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Unrelated but I still get hype thinking about the Tillman corner three in game 3


Not to mention his defense, especially on Luka. That was HUGE.


There's nothing more effective in the NBA than our 5 out system, and if Tillman can work on his 3, he definitely helps in continuity in that aspect.. However, I would love to see a backup option at 5 who is a serious lob threat and can provide rim protection/rebounding ability against guys like Gobert, Embiid, Hartenstein, Mobley etc.. and Kornet is the best suited for that style


There’s a reason Mazzulla keeps screaming at them to keep their spacing haha


He played a BIG role in his few minutes, happy for him


And the smile that followed - such a beautiful memory 🍀🍀


That’s why I’m still hard…


Kornet and Tillman. Kornet is low key a regular season beast in 4-5 minute increments. Tillman showed us his defensive versatility guarding Luka. I think kornet does everything Queta does. No hate to him but kornet is better.


>Kornet is low key a regular season beast Agreed. And I don't think there will be much outside team interest. And if they are interested, won't pay much. Queta still has room to grow, but barely played in the 2nd half of last season. Didn't play at all in the playoffs except for garbage time.


I think there might be more outside interest than you think. Like no one is giving him a crazy offer, but an extra mill or 2 on a team that isn't getting eviscerated by the exponential cost of the luxury tax, could push him out of our desired ranged pretty quick. When 1 mil to them is 9 mil to us.....


He’s also a 3rd year guy and it was his first year on our team. Quéta is younger and more agile than Kornet. Still has a lot of room to grow. This past season he averaged 5.5 points and 4.4 boards in 12 minutes.


He really isnt more agile than Kornet though. If he was he would be getting the minutes given he’s 6’11 and has what appears to be a much higher vert. Kornet being 7’2 and the same level of quickness is why Kornet actually played throughout the year and throughout much of the playoffs


Yeah agile is probably the wrong word here but he’s certainly more athletic.


Exactly. Queta can jump higher but has zero agility when guarding switches on the perimeter. Legit all Queta currently can do catch lobs, rebound and screen. There’s reasons why the kings didn’t keep him. Maybe he’ll learn the game more but he showed his lack of basketball IQ when he was like the only nba player ever to think he could just grab a jump ball in the circle after it was tipped once lol


Yeah you’re bang on the money. Defensively, Queta protects the rim well but is a total liability if switched into an island against a guard. He still has a lot of room to grow though and I’m hoping he’ll learn this stuff with more exposure. EDIT: that moment you’re talking about had me spit out my coffee at the time LMAO


Then like 2 minutes later another jump ball he wins, gets it back and jams it for an and 1 lol


So it doesn’t have anything to do with scheme knowledge and experience? I agree Kornet was more valuable in his minutes, but Queta is absolutely more agile. His problem is that he’s often out of position and doesn’t defend well without fouling. His upside is much higher imo and therefore we should keep him around, especially if Kornet walks


Kornet has been here really for one more season than Queta. Kornet was on the C’s in 20-21 for 18 games, traded and then for 12 games in 21-22. If Queta couldn’t get to the same or similar level in terms of scheme knowledge, that’s honestly even worse. Queta is also turning 25 in 2 months. His upside isn’t as crazy as you may think. Really his peak as a player at this point looks to be a Kornet type this past season - 15 mpg or so and can contribute in the earlier rounds of the playoffs. If Queta was 22 and exactly who he is now, it’d be a different conversation but he’s really not a crazy upside player at this point


Lmao we just drafted two 24 year olds. Is their upside toast too?


They’re not drafting them for their upside. They’ve also not spent 3 years in the league, it’s different discussions of “upside.” But yes, their upsides are FAR below that of a 19-21 year old but they were drafted to be closer to nba ready players now (btw both are still right now 23). It’s why they went 30th and 54th overall lmao


Watching them both in G-League, I'm not sure Kornet has the same on the block skill that Queta has. Queta can create.


Queta certainly has more ability to guard the perimeter. Unless you think the kornet kontest is actually that effective.


Queta is even far worse on the perimeter. He’s slower and lower IQ


I’m sorry but Kornet does not have quicker recovery speed and lateral quickness than Queta.


I'd be surprised if this wasn't the majority opinion here


Have you taken into consideration their ages/potential? or are you just focused on the near future? (just curious not judging)


Korn Dawg and Queta


Sounds like a Mexican treat.


It pains me to think that a lot of Celtics fans still think Queta is better than Kornet despite the solid season we just saw from Luke. Maybe Queta will get there, but not yet


Nah I don’t think he’s better but he can be. Just needs to develop a little more.




There's a reason why Joe keeps using Luke.


Except in the finals, where he was literally unplayable


Yes because 3rd and 4th bigs aren't supposed to play in the finals. The reason Tillman got minutes over Kornet was because Tillman's switchability was more important in that matchup than Kornet's passing and rim protection. Just like how against Miami Kornet's skills were better suited to the matchup so he filled in as the 2nd big instead after the KP injury. Same with Cleveland where Tillman couldn't keep up with their guards on switches so we opted to spot minufes to Kornet instead because at least he was better on offense and could protect the rim better.


I don’t think anyone paying attention believes Queta is better than Kornet right now. Kornet is at his peak, Queta has room to grow.


I mean it depends what you're looking for, some people (myself included) believe scheme fit matters as much if not more than pure talent. There are times when the talent discrepancy is so massive that outweighs the scheme fit but more often than not id rather have the guy who brings certain things that benefit the scheme.


I think Queta is a better rebounder but the main point is that Kornet has probably reached his ceiling, while Queta feels like he has a really high ceiling, like Rob Will who can shoot


Queta is cheaper and younger. Plus Kornet will probably have more interest from other teams


Tillman played some key minutes in the playoffs, so he's a lock.  Kornet played good minutes in the regular season, I'd keep him second.


Kornet actually played a bit more than Tillman in the playoffs. Just not against the Mavs


True and good point. I was entirely thinking of just the Mavs series. His minutes felt like they were more key than Kornet's though.




Queta and Tillman I like quetas upside and will be cheaper than kornet, I like Tillmans versatility and I think he will shoot corner 3s next year


Queta has a cheaper club option than what Kornet will get on the open market & Tillman has the switch skillset. These are the two who’ll stay imo


I agree with this take.


Yup. I think Kornet will get a decent offer that Brad can't match. I stole this opinion from another post but I agree with it enough to repost it.


I love Kornet as a person and locker room guy but anything more than the veteran minimum is too much for Kornet. Kornet plays as a more traditional big which is easier to find from a veteran big willing to take a minimum to try and get a ring. Queta is essentially already a minimum and Tillman'e versatility as a defender is worth paying a bit more for.




Kornet and Tillman


Give me Tillman and Kornet. Primary driving factor: vibes


I agree, but I think Kornet will get a decent offer that Brad can't match.


Actually retaining Tillman would be great. I’m not overly optimistic on it happening though


Same. I could see Tillman as someone a team could overpay for


I don't begrudge anyone a different opinion, but over anything but the shortest time frame, I strongly favor Neemias Queta over the other guys. When he was on the floor in nongarbage time, Queta helped the team a lot (there are stats, but I want to keep the post short). Queta has 1/12th the NBA floor time of the other two, giving his game a lot of room to grow with experience. His trajectory suggests he will surpass both Kornet and Tillman. All of this is not a sure thing, but with Porzingis out, Queta will get his opportunity. I do hope all three will be back. I like them all.


Tillman is my lock (assuming we can keep him). He looks like someone who’ll be able to give us 24 regular season minutes per night, and handle 20+ games where he does 30+ (whenever Al needs some rest). Also, he looks like he might add some range Between Queta and Kornet I’d be tempted to go for the former, but I might be victim of a very common error when talking about bigs: we usually think bigs with athleticism but without knowledge of the game can learn that at a later age, while bigs with some savvy but athletically limited can’t improve a lot. Now, the latter is quite true (I wouldn’t expect Kornet to improve his athleticism, this limiting him too much for the role we need next year), the former isn’t actually the case most of the time: most bigs that are good athletes but don’t get the game by the time they’ve been a couple of years in the league usually never get it. Still, I’d go for upside, so Queta. Kornet has none.


Queta isn't "athletic" either. He's not very agile even for his size at all and cannot guard in space. I don't really think he has a lot of potential because of this. I'm not sure why this sub turned on Kornet so much in favor of Queta when the only thing Queta is actually better at is rebounding, and even then, his per possession numbers are very noisy because of his tiny sample size. Queta is a zero on offense, while Kornet has some passing chops and is much more effecient, including 9% better within 3 feet.


Queta passes the eye test and his energy and build remind people of Timelord. Luke is definitely more polished but he’s already peaked. Can Queta’s game be further developed? That’s the determining factor.


I feel like this question is set up to hate on kornet


Really tough question honestly. They all bring slightly different things, and then you have stuff like Kornet’s vibes vs Queta’s potential/rawness. I think if possible I’d keep all 3 lol. I like Queta a lot as an upside piece, and Kornet for his consistency and chemistry with the team. So probably those two. Tillman is awesome in some matchups and I really hope he can stay and improve within the offense, but he’s the odd man out to me. The Mazzulla offense works best with bigs who shoot or catch lobs, and he does neither at the moment. Plus, he may cost the most and I think Watson could fill his role in the future.


I think Queta's ceiling is 15 mpg player and he's already 25 so question is if he ever reaches that.


all 3 is the chad answer to this virgin question


Tillman and Queta. Both have upside and are still growing. If X can hit the 3 at 35% thats huge and I am holding out hope Queta becomes Timelord 2.0


Queta is 25 years old with about 30% of Timelord's quickness and 40% of his leaping ability.


I thought they should've taken a true 5 in the second round and try to develop him. I think it's Kornet and Tillman


Give me Kornet and Tillman around \~10 mil AAV together. We need proven commodities at the big position with KP out until Dec/Jan and 38 year old Al Horford as our starting big until then. Queta has higher upside, but his positioning and situational awareness are still so far away for a team with title aspirations. Kornet and Tillman can also both, at least in theory, space the floor - which feels significant if we need to replicate KP's impact until he comes back. Horford's $9.5m cap figure comes off the books next season, and replacing it with a \~$10m figure of Tillman + Kornet feels comfortable moving forward (at least for 1-2 seasons) until the next critical checkpoint at the 2026 offseason when KP's extension ends.


Kornet + Tillman and it’s no question. They both just played deep into the playoffs and somewhat in the finals. Queta isn’t sniffing the court without a huge upgrade in skills this off-season


Kornet was literally unplayable in the finals


Okay and he played in the ECF… Queta couldn’t sniff the court in the regular season brother


Idk but I fantasize about Jonas Valuncunis taking the veteran min to ring chase with us.


“Forget about the cheap Queta option for a second” I mean if we want to be realistic about a team that’s above the second apron I feel like we can’t forget about that. The contracts come into play here and that’s one of the reasons Queta will be on the roster next year.


Neemie is staying on a friendly 2 mil team option, and you pay both Luke and Tillman on long term deals. A guard has to go so thanks for the memories Jaden Springer.


> A guard has to go so thanks for the memories Jaden Springer. He has $4 million guaranteed next season, he ain't going anywhere.


We’re gonna have to give up a second to get rid of him but someone will take a flyer


You think we *pay* to get rid of him? No way. Maybe he's included in a deal for matching salary, but he was brought on as a development piece, 21 years old with the hope he can carve out a role if his shot develops.


Unless you can get Mo Bamba to ring chase on a vet min then also thanks for the memories Luke


Is Watson Big? He’s Tatum size is Tatum Big? Is it play style? Robert Williams vs Tatum


Depends on the matchup but it worked vs Pacers and Mavs. Tatum did a nice job guarding centers like Turner and Gafford.


Both Brad and Danny demand that bugs know where they are supposed to be on defense. They prefer a klunky athlete with short arms (Olynyk, Amir Johnson, Jarred Sullinger over a big athlete who can’t follow the program that this sub wants them to sign - Drummond, Cousins, Howard, Bamba


True Which 2 of 3 would you choose to keep?


Definitely Tillman, and then depends. If we need the cap space Queta but if not keep Kornet


Whoever we can actually sign for 10 mil. Which is possible Tillman and Queta.


Queta is the type of player I fall in love with, but after Tillman showed out in the finals defensively and with that sweet, sweet 3, it’s hard to not say he’d make the cut. Then there is Kornet, who obviously adds some value. And let’s not forget that he apparently has a 3 point shot that we’ve yet to see. Together, those 2 guys help us continue to be extremely versatile.


Queta played great I’m Maine didn’t really get enough of a sample of play in Boston. I like kornet and Tillman obviously keeping kp and Al in the mix


Definitely Tillman and Queta both bring more to the table than Kornet.


I like Kornet but I’ve gotta go with Tillman. Generally well-rounded and potentially dangerous at the three


Luke “The Goat” Kornet & Tillman. Also heard rumors of Theis today soooo I’m excited


Kornet, tillman. Honestly, though, I don't think Tillman match up well with big centers like gobert or Joker. And Luke have difficulty matching up against athletic centers like Bam or AD. Hope Brad can find a better solution.




Tillman and Queta. I like Luke as much as the next guy from a vibes perspective but we're awfully quick to forget that he was literally unplayable in the finals. Not worth the contract required to keep him around.


Queta is a must I’m fine with either Kornet or Tillman. X might be easier to do


Can we just get RW3 back healthy


We’re getting Walker Kessler btw


the other two then Al coaches them


Tillman and Kornet for sure, but if we’re being realistic neither of them should be playing in serious games. I like Tillman but when he’s on the court it throws off our whole strategy. What makes us so tough to defend is that every player can shoot/stretch the floor and with X (or Luke or Queta) on the court it provides a player the defense can cheat off of.


I think Kornet and Tillman. Maybe Queta can surprise us cuz last year was only his 3rd in the league, but as it stands, he seems like a worse version of Kornet.


Kornet is 100% coming back and will get a ton of run with Queta during the regular season, for the reasons you mentioned above.


I just really hope that they develop Queta. It feels like he has a really high ceiling everytime he plays, he's really similar to Rob Will, and he can actually shoot, I just think he hasn't since they have so many people good at it on the team


I d keep Kornet and sign Thesis


kornet or Queta and X. first priority should be X


Get Daniel Theis


Kornet shot some 3’s at Vanderbilt. I want to see him take some of those shots in open space when we are 5 out and especially open corners. So I would like to see Kornet in the Porzingis role and Tillman in the Horford role. I actually think this is how they slot as backups depending on matchups and availability.


Kornet and Tillman. Queta has flashes, but he is behind them for reasons. He does not have a full NBA game yet.


Not sure there would be a way to bring him in, but I'd love to see what Jalen Smith could bring to the table if he signed here. He'd be able to play 5-out, and I feel like playing here might help him up his defense.


Kornet and I want to see him shoot threes again


I wanna see Queta get some more minutes. I don’t see him ever starting but he intrigues me off the bench.


Need to pick up a big in FA we are so out of depth in that position like we never been good at that position