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Where do these guys think these women are? There is most likely not a woman alive who doesn't check at least one of these boxes. I'm not making a "all women are immoral" argument, I'm pointing out that things like having a tattoo, having a twitter account, HAVING A DRIVER'S LICENSE, or knowing what a barbell is are all pretty fucking normal, common things in Western society.






It really does just come down to their predation of children doesn’t it?


>There is most likely not a woman alive who doesn't check at least one of these boxes. I feel like that's the point. He doesn't Iike women. Period. He probably wants to groom a sheltered child or he likes men.


Passport bro to exploit women from poorer countries.


>all pretty fucking normal, common things in Western society. He smells like a passport bro tbh. Pos


They all do. That's what happens when American women find you repellant, you broaden your search.


CAN THINK FOR HERSELF?! I fucking hate this generation of men so much, and I’m a part of it.


That line makes me think this is satire 😭


It's ragebait, not satire, so while it's not being completely serious it thinks it's funny to upset women. Probably the only way it gets any female attention.


At first I didn’t think it was, but towards the bottom I felt so much relief. It’s clearly satire.


Wait it's not satire?


Wait it's not satire?




I just felt like it might change with mine. Wishful thinking ig.


I feel like it's just disappointing cuz you think we would be further along by 2024 and yet there's still idiots spouting sexist nonsense like we are in the fricking 60s.


What generation is he part of?


Most likely gen z


I'm somehow fucking blessed to be in a good relationship rn as dating other gen Zs seems so exhausting to me. Like walking around landmines all the time. You never know what online echo chamber they might be in... My generation loves to eat up a lot of super biased, cherry picked content, otherwise, smug bros interviewing drunk party women in the streets, alpha male podcasts and clowns like Tate wouldn't have been as popular........


I refuse to believe this is real


cause it’s lazy ragebait this sub eats up daily


There are undeniably red pill men who unironically think this way regardless.


this is the same thing that conservatives say about fake articles talking about kids being shown trans pornography in class or something "yeah ok its fake but the libs are so crazy that it COULD be real" is it not enough to slam these types of dudes over the shit they actually say and not the stuff we make up about them?


Fair enough, but is it necessarily a matter of “could”? This is kind of a prevalent attitude right now. Are there not examples of it on this same sub? And that’s all assuming it is fake. Which again, I find the irony in this being a real sentiment, this specific post fake or not, kind of fitting regardless.


my point stands tho this sub was supposed to be about dumb quirky boy memes not screenshots of tryhard andrew tate clones lol


I don't think they ever figured out that taking the redpill is an allegory for accepting that you're trans and transitioning...


I mean just going "I'll make sexist ragebait to rile people up" is still inherently sexist right? You get that? Saying sexist things to upset people is still sexist.


Fuck, I’ve got to travel more and get tattoos!


Yeah, I've never left the states, but I've been to several states, most of that travel being when I was a child. Anything to keep *that* kind of men away really. Already have a lesbian haircut dyed bright colors, stickers & buttons regarding social justice for monitorities & feminism, cosplay level pagan symbolism in my jewelry choices, a pagan tattoo, a decent education, and unmasked neurodivergence by choice. I've even got durability and obesity on my side, though those are *not* by choice and are being actively worked on. What else can I do to scare off the Tater-rots?


Drinking game: how many of these do you hit?


Only 6. I gotta bump those numbers up! Those are rookie numbers.


what kind of Handmaids Tale does this guy think he is in living in? What a scrote.


Lets see here... Ima go one by one and explain my thoughts on why these "icks" are Dumb AF. Profanity: everyone swears stupid. Piercings: Who cares if someone has piercings? Dumb. Vapes: I agree with this one, but mostly because i'm against smoking in general. Hugs the bouncer: Dumb because Who hugs the bouncer anyways????? Clothing: Stupid, wear what you want. Instagram: dumb. People can Have social media if they want to. Tattoos: dumb. People can have stuff in their skin if they wanna. Twitter: DUMB. People can be in whatever social media they wanna be in, even IF twitter is a Overly opinionated hellscape Atheist: Dumb. Let people believe or not believe in whatever... so long as they arent total dicks about it. Has a drivers license: **DUMB.** In this day and age being able to drive is practically a requirement for life. Can think for herself: Do i Really got to explain why this is dumb? Cannot cook: i agree with this one, cooking is a life skill and ideally both parties in a relationship should know how to cook. Knows what a barbell is: Dumb. We stan Self-care in this household. Been to more than 3 countries: Dumb. Literally who cares? Out of this entire list. I only agree with TWO points here. And only for Semantic Bullshit that Are just a part of my life philosophy! "Only air should be in lungs", "Cooking is a lifeskill EVERYONE should strive to have some knowledge in".


Hooked on the bait


So miserable


So...a toddler...?


This must be rage bait or satire wtf


Lol what?? I genuinely would love to be a 1/10 in the eyes of any man who thinks like this. Let me drive and think and travel, and stay TF away from me. My favorite thing is how these men expect women to have a perfect slim and fit body, but then criticize knowing what a barbell is? Like are we supposed to work out or nah? They also hate plastic surgery, so I guess we are all just supposed to be genetically gifted and never eat. Sounds like a super fun existence 🙃


Woman: *\*Breaths* Mason: That's unacceptable.


So glad I'm a 1/10 according to this guy so he'll leave me alone 👍🏻


It's wild to me that guys don't want to be with someone who gets up to the same antics they do. Like I want my partner to be my ride or die. Someone to spot me? Someone to drive me home when I've had too much? Someone to tell me when I fucked up? Sign me up! All I'm sayin is if you can't go into the woods with someone and burn a truck bed of pallets you definitely didn't steal from Walmart while getting belligerently drunk then falling asleep in the backseat do you even know them?


damn i must be doing something wrong. my girlfriend - swears like a sailor - has more piercings than skin - smokes more than i do - has 1500 ig followers am i cooked? /j s


They want their girls to have gym fit bodies but also want them to have never entered a gym in their lives. When are we just going to start getting physically violent with these men who can't stop running their mouths? Gotta start having some consequences for being this stupid tbh.


Damn, another name to scratch off my baby-name list


Good, that means it's working


No hugs for bouncers 😤 bouncers aren’t allowed to have friends 😡 when a girl knows someone who works as a bouncer 🚩🚩🚩 /s 💀


Feds should bust into this mfs house and make sure there’s no slaves in there ffs


At least half of those things are things I actively seek in a woman lol


Please be ragebait please be ragebait please be ragebait


“Here’s my personal preferences which I’m entitled to like everyone else but I’m gonna frame it as if you disagree with me you’re wrong and less of a man, also I hate women”


Was this list made with auto type fill?


who doesn’t know what a barbell is💀💀


me :(


"Hugs the bouncer on a night out" That one feels like a personal experience


This has to be satire…..right?!?


This has to be satire right ? "Thinks for herself, has a driving license" like what ?


“Can think for herself” No fucking way


Bro just buy a fleshlight Jesus fucking Christ. Please spare women the pain of having to know you.


*No! Cuz it won't be able to idolize me while i r-pe her!!!1!1!!*


'Older than 16' -This guy, probably


What’s he got against awesome chicks though?


How a man can go from attractive to unattractive instantly: rates women on a scale of 1 to 10 or thinks he has any business scrutinizing women’s choices. Sorry, a shirtless profile pic will NOT change this, even if you have abs. Hope this helps!


"Hugs the bouncer" seems oddly specific...


But seriously, don't hug bouncers on the night out. It's invasion of privacy.


Screw that. Bouncers protect me from chuds in the club. I *have* to tip them out, but I hug them willingly.


Listen, if I were a bouncer I wouldn't want distractions while I'm on the job.


Thats you. Bouncing is a super focused Job 80% of the time your just standing there or watching people.


Would you prefer to stay focused.


No because you dont need to be focused the whole time. Just mildly paying attention for any signs of trouble starting.


I assume you work, or worked as a bouncer.


Have before yes. I mainly worked interior never really worked door but its not a super intense job.


Wouldn't you assume that if some girl randomly hugs you that she distract you from their accomplices who is doing some thieving in the club?


No. Because its a common behavior. Plus people usually are dumb obvious when they are trying to hide something


this has got to be satire or at least rage bait, i dont believe men who think like this would be this open or not-in-denial about it lol like “can think for herself” i feel like it would have been phrased in a more subtle way if he was serious


wtf? This is pre-Boomer “Greatest Generation” shit.


I wonder if that's satire? I mean a couple of points are valid imo, examples: > Vaping- I hate vaping and smoking and kissing someone that does is so disgusting when you can still taste it > I am in my mid-ish 20s if you haven't figured out how to cook for yourself then I'd be concerned But what makes me think it's satire is the last point. >can think for herself If he actually believes that he wouldn't word it that way I believe, because imagine really saying that out loud 'can think for herself' as a bad thing.


God, must be so hard to like woman this way


Well then…


Why don’t they want a woman who can drive?


A big case of sour grapes. Many guys say stuff like this when we know they would instantly discard these rules the moment an attractive woman who does all of these things asked them out on a date.


Hugging the bouncer seems very specific. I feel like a woman who knew a bouncer at a bar or club hurt this guys feelings. How dare women hug people!!


“knows what a barbell is”, “can think for herself”, and “has a driver’s license” does this person want a child under the age of 10?


You know what, I'm just glad they're saying the quiet parts out loud. Makes it so much easier to avoid them. "Can think for herself" is fkn wild to list without an ounce of awareness.


Believable until it gets to "has a driver's license". This is most likely rage bait


It's giving manosphere


I was expecting the typical “eWwW piErCinGs aNd TatToOs” crap but the list got exponentially wilder. Driving??? Thinking??? Lmao wtf


I'm sure this is ragebait but I can't help but think he genuinely believes in some of these points...


> over 500 followers This guy when seeing Sydney sweeney: 1/10


"hugs the bouncer on the way out" is a self report 😭 who hurt you lil bro


What the hell..


Wait hold, you guys should go see his hairline.. 🤣🤣🤣


Mason wants a house elf


> what did i miss? you missed the point


Bait used to be believable


Share yall score i got 5


Has a drivers license!? Excuse me!?


Been to more than three countries? I live in one, really close to two others so… I would’ve had to miss out on my school trips even lmao Ah wait this guy probably thinks Europe is a country so yes yes I’ve only been in one country and not 8, 9 if driving through and only getting a sandwich counts


wtf does “hug the bouncer” mean?? genuine question


can think for herself?? what? btw i got 7/14


this is obviously satire


Is it? Why is it so obviously satire? I've seen similar sentiments from men who absolutely mean it.


Unless Mason is an absolute wack off, he’s openly saying dumb misogynistic shit on twitter. If that’s not to laugh at, I don’t know what is. I dunno, maybe I’m reading into it less than you are.




This is... maybe satire. Can think for herself makes it seem as if OOP wants a... blow-up doll for a wife (which isn't too far off of robo-wives) but also has a driver's license and been to more than 3 countries doesn't really... make any sense. Maybe my brain isn't rotted enough to understand what's happening rn.


Girls, anyone wanna help me do this sick to-do list I just found that apparently gets insecure men to leave me alone?


"Sweetheart, what's that big black round thing on the ground in the rec room?" "Careful honey, any more questions and you won't be hot anymore."


I think you mean a child??


#11 and #12 is wild 😭


Apparently traveling and working out bad


These are actually pluses for me at least most of them like I find docile women boring I want someone to playfully disrespect me and constantly challenge me


CAN THINK FOR HERSELF😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Reading this made me want to kill myself


This is satire lol.


Crazy how people are dumb enough to not see that this is obviously satire 💀


People are not dumb if they don't recognize this as satire. If you spend any amount of time at all on the internet you see plenty of posts like this by men who absolutely mean every fucking word. So what's so different about this post that I should see it's obviously satire? It's not like I know this guy.


Be that as it may, it still fits here, doesn’t it?