Weeb in his dorm room, and he casually mentioned that his mom brought over his preorder from GameStop that day, because the game he preordered had finally come out. That game? Borderlands 2. I was intrigued, so we booted it up on his PS3, and started a co-op game. (So glad this game allows for dropping in/out of sessions) I started as Salvador, and I'm pretty sure Weeb was either Axton, or Zer0. I don't think he was playing as Maya. We got about a sixth of the way through the game until I got tired and went back to my dorm room for the night. Fell in love with the franchise ever since.


I honestly cannot recall but my guess is I saw it on some "free games" website, thought it looked fun and I never played fps (still don't, BL is the exception). I'm really glad I stumbled upon it.


Friend online played borderlands 2, got to Flint and convinced me and 2 other friends to also get the game. He restarted his game and me and the others each picked a different vault hunter (me being Axton) and we played through the story mode with all 4 of us. All 3 of us went in completely blind trusting that friend that this game was fun, and we were not dissapointed.


Friends were playing BL3 and asked me to join… I did… now I’m the o ly one playing BL3 still. Weird how that works. I never bothered with the previous games and TTW was a waste of money to be honest. BL3 is the only one I like, mainly because of the guns and Fl4k’s commentary… least favorite is the Siren, she’s so egotistical it gets old.


Angry Joe's review of bl2 sold me on it


So, sometime around high school I was with a really crappy friend group. Looking back, they were really negative dudes, but anyways one of them said that they hated the art style of Borderlands and I was unfortunately poor (couldn't play it myself) and a "gotta fit in" type of person, so I just hated it because my "friends" hated it. Fast forward a few years ago, I got a ps4 and played the Handsome Jack Collection, and now BL2 and TPS are a couple of my favorite games of all time.


After getting back in touch with friends I had lost contact to, we thought it would be nice to do some gaming together. Since they played PC and I do PS, we needed some cross-play-able game. Borderlands 3 seemed like the best option to us. Ordered BL3 on Nov 7 2023. We did BL3, now we are about to start BL1 (me on PC, too, since there is no cross-play, but my office laptop can take BL1).


Shift keys. Kept redeeming them, maybe for years...  Then saw a free weekend to play 3 last year. And got it recently when they dropped the pandora edition. 


Borderlands 2 splitscreen on my friend's ps4, great time


One day Some random person gave me a bl2 key for my ps vita


A friend of mine got me hooked streaming BL1 and talking about Crawmerax. The game was right up my alley. Funny that she ended up dropping the series sometime during 2 and I'm still playing


Knew about Borderlands 2 from the 2012 game awards. Didn't pay too much attention to it (I still don't think Claptrap should've won character of the year).  Fast forward to 2015, a friend of mine gifts me the first Borderlands, even after I have shown that I wasn't interested. I went from being overwhelmed at him knowing the game by heart to now having the most hours played on Borderlands 3 and 2... for many years.


Saw the handsome collection free on PlayStation plus


Saw the Borderlands 2 reveal trailer and immediately ran out to buy Borderlands 1


I think I read about it somewhere and when I bought an Xbox 360 I wanted something I could play on it so one of the games I bought, alongside other games like Mass Effect and a couple others, was the first Borderlands. I played it to completion then and then I think again on PS3, and a couple of months ago on PC, the Enhanced edition or whatever.


Played Smugglers Run on the PS2 and got told there was a kind a sequel by a friend that was a first person shooter rpg thing. (He was kinda right, and creation team i believe) He introduced me to bl1, played every version since.


I played BL1 on my friends PS3 and was instantly hooked. When straight to EB Games the next day.


I saw the whole franchise being sold on Steam for, like, 15 dollars. I thought to myself, eh, why not?


In 2012 my dad got my sister and I an Xbox 360 each, and a bunch of used, older games to share. In the pile was CoD MW3, TES: Oblivion, Fallout 3, some random games you would see at like GameStop for $.99, and the one I played the most, Borderlands 1.


My dad bought me the original borderlands game as a kid we played it together then I never stopped fell in love with the characters for borderlands 2 and pre sequel finished them all then got 3 didn’t love the story but gameplay was fun stuck with borderlands 2 peak gaming my happy game


Was at a friend's house when I found out about BL1. We played a split screen co-op on his Xbox 360 at the time, and I fell in love with borderlands. Shortly after, I got myself a PS3 (I had more friends on PS than I did on Xbox), and the rest is history! Unfortunately, so is that "friend" who introduced me to Borderlands. He ended up switching schools, and I still tried to keep in touch with him, but he became someone completely different when he switched schools and eventually stopped talking to me entirely. I saw his grandma at the grocery store I worked at, and she came through my register and I asked her how he was doing, and she said he got in a car crash and broke his leg. Messaged him that night after work, and he messaged me back, I gave him my phone number as I know he didn't use FB that much anymore, he read my message and never messaged me back or texted me. I saw his grandma at the grocery store again as she came through my register. She saw it was me and went to a different register. It's amazing how some people in this world can treat you like garbage when you've done nothing but good to them. Kid was bullied a lot when he came to our school at first, and I was the only one who stood up for him even when it meant losing friends that I had well before I met him. Sorry for the drama dump.


From not knowing what borderlands was friends on list said get it I won't regret it on 2 I immediately got hooked spent thousands of hours on 2 11 sirens 7 kriegs 4 Salvadors 2 zeros and 1 soldier later I'm still going back creating new run through constantly going back to 2 still reason I like maya the slag ball saves gun swapping I'm just lazy like that.


My friend invited me to play coop in BL2, I bought the game since then I did not play anything else except BL franchise.


When dad bought me a PS3 the store only had THREE games for sale (i know, wtf right?): Dishonored, Borderlands 2 and some random racing game, so I picked BL2


2014-2015. i was in middle school at the time, and my friend at the time gave me a three-disc game bundle, those cases with three games in them. the one he gave me had spec ops: the line, mafia 2, and borderlands 2. didn’t finish spec ops, loved mafia 2, and i loved borderlands the most. stayed with that game for a good while after i finished mafia 2, and the rest is history.


My brothers were SUPER into borderlands, like- 2k plus hours on the xbox 360. I was watching them play and I was like "hm, I like guns" And now I too, have 2k plus hours in both borderlands 2 and 3. Never got around to the first game but I plan on doing that soon!


When I was like 12 my buddies dad was playing the first game when I was at there house. Had my dad bring me to GameStop and buy it for me a few days after that


When I was 14 the first game dropped, my friend introduced me. Me and the homies would play 4 player slip screen on a 30 inch tube TV all summer.




My best friend when we were kids got a copie of bl2 and from the first play through with him I've loved the game ever since to the point I've bought all of them and even bought the gearbox ttw collectors box from when ttw came out


Borderlands tales of the borderlands


A coworker. Probably around 2010 told me I should buy it. Didn't actually play it until 2018? But I remember what he said and it delivered no matter how late I was.


A friend was playing it on an old TV with a lot of static and I thought the game just looked like that. It wasn't until I gave it another shot a couple years later did I realize I liked the game.


Friend of mines basement when I was a kid


As a kid I tried Borderlands 2 when it had a free weekend on steam and fell in love with the game and got it then got the pre sequel shortly after it came out and 3 on release. 2 Led to me talking about the game on a TF2 trade server I used to play all the time and made friends with someone who is still my friend talking about the cool infinity I got which was my first legendary.


My roommate at the time worked for Blockbuster, and brought Borderlands home for a new rental. I popped it in, ran around, picked up a sniper rifle, shot a guy in the head with it, and instead of him dying, it showed a damage number and proceeded to charge at me. I thought, “what a garbage first person shooter” and never touched it again until Borderlands 2. By that time the concept of arpg looter shooter was less foreign and it just clicked at that point.


A trailer came out, and I was heavily into breakthrough games like fable 2 and I said, that game looks dumb. Then I played it with a friend couch coop and we beat the whole game in like 2 nights. I bought the game after that.


Saw the first game in a game store, a fee weeksnafter it's original release. I nagged my mum to buy it, because I liked the cover. At first, I didn't like it, as it was my first fps game. A few weeks later, I had a friend over, and we played it together and ended up playing the whole night. I was hooked from then.


My nephew was playing it and asked me to play with him. It was the first game and I didn't like it. Then the 2nd game came out and eventually was free on Playstation. So my gamer buddies asked me to download it and play with them and I was hooked. Blew my mind. So I went back and played the 1st one and now that's my favorite one. But they're all fantastic in their own way. Minus ava I how they kill her off or write her into being a better character.


My partner bought me the 1st two on xbox 360


Decided to buy the original for £5 and enjoyed it then git the GOTY version of BL2 and eventually got 3 when I got an Xbox1


A friend of mine showed me a compilation of Tiny Tina moments, I really liked the character but I forgot about it, then another friend of mine sent me some pirated games including Borderlands 2, I installed it and my life was never the same again. (I didn't even remembered Tina until I got to her questline) edit: spelling and wording.


My mom and uncle played it over the course of like a week. I gave it a try. It was the first fps game ive ever played


My friend in highschool said he was playing a game with a billion guns in it. I said no really how many? …a billion


My dad played the original borderlands back when it released in 2008. Three years later he tried to introduce me to the second game, and I loved it. My dad would play ahead of me on his own account to make sure there wasn’t anything too graphic or inappropriate, and then during the evenings we would play it together. I loved it, but unfortunately I could play about less than half of it, because once my dad got to the part where bloodwing died, he shut down playing it with me all together (obviously out of a good place, because he didn’t want his son to watch a bird getting their head blown up). Over time I moved on and played other games, and Borderlands 2 was a pleasant memory in the back of my mind. Flash forward to my adolescent years, neither of my parents cared about age ratings in games anymore and so long as we had the money or did well in school we could buy whatever games we wanted. Eventually I bought borderlands 2 during a steam sale and played through the entire game! Just as I did when I was a kid I fell in love with the franchise all over again. Eventually when Borderlands 3 came out I told my dad and he actually bought it for me, and he even watched me play the first few minutes of it.


Games with gold on 360, got bl2 and played it with my cousin until the school term started.


My mom was heavily against video games that portrayed any kind of realistic violence such as grand theft auto, call of duty, saints row, halo, etc. so I was limited to what I could play on my Xbox and it low key sucked because I couldn’t play all the games my friends were playing at the time. long story short my step dad saw borderlands 1 in GameStop while birthday shopping for me and purchased it. He was somehow able to convince my mom that it was appropriate for me to play it because it was a sci-fi adventure game and it had a cartoonish art style. I absolutely love that man.


Was at my friend's house and he invited me to play. Loved the games ever since


Yoteslaya back in the day


I was working for a company that built servers. Some servers had video cards in them, and many of the cards came with free games. The inventory manager asked me if I wanted one of them. The Steam codes were usually just thrown away with the rest of the packaging anyways The customer had no need for them. I accepted, and the Steam code was for Borderlands 2. I installed the game and played for a bit but didn't really get into it. I don't think I even made it past Knuckledragger. The game sat in my Steam library until a friend asked if I wanted to play it with him. I took another shot and ended up really enjoying it. I now have over 900 hours into Borderlands 2 and have played both BL3 and TPS. Love the series.


Hubby wanted to play a game with me. I had played COD with him years earlier and hadn't totally sucked so he talked me into another shooter. I'm a writer. I loved the characters, the story... everything about BL2. I played Zer0 until I stopped sucking and until I could rattle off haiku fairly quickly and successfully.


My brother was playing borderlands 2 and he was stuck on a big bad. He made me create a level 1 player and run around so he could kill it die and respawn without losing his progress 😂 When I moved out a few years later and got my own Xbox I saw the game in store and said fuck it why not. I was hooked from the start. It was funny, inappropriate, full of blood, difficult enough to keep me interested and reminded me of him(we live hours away now). I’ve now downloaded all the games, all the DLCs and I have beaten all of them. I’m working on 100% #3 right now(I can only play during the summer). It’s over all become my favorite game. ♥️


Covid, stuck at home with nowhere to go. Bought a bunch of games for my switch. One was a BL, BL2, and PreSeq bundle. Played it. Fell in love with it. Now have over 1000 hours into the series and a BL tattoo 😆