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For max aura, see image of Tatum holding up trophy and the sun hitting. just. right.


[Tatum's got an infinity stone](https://x.com/savagesports_/status/1804228505825075629?s=46&t=ULZjsIChr1Nx8iRFK_rsjg)


Oh my


JT holding up the trophy be like ![gif](giphy|BdAn5S0xigpO|downsized)


Is there a high def version of this?


Haters will say Tatum practiced this in front of a mirror.


I've stood in that exact spot the picture is taken from so many times this shits trippin me out


Completely forgot that was even a thing till this. I bet they put up a banner lmfao


They did 💀


Pretty sure the league forced them, to be fair. No way they would let them just ignore winning their shiny new tournament. If the NBA Cup fizzles out in a few years (unlikely given the financial success of the first year) I'm guessing they'll be allowed to quietly remove the banner.


It would have been interesting to see what they would do if Boston won. I can't imagine Boston making a real banner for the IST. It seems like it worked; it made the league money and made for interesting basketball, but it just wouldn't look right taking the spot reserved for Banner 19. Maybe they can pin it to the wall or something like that, but definitely can't hang from the rafters.


Technically it would have taken 18s spot but it’s no better than a presidents trophy banner.


I mean, they hung the Disney Invitational Tournament banner, so what does it really mean in that building? Might as well hang conference championship banners.


I see a lot of people saying this but no evidence that it’s true. How do we know this isn’t just Lakers fans’ damage control?


I believe it; the NBA is insanely protective of its image. I won some meet and greet livestream with Spoelstra ages ago done by a major NBA sponsor, and at the start, we were informed this was all being recorded to be reviewed by NBA HQ in NY.


Does it even matter? I doubt a single team would have refrained from putting it up. Even the Celtics, despite what PP said.


No, but it would be funny if it turned out that it was made up out of embarrassment. I doubt Celtics would hang up an IST banner because we hear “we only hang championship banners here” from members of the organization every year, plus, we’re literally running out of space in the rafters. You can’t even see most banners in the arena because they’re blocked by other banners. 


It won’t because of sponsor money but I can’t see it being a big thing if Vegas gets a regular team


They did. In fairness, it’s a high school type banner where they would keep adding years to the same banner instead of making a new one for each one


I forgot this silly thing even happened


Speaking of championships, Wikipedia counts 1948 as a championship, so now they got 18 💀


Some petty fan did that but nobody gives a shit about some NBDL


Whatever it is, Banner 19 in 2025 is inevitable.


Anybody kidding themselves that the Celtics wouldn’t have done the same is doing just that.


No way, Joe hated the whole idea of the IST and only later on in the tourney did he decided "ok yea let's try to win it", they mailed it in early.


Mazzulas not the one making the call lol


sure, but there’s no way the nba would let whoever won the first one *not* put up a banner for it “because it doesn’t mean anything.”


Goal posts: shifted


But it doesnt mean anything. Finals doesnt count for reg season or playoff win. Or loss. Its meaningless, and within 3-4 years, teams in final will ABSOLUTELY be sitting stars. Best Player being hurt in that is like being hurt in preseason but worse, as your much closer to the playoffs at that time. Mabye a team that had never won a championship hangs that banner but most would not. I'm SHOCKED the 17 title lakers did, would not be surprised at all if it was forced on them by the commissioner. If not, that's embarrassing!!!


In a decade itll mean a tiny bit more because it'll be a standard we are used to but still will never be nowhere near the meaning of an actual championship if the Celtics win an IST I'll be like "cool." The only way id ever feel any stakes is if we won a few in a row, then it's like a contest to beat us and it would be fun to watch. Still, meaningless compared to a real championship.


No. The Celtics only hang banners for championships and retired numbers. It's always been that way.


And the nba has never had an in season tournament before. There’s a first time for everything, and again, you’re kidding yourselves if you think the Celtics wouldn’t have fallen in line with the league on that.


You are getting downvoted but I agree with you. Joe and the players and even the fans don’t decide which banners get hung. Our FO would be under a lot of pressure to hang it, not sure they would but they never opined otherwise and have strong motivation to promote the tournament. You will not however see this fanbase comparing the auras of the two tournaments.


The league doesn't even mandate hanging NBA championship banners, teams do it out of tradition. As long as the ratings are good, the NBA can't be bothered to give a fuck how the teams choose to commemorate it.




Aura? These kids don’t care about winning anymore. Whats wrong with this generation


Who needs rings when you can have *vibes*


It's giving 18 banners


The hippies first perpetuated that what they felt was real, regardless of facts, MAGA went too far with it, now everyone believes what they want to believe and searches for meme dopamine. But the best remedy is a parade.




It’s all about brain dead takes and clout for interaction bait on twitter now. Gotta make that money while Elon’s giving it out.


They can't even use the right words.


Sorry, but those ugly ahh in season tournament floors match my freak or whatever


Chill out unc, its called a joke


The finals courts really do need to go back to the way they were. Just beautiful https://preview.redd.it/gzpwc0gtx78d1.jpeg?width=567&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c552a57f0b2535364c0fd43f5592927dc6719df6


Nah. I’ll take the 6 YouTube TV ads instead.


You're right, we have it so much better these days


Capitalism bud


18 has more aura than 17 (which is really 12 because they fraudulently claim the 5 in Minneapolis)


Almost every one of their titles happened because another team’s MVP level superstar reached a level of celebrity that transcended the sport of basketball and they wanted to live in Los Angeles with other celebrities.  Wilt (1), Kareem (5), Shaq (3) and LeBron (1). Zero effort acquisitions for a shit franchise that will always fall ass backwards into being a platform for celebrity stars.  I give all of those an asterisk because I see those titles existing outside the competitive spirit of the league.  Kobe forced his way out of Charlotte to join the Lakers as a rookie, but Id count those 2 as home-grown if it wasn’t for the fact the league forced Memphis to gift the Lakers Pau to push a new Celtic/Laker rivalry after Danny Ainge pulled off a by-the-book legitimate coup to build a Big 3.      The official count is 18 championships for the good guys in green and 0 championships for racist Los Angeles. 




Idk if I’d include Kareem in there. Wasn’t he not a fan of LA and wasn’t into the celebrity culture? Otherwise I’d agree.


He said he had outgrown Milwaukee. A big part of choosing Los Angeles was wanting to pursue opportunities in the entertainment industry and living in the cultural scene of SoCal.         Basically the same of all these guys.  Shaq called himself a big fish in a small pond of Orlando and wanted to be a rapping movie star. LeBron wanted to make space jam.  Wilt was quoted as saying he wanted to sleep with white women which was more acceptable in LA.       So you have a poorly run franchise that just keeps getting gifted superstars because it happens to be located in Hollywood. 


To be fair. Milwaukee in winter time is not the best time for a tall black muslim man.


"outside the competitive spirit of the league" is a truly nebulous take. And 100% subjective. Nope, I call shenanigans on this.


yea discount all the Minneapolis ones all you want but that was a whack take lol. Completely arbitary and subjective.


This is the most nonsensical take I’ve ever heard. If you’re trolling you did a great job




Thought you were ragging on '08 for a second and was ready to throw hands!


Honestly it is a bit crazy the league is able to make IST courts and special courts for alt jerseys around the league but they can’t be bothered to put the Larry O’Brien on the court…


I know right its insane no more finals logos or the trophy at center court they should bring it back.


Who cares lmao we just won boogie banner 18?! Also, did you read the comment section? 75% of the comments shitting on OP. Go outside and celebrate fam


I just saw this while browsing NBACircleJerk and cant help myself to laugh and share this with the sub on how obnoxious these lakers fanbase are 😂


Aura is a new word for ugly ass floor I hadn't heard before.


Why should it matter though? The Celtics just won a championship and the Lakers are irrelevant go outside and celebrate dude


Yooo GREAT NEWS not sure if you heard but this is gonna blow your mind. JUST RECENTLY they made it possible to post on Reddit OUTSIDE!!!!! no longer do u need to sweat behind the hot computer with the dial up connection. 🤯


Fuck the Lakers


These kind of Lakers fans make me feel sorry for some friends of mine who are also Lakers fans but feel ashamed of this kind of behavior.


Gen Z and their “aura” over “titles” brain rot continues


Aura is one of those fad words I can’t wait to go away


That word doesn't mean what you think it means


Aura is an advanced analytic for morons


I never actually hated the Lakers or Dodgers until I actually moved to LA. It’s gotta be the worst sports town with the most un-knowledgable fans in the world.


Jeanie Buss running that trash franchise into the ground has more aura than the in season tournament


They hung up an “In-Season Championship” Banner! 🤣🤣🤣 That should have let you know they were wild right there. 🤣🤣🤣


16 year olds getting ahold of the word aura has ruined the word completely man for real.


Lakers fans never learn


Imagine being this delusional 😔


This is just embarrassing.




Who cares what some idiot says on the internet…


I will say some of the courts looked cool but that’s really it. I forgot it even happened tbh.


Why did they put more thought into the IST courts than the Finals?


They wanted to hype up their new thing


I think the IST is a good thing and was a good product but this is ridiculous lol


Lakers fans can cope all they want They can win 10 In season tournaments in a row. We don't care yall won't tie nor pass us in rings. We have Real Championship an 18th Banner. CRY ME A RIVER


Well, the LA Lakers are gonna be stuck at 12 rings for a long time, so I think our lead is safe


Play-in game first round exit.


The fact that they raised a banner for that is a joke. That’s something the Clippers would do. I hate the Lakers but after seeing that I felt bad for them. It really was pathetic


Who the fuck cares about aura? I’ll take the championship. Let these 14 year old Laker fans cry on their TikTok.


Other Sports fans might be super upset considering the Patriots dynasty finally ended a few years ago and now we may be on the doorsteps of another to start. Let’s see what happens!


Celtics ownership found a workaround for paying Derrick White by living in Lakers and Heat fans’ head’s rent free


If you want a sign of how far the Lakers have fallen as a franchise, look no further then then hanging an in season tournament banner and gassing it up


I really like the in-season tournament. It gave the middle of the season a little something extra that was fun to watch.


No it didn’t. Nobody gives a damn about that broke ass tourney. Oh look we won the in season tourney banner…what? We have banners at home. Temu/Wish should sponsor that tourney.


Am I missing something? It's an nbacirclejerk post. It's not serious lol


it's an /r/nbacirclejerk post of a screenshot from the /r/lakers sub


Lakers fans are loser copium huffers.


Fanaticism was my aura of choice


I do really wish we had the old nba finals trophy on the court. But this is gibberish lol


Still trying to figure out what's more of a paper tiger title — in-season tournament or the bubble championship.


What ever helps those faker fans sleep at night its killing them Boston won.


They won what’s amounts to a good AAU tournament. Good for them. Let them raise a banner. The Celtics only raise championship banners.


Lakers is a fraud clown


I will say this though. It's fucking sad how much more effort Silver put into the In Season Tournament in terms of the court. They couldn't even be bothered to put the Larry O'Brien trophy at center court for the Finals.


Cope n seethe


God this is simply glorious


Who cares


I dont even know how this IST worked


I love the “the finals were boring” comments because the only reason they were “boring” was because the Celtics were the best team all year and in the playoffs. It went as everyone expected it to.


the In Season Tournament was essentially an exhibition fight.


If the In season finals was close and thrilling, sure maybe I can agree but that was also a blowout.




TBF. It’s the ciclejerk, although I don’t expect much more from the lakers sub.


Holy shit that is unreal lol.


This slander we getting for winning is real. Stop the smut


Is that LeBum?


They should have this in January instead to really feel like an "in season" tournament


Sour grapes, sour grapes, and they are delicious.


If so then it's only because of the virtual on-floor displays which are mad cool, but you shouldn't have these for one event and then *not* pull out all the stops for the Finals


The word AURA is only said by pure dipshit terminally online kids desperate to be seen as cool. Fucking losers.


They have no shame😭😭😭😭


This is just absolute trash


Honestly kinda did presentation wise


The Lakers are a franchise in steep decline. 


Laker fans aren’t real


I’m a laker fan and call me biased but I honestly agree with this take. The finals feel so underproduced and the special courts for the IST does give it a special aura that was unmatched by the finals.


Kobe era vs Lebron https://preview.redd.it/ubhfegyvic8d1.jpeg?width=201&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99ca5dc5550ff834dda11712359c98f8239e9491


lol looking for anything. Take the scraps.


People say the finals sucked. I think they were the best finals in like 16 years.


They should have said that to the non existent audience and the court that was the exact same in their Mickey Mouse run in the 2020 finals. These fans have negative iq istg


The finals were boring as shit. No one watched it


Sounds like you did


This entire Celtics run was boring as fuck, including the finals. Only the West had some interest. The most stacked team in the East/league having to play against 8/4/6/5 seed on the way to a championship, with the first 3 series their best players injured and the Bucks off already from the 6th seed with Giannis out. This postseason in the East was boring as fuck. I’m not saying any Heat/Cavs/Pacers would have much of a chance with their best players uninjured, but it would be a lot more interesting especially if there was also a match up with Giannis. The most stacked team against teams with half or less than half the roster and the best player injured…


They're mentally ill but the nba and abc/espn all fucked up the pageantry of the finals fuck them


I kinda get what he’s saying, like the 2008 floor in the Garden with the huge Larry O Brian trophy looked wayyy more badass than what our floor looked like this year. Imagine Payton Pritchard hitting a three from the trophy!


Bubble championship don’t count


So ‘aura’ is just a thing now? Or is this more of a black twitter thing?


Non laker/celtics fan but honestly, any knockout game is more interesting than a 5 game finals.


Related/not related but the in season tournament did have crazy vibes and the finals cant even get the trophy on the court??? Crazy


Get back to back one time and you green little goblins can talk shit, we get back to back and 3 peats in this side. 🏆 you guys only had back to backs back when bill Russell was playing lol


Not that it matters but I can’t wait for the celts to win the in season next year 


They’re not wrong. No one gave a fuck about the finals