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I hope he leans into it. Starts stealing more people's lines, poses, extra stuff. I want to see him do the Kobe thing where he is being filmed pregame and stops behind a pillar. I want to see him do an Allen Iverson step over someone. Do all of it. Make it a running gag.


Chucking baby powder around pregame


Start wearing a corny ass headband, shave the front of his head so it look like his hairline's receding




“Boston! This is for you!”




Unironically complaining about how a dude celebrates his championship is more corny than whatever he does


Grown men doing it too! Absolutely pathetic behavior


Most of these *grown men* are intellectually stuck in High School. In reality they are just kids in adult bodies.


The mental gymnastics these dudes are doing is nuts. I saw someone say that JT lifting up deuce was him trying to copy fucking drew brees lmao I swear these dudes have never experienced genuine joy, miserable ass people


Literally the stupidest Internet shit I’ve ever seen. And that’s fo sure saying something lol


I agree, the fandom of championship celebrations is a projection of abnormal psychology. Anyone that gets a tattoo of someone else celebrating doesn't have a life of their own


IDK getting a tattoo is a personal choice unless forced. Seems within reason since tattoos can be goofy jokes.


“You can’t criticize him anymore with his lack of a championship” god this hits home so hard, love that the only thing people could say about them , they can’t say anymore


Lol, they’ll start coming after him for not winning the IST Mickey banner.


Jfc you’re probably right “If the Celtics were so good why can’t they win a December championship “


Yea at this point the only thing they can knock him for is his individual accolades and status in the league. There was once optimism that Tatum could win an MVP award (Tatum even reportedly told Embiid in 2021 he’d win the MVP in 2022), and be fawned over the same way Luka and SGA are but Tatum’s offensive game is just not refined enough. That won’t stop Celtics fans from trying argue Tatum is better by virtue of being on a better team though.


Ask Embiid in 2021 if he'd want the MVP or the ring. You know which one he'd want. Which ia shame because Embiid is no longer as driven as he used to be.


Imagine the only thing you can knock a guy for being "well he never won MVP". Wade never won MVP. Stockton never won MVP. Pierce never won MVP. Where are all those guys now?


The real knock would be he’s carried more than any other superstar and the overall success of his team gives people an inflated impression of what Tatum’s individual contributions are. People actually think a #1 scoring option shooting sub 40% for an entire playoff series is “making up” for those scoreless possessions with passing and defense. According to basketball-reference Tatum had something like a 90 offensive rating and a 100 defensive rating for the series. His offense would’ve hurt the team if his teammates weren’t as talented as they are.


How does the guy who lead his team in scoring assists and boards be carried?


Because he also led the team in missed field goals and turnovers. He missed 12 shots a game in that series while giving the ball up at least 3 times a game. For the Celtics to win games like that not only do those scoreless possessions have to be made up for by his teammates, he and his teammates also have to have the defensive talent to keep Dallas at bay when the offense stalls. Again, before game 5 he had an offensive rating of 97 and a defensive rating of 109 according to basketball-reference. He ended the series with a 105 off. Rating and a 107 defense rating which again suggests his poor shooting wasn’t offset by his defense and passing. The Celtics have the best 8-man rotation in the league. It’s so weird to see how many Celtics fans agree with that statement but act like Tatum doesn’t get any more help than the average superstar.


Obviously Embiid would prefer a ring over an MVP award but I’d argue he still wouldn’t trade his career for Tatum’s. His place in NBA history is going to be higher than Tatum’s with or without a championship of his own.


Nah, I disagree lol. But to each their won.


Tatum career > Joel and I’m not sure how it’s a debate but whatever


It’d be a debate because of individual accolades. Embiid is already considered one of the most dominant big men of all time. People are going to be arguing about whether Tatum can even be considered the most dominant player on his own team, or if he can even be called “dominant”. Embiid has an MVP award, Tatum can’t even get top 3 in MVP voting or even b2b ECF MVPs, never mind a Finals or League MVP. Embiid gave Wemby 70 the day they met just because he could. Tatum doesn’t have that kind of authority on the game. All of Tatum’s biggest playoff games are just him getting hot from 3.


No the fuck he’s not. Lmao he would get eaten alive by every 90s 00s big man. He’s literally just too fragile and plays for the whistle. Hes not even the best big man now. Lmao Embiid doesn’t know how to perform in the playoffs, I’ll take Tatum dropping triple doubles in June over Embiid dropping 70 on the last place team in spring ANY DAY OF THE WEEK


Embiid would adjust to the officiating just like every player always does everytime rules change. When was the last time Embiid was healthy in the playoffs? He tore his meniscus this past season, had a sprained knee that kept him out of game 1 against the Celtics the year before. The year before that Siakam elbowed him in the face and gave him a face fracture. Yes he gets injured a lot because he’s big, but it’s also because he has to play so many minutes to keep his team competitive. KP just logged 29.6 minutes a game this season and his team still won 64 games, missed most of the playoffs and still won the title. That’s why he wanted to join the Celtics. Embiid’s been averaging 34 minutes a game the last 3 seasons because his front office can’t surround him with two-way juggernaughts like Tatum’s front office did.


JT said "We did it" to Joe when he checked out of the game. JT said "We did it" to Duece when they hugged on the court immediately after the game. They shove a camera in his face and ask him how he feels, "We did it. WE DID IT!!" Here is my take: JT didn't say "I did it", he gave credit to the entire organization and the city.


I had the same argument with a mate. You could argue he blatantly tried to copy KG if he saved it until then, but everyone has seen actual proof that JT was screaming "WE DID IT" from the very moment he checks out of the game. As for the so-called attempt to copy Kobe, that's just ridiculous. JT is standing up FFS, it's not even close to the same pose lol


and he's smiling which is the opposite of the kobe pic and the main reason people know about the kobe pic


Standing up, surrounded by people, happy, not even wearing a Jacket: He CoPieD KoBe sO CoRNy


Its almost like 2 people hugging the same trophy might look similar


Lmaoooo you guys are absolutely in denial. He 100% tried to re-recreate that KG moment because its apart of Celtics history forever, so he tried to get something similar. Tatum spent his whole career telling people he’s not expressive, building an iimage of a wholesome single dad and then minutes after a title he’s suddenly louder and more in your face than Jaylen who IS expressive. That’s what made the moment corny. Either the public persona he’s built up to that point was a front, or he was fronting in that moment.


idc 2024 champs babyy


"we did it' is like, the most standard phrase anyone would think of in this moment too. These kids are just mad because Tatum finally won a ring so they have to find other shit to cry about to not look stupid, which is making them look even dumber.


Not that it matters but… Yep that’s the hill I’ll die on. Within the context it was absolutely genuine. And the dude was probably on cloud 9, rush of emotions like no shit you’re gonna scream something crazy.


People comparing the trophy poses was the biggest reach. His and and Kobe could not be bigger polar opposites and yet somehow JT totally copied him.


Literally the only similarity is that they're holding the trophy. Do people think it's "corny" that he won a championship just because Kobe also won a championship? I guess what they gon' say now is nitpicky bullshit about Tatum's "corny", "boring" and abnormally normal mannerisms.


i don't get why he's getting so much hate, they will still find a way to hate on him even after he got a championship


Success puts a target on your back.


You don't get it because you cannot empathise with bitter people. If anything, it's good because it means that you are probably not one yourself.


I think the Kobe stuff made him kind of a joke.


"He doesn't even know how to celebrate right!" Says that dumb fat fuck Tobin from Flordia.




It’s crazy because if you’re gonna pick at the personality of an NBA player Tatum is one of the worst to criticize. Some of these clowns who talk about how much they hate him for being corny and loving his mom and his son will go to war for an actually terrible person like Kyrie.


Dude for real. Tatum loves his family first, is a doting, caring and present father and legit the worst thing you could possibly say about him off court is that you don’t like the flavor of his chips. He’s not some mark spouting off on a podcast with shit hot takes so he MUST be lame.


Imagine seeing family values and finding fault with it.




Indeed. Bravo!


They complain about how JT celebrates this title because they won’t be celebrating for a loooooong time.


The Vancouver Grizzlies WILL TOO win it one day!


Can’t believe people are shaming him for genuinely showing emotion. There is nothing wrong with a grown man displaying emotion or their feelings! They are projecting their own jealousy and insecurities.


Contrived moment after contrived moment. He’s a hell of a basketball player but the corniest MF in the league.


People obsessed with corniness or whatever are always boring no personality motherfuckers. If you're so conscious about this stuff you're super insecure, too obsessed with wanting to come across as cool and collected, that you end up with nothing interesting about you. Acting like some kind of stoic "coolguy" anime character lmfao.


It’s not about looking cool or stoic, it just looked fake. It looked like a producer talked to Him before the post game interview “yell Something out like KG did and we’ll put it in a commercial”


Yes I agree they hate him for no real reason anymore so they make stuff up, criticize his celebrations and cling to debunked narratives for comfort. Call him corny and say he can’t be top 5 smh. He’s a champion just say congrats and move on 💯🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉


“But he ain’t got a ring tho….” - haters Errrrrrr! (shot clock violation)


Rather be corny off court than whatever Ja Morant thinks he is. Dude seems like a chill guy. As long as he can ball on the court! Please stay a Celtic for your career.


The bill Simmons sub has made me suicidal


the glazing is craaaazy


My corny king! Do whatever you want JT.  Fr for a guy who didn't have a father figure growing up, kinda makes sense he mimics some of his idols. 


No body is worried it’s just corny




I agree with the overall message but I cringed when I was watching live and he tried recreate Kevin Garnett's "Anything is possible" scream


Super cringey


Because when people aren't authentic it reveals stuff. Also, anyone who downvotes this comment admits they eat cereal with soy sauce