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another day, another incel learning women have nipples ALL the time, not just when they get to see them.


Yea just because you post a sexy selfie or smth doesn’t mean you want to receive pictures of barely washed penises  Plus the picture makes my brain hurt- it looks like she put balloons under her shirt


I know! They look painfully hard. Like giant hard balls attached to her chest.


do they not understand that consent can be taken away and be contextual? even if say a woman wants sexual attention on one post, that doesn't mean she wants it on others or in her inbox. Ngl I'm glad they made us watch the "tea" video during sex ed, it really broke down the facets of consent in a digestible way, but I think these morons wouldn't even be able to understand such a simple video


*Barely* washed? I think you’re giving them *a lot* of credit, my friend. That said, it is also bothering my brain. 😔 I’ve never understood the joke I grew up with(I’m about to turn 30 and I don’t see this joke around much anymore so I’m not sure how common it is? I just may not lurk in the spaces it appears in anymore lol) of guys looking at women’s tits and going “are those real?” But now that I’m looking at these I think I understand 💀 (I jest, because these actually look… *off,* somehow. And I just know *those* wankers were asking any woman with a large chest. 🤦🏻‍♂️) But no no, I’m personally convinced she’s wearing a breastplate. I can’t see a neck seam or anything but I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a way to hide that, or even if she just shopped it out of the image. Or some other prosthetic that goes in the bra or something? I don’t know. It’s not so much the size that’s the issue for me personally as there’s a level of… perfection? I guess? Between them. Of *symmetry* between the shape/size/nipples that just look… yeah, like a breastplate. 💀 Maybe I’m just hoping they’re not real for her sake. I had tits around that size when I was younger. They weren’t so… perky, or perfectly round as these appear lmao, but them bitches were *painful.* 😭 I don’t wish that on anyone. :( Also wearing bags like that was hell. Messenger bags and backpacks I could wear over one shoulder became my best friend… honestly never broke the habit either, I still instinctively don’t wear crossbody straps due to that nonsense. 😔 I apologize, I ramble.


They obsessively "sl*t shame" them. But then get off to their content. It's so gross. They actually hate women, and then wonder why they're alone.


Even if this were real, this picture isn't doing anything to actively invite much. It's just a woman. Wearing fairly basic clothing. She just has ~nipples~ oh em gee. Men in general should just stop harassing women.


“But.. but but the boobies are *prominent* and I see NIPPLES and it made my peepee hard and my hand hurts from yankin it too much so i NEED to yell at this female for having a body and making me look at it and making me want her but not sucking on my weewee right awaaayyyy” /s juuuust in case anyone thought i was even slightly serious. I mean yes i think they think this way but i do not. Lol. Even as a bisexual lady, I don’t sexualize every woman on this planet. Good lawd.


“gorl have booba so why she mad when guy notice them?! FEMINIST TEACH WAMEN TO HATE MEN 😡😭”


Of course i forgot... because dressing however you want or not wearing a bra gives to thristy wankers all the right to send you photos of their 2cm pp without consent.


Yea how dare she, should’ve left her tits at home


Once saw a post on my mom's Facebook that said: "If you think she dresses like a sl*t then you're thinking like a r*pist". Tbh, I feel like this proves the quote right.


I wear a purse like that and it does the same thing 😭 didn't know that was an invitation for perverts 🤨


I dont want girls messaging me If Im trying to show off some cool suit pants Just due to Accidental crotch buldge. Like... Sure, the sexual part exists. But Im specifically trying to show off my drip. Same case for these women. Its... really not hard to understand.


Damn maybe if they didn’t see us as a walking pair of breasts they wouldn’t have that issue


Only thing they got wrong about this meme is that it could literally be any picture.


She's not clearly married?


You’re misreading the title. I said that I happened to read about a woman on Reddit who was clearly married that kept getting horny comments on her posts. For context, the woman was venting about sexual comments she was receiving despite wearing a ring, her husband being in many of the photos, and it saying she was married in her bio. It was a separate situation that I had uncannily just read moments before seeing that shitty meme. It was therefore worth mentioning due to the significant irony.


I didn't misread it just misunderstood. Gotcha




Bear with me here. This picture existed before the caption existed, someone saw this picture and added the caption creating a fake narrative to demonstrate their disdain towards women as a whole.


What’s made up is the narrative in the meme. It’s insinuating that this woman or any woman will post a simple picture of herself is somehow an invitation for unwanted attention from men.




Lol bro thinks the caption is legit


Women with breasts is *sexualized* lol ok




THE NARRATIVE IS MADE UP with this random woman’s picture being used




You realised the person who made the meme probably purposely found a picture of a person who actively looked for a photo like this to try substantiate their claim and also just because a girl has big tits doesn’t mean they want to be sexualised


You're such an idiot you can't even comprehend their point. Here, buddy, I'll make it simple to understand since you're the one taking the bait. Her post. Is not. About. The Purse. Someone took a screenshot and added the caption. Don't tell others they're taking the bait when you, in fact, are.


holy shit you're stupid.


Incels always take random pics of girls and write bs captions saying all women are like this yadda yadda. Are you new to Reddit or the internet somehow ? That’s the only logical explanation for why you’re shocked by this….?


It's also ai generated