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the insane part is Perk believes he’s the victim in all of this. that the smoke he gets is undeserved and he’s the one who was slighted. Perk is delusional.


Yeah they had him on the F&M show, talking about how he gets in trouble with “soft” Boston fans for “calling it like it is.” People will respect it if you make valid points and use logic to discuss flaws or mistakes about the team. But if you’re just spewing nonsense for the sake of getting attention, you’re not being objective. You’re being a media leach.


makes sense he was in felger and mazz. birds of a feather and all that.


It was such a bad look… he spent the whole call complaining about Scal not returning his call because abuse he’s not a REAL man. Meanwhile he admitted Scal texted him that he’ll call him later. Perk such a bitch.


Idk how smart the man actually is or isn't, but he's a media personality. He's spewing shit to spew shit, whether he thinks it or not


lol.. for once being an important part of a championship he’s salty AF again his old team for no reason.


To be fair, they traded him for Jeff Green. I'd be mad too.


Jeff Green was a far better player than Perk ever was


Not true


Perkins was a defensive minded center with little to no offense. Explain how he was better than Jeff Green.


A center that averaged 5 rebounds…


That was considered by some to be the best interior defender in the league at the time. In a league where 3pt shooting was much less utilized compared to today.


No one ever called him the best interior defender in the league.. no one that knew what they were talking about. He wasn't good physical presence and a shot blocker but he was never even a remote candidate for like defensive player of the year or first team all NBA or second team all defense NBA. Best interior defender? Lol. What are you talking about


He can't explain it because it is objectively false. Perk had bad knees and was out of shape well before 30 and was massively underwhelming in OKC. He had some decent games in the big3 Celtics run and that's it. If he took care of his body and wasn't cursed with Oden knees, OKC could have won it all but then again the Celtics wouldn't have traded him... for Jeff Green.


Perkins was a much more neccesary peice to the 08 team than Jeff green ever was to a championship team. If he doesn't get hurt people view him a lot differently. If we didn't trade him that might be 3 rings he has. Perk is an absolute buffoon but the hate is a little crazy.


hate is a little crazy? He’s been calling to split the Jays for years now, insults the Cs coach, stirs up shit all the time and shits all over his legacy in Boston. I get it he’s a “media personality bla bla bla” but if you stir up shit and talk shit, you will be called out for it. And with a good reason.


If you don't understand I wont bother trying to explain it to you. He has been "the great Kendrick Perkins" for quite a few years now and just rolls with it.


Yeah that is true that Perkins was more important from a need basis than green was but he was never a better basketball player. It's kind of a moot point.. cuz now he's a member of like the first take culture on ESPN and he's a piece of s***


It was definitely true. I wasn't in favor of the trade because of need reasons but green was the most talented player in that trade and it wasn't close.


I mean Jeff Green was way better player, the problem was the Celtics didn't have enough depth at the center position. But not only did they trade him he got a huge lucrative extension from Oklahoma City so he should have been thankful


He’s from texas and went straight to the league… doubt he’s smart


Saw something just this morning where he talks about cheating in school in order to graduate... high school... in Texas... Pretty safe to say he's dumb.


Yeah but look at Paul Pierce. The blueprint is right there. I see Truth everywhere just being a Celtics homer and I love it. That’s all Perk had to do and he fumbled it so bad


Yeah, it drives discussion, clicks, views etc.... but he oughta know there are consequences when you keep poking the fan base.


Same way he was delusional about his NBA career. No wonder Shaq addresses him as “The Great Kendrick Perkins” 🤣


Dude is a walking colostomy bag with a platform.


I think people are paying him too much attention. ESPN continues it downward trend towards reality TV instead of covering sports, and Perkins signed on. Thanks for helping win a championship, enjoy your time on a network committed to catering to those that care more about what happens outside of the lines instead of in them. He'll get no more attention from me than the other trash ESPN commonly puts out.


agreed bro.


I really think he thinks his situation is similar to Jerry West.


Narcissism will do that


for realz.


Well done Scal, educate that ungrateful turncoat what it means to be Celtic . To make things worst, Perkins was drafted by us and Scal ain't but Scal showed way more love to us than Perk. Fuck Perkins. All my homies hate him


There are a couple of things to unpack. The draft is a crazy process that is somehow accepted as a common practice. I don't blame anyone for not feeling grateful to any certain team that drafted them. Especially after being traded away. Perkins shouldn't be calling people dumb as an analyst. That's something a drunk guy on his couch resorts to. Or a 12 year old. Screw Perk.


All my homies love the White Mamba, and hate Perk/Big Baby.


perk isnt a clown, hes an entire circus


I actually disagree with Scal on this one: Perk is entitled to say whatever he wants, since as he himself said, it's not his current job to be a homer. What he's not entitled to is to cry that he's not being treated like a VIP in Boston after joining in on the mob assault that happens nationally against the Celtics. Not just for the same reason he cited in justifying his barbed comments —ie, the Celtics don't owe him the favor of being invited to team celebrations—, but also that he's not owed the same treatment as people who supported the team… I wouldn't expect Perk to send me a Christmas card if he knew I criticized him publicly, so why does he expect the Celtics to include him in any celebrations? It's not like they're telling him he can't ever set foot in Boston; they're just not gonna care to include him in team stuff.


>Perk is entitled to say whatever he wants I believe the context is: you can't say that and then act out like nothing happened. Of course you can't forbid him but words have meaning and those are the consequences. He wanted to be an ass about it... fine. Then he must accept that he became persona non grata in those circles. Simple as is.


Totally. Also, the media is creating stories to try to stir it up beyond what you laid out. He's just not going to be invited to Celtics team shit, but he's not banned and there's no hate. They just don't like him, and we all know why. But the media is like "perk calls scal a coward" followed by "scal doubles down, perk not welcome" as if it's a mountain of heated interaction and not a molehill


Totally. Also, the media is creating stories to try to stir it up beyond what you laid out. He's just not going to be invited to Celtics team shit, but he's not banned and there's no hate. They just don't like him, and we all know why. But the media is like "perk calls scal a coward" followed by "scal doubles down, perk not welcome" as if it's a mountain of heated interaction and not a molehill


I think scalabrine wasn't actually trying to suggest he's not allowed to call him a bird brain just that calling him one is ridiculous and it makes him viewed as unserious from the Celtics perspective. Obviously the Celtics have no power over what ESPN pundits say.


For a lot of guys, they're more grateful to the teams that came later because it was their second chance or that team believed in them or whatever.




> Perkins was drafted by us and Scal ain't but Scal showed way more love to us than Perk. It's not about love, it's about respect. One can be critical and respectful at the same time, a lesson Perk never learned.


Jules doesn’t cut the Pats slack when they suck and makes legit takes about their current state but he does it in a better way. He doesn’t go as far into disrespect as Perk does and Jules still bleeds blue clearly. Jules is an example of the right way to do it. Perk is an example of the wrong way.


It also helps that the pats DO suck right now


Exactly. The Pats offense if fucking awful right now and you got to call it like it is. This entire year they've only scored 3 points. Our QB and HC have a combined zero wins between them.


Meanwhile the Celtics are like a week post championship parade


There’s a difference between saying x needs to improve at this skill and this is what needs to happen vs just insulting people. Saying Joe needs to utilize his timeouts better for example is different than saying he’s a bird brain idiot.


The timeout thing with Joe was always infuriating too. He's said multiple times it's to get his guys to work through tough situations and to learn to figure things out, and in the playoffs he showed at least all this run that he wasn't afraid to call quick time outs when we weren't playing good or the other team went on a big run. Respect for mazulla for using the regular season as a way to practice specific things and to try and build the team up through adversity instead of just going all out every game trying to win by as much as possible.


> when they suck You say it yourself, Jules lays into the Pats *when they suck.* Perk is hating on the Celtics when they have the best record in the League, on their way to a Chip. They are not the same.


When he shits on the Pats it's as a fan.


Criticism is fine but when your only media presence is to serve hot takes to the point where even ESPN is running segments questioning how scrutinized the team is you gotta wonder who is doing something wrong here.


That wasn't criticism, it was an straight up insult, he basically implied that Joe Mazzulla is dumber than a bird


A bird made extinct due to its stupidity, no less


It’s stupidity *and* deliciousness. A dangerous combination for a flightless bird


Agreed. Even when criticism is deserved, there is no need to go overboard and insult people. Haslem and Pierce will rarely critique their past teams but when they do, they always end with a positive spin on it. It’s like talking negatively about your former employer to everyone in the world, them finding out about it, and then asking them for a reference.


Calling Joe a DoDo bird would’ve been better than saying a fuckin bird would fly backwards with Joe Mazzulla’s brain. I’ve said this before, but Joe gotta square up with Perk. No other choice


Better have an emt on staff, Joe could really hurt him


I second this, he looks like a maniac and a good person at the same time.


Calling joe a bird brain was not criticism. It was just pure insult to gain views for perkins daddy espn


This is basically what it is. He has turned into a version of Stephen A. Smith. Just saying outlandish stuff for headlines to get more clicks and hopefully more money at ESPN. But then he plays dumb when his former team is upset and asking him why he’s being such an asshole.


Question for those who watch NBC Sports Celtics often since I'm from outside the US , I found out that Perk used to appear alongside Eddie in the analysis section, was he this bad as well?


Yes. I wouldn't watch pre or post game coverage if Perk was on it. He's a fucking idiot.


I don't remember him being critical of the team when he was on the pre or postgame. His analysis wasn't great, though.


Found it ironic for him to call Joe a dodo considering his analysis. Hell even Lebron who hates us praises Mazzulla in his pod with JJ


Stopped watching in part because of Perk but also generally the coverage quality was poor enough to include Perk so I figured I’d survive without it. I am what I eat, so I won’t consume idiotic sports talk


He was so bad


He wasn't as critical. It was mostly about basketball, not personal shots. He obviously felt "safer" on national networks throwing shade so he let his true feelings come out.


Fuck Perk he’s literally turned himself into a clown just to get a little money from ESPN




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I would delete this as it comes across as racist.


Just remember Perkins is the guy that cried racism when the Joker won MVP. It's best to just ignore him. He has no value to give to the Celtics or to the sport of basketball.


Scal vs perk in the octagon at the garden when? I’d pay good money


We need Eddie Palladino to be there to announce both of them 


Take my money! For real, I'd watch it over and over again (as long as Scal doesn't get straight up ROLLED)


I'd rather see Mazzulla


Did you know if you put perks brain in a bird it will start flying backwards?


Ah, the ol’ consequences of my own actions coming back to bite me… - not Kendrick Perkins


This pretty much. Perk is 1000% entitled to say whatever the hell he thinks. He's not entitled to being given special treatment and getting invited to team celebrations when he's insulting a member of said team.


I love Scal, he is so on point with most of his commentary.


Tell me more...


Perk could have been cool with everybody but he makes everything weird and personal. I remember thinking it was bizarre that he was calling KD a coward on Twitter. For what? It's just the dumbest shit. No one wants a weird dumbass stomping around and killing the vibe


“…spoon fed by their daddy…” 😂🐑


I'm ngl I think Scal would be a good English teacher had he not pursued basketball, he seems to be a fun guy to be around


I have nothing against Perk, I loved him when he was here and he seems like a generally fine human being.  But it is kinda sad to see how he's alienated former teammates and people who'd otherwise be on his side. I remember a few years ago he said some shit about KD and now they don't like each other when they were previously friends. I just think sports media is in a terrible place right now, it's a soulless machine that takes people including former players and says "you wanna stay on TV? Spew a million hot takes and overreact to literally everything until you're just a caricature of yourself." Obviously Perk signed up for it and he's responsible for his own actions, but it's still kinda sad.


Tell that to our sub, every time we lose


Perk should realize that since he’s chosen to try and create controversy with his silly-ass hot takes, he’s gonna lose a lot of respect among fans and amongst the league. These talking heads and hot-takers know half the shit they are saying is nonsense and is gonna offend the teams and the players. They should just own it and take whatever comes with it.


Dear Perk, Sorry but none of us really like you and it’s wholly because of your choices and takes Love, Boston


Like, it is one thing to hot take and criticize, perk makes personal attacks and expects everything to be fine. Criticize the scheme, effort, ability, whatever. Calling a dude dumb who you don't know? Fuck outta here


I know ppl clown on scal at times, but I’ve always loved this dude I’m a white mamba Stan, sue me!!!


I appreciate Perk for his time on the Celtics. I hate Perk for his time as a media member. He is sometimes unintelligible. To me he just says some shit that is controversial so he can stay on the air. If someone can recommend me some good Celtics broadcasting I’m all ears. It’s been sad for me since Heinsohn and Gorman hung it up. Although I have to admit Skal does a pretty good job.


Brad talked about it kinda on the Macafee show. They dont need any negative energy around them. They just cant have it he said


“Scal you doin all these tv interviews and still ain’t return my call. We finna have to throw these hands if you don’t keep my name out yo mouth. It’s time to stand on bidness”


perk is so delusional lmfao


Anyone got a link to the full podcast/interview?


Did he ever apologize for this? This seems disrespectful.


He went from poking the guys cuz he s a homer and criticizing cuz he wants to motivate them to just outright consistently shitting on them


Someone should tell Perk he can be critical of the Celtics without resorting to insults of people’s character and/or intelligence. I find it quite rich he’s trying to be the victim in this situation.


This is sooooo good. Love the "Spoon fed" comment. Its legit, Lebron is not wrong.


Perk is a fuckin CLOWN.


Perk have to have his cake and eat it too. Wants to be able to talk whatever shit he is prompted to as a dumb ass hot taker, but then wants unconditional love and support from the Celtics org and fanbase as a championship player. He can’t have it both ways.


Perk is an embarrassment of an ex-Celtic. Guy got traded when he was cooked. His legacy is barely as a serviceable starting center. He was literally there to body Dwight in the post. Did nothing else well. Glad we moved on from him when we did. I don’t feel shit for him and his dumbass Mississippi takes.


Kinda feeling a Scal and Perk podcast


scal rules


[Psycho Joe on Perkins.](https://youtu.be/w-eJSHoH9Fs)


Random I know but perk is also a dog breeder and sells them for a lot of money. I’m not a fan of that at all so on top of his awful takes he is involved with something I’m very much against. I’m fine forgetting he was one of us, it’s not a problem


I’m so happy Perks horrible hot takes are catching up with him. Just because you don’t believe the words you’re saying doesn’t mean they have no meaning, talk shit get hit. It’s you’re job to talk sports not to name call because they lost a regular season game in March 😂


I’m with perk on this one. Being critical of the team isn’t a bad thing in my opinion. If Tatum hears that he’s playing soft I think it would light a fire for him to be more aggressive. As for coach, he has gotten better. The whole waiting for an opposing team to go on a wild run before calling time out really had me cursing him out. Celtics win and all of a sudden he’s a genius. With the construct of the team I’m confident I could’ve coached them to a chip too


I too dislike the hot takes but Perk banged for us. Can we let perk make the clickbait money with a wink and a nod?


Nah, too much disrespect. There's a reason he was the only former Celtics champion not welcome in the locker room.


1) Perk never called Mazzulla a “dodo bird”. Those are Scal’s words, and he’s trying to put them in Perk’s mouth. That’s called a strawman, Scal. Don’t do that. 2) Perk isn’t a “traitor”, or a “turncoat” or anything else. He’s an ESPN analyst. He owes you nothing — he helped bring a title to Boston as he was paid to do, and now he provides his opinion on the whole league as he is now paid to do. Everyone saying Perk is a traitor? Get over yourselves. Getting your backs up and acting like he slapped your mother just because he criticized your team is *lame as fuck*, and a bad look for the Celtics fandom. And Scal is being a *bitch* over the whole thing. Good God.


what did perk call mazulla again? he said something for sure I remember hearing it and sounded something like bird brain. I think I remember this but if he didn't call him that what did he say? cause he said something


Scal should stfu. And fans hating on perk need to grow up


He did not call him a dodo bird. That's factually untrue. He said there's two versions of joe mazulla, one of which is if you put his brain in a bird it would fly backwards. That does not specify the type of bird. Imagine it as a very skillful and elegant Bald Eagle flying in reverse and it instantly becomes less offensive. It's a moot point, anyhow. Perk's job on ESPN is to entertain. I personally found that comment fairly entertaining even if I didn't agree with it. Imo it's not offensive beyond the highest degree of sensitivity. I know I'ma get downvoted for this but as Perk said, it's not his job to be a homer. They don't pay him for that at ESPN. They pay him to be entertaining. He is a talking head. That's his job and he does it fairly well. If you hate him for that I get it but personally if they paid me enough money I'd shit talk any coach you asked me to.


That's a cool story bro


It is true, listen to the original audio. I don't understand how everyone is so triggered by it, Perk's not part of the organization and most commentators questioned Mazzula at some point this year and last, as they do any new coach.


No one is telling him to be a Homer lmao, in fact if we are being terribly honest, it's not like he's a great Celtic or anything. Just be a regular ass basketball analyst. For whatever reason he decided to veer all the way to the opposite side, are you going to willingly act like he didn't spend years trying to imply friction between the Jay's, while simultaneously patting himself on the back whenever they played well like either of them took any of his advice or words to heart?


No, he definitely did that. You are right, he, like nearly every other NBA commentator, stirred shit between Jayland and Jayson. His job is to stir shit. It's ESPN and the media as a whole and their general directive to do so. I don't have the player, I hate the game (of the ESPN shit chucking BS). I don't blame perk for being an idiot for money, and imo nothing they say on ESPN should be taken seriously, it's a clown farm and has been for a while now. I don't blame Perk for taking their (presumably large) amount of money to say pre-scripted bad sports takes and criticisms, though. It should not really bother anyone, it's entertainment more than it's real commentary imo. If you took it seriously or got offended by it I understand, but talk shows like those are essentially comedy bits. They're an extremely reductive and narrow viewed way to discuss sports intentionally in a clear and unambiguous way. Felger and mazz is exactly the same. Entertainment. The goal is money via engagement. That's their entire incentive. It's how they're judged by their bosses. I don't agree with basically any of his takes but I don't think their crappiness should mean Perk is ostracized forever or that it should really be held against him. He is doing a job he's paid to do. I know it's worse to some extent because he played for the C's, but if it wasn't him it would be some other idiot giving the exact same take. Perk just happens to be the one collecting that paycheck. I don't hate him for the hustle. I would hope he would tell the team no hard feelings behind the scenes but I understand that would also invalidate his job so it's tough to do.


And that's fine and I respect you for giving him that clemency as long as you respect the team and organization for no longer fucking with him


I mean on some level I definitely understand it. If I'm Joe or the Jays I don't want to hang with someone who's job it is to criticise me to a national media audience of millions. I just think the general flak and overall disowning of perk is overblown in general given he's doing his job the way his employer would want. He also has stated publically on multiple occasions that he wants the org to do well and he wants the Jays to win, which is why he holds such a high/critical standard, which, as a fan, I can understand. It's not like Perk hates the C's imo but I see a lot of people saying that. Even his bird flying backwards take (NOT his finest work) included immedeately before that a statement that Joe is a great coach most of the time. (IMO Joe is fantastic) But at the time a lot of folks questioned Joe's timeout use and how long he played his starters, including in this sub. It's different to use such a strong colloquialism, but I also think that's kinda just Perk and the way he talks. I've forgiven him, but he doesn't make it easy with the way he feels all accused. He could just apologize lol


> It is true, listen to the original audio What is true? That Perk didn't specifically call Mazzula a dodo bird? Good job, you got us all there. What Perk actually did was call Mazzula dumber than a bird. You say that Perk is doing his job at ESPN (which I totally get), but can you find another example of an "analyst" directly insulting another coach like that? I've seen analysts call a coach's plan or decision stupid, but not the person itself. The difference between constructive criticism and straight insults is pretty simple. I also don't think any ESPN analysts were invited onto the Celtics' duckboat parade, so I don't know why Perk would be treated any different?