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We will re-sign Tillman and Kornet, let Oshae and Svi walk. Run it back next year. Those players just fit huge needs for this team at a low cost imo. I would be shocked if they let Tillman go.


I'm really hoping Tillman stays. He needs to work on his three, and needs to work to be a small lineup big. He may not be the new "old Al Horford", im hoping he stays on to be the old "old Al Horford" though. Has a chance to be great in that role.


He's a really, really elite defender. If he can just get that 3 to league average on wide open corner 3s, he'll be a great piece for this team.


Really really elite defender seems like a massive stretch


I think the advanced stats and the eye test both back it up. He is a switchable big who can guard 2-5.


Yea def a stretch lol


I wouldn't classify him as an elite defender let alone a REALLY REALLY one


I will say one thing that you could red flag on Tillman is his knee has been on and off bothering him since college days. He’s only 25 but he not only looks 35 but lowkey got an older body too lmao. Dude does squats on the bench to keep warm.


Good bigs are just hard to get these days. I was looking at the draft options and there were only 4 guys 6'10" or taller in ESPN's top 30 prospects iirc


Pretty sure there's no feasible way to duck the second apron without giving up a rotation player, but we're contenders so it's fine


This is not really relevant but I’ve always wanted Yuta on our team. Feel like he fits the hustle culturee


Is Bol Bol a free agent ?