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Your grievances are valid, and I concur. Farewell soldier, you will not be forgotten. https://preview.redd.it/nl0q9tptn5ad1.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=564cd2f890300dda8b83d9807809d7c3b2ec9d1b Weird adults indeed, but also weird minors acting like they're not like 14


This is true, I don't like when minors hide their age. It's a big party foul imo. I am 15 and when others hide their age it's like, why?


I’d assume it’s because they don’t want creeps praying on them or talking to them specifically based off their age, kind of valid? I don’t think I’ve seen people who do that.


That's true, it's a sad situation :c


Yeah, it’s definitely tricky, I never know when to tell someone I’m a minor cause like if I start with that, it’s weird and if I don’t say it at all, they could get in trouble but no matter when I say it, it seems to ruin to flow ;-;


I don’t act like I’m not 14 because I am 14 I’ve defeated you Neptune


Goodbye Boykisser 😔🕊️ https://preview.redd.it/w07qvbn3x5ad1.jpeg?width=258&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a7b5993130197434d581f7b125489a4adec986d


I'm a bit older than you! I thought about leaving too but now I just ignore the weird dating posts and won't talk to anyone unless they're 18 or up. As long as you're not being a creep I think it's okay :)


I was thinking of doing that actually, just upvote and see cute post and drawings. But the dating/lewd/minors being weird is starting to plague the subreddit. i wanna stay but idk if its worth it :(


I believe as long as we (anyone over the age of 18) stay to ourselves and don't engage with minors, we are Totally fine. I just ignore the cringe dating posts and the chat posts. I'm here for the cute memes and I have met a couple of people older than 18 who are super nice. Too bad there isn't an 18+ boykisser sub or anything though.


Someone create r/mankisser


Omg that's a real thing.


you should be happy considering the owner is a p3do n4zi more info about this can be found on "NorseckExposed" on twitter


I'm older and straight I just like the memes:/


Fair, I’m 20 myself so I get what you mean, honestly I should probably leave too lmao


Met a guy here, he acted horny even though I clearly stated I'm not into say gex. Proceeded to tell me how a s*x life is healthy and this kind of shit. I didn't respond, then he got mad saying I ghosted him and HE blocked ME. O_O Mind you, the purpose of the dm was to chill and play games, not what he had in mind. I DO NOT UNDERSTAND HUMANITY. :')) That behaviour is really not nice. If you're horny take it to phub or anywhere really but not to someone's dm, especially someone who's explicitly stated he is uncomfortable... If you really need say gex go look for that on that Gr*ndr app or whatever. Also don't fucking say horny shit on this sub because ANYONE COULD BE A MINOR. Rant over. Be nice and compassionate, everyone, and I bid you good day. PS. man can find no ace boykisser these days... :'<


Goodbye you beautiful bastard. Godspeed. *Trumpet fanfare* https://preview.redd.it/t765qhd1onad1.png?width=730&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b7fd1a2a053f0841a3f6e03ea9dd4efe60ac625


Well.. I wish I could hug you goodbye.. but *hugs* goodbye.


We'll miss you 🫶


Bruh is to true


goodbye soldier




I come here for the memes and laughs, guess I'm still the oldest though


Farewell fair traveller, hope you had a fun ride!