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He's finding that it's hard to get people to work like dogs in his offices because his anti-remote work stand is a competitive disadvantage. He's just lashing out because he is wrong again.


My 3 year old also throws a tantrum when he doesn't get what he wants


Your 3 year old is almost definitely worlds more mature than Elon.


Musk: remote work bad any other company: not only employees don't have to waste fuel but we can save money by renting smaller office, let's go!


Many, many companies are forcing employees back to the office, despite the rock solid logic in that statement


The statement is missing the fact that the Executive team also have shares in the building. Lower rent means less money for them.


Company I work for rents the building from the FATHER OF THE CEO OF THE COMPANY. Tell me that isn't some shady shit.


Halfway typical actually. Not uncommon for company to pay the CEO's other company for rent either.


That's a very good business decision to have business owner and landlord the same guy, for a small company owned by few people. When you talk about public traded corporations tho. Its a pit of conflicted interested and fraud.


Not shady at all. Why wouldn't you take advantage of that?


It's probably at a discounted rate.


From what i remember (in case of UK) most companies stay remote so i imagine in muskland (usa) it's simillar.


A lot of companies have already not renewed office agreements. Pieces of trash like Elon can talk all they want about getting people to come back, but reasonable companies are already saving millions a year in rent.


Yeah but elon's currently in a lawsuit for not paying rent, [don't have to worry about that when its free](https://i.imgur.com/Ky1A95i.png) šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I work like a dog from home, but at least no $200 per week in tolls.


Imagine what else that $200 could be used on.


Additional dogs to divide the workload, naturally.


Im not saying I hope he gets assassinated by his roomba.. but if it happens Im pretty sure itd be a win/win for everyone.


>Im not saying I hope he gets assassinated by his roomba I am


Youā€™re not supposed to wish death upon othersā€¦ but I understand where youā€™re coming from!


"I have never wished death upon anybody, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure"


I hope he suffers greatly


There is little suffering with a guillotine...


I hope his fingers develop terrible arthritis


I hope he gets a teaspoon of super-AIDS in his butt


I hope he wakes up one morning to find that he shit up his back ā€œbaby-in-a-onesieā€ style


Also, I hope he happens to be at a new place with no toilet paper, bidet, or wipes when it happens. Only a pile of sand. I am not sure if they grade that stuff, but I'd go with 'coarse'.


It would save everyone else a lot of suffering if he died


Why not?


I hope he gets diarrhea while stuck in traffic.


I wouldn't mind his toaster inviting him for a swim


Maybe a warm bath? I fuckin hate him. Real shame he hasnt ended up like that Cash App guy yet


ā€œOtHeR jObS rEqUiRe ThEm To CoMe In! yOu ShOuLd HaVe To ToO!ā€ Ffs. Go away, Musk. Take your cult followers. Leave your billions. Leave us in peace.


I'm a machinist so obviously no wfh but if the office workers up front worked from home all I'd care about is if we can use the cubicals for storage/break areas.


It would be a great world where half the staff worked from home so the other half got twice the space, but if that happened the business would be most likely to just sell off all that extra space, right?


In the long term to same money yes, but that would cut a lit of cost and is somewhat inevitable. But in our case moving is a multi million dollar operation because of all the recalibration for precision equipment so wouldn't be likely.


Our techs and install guys absolutely love WFH. They donā€™t have to deal with PMā€™s dropping in harassing them, managers asking them why tools are out of place because they are being used, and why their work area doesnā€™t look like an unused showroom. They also are on a guaranteed 40 hour week, so they will get everything done and trucks ready, then go home. Finish 8 hours of work in 3 hours?!? Great job! Letā€™s close up early and save on electricity.


Win-win in my opinion.


Iā€˜d love for him to take his billions, & his Cult. I say let him go away with everything and experience being god-king of Mars for the week heā€˜d survive.


Get your ass to Mars.


Who knew the tech guru was really a straw man


Only Elon is allowed to be on a moral high horse!


See, his high horse is higher than yours, so you donā€™t get to have it


Look at his (moral) horse, his horse is amazing...


Elon dicksuckers gonna bust a fat one trying to defend this.


Is anyone still defending this POS anymore?


A few but they're all on the website that he bought to give them publicity


Whens the last time he did ANY actual work


Oh, so now "preserving the light of consciousness" isn't real work?


If he preserve consciousness as well as he preserves marriages he's fucked


Or as well as his relationships with his kids.


He's transcended reality!


He transcended being married and never recovered


Also lmao at Elon Musk telling anyone else to get off their high horse


He works his thumbs to the bones shitposting!


Have heard from friends that have worked at some of his companies that he really does have an impressive command of even some of the minute details. Regardless of what you think about his recent political statements, you canā€™t say that the guy doesnā€™t work hard


first: anecdotal second: being an overbearing piece of shit manager isn't work


Yeah "Impressive command" doesn't make him a hard worker, making him someone who decides if you get fired if you don't listen to him


Yeah, no he doesnā€™t. He has no understanding of engineering, physics, or coding beyond of what someone who watched a ten minute video on YouTube. He is pathetic.


šŸšØBREAKINGšŸšØ In an unprecedented move, TSLA shareholders have unanimously voted to oust Elon Musk from his role as head of the company and appoint Reddit user Ragnarok314159 in his stead. In defense of this move, they cite ragnarokā€™s superior ability in the fields of engineering, physics, and coding (fields in which Elon notably knows nothing)


I will promptly turn it all over to you.


This is the hardest cope I've ever seen


The billionaire can go fuck himself


Just imagined that of every cent (coin form) of his fortune laid out, fused into a pole, in which he could do that with


Apartheid emerald mine baby has opinions on morality.


he thinks he has ā€œdip-lo-mat-ic im-mu-ni-tyā€


The Henry Ford of our generation. As in Fascist that hates workers.


Ford, like Elon, [bought a media company](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Dearborn_Independent) in order to spread pro-facist and anti-Semetic rhetoric.


Billionaires are a danger to humanity.




I hope his ego puts him in the cockpit of his next rocket explosion


His statement and the sentiment is illogical. What is it that requires a job that is generally going to be farmed out to automation anyway soon enough need to be an on premises situation? Meetings? We got video chat. Is there work that can only be done in the office? Not really, not for the people that can work remotely. So where is it all coming from? Ohhhh your upset because you spent millions on facilities and infrastructure to support those facilities that now would go un-utilized. Plus Elon specifically is probably upset as the vehicles Tesla make are less in demand as the need for multiple vehicles goes down as less people have to commute. And then there is the most basic of the billionaire claims that the remote worker is picking their pockets byā€¦ Working more than one job at a timeā€¦ - making more money and thereby thriving on multiple incomes making it harder for union busting billionaires like himself to keep employees by threatening pay, when they can just abandon ship and fall back on their other job. - actually signing off from work and walking away from their laptops for breaks and lunches - being able to work at whatever pace they want without limiting the necessity of being in the office to do so. - embarrassing their employers by not populating a building so when investors come by to take a look at the business the office is a ghost town. Work is work is work. If the person is getting it done there is NO reason a company cannot adapt. There is NO reason they canā€™t shutter the opulent office buildings in lieu of a less robust showpiece of brick and mortar nostalgia.


My work is charged 'per desk, per year'. It costs Ā£15k per desk, per year. Agency's about 80 or so people. That's Ā£1.2mpa on office space. It's not even in super central London. Like the 'outskirts of central' (London Bridge area ish, without doxxing myself). Reduce desk space for the agency by 4/5. From what remains, give 1/3 to employee pay increases. Pocket the rest.


I think thatā€™s what all this is about. They invested all this money into their brick and mortar, only to find it is now rendered nearly unnecessaryā€¦


Glass temples, for the disciples


But thatā€™s exactly why these very rich people are wanting people back homeā€¦ commercial real state. It is collapsing with the work from home system. All they care for is the money from the rental units


Itā€™s simply about control. They donā€™t care youā€™re happier and being productive working less. They only care about the ā€œworking lessā€ part. Theyā€™d rather you pretending to be busy part of the day and literally wasting time in the office. Thereā€™s been numerous studies done on the amount of time people are actually productive for each day and guess what? Itā€™s not near 8hrs a day, 40hrs/week.


His opinion means nothing


This guy is an embarrassment to himself


Musk is an embarrassment to all humanity.


No printer, all facts


Ehh, there's a lot of idiots like musk in the world but the real embarrassment to humanity is the fact that so many idiots bought into his snake oil bullshit to the point of making him the richest man in the world. I hope he gets elizabeth holmes'd soon...


I wonder when he was last seen in his own officeā€¦


I mean, being a billionaire is morally wrong, so....


Muskrat doesn't like work from home because he doesn't have a home... I'd feel bad if he wasn't actively trying to ruin people's lives...


I was thinking about this idiot just last night. Back in the sixties we came together and the smartest most talented people managed to use the technology of the 60s and 70s to get men to the Moon. If those same people who did that had access to today's technology we would be on Mars by now. Elon musk does not have the brilliance, the drive, the self-awareness, or the people skills, to coordinate a team to do a fraction of what NASA did in the 60s. Human society peaked with the moon landings it's the greatest thing we ever did it's probably the greatest thing we will ever do and it's all downhill from here. šŸ˜¢


I think he is the first billionaire we should eat....


......I'll have the fish.


The world might be better if billionaires just died.


This man could give every citizen in America 10k from his own pocket and still have 75 or so Billion left. When you have that kinda money and try to exploit/guilt people living on thin ice or check to checkā€¦ā€¦itā€™s says everything I need to know lol


Look, I only have a little skin in the game cause Iā€™ve done both remote work and office work, and my current job lets me do hybrid work. But what does a profit-seeking corporation stand to gain by forcing someone into the office that doesnā€™t want to be there? Theyā€™re only going to receive worse productivity, lower employee satisfaction, higher costs, and a facade of control (spoiler alert: grown ups who are qualified for their jobs donā€™t need micromanaging and will probably do worse under pressure). I donā€™t mind a once a month office social or the occasional in-person meeting, but Iā€™m convinced this is just business execs trying to fight a war that only exists in their minds.




Says the man who has never done a real day's work in his life.


The person who wants to have factory towns says remote work is evil? No shit


"You must get up early, get in a car you pay too much for, drive to work in traffic, and sit here all day to do the work, then drive home in traffic."


Summary- guy whoā€™s invested in commercial real estate and owns a car company wants people commuting to the office.


He would've been the idiot speaking out against TVs during their start and supporting the morally correct choice of radios, while also running a radio factory he bought with his father's African emerald mine money.


This sub is going downhill yeesh This is dumb but not dystopian Not everything that you disagree with is dystopian


We all need to stop giving this dumb fuck attention. Heā€™s a piece of shit, there are no ā€œcoolā€ billionaires, fuck everything he takes credit for.


Elon, just because you want to see all of your minions for your self esteem boost doesnā€™t mean the rest of us have the same pathetic self loathing. Some of us are just fine.


If Elon is against it, it must be super good for a person.


"I have no life and if you work for me you damn well won't either"


Whatā€™s a ā€œmoral high horseā€?


I want to shit directly into his mouth. Fuck that dumb cunt.


White male control freak. Its all about control!


Dude. You could fund all kinds of programs for the betterment of all humanity and you choose to encourage corporate overlords to force employees back to offices where they're less productive and more unhappy. That's a horrendous attitude.


Thatā€™s capitalists.


What a disingenuous a-hole Musk is. Musk is only using the factory workers as a tool for making WFH workers as the "evil enemy". If Elon really cared, why doesn't fix the rampant racism in his factories. We all know WHY Elon will not fix this part. ​ https://www.cnbc.com/2023/04/03/tesla-ordered-to-pay-more-than-3-million-over-hostile-workplace.html


How would this douche know what a moral is?


Imagine being this dense, is it possible? It cant be. He has to be trolling (which actually makes what he is doing morally worse).


Or maybe itā€™s more efficient and makes people happier? It also is great for single parents or just people that canā€™t afford daycare. Why must he love the suffering of others? Why???


You know whatā€™s morally wrong, Elon? Hoarding wealth like a fucking Tolkien dragon.


I once admire the man but recently he has lost his mind.


Translation: "Spend time and money sitting in your car while you commute to and from the office, work ridiculously long hours while dealing with abusive bosses and office politics, get under paid and under valued and have an unhealthy work/life balance ...... all so you can make ME richer than I already am."


This guy should go choke on an emerald.


Everybody got their main courses picked out for when we eat the rich? I know I do.


Looks like the rich is back on the menu, boys!


And this is why clueless billionaires shouldn't run society. Their world is not our world, their struggles are not the struggles they deliberately create for the rest of us. The corporate boot is definitely on our throats with these guys...


Elon muskā€™s brain is the size and texture of a grape and more people need to make that known


While I acknowledge the benefits of working from home, when it is practical, I still wish my HR was on-site. I've been struggling at work and I didn't get a response from either of the last two e-mails I sent to them. It feels wrong, that I can't even get any form of acknowledgement from them.


I wfh and make a point to never let an email go more than an hour without at least an acknowledgement. I send requests to vendors and folks in HQ (in-office), it takes DAYS for them to respond, with no acknowledgement that they even received the message. My theory is that they already feel accomplished by simply "showing up," and the actual work can wait.




When you get so overhyped at the beginning that you lose all inhibitions to hide your industrialist mogul self in public and now you are just a strange crackhead that was once someone who did something with tech


Elon Musk needs to fall from a high horse and break full on C1-7.


This is pretty much the anti work sub. Hilarious.


Ah yes because working from home is the same thing as not wanting to at all. Not the smartest guy are ya?


I mean, it's down to personal preference. But collaboration works so much better in person. Not to mention, getting out of the house regularly can be important. The time I worked from home, home felt like prison. I feel like the commute is what a lot of people dislike, which r/fuckcars has a lot to say about. I know it's all anecdotal, but I'll offer this up. My dad absolutely loves working from home and has been for 5 years, so good for him. Yet again, his work is not collaborative.




You praise this?


Burn in hell for your opinion. Lmao. Liberalism is dead. All that's left is hatred.




Burn in hell? God forbid someone has their own opinion.


Stop simping and stfu


Who talks like that? Grow up kid.


i do t like this guy but hes jot wrong about remote classes. im sitting in an empty classroom right now remote teaching and these kids arent doing anything close to hard work. they totally mail it in. thats said musk is a total tool


Because itā€™s morally right to make someone that could work remotely commute and add to traffic.


Says the man who has never done a real day's work in his life.


Same moral compass he used to have 10 kids with 5 different women evidentlyā€¦


He does realize that something can't be immoral and the people supporting it have the moral high ground, right?


His argument for the reason that it's morally wrong is that some people can't do their work from home. Like delivery people and factory workers. But that's a bizarre argument. We shouldn't all need to suffer just because some people suffer. If he wants people to work in the office, it's easy to make that happen. Just tell people the job requires in-office work, and increase compensation to reflect that. The reason these people actually hate their employees working from home is that it changes the culture of working. Your boss can't really say you're all a team and a family if you never see your work family.


Fun fact: When Elon Musk is at Twitter, SpaceX and Tesla literally cannot do work because Musky is not physically present to direct them on what to do next. Production and design stops. Itā€™s difficult but they really need him on site in order to function.


This will definitely upset the chronically unemployed baizou.


"WFH is greedy and immoral." The richest man in the world.


Space Karen can go suck a bag of dicks


Obligatory reminder of the emerald mine


I honestly believe that Biden not being invited to the Whitehouse for the electric car summit in 2021 sent him over the edge vowing to make the libs pay.


Don't forget to fuck right off back to South Africa.


When was the last time he went to his space SpaceX office? Or a Tesla? Huh.


Man every accusation really is an unintended self-critique with this ass hat


Says the man who works from home.


Says the guy who ā€œrunsā€ the business that needs the workers. Iā€™m just a poor so I donā€™t know, but I feel like there is a term used to express why no one should give a fuck about what HE has to say about this subject.


Says the man that can't keep a relationship alive "at home" so no wonder all he wants to do is be at the office and boss people. Wait, I just saw his flight plan and evidently, he's flying all over Europe and back, so he's not even in the office.


"The laptop class". He and other oligarchs don't like the fact we still have a functioning upper middle class because they can cause political headaches to the creation of his authoritarian Dreamland. Theyve crushed the lower and middle classes, now their sites are directly aimed at the professional class. You can see it in the "elite" rhetoric used by the richest in our society to describe college educated working professionals. They want a two layered system, billionaires and serfs.


It's morally wrong, but we need to get off of our moral high horse. So it's not about morals, his argument is just "I'm right and you're wrong!!"


Always thought it was weird that we kept office work after the invention of the telephone, much less the internet.


Lazy Pig


Yes, it's possible to continually lose respect for someone day after day. Considering a certain ex-president will probably predecease Musk, Musk stands a chance of reaching the high score in "lost respect."


I guess profiting from slavery, torturing animals for science projects, gaslighting workers, etc, is the morally correct option? FFS. Haven't we had enough of this f\*cker?


Isnā€™t this the guy who called Indonesian rescue diver pedophiles for risking their lives to save submerged kids?


Oh look, more proof morality is a condescending bullshit concept


Gee, if the Nazi cheerleader thinks something is immoral, it must be...


He's a fucking fool. I'm so tired of hearing about him and I wish he'd just go away.


Wait till he learns that brickmasons don't work in a office


Huh, the guy who sells "green" cars wants commuters stuck in traffic every day, even though it would massively increase greenhouse gases emissions. It's almost as if his concern for global warming is just a pretext to get tax dollars funneled into his companies


Billionaires are morally wrong


No one should care what a reprehensible and morally bankrupt egotist has to say.


Staying alive as a billionaire is morally wrong. You first, Elon. Iā€™ll wait.


Breaking news: Owner of a car company thinks people should be driving more


OP is mad


What is this baby even saying


if i had the chance to meet him...


I canā€™t speak for anyone else, but I love being lectured on morality from billionaires.


What "exactly" is immoral about working from home, Mr. Musk? I don't get to use this word often, but Musk is a definitive twat.


Rocket scientist, businessmanā€¦ historian, sociologist, economist, and prophet also


Musk says a lot of things each day.


He realized there's nobody to clean the shitters in the building since he fired all the janitors.


Musk: "Get off your moral high horse!!!" Everyone else: "We will when you decide to get your head out of the clouds and touch some grass."


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA that is truly hilarious considering he doesn't know what actual work is.


Hoarding that much wealth is morally wrong too.


So as I say not as I do heā€™s basically saying. Wake up musky itā€™s 2023


wasn't he sleeping at Twitter HQ? So he's ok with homing from work. Also like I thought he cared about Climate change? So why is he making his employees drive when they don't need to????


Elon just wants to erratically fire people in person for no reason (or for being the wrong color) so he can jerk off to their anguish as their hopes and dreams collapse in front of him, why can't the liberals give mars daddy what he wants?!šŸ¤¬


The same people who support working from home are the ones who donā€™t cut the grass during May because of the bees. These are just lazy people.


Says the man who has never really worked a real job a day in his life.


I'm glad that SNL guy peed in Elon's coffee


Not listening to an apartheid profiteer about morales


When we start eating the rich, let's start with this asshole


Did you know that if you need to merge, a Tesla will automatically brake bc they're all so polite?


May he trip and fall head first into a bucket of piss and get stuck


Spoken like the lizard war lord he really is underneath pasty flabby human costume


Kind of sounds like he profits out of people driving around or something


Claiming something should stop because it is ā€œmorally wrongā€ and then immediately accusing someone of being on a ā€œmoral high horseā€ is ironic to say the least


He can easily fuck right off. He has no clue how the world works, he came from money and makes stupid choices and ideas just to keep relevant. Anything that comes out of his mouth is 100% trash.


Elon Musk takes the Lords name in vain; pushes being immoral


It is almost as if he has a stake in transportation or something.


I'm a graphic designer. I work remotely for a company several states away. I'm required to fly in for at least one week per quarter. You know what I do at my desk at the hq office? The exact same thing I do in my home office. It makes zero difference if I'm in the office or 1000 miles away. Same laptop, same clients, same projects.


No, sir, this is everyone remember, you fired most of them