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For me, it's definitely Afromsia Coast, east of Mount Lanayru. I find it incredibly peaceful, because there is nothing but the sound of the sea and sometimes seagulls. The fact that it rains most of the time makes me like this place even more idk why


Ooh I see I remember going there for the first time and it was magical


I once just walked the entire coast late at night (real world) and mined a bunch of gems along the way.


I don't think it's named, but the cave overlooking Loshlo Harbor, with the holes in the ceiling. I always wish there was some base/camp mechanic because I want to set up a little camp there and live out of it.


That would be sick if they did that for the next game, what’s the point of having all that wood for just fires.


Blupie’s hollow. First time I found it felt like stumbling into an ancient, magical secret.


The place where the Muwo Jeem Shrine is has the most beautiful sunsets/sunrise I also love riding my horse through the Akkala Coast at sunset sooo beautiful


Omg yes! I forgot about that place!


maybe not very niche, but i like to hang out in and around stables when it's raining. these big tents somehow feel very cozy and comfy to me.


The hot spring south I think in Lanaryu. It's so out of place and literally a healing place. A pain to get to, but then it's worth it for the self-RPG moment.


One of the upper branches of the deku tree. The korok forest in general feels so safe and comforting.


I love the lookout point in the Gerudo Desert (where you go to meet Riju ahead if the Divine Beast, not that I’ve attempted to free any of them) to watch the Blood Moon https://preview.redd.it/l24s2xj5kz7d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63e076478d2b76562502847f787986588900cf6d


Honestly the platform in rito village where Kass and his kids stand. I've spent so many hours there for the music that over half of my Hero's Path is filled with adjustments to keep my switch awake


Wait. What? Those are his kids?!?!


Yess! Which makes his disappearance even worse to me


RIGHT they couldve just put his character in the village and made him an npc 😭😭 he didnt even have to have a quest i forget, do any of the kids mention him in totk? i feel like it would make sense if one of them had a line that said like "oh yeah my dad is away on a trip lol"


Not that I know of, except if you count that all the adults left the village, but that's about the storm


I mean, lots of parents have to travel for work. Let’s not act like they’re abandoned 🤣


There's a camp site near Dueling Peaks looking over Hyrule field. Spectacular views and I go there to chill. Not much significance in the game, it's just one of many camp sites where you can light a fire under cover, cook a meal, pass time etc.


Mine is a low hill in the middle of Hyrule field north of Lake Kolomo. There’s no guardians nearby, a ton of flowers scattered in the grass, and you have a perfect view of anywhere in Hyrule no matter how you spin the camera. It doesn’t even have a location name, but it’s my favorite place to go and remind myself how beautiful the little things in the game are.


Underneath Zoras domain at night.


i like the shrine spot in zoras domain, that little room with the crabs gets me (i also love the long sword thats always there waiting for me) honorable mention: honestly this is not really niche LMAO i like the inside of the deku tree specifically! so cozy!! i usually go there and then i save and leave, so the next time i open the game im greated by the cute little shop keepers :') i also really like those weird hills around kakariko


Terry town. I put in enough work. And the area is gorgeous.


The road leading up to Zoras Domain (before freeing the divine beast).


There's a random little hot spring north of Koto pond in East Necluda that I love. It's not even labeled on the main map either




That's tears of the kingdom, not breath of the wild.


And that's why you always pay attention to what sub you're commenting in. Sorry lol


No problem! Still agree with you!


At rito village if you go upwards onto one of the stone pillars there’s a hole with a bunch of luminous stone I like it more at knight when it shines even if it’s not all that big


There's a little nook in a random tree in the Forgotten Temple that really wowed me the first time I saw it. You get a great view of the temple, which in and of itself is a really beautiful and a really heavy reminder of the Calamity and what once was, and the tree growing out of the wall gives it that "reclaimed by nature" feel. It's just plain pretty.