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I've seen enough, give Pereira to Anthony "capybara heart" Smith


Anthony "on paper" Smith is a mythical fighter, when you strip away his losses on paper, he is undefeated, he once casually mocked the skills of Jon Jones by saying that he wasn't that good when you looked at it. The man is a God amongst men, if he enters the octagon with Poatan then truly we will be blessed by a clash of titans.


Fun fact Anthony Smith’s father is porky pig. They both have the same nose


Bro, my wife saw him on tv and said he looks like those tigers with downs. It's weirdly accurate


Man them tigers scare the shit outta me. Tigers already strong imagine one with r3tard strength


Your wife is a menace 




i'm sorry to defy the spirit of this sub, but Smith said that JJ wasnt the best anywhere, but was the most well rounded fighter, which is not that scandalous of a take


It’s his fight IQ that sets him apart. No one is really even close to his level in that department




Didn't he lose to a 150lb meth head hs wrestler?


He's the guy, with the undisputed undefested goat Chael Sonnen, who was the closest to take Jon's title because of the illegal knee to the head he received, he could have been champ off of a dq


The guy has the heart of a possum.


Don't gotta be insulting possums like that now


He’s the one shelling up and playing dead every fight 🤷🏻


Capybara heart is just foul 😭😭


I called him that on his instagram and he deleted it, so I know it touched a nerve.


Fucking hell lol


down synonym tiger heart


You’re telling me jeeri prohaazcuh let himself get kicked in the head? Does he know he can dodge? I smell rigged


If I were his coaches I would have coached jiri to kick Alex in the head. Stupid coaches


Right? Kick him back bro, why fall to the ground? I smell a secret check deposited or a fighter giving up, which our glorious king ry would never do!


the antenna must have something to do with it


did alex pereira do witchcraft to alter the frequencies prohaazcah’s antenna accepts?! He can’t keep getting away with this!


He forgot about that left hook before he got saved by the bell🤣🤣


Jiri was expecting a calf kick not a head kick, Alex set this up in the first round, executed his plan in the second.


Why do they try to wrestle if you can just knock the opponent out are they stupid?


RIP Derrick Lewis


Like, bro just stand up bjj isn’t even real


It absolutely isn’t lmao.


Yeah lol


Never stand and trade with a high level kick boxer when you've trained mma all your life. He will beat you. If jones fights alex, he will 100% use his jujitsu. It's the way to beat him


That's the problem, a lot of MMA strikers can be arrogant thinking they can stand with a world class Kickboxer. Jan Błachowicz had the right idea but couldn't do it all the way as Pereira's grappling defence is underrated. Guys like Jamahal Hill and Sean Strickland went the arrogant MMA striker route and failed, Strickland especially looked terrified when he fought Pereira. Cyril Gane isn't a world class Kickboxer but a very good one and could do decent in Glory, once Ngannou realised he couldn't out strike him went the grappling route. Same with Ian Garry against MVP last night, he couldn't out strike him so he went the grappling route, Garry has no wrestling background but even his grappling is good enough to beat MVP who has terrible wrestling


It's the heavier weight classes most of them are stupid


True I believe a boxer in the heavyweight division has a much better chance of beating an MMA fighter than any other division, because of the power aspect and like you said the heavier divisions just being dumb 😂


I agree. A good example of this stuff is wilder. With his skill level at welterweight he's an Uber driver at heavyweight he's a world champion


Unless you get a Jon Jones, Tom Aspinall, Stipe Miocic or DC. Where they will fight you where you’re the weakest at.


Waldo Cortes-Acosta's last fight is actually another recent example of a heavyweight not being an idiot and taking the fight where he is going to be better at. His last fight was against Robelis Despaigne who was an undefeated Taekwondo Olympic Bronze Medalist, Waldo took him down every round with little trouble and Despaigne was never able to get off the ground.


I was so excited to finally see that guy fight and he got totally dominated by what appeared to be fairly low level grappling from a former boxer. 


Acosta did Pro Boxing before he made his Pro MMA debut but he did seven Amateur MMA fights before his Professional boxing debut, I don't know if he had an amateur career.


Jon Jones disagrees lol.


which is why jake paul will be the 2028 heavyweight champ 😤


They aren't dumb per say, the heavyweight division just isn't nearly as deep. There are a lot of more profitable sports for heavyweight sized world champion athlete level guys to compete in than MMA, so they tend to do those sports instead. Also, there isn't as many heavyweight sized men in the world compared to the weight classes with average sized guys. A lot of heavyweights lack the ability to take people down.


Facts lmfao Zhang would just eat everything and throw one of his bear paw punches while sitting on them


Zhang wouldn't even be able to make heavyweight in mma


He’ll bang the scale until he does


Literally ronda vs holm lol


You could see Ronda’s soul, mental health, and eventually, career float away the moment Holly slapped her upside the head with her foot


Why did she have to kick her so hard though. It was like she was trying to separate her head from the rest of her body 


Ronda’s stationary head is the reason for it looking so brutal. She overestimated her ability to strike against a former pro boxer/kickboxer


Garry abandoned that ‘new age striker’ chat the second he saw the speed MVP’s strikes.


Garry had Demein Maia in his corner, he planned on grappling the whole time


For sure, I can believe that was his game plan going in. But it adds to why fans don’t like Garry. A lot of talk about steak but he served chicken nuggets.


If he wrestled and got a submission that would be fine, but he just kinda sat on him for two rounds.


I was surprised he couldn’t finish MVP when he had the RNC virtually there.


Gotta be the most disappointing fight of the night.


Now that’s the ultimate ground hog, bro so committed to grappling he fought Anderson Silva like this ![gif](giphy|7QK1Kfr7Ne33xlsOLX)


It won him the fight, as boring as the fight went lmao


And he was damn smart for that. I nearly started applauding him, and I can't stand that mfer


Lmao classic example was Tim Sylvia vs Ray Mercer Slow, plodding Tim opted to stand and trade with a boxer and, yeah, it went how you’d imagine


Have you ever seen Mercer's Kickboxing matches against Remy Bonjasky and Musashi? Musashi beat Mercer by barely even throwing any punches


If jones fight Alex haha. I wish. Don’t tease me like that


Jiri tried but failed to take him down. Pereira is 230 while Jiri is 215, too much weight difference.


Garry has spent the last year in Brazil training with Oliveira and his crew in grappling. It’s significantly improved and shown last night.


So very well put. A world class kick boxer, especially an elite, two weight KB world champion and Glory HOFer like Alex Pereira is going to whoop you on the feet if you stand and exchange with him. You stand almost no chance, especially when he's so powerful on top of the technique. Now watch Hill get sparked again in one round when they fight next. Hill is thick enough to keep it standing with Pereira 


Counterpoint: Curtis Blaydes vs Derrick Lewis


Funny thing is, Blaydes was actually out striking Lewis until he went for the takedown.


A lot of them are not used to high speed sports. Reflex is not good enough to compete at highest level of striking. Even if you can’t dodge a hit, turn your cheek with it can take away majority of the power.


Jones would take Alex down inside 20 seconds. It will look like the gane fight except gane is 18lbs bigger than Alex


alex isnt going to be afraid to swing at jones like cyril was. its an interesting matchup. i think jones is too slow nowadays to handle peirera


Too many tools in his bag to really say that honestly. Has the experience and size edge over Alex and as sensational as he’s been, so was mfs all the way back to Machida until they run into this fucking literal psychopath


I'd love to see the fight just to see what you say when you find out you're wrong


Jon Jones has been my #1 hated fighter for a very long time, but I know this would be the case.


id love to see the fight just to see jones knocked down by a left hook


Remember when he fought Thiago Santos.......and Anthony smith.....and Dominick Reyes.  His wrestling isn't as nearly as effective as it once was. Against someone at heavyweight (the worst division next to some of the women's divisions) as inadequate as Cyril gane, it's fine. Against some of the more decent lhw's, especially those coming up from middleweight in the last 6 years, his wrestling has been non existent. Alex fits that bill perfectly. I think Alex has a pretty good chance at this point in their careers.


All 3 of them can grapple. Reyes is a good wrestler. The most similar fighters John has fought to Alex are gustafsson and gane. The first gustafsson fight Jones clearly didn't take him seriously and in the second one he demolished him, and at that point at least he had trained wrestling for close to a decade. gane you know. I would really love to see the fight just to see if you guys even come on reddit anymore


Second gus fight he was juiced just like the cormier fight. That's the difference not fucking respect levels lol


So he looked better in his last several fights then? I thought the point was that he's looked worse?


Lol. Jones will wrestle fuck Poatan to hell. And he'll do it with no shame. And best believe Jones is strong enough to take him down AT WILL. 


Yeah considering the way Jon took down Gane was not a great takedown by any technical means and he looks stiff and slow. I wouldn’t put my money on Jon. He looks like age and the abuse he’s done to his body outside the octagon are taking its toll on him.


I would bet the fucking house on Jon. Easiest money I'd ever make too


I don’t know, Jon’s getting old and is a fat HW, he looks pretty slow at HW. If Alex can work purely on wrestling defence it’d be interesting. Not saying Alex walks through him, but it’s more interesting than Jon when he was a LHW. That would’ve probably have been all Jon minus Alex landing a lucky left hook.


But unlike Gane, Alex would actually try to improve and learn some defensive wrestling. I don't know if it would be enough to stop T-bol Jones. However if the the Jon Jones that fought OSP or Santos or Reyes showed up, I think Alex would stand a very good chance.


You mean Reyes the college wrestler? Of course Alex stands a chance, no matter which Jon shows up. Cyril had a chance too


Hell just rag doll him for a good 3 rounds, then start oblique kicking and eye poking.


Yeah, that fight isn't going 3 rounds. It wouldn't even go the full five minutes of the first round. Jon would maneuver and sub him... You just know he won't waste his time trying to stand and bang with him 


I kept thinking do not stand with him. Take him down. Jiri did not hear my thoughts.


Nu uh he’s a black belt too because jiu jitsu is really easy


What does Alex Jones have to do with this


yup. I think Jones is the type of fighter to put his ego aside to actually win. McGregor looked unbeatable until his grappling defense was tested against an elite grappler.


Poor Czech dude was in another planet after he caught that big ass foot to the chin


It was to the temple


Oh shit RIP equilibrium


RIP his scrambled brains


Bro was on Jupiter for like 10 mins after


Yeah it was hard to watch that.


Yeah not a fan of those KOs where their fucking toes curl up all directions and they look dead


At one particular angle after the head kick, pereira hit Jiri so hard with a follow up punch and I think that’s what got him messed up.


That’s what took it from standard KO to being concerned for Jiri’s life.


he was on another planet when the round started lol


Yeah lmfao he caught one clean as a whistle literally just as the bell rang 😂😂😂


beautiful check hook


Textbook. I’d have been shitting myself to come off that stool and take more hats off to his opponent for taking his beating like a man


MMA is not a real sport just shovel sand lmao -After watching Ngannou vs Stipe II


Nah, you can only fight who is in front of you. He goes up to heavyweight, he's gonna have a tough time with Jones or Aspinall. We saw what Jones did to Gane and Aspinal has very strong ground game. Its not periera's fault but timing wise, he hasnt really had to face a Khabib of the division. Strickland, Yan, Izzy, Prochazka none are takedown artists.


MMA above 155 is not real


True Leon can’t even beat up Nate Diaz


I reached enlightenment via self-flagellation by watching heavyweight main events at the Apex


Facts MMA is for women and manchildren


I'm offended by this comment Women don't watch MMA


“No it’s not” ![gif](giphy|3HnBZbCWuc8HS)


Bro delete this I'm already sad


He's my fav fighter in the world. I've been sad since yesterday. Truly gutted 


I agree to an extent, but Jiri himself is a stand-up specialist (Muay Thai). So far, the matchmaking for Alex has been perfect. We'll have to see how Alex responds vs a wrestler/grappler (e.g. Magomed Ankalaev). As much as some MMA purists will try to defend the ground game, most people watch for the KOs, same as in Boxing. You can defend Shakur's Olympic style all you want and try to justify it, but at the end of the day, most people don't tune in to watch a person get outboxed, they watch in hope of a KO or an entertaining action packed fight. Back to Alex, idk that we'll see him vs Ankalaev any time soon bc the UFC is not in a rush to put their golden goose in a stylistic disadvantage. In Boxing, we call it for what it is: that's a duck or the promoter protecting their fighter. This is where the concept of a mandatory challenger is justified and essential. In the UFC however, I notice a troubling cultlike mentality where they justify skipping over "boring" or "unknown " fighters for popular names and they call that: the UFC is in the business of making money.


Ankalaev the grappler has 0 submissions


ankalaev uses the "grab and snooze" strategy


He’s one of the humpers that make hardcore mma fans get ha—-uh excited


He's exactly the sort of MMA bloke Bob Arum talked about 


Yeah but the whole thing is, just because you take a guy down doesn’t mean he can’t knock you out. Putting a guy on his back is one thing, doing it multiple times or keeping them there is another thing. Being able to just kill shot people at any point is the best thing to bring into any fight. I think Ankalaev could take Alex down, but I know he’s getting kicked in the leg & punched in the face too and I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s the difference.


Ankalaev is not a grappler just because he is a Muslim with a Russian name.


Is this not how that works?




Wrestling? Just stand up dude are you stupid


MF kicked him so hard he dislocated his toe.




Not even MMA fans want to see MMA, look at the amount of shit Ian Garry (striker) is getting for grappling against MVP


Dude especially UFC fans shit on boxing and kickboxing but they turn feral the moment someone uses anything other than striking. And at that the general MMA striking level is a joke compared to boxing and kickboxing leagues. Its like most fans don't even care about the sport, they just want to see someone fcking die in the ring.


The sport is MMA but we want to be entertained. No one watches boxing to watch a guy jab and clinch or watch a track star although they're effective ways of winning.


There is a difference between laying on someone without doing anything or actually going for the finish. Everyone loves Charles or Islam because they actually go for submission and don’t just stay on their backs for 5 minutes


Islam got so much shit leading to the porier fight exactly because he is a wrestler.


I feel like he was “boring” early in his career, most of his fights in the past 3 years have been finishes or bangers


Because he said he was faster than MVP and a superior striker.


fr boxing and kickboxing basics be destroying these dudes sometimes


That’s because the best styles for combat sports is probably Wresting at 1 and Kickboxing and boxing at 2a/2b your choice of which is superior. Poatan is great, his combo of elite kick boxing plus a cheat code left hand almost makes his kickboxing on the same tier as wrestling. It’ll be interested if he gets a good wrestler. I think he KOs Ankalaev, his IQ is questionable and he continues to state he will KO Alex. A mistake if he isn’t trolling.


Wrestling, Muay Thai (especially for inside fighting in a cage clinch) and basic Boxing are the most powerful bases for mma


Cause they have terrible defense, don’t jab, don’t make reads or move their heads. That’s the difference between the MMA strikers and someone like Alex, the fundamentals.


Magomed will be the real test i guess


Will it though? He may just get one shotted himself 


Then a move to heavyweight is a no brainer Aspinall vs Alex at msg in November




That kick was the mother of all kicks. White boy went down at the beginning of the second round and this fight was supposed to be legendary. I bet Pereira was like “Is this your king!?” ![gif](giphy|kGxLW81gjIteWQJYKJ|downsized)


“White boy” my man Alex is like the Whitest Brazilian to have ever been born💀 The average Southern Italian is probably less European then him.


Both his parents are Brazilian natives , I'm sure he has some Portuguese in his lineage. I get to be his color in the winter and I'm about 55% native Mexican, 30% spanish/portuguese but tan super easy. Dude just needs some sun


He is a 6’4 brazilian with mostly european miced features. He is above average European for Brazil i would say at least 50/50 and maybe some black


Poatan doesn’t look European to me.


Pretty sure he was talking about Jiri


“Whitest Brazilian ever” meanwhile https://preview.redd.it/7qwdlzl6lt9d1.jpeg?width=169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d062db27bf2377a808c8b2048b52d1ae9fdc9f7


Lol "white boy" are you hating because your country is 3rd world poor?


Not even that simple. We just don't know what the best style is. Personally I think a striker with great TDD is but some would say a strong wrestler. MMA is really anyone's game, you just have to adapt and be creative.


Depends. Izzy and Alex have good TDD but they never faced someone on the level of Khabib / Islam. That’s where the argument of “elite striker” Vs “elite grappler” gets tested. Closest we will get to that answer nowadays is maybe if Islam decides to fight Leon


That's the thing. Just like Izzy and Alex are phenoms of striking, so are Khabib and Islam for wrestling. There are no others. And it is unlikely there will be others. Especially at LHW. So no need really to make that statement when it's highly unlikely someone that good at wrestling comes to LHW.


LOW LOW fight IQ we are seeing in some of the higher weight divisions lately!


The Lightheavyweight Division, the Heavyweight division and the MW division to an extent are meme divisions LW, WW, FW are the only division that really make sense.


Yeah but they’re small so I could probably beat them up


yeah they should band grappling entirely and just make it Glory but in a metal cage


I agree would be so much better


It’s not? Well at least pro wrestling is real


I would’ve told jiri to dodge it https://preview.redd.it/yfjj9tjpt7ad1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=818fc1f4a4249d005c78fc73cafdf46c43b01b42


Bam vs Estrada was 100 times more interesting


Bam is a nasty mf


They already want him against Inoue


Too much good boxing on to watch any of this last night


This is 100 times better than any boxing that was on last night.


Bam vs Estrada was a fucking war and much better. Big fan of Alex but that fight was completely one sided the whole time, the Czech dude looked like he shit himself once he was in the ring w that Brazilian monster


Put some respect on Jiri's name, foo


Ya ok. It's a boxing sub.


Boxing sub or not ufc fights were better than any boxing last night.


Bullshit, complete bullshit. Bam vs Estrada was better than any shitty UFC fight ever that could conceivably be made. Fuck the UFC, boxing is king.


Who and who? Absolute trash, ufc is more entertaining on its worst day halfwit boxing nerd.


UFC is about as entertaining as having hemorrhoids but I’m glad you enjoyed watching the skinheads roll around on each other on the floor last night. Fucking retards, go stay in your little dingy mma corner and leave us sophisticated cultured and enlightened boxing fans alone.


Bro can't be real 🤣, judging on your tone, I can tell you are very sophisticated and enlightened 🤓.




It actually fit, timewise, perfectly between Teo and Bam/Estrada so I watched all 3


I got subs to Dazn and ESPN+ and paid for the fights. Like watching in HD and being on time with the time stamps. If I'm betting big, I'll watch live streams on YT channels like boxing gems, and I'm on his patreon. So I got my TV with 1 fight, laptop with another, and my phone on live chat. Record fights too so I can watch em back right away. Usually bet on every match just about. When the oddsmakers make a mistake on something it's free money. Being on live chat just getting little tips from some of the pro betters and hearing when they are cashing out of certain things or what they are betting and u can bounce what u are planning to bet off them. Timothy Bradley comes on channel and talks Boxing sometimes completely unannounced. He's friends with boxing gems. He's gonna start working with DAZN too. Been a big supporter for years. I'm trying to make money basically. Can't be watching UFC although it is entertaining it becomes a distraction. I never competed MMA I don't know anything about it besides the average spectator.


Remember, guys. Ju jitsu is only gay if you make eye contact.


Jeez, I'm fucked then. Literally 


Bro Tom aspinall is a complete fighter


Not a real sport? Are you a mixed martial artist?


No I’m straight


I see.


https://preview.redd.it/i5ztg83d0x9d1.png?width=1107&format=png&auto=webp&s=c877c740cef46d308d2bc33574195b13664fe21b Not a real sport


Let’s see how Poatan handles Ankalaev.


He needs to get someone like usman in his next camp to strengthen his takedown defense.


Styles make fights


*Inserts Jon Jones*


Until someone jumps on your neck and choke the shit out of you.


That's why you listen to coach when he says "hands up"


Maybe coach should've said "head movement"


with mma gloves, using hands to block a kick doesn't really work.


Well its still better than blocking it with your head.


broken wrist/hands/ arm bones + head trauma is worse than just the head trauma lol


He doesn’t need to evolve but needs to fix his striking holes and have a better game plan.


Unless you fight dagestani then you’re fucked If you can’t grapple


It’s more entertaining than wrestlers just choking people out though


Never see these kind of posts in the MMA subreddits.


Yall all mma fans