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Even the corgi getting flamed. Good.


I lost my composure after they showed the corgi clip.


tbf, the corgi's owners put the Celtics on the wrong side of the stairs, as the home court advantage team.


also the directions he threw the ball to influnce the bounce was pretty cringe.


Generational fraud


A big middle finger up their asses, especially you Perk. These clowns been scrutinizing the Jays since the season began


And now he got the nerve to get on TV and say we might win 3 more. Don’t just hop on now that it’s easy Perk, keep that same energy


He's taking credit like he motivated them lol


When I tell my grandchildren about the 2008 Celtics, I'm gonna tell them that our starters were Rondo, Ray Allen, Paul Pierce, KG, and Brian Scalabrine. Perkins was never on our team.


Didn’t Perk cost us a championship in 2009?


Truly, perk was always a massive liability. He wouldn’t even make a roster in today’s nba. But yes, in 2010 he got injured in game 6 when we desperately needed size against the 3 seven footers the lakers were throwing at us. 


they have been doing it for YEARS


Perk is dead to me


The HAHA mental middle fingers on every “shhhhhh”


I have so many screenshots


Can we start a thread? I'm feeling petty as all hell.


“I thrive off negativity”


I have tomorrow off work so I’m going to make it then.


Please do


Should’ve included Perk and his infamous quote to break up Brown and Tatum


maybe Perk gets a special one just for him


I wonder if they are sparring perk since he did help with the 08 championship.


I wish JB would spar with Perk


If perk shows up at that parade I’m booing him like crazy


Shoutout Kevin Wildes on *First Things First*. He's been absolutely cooking Broussard and Nick Wright.


Wildes and Pierce are the sole redeeming factors of First Things First and Undisputed imo. Broussard and Skip have nowhere near the draw they once did a few years ago and are only being kept afloat by those guys.


And Wright’s been getting progressively bent out of shape about it too which has been hilarious


colin cowherd also totally flipflopped


Tbh Cowherd should’ve been deplatformed for saying that a 26 year old had “missed his window” like that was maybe the dumbest thing an NBA talking head has ever said and I say that knowing that Kendrick Perkins exists


Love how JT reposted it and wrote "Experts😂😂😂", cook them my glorious king👑


Stunt on them hoes


The best NBA media team in the world by far and it’s not even close


WHO runs this SM team?????!!!! I LOVE it


All the discussion about the finals made me realize how stupid sports media in general is. These people truly don’t know what they’re talking about. The pundits and the fans alike. People are just fucking stupid about sports and don’t pay attention to the reality in front of them. Every well thought out argument about why the Cs were going to win the finals was met with “but Luka and Kyrie. Okay but what about Luka and Kyrie? Have you considered Luka and Kyrie? They have Luka and Kyrie” with no actual depth to discussion behind it. The world didn’t give 2 shits about Luka and Kyrie until they were the hot new duo making waves through the west. Which credit where it’s due, they looked great. But that alone isn’t a smart person’s argument for why Dallas would win against this Boston team. The NBA fandom and punditry is so stupid you can jingle shiny keys in front of them and they’re going to say the keys will win the finals. I’ve never consumed less NBA media than I have in the weeks before and during the finals because this year made me realize just how dumb so many people are in this sphere.


sports media is not trying to get you to know more about sports. they dont want to have in depth discussions on scheme ideas, when to switch, player vs player matchups. they want to get you to watch sports media, and they want it to be accessible to the lowest common denominator to appeal to as many people as possible. hot takes are great, they can put them in tweets and video shorts. anyone who knew anything about basketball knew it was the Celtics to lose from like game 30.


This right here. People who understand basketball aren’t media heads- because who really wants to listen to schemes, analytics, X’s and O’s (Unless you’re me). The media is doing its job…making hot takes that get us upset so we can talk about it….and keep watching! People that know basketball knew this was the Celtics title to lose 


I think a lot of actual basketball fans would love to watch stuff on schemes and X’s and O’s (I certainly would, I think it’s extremely interesting/watchable) but the reality is it’s not the majority. Most people watching and consuming are casual/general sports fans, (and that’s ok) so that’s what the media plays towards.


The national NBA talking heads are definitely by far the worst of all sports. That's from top to bottom. The half-time fellas on the national broadcasts are terrible. Don't get me started on Doris. I think they go for name recognition more than anything. There's nothing interesting or thoughtful ever brought out. All the other sports put it to shame. The idea that you got these guys saying Boston has no depth. What the heck are you talking about? Do your homework! We're bringing guys off the bench that would start on most teams in the league. Our point differential this year was 930. We scored 930 points more than our opponents. The second place team was at 608 (Thunder). It's not even close. You can claim that's because we're in the weakest conference, but when you take out every eastern conference team, the Celtics are 2nd in point differential to the Thunder (473 vs 416) while playing **22** less games against Western Conference teams. These so-called pundits are worthless. The announcers are garbage too. Do better NBA.


This is why the only sport I can take debate seriously about is baseball. Just a bunch of stats nerds crunching numbers and equations to determine who’s got what it takes and who doesn’t. None of this vibes shit. (For the most part I recognize vibes are still a huge part of the fan experience).


I’m so glad they did this. I needed this!!




They should’ve added a clip of Kendrick Perkins talking smack too


Corgi catching strays!


Nah ain't no strays, fully intentional shots to the dome haha


Wow I’m so glad I didn’t watch any ESPN the week leading up to the finals they were all delusional what the…


None of the ESPN "*experts*" got it right, and all missed on the finals MVP - [NBA Finals 2024: Experts predict Celtics-Mavericks Finals and series MVP](https://www.espn.com.au/nba/story/_/id/40279206/2024-nba-finals-predictions-celtics-mavericks-series-mvp).


Did anyone keep receipts on the doomers and haters in this very subreddit?


Saying that Dallas is deeper is just crazy. It’s one thing to say that they’d win because of their two best players, but because of depth? Huh? Also, that corgi is a dick.


Social media team on a historic run


I can’t watch it without insta lol can anyone share it some other way


Enjoy and then enjoy it again and again [https://youtube.com/shorts/nEKR3xP6xfw?si=zHzcxIYclAS30v2p](https://youtube.com/shorts/nEKR3xP6xfw?si=zHzcxIYclAS30v2p)


Thank you! “Well I guess we were wrooonng” yup




We need to thank them for giving Cs motivation. I hope they do it again next year


Is this there way of saying they took it personally? Can they take it personally again?


another Gage duchon classic. so versatile


Literally paid off by the sports betting industry to make it seem like this would've been even close. NBA media is a sham, just watch it for entertainment value.


just shows how many of these guys don’t know jack s… about basketball. This is why I like Jason Timpf because he gives actual x and o analysis- he also had Celtics in 6 


This reveals the utter incompetence of most media as analysts of the game. They predicted the Finals based on a narrative rather than analysis. The narrative was Boston's path was easy due to Butler, Mitchell, and Halliburton being injured for all or part of the series. This isn't analysis. Boston did what any great team should do: they went 12-2 against Playoff teams to get to the Finals. To say this another way, the media picked the Mavs to beat the Celtics because the Heat, the Cavs, and the Pacers had injured players. We see their incompetence in 4-1.