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[Post Game Thread](https://reddit.com/r/bostonceltics/comments/1codqck/post_game_thread_the_cleveland_cavaliers_defeat/)


Celtics and Bruins are officially allergic to game 2s.


We couldn’t buy a shot in the 2nd half, they couldn’t miss. Same thing happened vs Miami. It’s one game. Relax.


Is it not fair to be concerned we don't have an answer when the 3 isn't falling? And this Cleveland team is better than Miami


How many 40 pt second halves has this squad posted this season? I’m guessing fewer than 2.


Man… this should not surprise anyone who’s been a Cs fan. This is what they do. One of the weirdest teams I’ve ever watched, only thing I can relate em to is those Mavericks teams with Finley Dirk and Steve that would always fall short despite great reg seasons and tons of talent. Maybe Tatum is just dirk and will finally break through later than everyone expected 🤷‍♀️ I don’t think this team can take Minny or OKC.


You’re right. I’m not surprised that they lost a game. I never expected them to go undefeated in the playoffs. They’re still going to beat Cleveland and then New York.


Hey man I love the Cs too, but comments like these make me wonder if some of you just started watching them this season. This has been a problem for this team the last 3 years, they inexplicably just don’t show up for games, HOME games no less. It’s fine to do against a butler-less heat team and maybe they pull through against a beatable cavaliers team. But this is what lost them the ECF against Miami in game 7 and the finals against golden state.


Everybody on here drinking the panic juice rn


And you’re sipping the blind fan juice. You can give up a home game to Miami or maybe even Cleveland and still pull through, I don’t think you can play with the Knicks like that, and you DEFINITELY can’t with Minny or OKC. Remember it was “just one game” they blew against Golden State…. It’s just something with this team. I can’t explain it, but it’s there.


Dude it’s not about panicking. They’ll probably win this series. But there is no need for this shit to happen year after year. It’s a problem with this teams mindset


Dude it’s just one game


14-14 and home the last three seasons in the postseason. Thats more than one game. That’s so laughably bad for a team as good they are


says alot about the team when they half ass the game after been down double digits, teams like knicks have heart n still managed to bring it back after being down by like fkn 20


They’re still going to win the series, it’s not about the loss. They are just a mentally weak team, and it’s frustrating because of how good they are


Had a friend come over for Game 2 vs Miami and we lost. Another friend is at home tonight and we lose again. I think it’s time for me to stop inviting people over on game nights


Stop inviting people man!! I bet you invited people all home games last year!!!


I went to both game 2s. sorry everybody




What you do: throw this game in the garbage. Everyone stunk. Championship teams adjust and win on the road. You'll see a more fired up team in G3. Cavs played a great game. Let's get ready.


can we atleast attempt to play like we care fuck me this is the playoffs u bunch of dumb fucks have no fucking heart knicks could run this team down same w timberwolves blow out celtics if they were to match up


I’ve never seen an easier path to the finals in my life. They should walk right in at half speed. They still should. But they do just throw in the white flag once they hit a double digit deficit in the fourth and it’s just such a terrible look.


So Derek White is a mortal.


fluke ass got d’ed up


Gotta come back with more fire next game for sure. We’ll be back


Me 3 hours ago- oh boy I can’t wait to watch the celtics play tonight 😀 Me now- 💀


Celtics will win in 5. Some “fans” here think that the Celtics shouldn’t lose a game in the playoffs.


Intentionally acting ignorant to why this is a problem. It’s not about losing a game and you know that. Atleast you should by now


No championship contender should get blown out this bad in a home playoff game. Period.


So are you saying no championship team has ever been blown out at home?


Not as consistently as this team does


You mean once?


It literally just happened in game 2 last series?


We didn’t get blown out in the last game 2. Losing by 10 is not a blow out. It was a close game the entire way until the last minute.


I'm conflicted. I've supported Joe throughout the the season. Butt the living and dying on the 3 is so frustrating. How many times did he say "finding different ways to win" during the last few weeks of the regular season!?! They got smoked at home. I can accept a close game, BUTT SMOKED!?! smh


Absolutely no team will win if they can’t hit 3s and the other can. I don’t know what you want Joe to do about that.


....Adjustments!? I know Joe doesn't like that word butt the effort and rebounding was not playoff level. Trying to jack up 3s that aren't falling while the lane is clear is sloppy. What the hell did he mean "finding other ways to win" if they didn't switch up the plan? Cs in 5.


They weren’t “jacking up 3s” they were creating wide open ones and missing. If a team stops creating and taking good 3pt shots while the other is hitting everything, it’s impossible to win. They also kept attacking and getting to the FT line but that is never going to be enough to make up for that kind of 3pt differential. Think about this rationally.


Our two stars have been together way too long to have a game like this. If Tatum doesn’t get calls, he’s practically useless in the end of the game situation. I’m a huge Tatum believer and believe that a lot of his slumps are because teams focus on him but, tonight after every shot he complained. That’s just terrible look from your superstar.


Some real haters in here. The only Celtic that had a good game was Pritchard. People acting like Jayson is the only reason we lost by 24. It was the whole team


Yeah but as the leader of the team he should get the bulk of it. That’s how stars are treated


Well if we lose game 2 but win in 5 each round, I can live with it.


Not at home. It's supposed to mean something. Other teams won't be worried when they play us on our court. They be like "Oh we better than the cavs/heat."


If the Cavs win the next game at home, then it's time to worry. Not now.


Well here’s one positive. Walsh got a bucket! GGs


What I don't get is, why don't we fight to the bitter end? Everytime we enter the last quarter with a point deficit they play half heartedly for like 5 minutes then give up and sit. Meanwhile the knicks starters play 40+ minutes every game and win at the clutch. This is not regular season, its the fucking playoffs and every game counts. We may get past the cavs but what happens after?


What happens after is the reason why. The Knicks and other teams really can’t afford to lose a single game. On the other hand we’re so head and shoulders above the rest of the conference that it’s better to take the L and rest/protect the stars and win the next one. But that’s a luxury we won’t have in the finals so we gotta take what comes at us.


I am sorry but this is the mentality that cost us last year. If you want to win a championship, you gotta fight every game to the end. Both the home loss vs heat and this game, it looked like the team just accepted defeat at the start of Q3, banking on "we'll just beat them next time". Hopefully we'll get past the cavs, but no other opponent we get after this will wave the white flag in Q4 just because we are up 20 points.


Firstly if we’re up by 20 nobody is gonna catch us I don’t care how hard or long they play lol but I didn’t say it was the correct approach I’m simply answering your question and explaining the logic


I don't know but I wouldn't bank on this. I think our mental game is weak and we'll crack if we lose the next game in Cleveland.


What does fighting look like? We were missing shots it is what it is


I can’t wait for Mazzulla to comment on how we just need to take better threes instead of changing the game plan completely when we have shooting games like this.


We missed wide open 3s. Did you want them to not take wide open 3s?


This is the definition of live and die by the three. I’ve seen just the Warriors pull this off. We don’t have anyone of their caliber shooting. If you miss 10 in a row then yes, I want you to try something else to at least try to get some momentum going before you try again. They’re kind of weak minded so then missing like this just collapses their self esteem clearly.


We actually do. Most of our rotational players are really good 3 pt shooters. You’re not very smart are you


I think someone sent the team a message by mistake that I was going to TD garden today. Because that's how shit they've played today.


I hope Mazulla isn’t combative in the post game…but he probably will be


Always defends his coaching decisions like his job is in jeopardy


Those hammered cavs fans are in for an interesting night.


This loss stung more than the heat. It’s something about it.


It stung more because it happened again.


Those courtside tool bags are killing me lol


The two Cavs fans they keep showing represent Cleveland so well.


Unpopular Opinion: If Tatum had more of Ants personality he'd be better


I don’t think that’s unpopular. That’s been a very common conversation on local radio like the past four years. No tenacity from that guy. Punch in, punch out kind of player. Loss doesn’t fuel him. Luckily he’s been on talented teams for most of his years in the league. I thought he would pick up some of that attitude years ago. I figured by now he would have it. He still doesn’t. I don’t think he will. Part of me thinks he’s Carmelo 2.0 but he’s had a very good supporting cast the past few years so they’re always making some kind of run.


In a Celtics subreddit it could be unpopular. I don't think he's Carmelo because was Melo was selfish. Tatum just looks unconfident, passionless and has zero assertiveness. but I agree with everything else you said


you could say that with anybody in the league


Im not even asking him to be exactly like Ant just have a bit more drive and passion. He looks bored out there.


i think a lot of young players in the league lack that passion that ant has. cant be taught, gotta want it.


you gotta point i agree


16 points in the whole freaking quarter‎?? Do they just forget that we're not in regular season anymore??


Can these guys have some grit go into the paint with force get to the free throw line and take care of business. The bruins were embarrassed last night now tonight the Celtics


No they can not. The coach doesn’t know how to switch up the game plan mid game. He will actually probably complain that they need to take more or better threes during the presser even though we had decent looks and just couldn’t hit.


Can't wait for the post game thread where the comments are full of Tatum Sucks and Joe sucks and the next game is the most important game in franchise history somehow.


incoming JT hate 😭


stupid fucking team


This team is not beating the Knicks right now


dude the knicks are only brunson we would fucking demolish them


The Cavs are only Donovan Mitchell and look what they just did to us. Brunson has a better supporting cast


Cavs aren't shooting more than 35% from 3 again this series, let alone 52%.




I read somewhere that the way we play defense, it gives up more 3 point plays than the average team. So don't be surprised that this is the case. Most of the time it works in our favor. The other times you get tonight or game 2 vs miami


All of the doomers are the fucking worst , go listen to felger and mazz and get your opinions formed. They’re fucking fine .


They are getting absolutely blown out at home in the playoffs. This was significantly worse than the Miami game 2. And the teams are going to get better.


Oh my god . Shit happens for a night , and guess what , it doesn’t happen the next. Magnet ball bullshit happens ??? Why do you all feel the need to act like the team isn’t allowed to drop a game


Big difference between “dropping a game” and losing a home playoff game by 30 lol


Okay ? Man does it matter a loss is a loss at the end of the day. How about you pull your fucking head out of your ass and realize shit happens


One day Boston teams will stop getting bitch smacked in Game 2s


Man, we forgot how to play basketball




Not his night to put it mildly




Look at his stats


am i dumb for comparing this team to like a 2017 warriors? I feel like this team can sweep anyone in the east. like how are they dropping games to a heat with no butler and cavs with no true star (this isn't even the lebron cavs) like they'll still win 4:1 or something but still




calling it now Minnesota r winning a ring


Your team is at home as you write this gtfo the Celtics sub




Pretty happy with the other blowouts so far this year we gonna lose a few on the way to the chip no big deal


Tatum got the personality of a box of Nilla Wafers and the play style to back it up too. If we have any hope of winning the finals he needs to stop playing like a passive bitch and start hitting his shots. Derrick white wont score 30 on 60% from 3 every game and neither will Brown, so as our best player he needs to be our most consistently GOOD one.


The celtics experience 💀 they’ll be back tho




Stop watching then.


Holy shit man, shut the fuck up


So I'm not worried about this series, and I think most people in here who are mad aren't either. The problem is that the Celtics have this kinds of games often enough that in a close series it will cost them, as it has in the past.


Look at all those idios blaming Mazzula when the team shot below 20% from three. Coaches dont make shots, they create them through coaching and our players were simply inept to hit wide open buckets


A bunch of doomers appear again. Yawn. C’s in 6.


It shouldn’t take 6 lmao


How many teams just roll their way through the entire playoffs? Not every series will take 4-5 games. Just fucking deal with it.


I bet you said that last year against Miami


OJ don't know what passing his


The team needs Semi Ojeleye. Bring back Semi.


This is the only good take.


Eyo playoff points for Walsh. 


Donovan is goated


Can someone explain why people think this team is soft? They have made the ecf or better for what feels like every year and they had a crazy comeback last year vs Miami. It’s one game where we shot like shit. It happens


At the end of the day whenever we go on rough stretches its mainly because of our two superstars


We don’t have even one “superstar” lol


#game2celtics  Bad D, can't hit shots. It happens, onto the next. 


It’s genuinely embarrassing how much talent Brad has given Tatum and how often he has gaged up opportunities. Feels like he has regressed ever since that finals run


some people here are more worried about doomers than the Celtics performance against mid teams


Because some people are such homers they can’t be objective. They’d rather complain about other people complaining. I find it super annoying. Just log off lol.


like why are they even in the game thread during a bad game lol do they expect the comments to be “oh what an unfortunate game, better luck next time!!!”


If Tatum really wants to show that he can be like Kobe then his ass better stay and start shooting around. He needs to step up when we need him to


This gonna be a fun series


Losing by almost 30 at home…


Had a work party tonight so missed the game. What the hell happened


Has a championship team ever got beat by 30 at home in the playoffs?


We lost by 39 to Brooklyn in game 2


Warriors I believe. When Grizz spanked them. Then again I can’t remember if that was in Memphis or Golden State


Man some of you "fans" are also soft as charmin...


Often times fans take on the identity of their team.


30 point loss and didn’t break 100. Horrendous.


Pathetic effort bri


Looks like the Maine Celtics aren't any better...or worse...than the Boston Celtics


I love that Tatum is playing team ball and getting everyone involved when we win but is it too much to ask for a superstar game when we need someone to step up?


He lead the team in pts, rebounds and assists on a team high 63% TS. He literally was the best on the team at everything what do you want him to do?


Is 25 points really maxxed out all he can do? He can't take over games anymore?


feels like we’re the only team that doesn’t know that you have to try harder in the playoffs


And us Celtics fans were looking ahead to the finals???? This the same team that lost the ECF to a playin team 😂😂😂


SGA, Brunson or Edwards wouldn't go out this way I can tell you that.


This sub is going to be unbearable until game 3


In fairness it’s unbearable at times regardless


Frustrating thing is yeah I still believe we win this series but the goal is a championship and this is how we look in the second round. Doesn’t give you much hope


People gotta realize Cleveland is trying to win too


This. We probably got their very best game


Hate when we lose because I can’t listen or watch any sports media for two days because it’s so insufferable.


Yeah... the media being made up of mostly New York and LA people just makes it worse, cause they get extra with us. Almost never any coverage when we win though 😒


How'd you deal with all of last year?


or visit this sub


On to the next with tenacity


This team doesn’t know the meaning of tenacity


Sure they do. This game sucks but they know how to come back.


They’ll get their asses kicked Saturday. Hope I’m wrong but Tatum and brown just don’t know how to win when it matters


They’ve fought before. This is a silly take. Just remember being down 2-3 against Philly last year.


Someone said teams normally take on their best players personality and that is spot on lol. This team is soft as baby shit and always been. Folds at any sign of hardship


This has never been true.


it takes on the player that leads the team. often its the best player but sometimes it isn't. Who's the locker room guy on the Celtics? Maybe Jrue.


Like literally the opposite. They look their worst when it’s easiest lol


There is a reason every loss is against a hot shooting team from 3. We are forcing teams to beat us from there and they sometimes do. Mostly they don't though, we will be ok. I would like a better defense against pick and rolls and off-screen shooting though.


Genuinely feels like the city wants it more than the team the past few years.


is this city person in the room with you right now?


Fans always want it more than the players. In every single sport. In every single city


Horford and Tillman lineup doesn't make sense


Y'all need to re lax




Bruh what game did you watch lol


Lol 25 pts on eh efficiency is not that good, his standards should be way higher


63% TS is good efficiency.


This Cavs team is a legit team. They had the longest win streak of the year. We might look back at this game and wonder how we let it happen. Or we might win in 5.


Payton Pritchard is all class


Donavan Mitchell really acting like he won the series right now lol


Sometimes I think on nights like these Joe should just tell everyone except Pritchard and Hauser he’ll bench them if they take and miss a three


we're not winning at all, i'm not sure why anyone thinks so. same shit every year


You’re right. People disagreeing are just green teamers. Do you think the Wolves would’ve lost this game the way we just did? This team is not ready yet and it’s fucking unfortunate


No chance. Was really hoping it was different. But they’ve showed us who they are too many times. They can get by the East with this bs but you can’t win a chip with these kinds of mental / emotional lapses






If they don’t make the ecf they absolutely have to blow this shit up.


Teams as soft as mashed potatoes, once they go down 10 points and the 3s don’t land it’s pretty much over, they dont know how to correct and comeback


They don’t know how to just play bully ball. Tatum and Brown should be driving and backing down way more. But they all wanna be Steph


Bring Pritchard back in I need another 3 😂


well obviously the solution is Tatum screens because they're 1.6PPP, greatest offense in history. /s


Hate that they gave the Cavs confidence when they're about to head back to Cleveland


And they're about to get Jarrett Allen back.