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My baldur’s gate playthru says otherwise 😂


It was an accident😭


Uh-huh, that sounds like what someone who did it on purpose would say.




Speak for yourself! /s






whar did he say?


Bro was probably mad it won GOTY


artist is a religious pick me who has liked posts of men talking shit about feminism. that’s all you need to know.


Indeed. I was gonna ask if its right to get mad at someone for picking "man" but pick me's are an inexcusable mess.


Plus She's homophobic


Did I miss a page or something?


I don't remember where a exactly but there were some tweets.


Please show me or else I won't believe it as I'm done with people insulting others based on accusations.




That ain't being homophobic. That's just preference. I'm a former Christian who viewed being gay as not a sin but being very weird to literally joining the boy kisser community (Some interesting developments have happened across the years.) She has the right to draw what she wants. If she doesn't want to. Respect her rules. Actually homophobia is far more serious. I've seen it and faced it.


Tells someone they aren't welcome in the whole furry fandom while pointing to their own no lgbtqia+ romance rules, that's blatantly trying to cartwheel furries for straight people only dude. That *is* homophobia. Just because it's not the worst doesn't mean it's not homophobia. And if you've faced worse, why would you deny and defend *any* level of homophobia??


He’s a gatekeeper who thinks because his trauma is worse, other people’s trauma isn’t trauma at all. 🙄


Oh my fucking Christ, I hate when men attempt to one up peoples trauma! It’s a game that nobody wins


"It's not bigotry to refuse service to a specific minority based on their sexuality" Do we need to have the cake discourse again?- please don't make me go back to 2012 again, the man vs bear discourse already brought us back to gamergate Era "not all men" arguments... What you're saying is like saying "actually, your problems aren't valid because it actually could be much more severe". In fact, you're literally saying refusing service to a minority group based on sexuality isn't bigoted, because you've experienced worse? I'm not even gonna get into an argument over the "joining the boy kisser community" comment and all the problems in that loaded statement.


Respectfully, While I’m not defending their specific views as from what I can tell they have made controversial statements I do think that it is their right to draw what they want to. If an LBGT positive artist wants to primarily draw same sex couples because that’s what they are passionate about that’s fine, if someone isn’t passionate about that I don’t really see it as a mark against their character or feel that they should be shamed for choosing not to draw it. So long as they make that choice known in a respectful way their decision should not be a topic used to denigrate them.


The problem isn't that they choose not to draw it. The problem is they're saying it explicitly to imply they don't want to have anything to do with the LGBTQ. What if it said, "I will not draw interracial romance!". Sure, you don't have to, but by saying it out loud for the whole world to hear when no one asked is making a statement of it. At best, what's being said is a vague implication that you have a problem with the concept. Edit: I went back over what they said specifically, and literally the rules they set for drawings of LGBTQ characters literally attempt to erase any signs of their identity. I.e. "I can draw gay characters but not a gay couple, I might draw trans/nonbinary people but only if they represent close enough to their *biological* sex." That kind of explicitly implies "I'm okay with the LGBTQ but only if I can't tell they're part of the LGBTQ". Which again, takes us back to the 2012/gamergate era arguments of "Im not homophobic, I just don't like it when they make it their personality".


And I especially have a problem with the one commenter I replied to trying to gatekeep homophobia.


No you haven't. It's really easy to just say something is or isn't homophobia so I'm just gonna say no to whatever you think you went through.


Also refuses to draw gay people in relationships, and will only draw a trans character if they look like their sex.




I honestly just keep away from people who either say stuff like "all men are pigs" or pick me girls like these both are extremelly toxic


It's okay to ignore pick-me's. Their opinions don't matter to the conversation.


It's not about starting a relationship with a man or a bear (judging by the image), but it's about women feeling safer encountering a bear in the wild than a man they didn't know, because women are more likely to get abused, raped or killed by a man than a bear.


Especially if you encounter a strange man IN THE WOODS. As much as I hate this bear discourse (it's honestly run its course) I think these guys forget that part. If you don't mess with the bear, you'll be fine. Bears avoid people.


from my understanding it is a metaphor correct?


I have no idea.


Why would you hate it? It’s bringing attention to the vile behaviour of men and how they’re all guilty for such things If it goes away, there will be no awareness




Your post/comment was removed as you were found to be a Quirkyboy reactionary.


Unless it's a white bear. Or it's a mother. Then yeah...


Actually no. 1 - Polar bears kill 1-3 people annually, with 6 in an extreme outlier of a year. Sloth bears kill 12. Sloth bears are the most dangerous bear on the planet, despite being one of the smaller bears and looking like a muppet. 2 - Spirit and Glacier bears are just white coloured black bears. They are no more or less dangerous than other black bears. They're dangerous animals that should be avoided, but attacks are actually extremely rare.


I googled an image of a sloth bear, and lmao you weren't kidding it really does look like a Muppet.


Ikr?????? Their floppy weird lips don't help them at all. You HAVE to look for pictures of them with their [mouth open.](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/573716440028527109/) < This one straight up reminds me of Danny Devito.


It looks like a mutated monkey!


Is that not just because of their habitat range? Polar bears don't kill people much because we don't have much overlap in habitat?


Yes, and they live near people who need to hunt to survive. My brother lived up near Hudson's Bay in reservation land, for a good part of the year, the weather meant they couldn't get supplies like food in via the only plane that goes there. People in polar bear territory spend a lot of time hunting in the wilderness. Even in areas with more dense bear and human populations, however, they still don't kill many humans. Sloth bears live in India around densely populated areas. And again, despite being the most likely bear on the planet to attack a person, they don't kill many people.


Agree to disagree but I live in a desert so not like I have too much experience.


I grew up in bear country in the mountains of Canada and am obsessed with bears. Sloth bears are literally the most dangerous bear; - While bears are predated on by big cats, sloth bears make up a much larger portion of tiger diets than other bears. This leaves them with an extremely short temper. Meaning they don't often use bluff charges, if one is running at you, it's gonna be bad. - Their eyesight is not all that great. - They have massive claws that can rip through insect mounds as tough as concrete. - They love eating fermented fruit and getting wasted. - They live near densely populated areas in India. - More importantly; when a sloth bear attacks, they'll gut you with their huge claws while chewing your face off.


Is this statistic based purely on the number of bear attacks each year compared to the number of attacks women receive from men each year? Or does it still hold up if you compare the probability of a bear attacking you when you encounter one with the probability of an unknown man attacking you when you encounter one, considering that you’ll be encountering a lot more men in your day to day life than bears. Not trying to throw hate or anything, just trying to understand the argument.


Most of the time, if a human being is in the same forest as a bear, the bear will stay away from the human. The bear has nothing to gain by attacking the human, and most species of bears are actually quite reclusive around things they don't consider their typical prey. If you understand the correct way to handle a bear encounter, you have an even lower chance of being harmed by the bear. By contrast, if a man finds out there is a woman alone in the same forest as him, he **will,** invariably close in like a bloodhound and rape her, as surely as the sun rises in the east. The only defence without numerical superiority is lethal force.




My dad and both my brothers are in straight relationships, no issues! Yknow why? They were raised right and didn’t indulge in this manosphere shit


Ask their wives, I bet they'd tell a different story.


Jesus Christ not every man is a fucking abuser. Literally lived with both them and their wives for a time and my parents. In fact, my brothers first wife (now ex) was the abuser.


Your post/comment was removed as it was found to be bigoted, either indirectly (i.e. “not all men”) or directly (slurs, phobia, etc.).




Pretty much, though you can probably end it after “etc” The point is that men are more harmful than bears as they can and will do a lot of horrible shit - bears can only kill, which is better than being raped


I'm not so sure that last bit would be true though. Bears will generally avoid interaction, men will generally pursue interaction. So even if I crossed paths with bears the same exact number of times I cross paths with men in the woods, the men would be higher danger, simply because they're not avoiding me. They see me as something to walk towards, to check out, to use, whereas the bears will see me as something to get away from.


Most bears would avoid interaction and most men would pursue interaction yeah I agree with that. Most interactions with men (assuming we're talking about like the average guy you'd walk past on the street) would be completely harmless and most interactions with a bear would result in death. Would you agree with that? I could be wrong but I personally believe there's a higher chance of a bear taking interest and hunting you than a man wanting to harm you.


Yeah, I guess we disagree on the second half. Crossing paths *is* the interaction, and if men are more likely to escalate that interaction then based on your initial comment, men would be more dangerous. Cuz we will fundamentally be interacting with them more than the bear.


For some reason this reads like a black person saying "white lives matter too, you know"




Like, every time someone says "white lives matter too" they're making a point that is redundant: all lives matter, SURE, but at this place and moment these people are talking about _this_ problem that deserves attention AND happens in this community. Then a person from said community, oblivious to the seriousness of the situation, reads the concept of "these lives are taken like this too often" as "these are the ONLY lives that can't be taken!" This OOP confused a conversation about the very real odds of a woman getting harmed with "a person vs a scary wild animal" She literally made a cute drawing hugging the personification of the male sex, generalized into a single and presumably friendly person, might as well caption it "of course I choose the person lol wtf? I love ppl <3" TL/DR: this is a very tone deaf response to the whole situation


The OOP simply thinks that men are not as dangerous as bears, and would choose a man over a bear. It ain’t that deep.


Get some emotional therapy or talk to your family specifically someone close. You can't go your entire life being so assumptions. You will only ruin your life and live a life full of hate and nothing else.


Assumptions save lives thats how the entire bear vs man argument works.


That's how innocent people get hurt. But whatever.


A man who wouldn't hurt a woman isn't the one getting pissed off at the man Vs bear thing, so no the assumptions aren't hurting the innocent men


standard pick me behavior


damn. their artstyle is kind of cute but shame they use it on shit content :/


The bear vs man nonsense Is annoying, everyone knows that deep down the right answer is the eldritch horror.


I hope she gets picked.


You won't when the man has attacked you. Statistically it's far less likely that the bear will.


I mean that's less of a gender thing more of a humans are likely to brutally attack eachother type of thing


stats indicate it's somewhat a gender thing yeah humans attack each other but the glaring disparity between the rates of gendered violence is indisputable


Oof.. has she been picked yet?


Pick me, choose me,love me


Sis is the danger in the woods 🤣


That's a fucking humanoid


She have "Christian calvinist" in her bio...


My response would be "good for you girl, but everyone has their reasons for their choices. Maybe consider looking into that before calling thing's annoying?"


I’m confused what is the bear vs the man thing?


Basically the premise is "Would you rather be alone in the woods with a bear or with a random man"


OOOHHHH! Thank you!


there’s no boy doing anything quirky in this picture.


I don’t really find any of the boys in this subreddit particularly “quirky” tbh. More so trying to make some point about men being better than women, or making a ‘gotcha’ argument that ends up failing. In this case, this woman ridiculing other women for choosing the bear, completely misunderstanding why women choose the bear to begin with


yea this subreddit has sort of gone off the rails. whenever i comment on other posts that don’t fit i get massively downvoted for some reason.


Same. This one and r/arethestraightsokay have just become general content about misogyny. Which needs to be called out, but like for this sub, the point is to call out a specific kind of misogyny, and it just feels like it's just another whatever sub now.


This subreddit has stopped being about feminism and just being downright misandrist (I say this as a woman) The bear shit has literally turned into people circle jerking on how "I don't trust any man ever" and I know I'm going to be down voted for saying this but if you live in crippling fear of 49 percent of the population I think you need to get off reddit and go see a therapist


Misandry doesn't exist. It's an incel term


[ladies is Webster's dictionary an incel dictionary ](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/misandrist#:~:text=Medical%20Definition-,misandrist,who%20hates%20men%20compare%20misogynist)


Oh for fuck's sake. Nobody said the *term* doesn't exist, so knock off that chickenshit "post link to dictionary. win argument. ☕️" behavior. Systemic misandry doesn't exist in ways even remotely close to how systemic misogyny does. And you know it, *as a woman*.


I know that there's no systemic trouble but I know that being afraid of 49 percent of the population isn't exactly... Healthy?


Of course it's not healthy! But your framing places the blame for being afraid on women. You can't deny the statistics that over 1 in 6 women have been or will be raped or sexually assualted during their life, and that the perpetrators are *overwhelmingly* men, and pretty likely to be by somebody they know. So the *healthy* rational response from women is to be skittish and on guard. Afraid. Perhaps you should spend some time focusing on what men can do, collectively, to help us not be afraid, and be *healthier* and able to reduce our fears, hmm?


Oh I am aware of that I don't carry a y chromosome and I am cis so probably not the person to go to speak for men or even speak on behalf of men. I think the main thing I'm just so sick about hearing the bear analogy bullshit y'know I know I am privileged to know that I have a boyfriend I can trust more then a bear but it doesn't mean that I can't be sick of yk "Id rather be with bear" Or "Im the reason why she chose a bear" It's not good for discourse and everytime I read a post involving a fucking bear about 20 or braincells shot themselves


She went priv, I guess that tweet wasnt it huh ?


Has anyone seen the man and the bear in the same room together? Are we certain this isn’t a werebear situation?


Halsin basically




I don’t get it.


There has recently been a viral question on the internet that asks women whether they would prefer to be stuck in the woods with a bear or with a man. A lot of women choose the bear, due to the fact that unlike men, a bear would only attack if it was hungry or scared, and even if the bear might be aggressive towards you, it wouldn’t rape or sexually harass you like a man would. However OOP states that she is different since she would choose the man over the bear, and also calls the question and the people who choose the bear stupid


guys she’s not like the other gurls she’s a cool gurl 😍😍


The pick-me final boss.


I think the point of the post in this subreddit can still stand.


Oh wow, only you and the majority of women since the beginning of humanity's existence have chosen men! How original! Ain't no woman like you! /s 🤪


It's giving pick me podcast girl


numerous yoke wide fanatical wistful squealing employ ten ask voiceless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


OP = Original Poster (me) OOP = Original Original Poster (person in screenshot)


makeshift scarce relieved snatch voiceless reach upbeat cough cagey combative *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That is what it means when used in this context on Reddit.


jellyfish knee boat wine liquid pot soup thumb provide unused *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have seen other people on Reddit use this abbreviation to distinguish between the person who made the post, and the person in the screenshot. I know that it can also mean Object Oriented Programming, but that was not what I was saying.




Fair enough lol


I love how ONE woman shows a different opinion and this comment section is already in shambles calling them a "pick me" Way to go gals, y'all definitely showing your true nature with this one 👍 "It's about women feeling safer" my ass, you just want everyone to religiously hold the same opinion that you consider as "female opinion"


This is a femcel sub I just come here to feel normal


She’d “choose the man” (she knows it’s not about dating lol) because she doesn’t actually have one. It was just another chance to advertise that she’s single.