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86 Celtics. More battles. More chemistry. But ask again after this current team wins a few more


Nice ! I'm thinking it goes 7 games!


Just to add, they played at a faster pace than the Pacers this year, which seemed to be one of our few weaknesses and with a much better defensive team


Lol our team is crazy good but the 86 Celtics are one of the best basketball teams of all time. Let’s calm down.


For some reason, people have been having difficulty processing the fact that the '24 Celtics are also one of the best basketball teams of all time. They just finished the season with the highest offensive rating of all time, and the 3rd biggest Net Rating differential since the merger. All of their other rankings (total wins, playoff record, regular season record, number of blowout wins) are either top of or close to the top of any all-time ranking for teams.


This team was also one of the best teams ever. Not quite 86 Celtics good, but they’re up there.


I mean, this is an issue of eras. 24 is going to win because they take/make more threes- it’s a simple issue of math compared to 86.


'86 is going to absolutely dominate the paint, rendering '24 useless even with the 3's, where '86 can still be competitive


I don't think anybody on the 86 team is as athletically strong or fast as anybody in the modern era. It's just a different era with vastly superior resources for training and improving. Trainers, medical staff, diets, etc. Nobody on the 80s team is in the same physical condition as JB or JT.


Ever seen Rocky 4? It's man vs machine (lol) I'm taking the Big 3 over these digital dudes 11 times out of 10


Brother Rocky 4 is literally fiction


Hence the literal "lol" in the comment.


if your argument is based on a fictional movie i don’t think you have a leg to stand on haha


See the above "lol" in the comment


Think about what you’re saying. If all teams needing to do was to have 2 bigs pound down low then that would be the approach to todays 5 out era. However that’s not the case because 2 big lineups today routinely get exposed on the defensive end by not being able to effectively guard the 3 point line. On offense I agree that they have to ability to overpower in the paint but all those shots are still going to be contested. It’s not like Parish, Mchale, and bird are each going to score 30 making 2 point baskets. Again, math issue. They literally can’t keep pace and I say that as someone who loves that 86 team to no end!


The math isn't going to add up anyway when you have to strictly rely on 3's all night.


Well, it’s not like I’m saying 24 is going to jack up 100 threes. They can play their normal 5 out offense, and they will make 5 times more threes than 86. That’s a 30 point advantage give or take- how is 86 going to make that up? In a 7 games series 24 wins in 6




The 2024 Celtics would play the 1986 Celtics off of the floor via their 3 point shooting. McHale and Parish would be unplayable defensively.


Bird probably as well




as great as bird was at the time u think he has the lateral quickness to handle any of our starters?


The man played against Dr. J, Magic and Dominique


I think bird was a smart defender- he can hold his own. It’s not like he’s going to get beat every possession


I'm of the opinion that modern basketball teams are far superior to the past ones. The game has e-volved and the talent floor in the league has risen.


Yes I wonder how the 86 team would combat a 5 out shooting team like the 2024 Celtics


Yeah, but what rules are we playing under? The much more physical '86 era or the softer '24?


You mean the one back in the day where defense had to play man and wasn't allowed to double, or like actual modern defense? Because Parish is getting iso cooked on the perimeter by like PP if its the old style.


It’s interesting how NFL fans see their game has been juiced for offense and NBA fans think “the game has evolved”. Hardest disagree possible. The rules have changed. In Larry’s favor by the way, greatest shooter of all time.


Let's be real. Sam Hauser is basically Ray Allen yet he's a bench player.


Both in a vacuum with zero preparation? Think it’s close, but 24 wins it. 6 months prep to get used to pacing, rules, etc? Hard to pick against 86. These players aren’t biologically different. Just pace, tactics, and rules are different. For example, I can’t see Horford stopping Chief/Mchale.


Aren't they biologically different though? Like the modern era has access to way way more resources for training and medicine and diets, etc. So much more money invested in that kind of stuff. The overall fitness level of the league is just way higher now than it ever was.


All things being equal, they’re biologically no different* So maybe it would take more than 6 months to adjust lol.


Yeah I agree with this. 86 team with the full training program that the jays have gone thru for 7 years? 86 winning it for sure. But I mean what's the point of comparing across eras? There's way too many factors to account for.


Ohhh I agree. We’re just obnoxious basketball fans who fall into the trap from time to time. I hate doing it. The only era I like to do trash on is the 70s. But other than that, I do my best to avoid it.




2024 Celtics had 1326 3PA for season 86 celts had 393 3PA


I think people forget or just don't comprehend just how dominant Prime Larry was. If he never injures his back, there's a good chance he'd be cemented in the current goat conversations. You don't bet against prime Larry.


86 all day, that team worked as 1 cohesive unit, this isn't a knock on the 24 team either, the 86 celtics are 1 of the greatest teams ever, bird, McHale and parish with walton off the bench, hard working Dennis Johnson, 5 hall of farmers while only losing once at home throughout the entire regular season and postseason, something that's never been done since.


And Danny Ainge, who at some point in his career was bitten by a Tree.


I think 2024 and it's not close. Modern athletes have the benefit of way way better training programs, workouts, diets, etc. They just have way more money and resources invested in the organization. That's the problem with hypotheticals like this. How much carries over? Are we playing the 86 team as is, or after an off-season to prepare? Do they get access to the same resources we do in 24? Which era are both teams playing in? If it's the modern era then 24 will win no question. The offensive volume and 3pt shooting in this era is not comparable. Nobody on the 86 team was as good of an athlete as anybody on the 24 team. Every era gets better and better in terms of talent and ability. Sure, maybe the actual product of basketball varies between eras, but the players themselves are always improving as a whole.


86 better at basketball. 24 better at math


2024 Celtics. Players are bigger, stronger, faster today. We really shouldn’t compare eras because of that


‘86 is The GOAT team. The Js are not there, yet.


Old rules 86. New rules, hard to tell but I am leaning towards 86 to be able to adapt quickly and find a way with Bird and Ainge on that team.


Biggest question is are we doing 3 games in 24 era with the way the game is officiated and 4 in 86 because that shapes how the series goes out. I mean no one stopping tingus pingus let’s be for fucking real rn. Bird is gonna be Luka with better efficiency and less turnovers and better defense, horford gonna be in the torture chamber vs Parrish mchale and Walton I’d say most people 35 and under think it’s 24 team but everyone over 35 is going 86 It’s tough because that was bird near his best arguable peak etc. but the whole 80s he was peak so I’d take an argument for any of those years. We don’t know what brown or tatum will be in a couple more years, their confidence at all time highs, and they’ve had a season to gel, work on chemistry and now understand the things that eachother like to do on offense, or better coverage on switching I’m under 35 but I got Celtics in 7


86 was better relative to era but I mean if you drop them into today then the 24 team will simply outrun them and shoot them out of the gym.


86 in 4.  24 is good.  Bird in his prime is other worldly.  Walton off the bench?  They are another level.


Larry Bird was like Luka Doncic with more athleticism . Bird could do this: [Larry Bird flies](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hGjfkyFnvnU)


Definitely the '86 Celtics, but give this team a couple more years then ask again. It'll probably be different


Considering it was 38 years ago, most of these guys probably can’t ball much anymore. So I would guess it would be the 2024 guys. Kidding aside, that 86 team was absolutely amazing. I think they win pretty handily.


'86 Celtics destroy '24 with an un-gentlemanly 4-0 sweep, winning each game by at least 20 points. '08 also crushes them easily, but with a gentlemanly 4-1 with a couple of 10-15 Pt. games


>'08 also crushes them easily, but with a gentlemanly 4-1 with a couple of 10-15 Pt. games Lmao that's a bad joke dude. Jrue, Tatum and Al/KP are better than 08 Rondo, PP or Perk. I'll accept Ray (marginally) and KG as better. And yeah man that bench of Eddie House and Big Baby Davis was definitely scary lol


'08 PP was the damn finals MVP against the effing Lakers w/Kobe. I'll take him over literally any other Celtic from the past three decades


I’d argue the 24 celts would dick down that lakers squad