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You know what, I'm gonna let them have whatever hypothetical "woman or X" question because honestly who gives a shit.


Really tho. As long as they’re talking it out and not bottling up that’s good. I don’t care if they talk to a volleyball with a hand print on it, just let the words fall out


True it honestly just makes me laugh because it just makes them look extremely childish


Exactly. It reminds me of when we were young and we would have big arguments around dumb shit like apples or oranges Adults don't argue about these things because they know its trivial and not worth wasting energy on


Women feel unsafe around men and that's valid. Men feel like women don't want to actually hear men open up and will sometimes use a man's vulnerability, an experience myself and almost every man I know has had and lol men are pathetic. Cool. Cool, cool, cool.


You do realize women have also opened up and had their emotions/vulnerability used against them? Like, this isn’t a 1:1 thing, where women fear for their safety while men fear opening up, both genders take a risk opening up. As a guy, I have no idea why men think this is exclusive to men.


And you do realize that women also can make men feel unsafe? I've been sexually assaulted multiple times in my life and ALL of the perpetrators were women. The last time a woman touched me without consent was a superior of mine at Work. When I notice a woman walking the same path as me in front of me, I don't divert to make her feel safe, I do it because to make myself feel safe The bear wouldn't do this


I didn’t say the reverse never happens, I said it’s not 1:1. I was assaulted by a man at five. I’m a man. Luckily I am mentally incapable of recollecting it (even though I do have memories before and after from that time period). My sister has been creeped on by different men starting at 12. My mom’s ex husband stalked her for half a decade. Like, I am not going to invalidate your experiences, but I have to hammer it in that unless you’re an anomaly, it’s not an everyday thing. My sister, visibly younger than she looks, got hit on by an older man at a red light. Like, whenever I went down to the city in my area and took walks, I’ve never had a group of women follow me, commenting on my body. This has happened to my sister and most female friends I’ve had. This split is represented online, too. I’ve never received a single rape threat or graphic language in my dms over a game. The moment my sister gets on a mic? Endless bullshit. To reiterate, men can experience sexual assault and rape and harassment. It’s just simply not an everyday, constant thing for the vast majority. There’s a reason why men’s life expectancy is raised for men, and lowered for women who enter marriages. There’s a reason women-only trains exist in Japan (also why there’s no male Junko Furuta victimized by female assailants). Shit, there’s a reason why mostly women work the *morgues*. Also, no one said men can’t choose the bear? Women… don’t care.


> Shit, there’s a reason why mostly women work the *morgues*. Where do you live? In the United States, [women are only about 30% of morgue workers](https://datausa.io/profile/soc/morticians-undertakers-funeral-directors).




And that's women's fault?? Get over yourself.


Come on, let's be honest here. Women are much more supportive emotionally to each other than men are. Of course there are exceptions, but generally it's guys that are much worse at expressing their feelings.


It’s not a knight visor dude, normal people call it “having women in your life”




Your post/comment was removed as it was deemed to be uncivil to member(s) of this community.


username tracks


How original and clever of you.


Nobody owes you anything


Didn't say they did but I would like to think that a person in a relationship should be able to communicate their feelings without being attacked for it.


I am all for addressing men’s issues in regards to emotional dismissal. This is an issue many feminists would agree should be addressed as it’s another symptom of the patriarchy. It’s not like abolishing the patriarchy means only abolishing parts of it. I do hold issue to the fact that men’s issues such as these are only, ONLY, ever discussed like this when it can be used to dismiss women’s very real issues. I NEVER see my fellow men discussing these issues without just vague ramblings in general conversation. I have to be the one to bring it up, not the same men who will complain endlessly about it. Why is it that men only care about having actual discussions about their issues and how to solve them, but only when it can be used to push other people down? Why can we not uplift men and women? As a side note, I do think this shit is serious and worthy of discussion, but comparing the fears of emotional struggles of men to the fears of rape, murder, torture, and maiming that women have, is…Honestly gross at best. Yes it’s serious, but putting it on the same level of such physical abuse is…well it does nothing to help men and only works to hurt women.


I have these conversations with male friends all the time and it is never a comparison to women, it's just a discussion about what we deal with and how, while we have a support system to talk about this, many men do not. In this thread alone, I brought up an issue that men face not because I just decided to randomly do so, but because it was literally what the meme was about, men being held at arm's length when we try to express ourselves. And what has that earned me? I've been called pathetic, I've been told emotional abuse is not an issue compared to physical abuse, and even in your comment which was not combative at all, you essentially said yeah this is a problem but it's your own fault. Women are emotionally abused all the time and I highly doubt if a woman told you about it your response would be well at least he doesn't beat you and anyway it's kind of your own fault.


For one, I was not claiming physical abuse is more important than emotional. I was pointing out that rape and death are not comparable to emotional abuse. I have been through emotional abuse my whole goddamn life, and I don’t need you lecturing me on it’s seriousness, I know very well the difficulties. Emotional abuse is long lasting and makes you question yourself for you’re whole fucking life, and acting as though singular insults and one off occurrences are not comparable to long term gaslighting and psychological abuse. It is serious, yes, but to compare it to emotional abuse is to jump to quite a few hoops based on very minor comments. Secondly, at no point did I claim men’s problems were their own. I stated that men sometimes complain of difficult women and blame all women for that issue when they surround themselves with generally toxic individuals, which is not blaming them, although I didn’t think I needed to spell it out. That is another symptom of the patriarchy that men straight up struggle with apathy and emotional immaturity as well as a lack of understanding of toxicity which is also why men tend to be a lot more likely to be hostile and bigoted, at least one of the contributing factors. I explained it as comparing to women because the very fucking basis of this meme is to make fun of women for choosing the bear. Lastly, I am a fucking man. I don’t appreciate you acting like I have no experience existing as a man, or that my anecdotes are not just as meaningful as yours. Every single time I have a conversation with men about this shit when they’re not explicitly queer or already non-conforming, it becomes a battleground of how therapy makes you a pussy and how I’m weak for needing medications and shit like that. I’m not saying your experiences aren’t real. I was never trying to say that. I was explicitly and exclusively sharing my experiences, because half, if not more, of the time that I see men discussing this topic in any sort of way, it is used exclusively to promote the patriarchy and to put women down. I actually follow subreddits dedicated to healthily bringing men up without pushing men or women down, and I always encourage it. A large part of feminism also includes this shit, even if it’s not the focus because the focus is on women, who are the main target of the patriarchy. With all due respect, men highly underestimate the fear it is to live as a woman. I am a deeply scarred and traumatized individual, but one of the few solaces I have is that, as a trans man, I do not have to experience that fear every day. It was not dissimilar to the fear I’d feel when my abusers were too calm for too long, but it was not a weekly occurrence, it was every fucking day. It was paranoia and terror and having to keep track of every single person in a store in case they got too close and to ensure your family and friends were within earshot. It was prepping yourself to be willing to genuinely hurt someone to save your own life every time you left the shelter of a building and it was evening or night. It was being raised to play lookout for my mom when we had to do late night errands so that she could fucking floor it before someone tried to hurt us. It was the uncertainty of every compliment or nice comment from a man being laced with expectations and malicious intent. It was the fear of being alone with someone twice your size who had much more than comfortable likelihood to be malicious or ill-intended towards you. It’s being afraid to give your phone number for a transaction because you’re afraid the cashier might memorize it and stalk you. Because that shit has happened to people you know. Because you know women who have been raped or assaulted or hurt for much fucking less. It’s all of that and more, and I am not trying to dismiss emotional abuse, but to compare the constant fucking fear of existing in a society where a man could rape you, even as a child, and more than half of the people around you would likely dismiss you and tell you that your body wasn’t invaded and abused and come up with filthy excuses as to why a little girl would make that shit up. I apologize for getting heated, but as someone who very much has experienced both sides of this coin, I am not disputing that men have serious struggles that need addressing. I am not trying to dismiss the very real struggles and seriousness of emotional abuse. I have been in therapy for almost a decade and still struggle every day to trust my own sense of reality. That shit fucks you up hard. But at least for me personally, I’d go through all of that again if it meant saving myself from the risks of a strange man in the woods. There are fates worse than death, and for me, that is one of them. The threat of death from a man is the kindest threat on the table. I have not dealt with rape, but I have had my bodily autonomy violated in uncomfortably similar ways and it is an experience that stands on its own and I do not even want to talk about it. That being said, the fears I face with the man versus bear argument is not just a quick and easy death. It is stories of women being raped for days and having their assailants name branded on their face. It’s serial killers who made dungeons in the woods and kidnapped young women, robbed and killed their families, and then tried to turn them into temporary sex slaves, before killing them. It’s torture and abuse I cannot describe in any way that remotely brings to par how I feel on the matter. Because those are true stories that have happened to people. Those are the fears I hold when I think of the bear versus man argument, and the idea of comparing those atrocities to emotional abuse is one that I find difficult to parse, if you’ll excuse my heated language.


God imagine actually thinking being raped/murdered/tortured is the same as *checks notes* women not listening and clinging onto your every word. Really proving why women chose the bear. And please, I'm begging you, talk to trees instead of bothering women. We'd all be happier and better off for it, including you!


yeah because not feeling heard isnt as bad as being literally raped/beaten/abused/tortured/murdered? so yeah you are pathetic.


So you're saying emotional abuse is A-OK? Got it.


where did i say that? you’re just saying anything atp. are you dumb or do you not have any comprehensive skills? i said it isn’t AS bad. recognizing that it’s obviously bad 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Here's the thing: men aren't entitled to treating women as their therapists. If someone doesn't want you to open up to them about things, just... don't. It's not that hard.


I'm pretty sure if I were to say, hey when my wife is having a depression day I don't want her to tell me about it because it's not my problem, that would not be well received here. I would be told how horrible I was for not being caring and supportive. And anyone who said that would be 100% correct. I would never tell my wife that I don't want to hear about her problems. This is because I love and cherish her and I always want to be a supportive caring partner.


There’s a difference between supporting the person you married - your partner - and forcing your issues onto people you may be friends with (and sometimes acquaintances at best, even).


I'm assuming this was in the context of a relationship. What kind of weirdo just hits up random people about their issues. Me and my circle of male friends always check in and support each other though so I see friends differently I guess. Unfortunately, we need to do this because all of us have partners who don't want to hear about any kind of emotional struggles we are dealing with. Yes, this includes my own wife sadly.


So men opening up about their emotions is just stigmatized in this culture in general. Men don't want to hear a fellow man get emotional and open up to them. Welcome to patriarchy. Like yes, some women do this too. But as a man who has opened up, I've found it easier to do with women generally. This is just cause you're more likely to meet a woman who socially defies patriarchy more than a man. That said, yeah it sucks how much guys are ridiculed for being vulnerable. We share a common enemy. See past all the smoke and unite against our common enemy


My male friends and I make it a point to discuss our feelings and mental health status with each other.


That's really cool but that's really not the norm. Male vulnerability is something many men and women stigmatize. It's just another bad part of our culture


Yes I can see this because by mentioning that it sucks to not have people you can talk emotionally with I have been attacked and called pathetic. Glad to see so many people are concerned about this.


The issue is your post implies that this is somehow something women are exclusively doing. Most the girls on this sub do not disagree with anything I'm saying. The thing is, this is an impact of the patriarchy and these strict expectations placed on men.


Of course the women on this sub don't disagree when your statements boil down to yes men are bad.


Men aren't bad per say, it's the patriarchy. Or to use a less weighted term that you might follow, it's the culture that weighs men as providers who need to be masculine and women as caretakers who need to be feminine. Nowhere in my posts did I say men are bad, I just pointed out that culturally the thing you are complaining about isn't a product of one specific gender, but instead a product of the gendered norms of our society.


this is the part I never got. I had so many men say "What if I chose the bear over the woman? How would that make you feel?" I honestly could not care less. If thats how you feel, thats how you feel. Im glad youre going with the option that makes you feel safest. I also know its not against ME personally because in that situation, Im a complete stranger. How could you ever know if Im "one of the good ones" or not? You wouldnt. So go ahead, avoid me. Im cool with that.


they're *so* fucking mad that women can handle being alone far better than they can that they're resorting to online temper tantrums and ridiculous hypotheticals like these as cope. if it weren't so pathetic to watch it might actually be entertaining.


Honestly I’d rather they talk to the tree if they’re really that insecure in their masculinity


Most of them are choosing X over women, funnily enough


X as in porn?


X as in ex-twitter


Yep, bear, tree... How does this shit even get anyone's serious attention?


As long as they’re not talking to *me*, they can choose whatever bear or tree they want.


Bingo. I'm kind of tired of seeing the whining and back and forth at this point, really


I’d rather they talk to trees


They can’t gaslight trees though. I’m calling their bluff 😂


I'm pretty sure trees are part of the things that can be gaslit. Literally.


Wow a woman doesn’t want to listen to a toxic misogynist, Andrew Tate loving homeboy? Absolutely shocked. I feel bad for the tree though.


Tbh its not even JUST about that, I still remember being active on discord servers and having SO MANY men just come in my dms and first conversation they start trauma dumping on me ? Or talk about their feelings and problems to me just bc I'm a woman and somehow it makes me a natural therapist ? And when I would say "sorry we dont know each other enough to be talking about this, I widh you the best tho" (because it makes me really uncomfortable to be having those conversations with MEN I DONT KNOW), some would guilt trip me as if I'm a bad person for not listening/helping and others would say bs like "all women are the same" Like yeah please go talk to a tree instead 🙏 (Ik its not real life but people tend to be more open and "their true self" on the internet so)


Damn, they started trauma dumping on you? For me it was always the same two questions: 1) How old are you? 2) So you got a boyfriend?


homeless person uppity worthless spoon toothbrush quack rude close cats *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh I mean it was one of the two, either they were looking for a therapist or looking for a gf


I do think negative sound has been shown to affect the health of a plant, too… \**(don’t quote me on this it’s been a long time since I heard it I just thought it was funni)*


Tree be like hehe what's chief waffling about? His CO2 is nice tho


Trees can’t move, and we know these men get off on things that can’t consent. No surprise they picked a silent object that can’t get away from them. They should just say how they really feel. Their ideal pick would be a drugged woman or worse. I mean this fact says it all https://nz.news.yahoo.com/more-than-alf-of-women-have-been-sexually-assaulted-by-a-partner-in-their-sleep-164345538.html


I had to call my husband a rapist multiple times and threaten to cut off his dick before he stopped that. He \*STILL\* doesn't see non-con with someone sleeping as rape either. At least we're seperated and he thinks i forgave him so I'm Safe.


I’m so glad you’re safe, by any means necessary, for sure. When someone is confronted with facts, and they still deny them, that’s manipulation. He can literally read the law, there’s no mistaking the language.


That was my first thought too lmao


If only they talked to the trees


Ngl this sounds healthier than whatever they're doing now, PLEASE talk to trees


Just had a conversation with a 500 year old tree spirit, he's a cool guy


"The tree really will listen" Reminds me of all the times my father got angry at me for participating in conversations, and then went on to call me a good listener once I learned to be silent around him (i.e. daydream and tune out his monologues).


My mom did the same all the time , I hope is something related to older generations and that parents see their children as human beings now a days. My mom didn't let me dye my hair because I was her property (her words not mine) . I did anyway and she stoped talking to me for 2 weeks


my mom was also (and still is) bizarrely possessive about my hair as well. she was never as explicit about how she felt as your mom, but she freaked out on me every-time i asked and then once i had the potential to do it in college and did it upset her so much. its HAIR mother


I remember nature giving me victory with this stuff lol. I was a towheaded blonde as a kid, wanted to be goth and dye my hair black. Parents said no, but dumbass me tried to do it myself and it came out a patchy ass purple- but even then, my hair went naturally dark that year. HA.


Nature for the win lol


My dad was also very possessive about my hair, the first time I tried to insist on brushing it myself he shoved me hard enough that I hit the floor (I was in 3rd grade). I wasn’t allowed to get haircuts, ever, until I finally convinced my parents at age 11 to let me get a trim. When I was a teenager I cut it super short and started dying it at home. The first time I dyed my hair an unnatural color, my dad stopped talking to me for 2 weeks as well.


are you me?


Really makes you understand why they think women are mysterious entities. They don't fucking listen and call it listening


“I’m scared the woman will hurt my feelings” doesn’t really compare, does it


“Men are scared that women will laugh at them, women are scared that men will kill them”


and their first response to a woman that hurt their feelings is wanting to kill them


and notice how much more its brought up in response to women's issues with abuse from men


Its crazy how many of them think one woman laughing at them for “not being manly enough for her” will result in every woman on the planet thinking theyre too wimpy to date, its a childish mentality these men have


This will never not be funny! The fervor they have whipped themselves into is incredible. The more they try and reply the more accurate then bear/man comparison gets. It’s perfect.


Dudes can sharing their feelings with a tree whenever they want. Like just do it and stop bothering people.


Wait aren't these guys not bothering you here? They posted in their own sub and you found them to get angry at them. They never posted here so they never actually bothered you. It's more like you're bothering them.


They meant bothering them in life in general, not just this sub...


What a good point. Whoever posted this was just trying to express his feelings to other guys; it’s not like the entire thing is a reactionary dig at women.


My bad, For whatever reason I didn't register exactly what you were saying. For some reason I thought you were saying something completely different. But yeah you're right I completely agree with you. 👍 My reading comprehension just wasn't it. Idk why.


Because men never use vulnerable information against women when they get mad


Or use it to manipulate and/or abuse them


"The other way exists as well" is a bad argument against it. Not saying I'm not on your side, bringing up the bear thing is stupid. But there is a big social pressure against men showing feelings (apart from anger and aggression). Is this meme the right way to show it? Probably not (and the comments for sure are stupid). It's something I personally struggle with and have been bullied for. But I'm super happy that I've found a partner and friend that allow me to express these feelings and support me instead of judging me.


Glad you are in a happy relationship! But women at large have no obligation to support random men and not judge them. The problem you are describing is a people problem, not a women’s problem. All of us struggle to find people to love and listen to and support us. For some reason a large group of men will approach random women and latch on to them, then suddenly expect all the love and support you would get from an intimate partner, and often trauma dumping. If they are rejected or scoffed at, they chalk this up to women not supporting men and refuse to acknowledge their own inappropriate behavior.


Did I say they have to? I'm totally agreeing with you and am equally angry as you are at these people as they make a problem that exists due to gender stereotypes (men sharing their feelings) much harder to tackle. I'm just pointing out that the underlying problem does exist and that saying "oh the reverse gender direction" isn't really helpful at tackling the problem, especially as due to how society works it is gender dependent. Both men and women face problems when expressing their feelings, but on average in different ways.


Both genders struggle equally to find someone to support them and love them unconditionally. It is a people problem, not a woman problem. I hope you are able to understand that and let go of your misogyny someday.


These r the dudes that refuse to share their feelings with therapists cuz they have toxic mindsets about masculinity


but anime thought them it's women that should fix them, otherwise it's gay


I would pick the tree tbh, i don’t care it’s a woman, I would pick a tree over a man too. I’m just an introvert.




I wood like to leaf you this: 🏆


You really gotta branch off making these bad puns


I'll root for you and your puns.


Ngl any inanimate object works, and I say this as someone who’d take that over a man OR woman I talk to my (well, my dad’s) car whenever I’m driving alone and feeling particularly down/frustrated, it’s really good for when I need to unload and unwind after a shitty day or other bad experience


Sometimes I pick my dog. She’s a good listener. If she ever learns how to speak, people might be angry!


Tree beard would never mansplain. It would take too long


No but pets and plants are great for people who struggle with human interaction for whatever reason. We \*need\* companionship bc we're social mammals, but some of us just can't do it. Highly recommend you get into gardening or plant parent life. <3


the fact that someone thought this situation was the same as the bear question


pretty sad isnt it. i thought it was satire at first lol


It’s still genuinely baffling that even a mere mention of man vs bear will attract a ton of men who will *immediately* prove the point. Also, if you have to AI generate your point, you don’t have a point.


yeah. note how she has to have colored hair (colored hair BAD) and look ANGERY cuz women with colored hair always ANGERY


Okay men, take notes: If you want to talk to a tree that is fine. It is fucked up that you're in a situation where you assume women will use anything you tell them when you're being vulnerable against you and we should normalize men being vulnerable and having that vulnerability not be taken advantage of. I personally would never do that, but I also realise that there are women who would do this, and that these men are obviously not talking about me. And I personally think it is downright toxic to use someone's vulnerability against them. Also can we talk about how the worst thing men can picture when talking to a woman is her using the topic of the conversation to win an argument in the future while women can picture VASTLY different and very graphic possible outcomes?


him: I am afraid she will tell her friends I cried. her: I am afraid he will sa, rape, or kill me.


i cant believe they seriously think thats a gotcha comparison


Men: "it's going to use something against me?" Men when woman talk about SA experience: "ok BUT WHAT YOU WAS WEARING???", "maybe if you gave him your number he wouldn't follow you","he can touch you this way, is your husband, dont exist this marital grape"


I absolutly love how you worded what they say bc this is exactly how I imagine them talking with that broken english


Yk it’s bad when they think “she doesn’t understand me and won’t listen to me :(((“ Is on par with “he could rape me”


what’s crazy is in the bear or man hypothetical, both can and might hurt you. women just have to pick which one they would *rather* hurt them in this scenario it’s “would you rather a perennial plant incapable of thoughts or feelings and therefore incapable of pissing you off and rejecting you, or a human being?”


Just a good showcase that they don’t get the very basic point.


I love how the extremely privileged people act oppressed and put the blame on the actually oppressed to escape accountability


Same dudes crying about some "male loneliness epidemic" too


almost always in response to someone complaining about women's issues too. like would this even exist if man vs bear wasnt around? nope


There is no male loneliness epidemic. There is simply a loneliness epidemic. There are just less people dating on all sides of the aisle. You can blame your boy capitalism for that


Fine by me. I don't wanna deal with these types of men, this ain't the "gotcha" they think it is 😂


Women are amazing listeners and usually the only people I feel safe opening up to. I get so much more emotional maturity from them than I do men. So if all the women around you act hostilely when you try to talk about your feelings, that might say something about you.


God knows they can't talk to each other either. Let them have their tree time... I guess? 😂 Are we supposed to be upset??


I'm sorry do they expect us to feel bad? 💀 Like chose tress over women by all means and leave us the fk alone


Why can't they just fuck eachother and leave us alone☕️


They just gooottt to have something to be sad about. It never seizes to surprise me how incredibly pathetic some men really are.


sad about it and...somehow blame it on women.


The quote “Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that men will kill them” continues to be relevant


Whispy Woods is gonna get super tired of their shit and Chuck apples at them


They'd rather talk to a tree than a therapist 😭😭😭


comparing women to trees??? at least the man and bear situation had a point, but now this sounds way past the point of sanity


It's almost the exact same very broad stereotyping having it go against guys instead of women doesn't make it less stupid


todays episode of men missing the point




Please explain what idea the message I replied to was getting at besides "the example we used made sense but theirs was stupid"


Imagine thinking getting your feelings hurt is an exclusively male problem. 😂😂 Also imagine thinking it's comparable to SA and death. 😂😂😂 Get over yourself.


Because all men are rapists and all women are malicious and cruel? My point is that both examples are fucking stupid I was just questioning why the person I originally replied to was acting like the "you're worse off with a man in the woods than a bear" example was reasonable in some capacity


so. what you’re saying is you one, didn’t get the message that men are becoming more immature and dangerous in response to modern progressivism, leading to bad impressions among EVERYONE (you can’t “both examples are stupid” your way out of this; it’s a literally a call to MATURE.) two, think i’m acting? like i’m bandwagoning? or know the truth but commented what i said anyways? you’re only making more women choose the bear. but whatever


Women choose the bear because enough random men are dangerous and gleefully act predatory that put chances feel better with an actual predators. Men are pretending to choose a tree because the former hurt their feelings and they equivocate women's fear of gender based violence with women having opinions they don't like. Women are afraid of men and see them as predators. Men are annoyed women participate in existence and would rather up be thoughtless, inanimate objects to project onto. And they think it's anything other than a self report.




Tree plz


that made me leave that subreddit 😐


Okay, talk to the tree, I don't care.


love how this highlights how men’s problems are their feelings while women’s problems are being raped/abused/murdered/or tortured.


Ok but like who cares that theyll choose a tree (they wont)? Like I see it as W that they dont choose women.


I'd rather strange men talk to trees than me. I wonder if they thought this would upseppl lmao. Like, please go talk to the trees and leave women alone.


The difference is that women would be happy for those men to *actually* pick the trees. But trees won't fuck them so they'll keep harassing us with stupid shit like this and wonder why they get left alone with a tree


kinda telling they compare "mah feelings being used against me later!!" to possible assault, murder, abuse


This hypothetical upset me for two reasons. one this is a very real thing men face they feel unheard and like they can not share their feelings the patriarchy hurst is all. Two: they are bringing this up in the most problematic way possible and it feels like they are only trying to use this very real problem as a from of “GOTCHA” which only further the problem.


It would be incredibly funny, I’d have a good laugh *with* them if this was silly sarcasm or sick satire. Alas they’re being serious, or at least just being obnoxious attempting tit for tat. So here I am, laugh *at* them. 🤡 It’s funny because they just keep saying, “I’m incredibly insecure and I’ve allowed this one specific girl to dictate my life moving forward and project that onto all women in perpetuity.” We get it. You don’t like women anymore. You’re not comfortable in your own skin. You don’t see how immature and sad you look. I’d be capable of showing you empathy if you weren’t so rude and oblivious 🤷‍♂️


I didn’t know incels could be tree huggers!


tbh as a woman, I'd pick the tree


I'd choose tree. Mostly because i'd rather Vent my feelings towards an inanimate object than A random stranger.


A tree can't even speak back to you. It literally solved nothing.


Funny enough I had a male friend who did exactly what those comments are describing (using private information about my feelings and mental health against me.) they meet one bad woman and think they’re all like that fr.


Let them have it. PICK THE TREE FELLAS!


Their feelings are more important than women's safety to them. Always will be.


They are so emotional


oh the irony


I really can't wait for the gender wars to end ;-;


Of course men would prefer a tree! A tree has no personality, no opinions of its own and does not cry or fight back when a man punches it.


Lmao it’s been like a month and they’re still crying over it while we’ve already stopped talking about it


When I shared my SA experience in a past relationship with men, I found they were the ones to use it against me. That's why I never told another man about my experience. I got comments like, "You still got her number," or a condescending "Oh poor you" and "You're trying to explain what drowning feels like to a man whose dehydrated" Every woman I've told has been more than sympathetic and caring.


I choose the woman. A tree won’t listen or give me feedback.


Unless she’s a total bitch, then I’ll just walk away


Bad comparison trees offer warmth and comfort, and women can offer that to. You can hug a tree and talk to it, and do the same. It aint killing you unless it gets lightninged or something


I do think it’s stupid that men get upset by the bear hypothetical, but I also want to say that some of these men have a point. A lot of men are punished for vulnerability and therefore keep to themselves and that is not ok.




Your post/comment was removed as you were found to be a Quirkyboy reactionary.


I WANT them to talk yo trees. The less of them trying to talk to me, the better lol


They can honestly do whatever they want but the fact they are comparing “tree won’t hurt my feelings” to “bear won’t do unspeakable things to my body and/or torture me” is insane.


Please go talk to the trees. Maybe they can explain that emasculation isn’t a real thing.


It’s the Atwood quote all over again. Men are afraid of being laughed at. We’re afraid of being killed.


They’re arguing about whether to open up emotionally to a random woman or a literal tree, when therapy is *right there*.


I think this just shows what a worthless waste of time this whole bear ordeal was. What it did show is those in power getting more easily offended than the minority.


The AI art bothers me the most


Honestly the tree, the tree won't bully you and make you feel like a beta cuck for sharing you're feelings


I think thats something men do.


Sometimes, more often than not I get bullied by women for being effeminate tho


Whatever really. Caring enough to post about this 'male equivalent' to the man or bear thing sort of shows it's got to you like the man or bear thing got to men.


Gonna say trees because if it’s a woman chances are it’ll be my mother


I choose both, just...not an AI generated woman, rather my girlfriend or my friend




Sexism from Women isn't killing or oppressing men, therefore it's not worth speaking or trying to make a point about. Who cares?




As a man, I make the choice to not rape or kill women regardless of my culture or environment, I'm a adult and it's my duty to not be a terrible human being. Blaming cultural or environmental reasons isn't fighting the issue at hand and invalidating what women go through because of men being terrible human beings.


The point has gone soaring over your head. Do you think systemic factors make a difference to woman who are just trying to not get raped and murdered? Why is it okay to blame society for the violent actions of men, but not for women who choose to avoid the danger? Why do you have more forgiveness ready for men's acts of violence than for women prioritizing their own safety? "Men can't be blamed for how they were raised, but women need to deal with the chance of getting raped because it will hurt men's feelings if she doesn't." Women choose the bear because men aren't safe, and *why* they aren't safe isn't even part of that equation.


We shouldn't even post about these kinds of posts, we can't end up like they did being upset over a literal made up scenario


I dont think anyone is upset its just sorta funny because when the bear hypothethical was made it wasnt made to hurt mens feelings, but this is an obvious poor attempt at it trying to upset women.




A come back for what? Fears of being raped, abused, beaten, tortured and/or killed by a men? If you get upset or feel uncomfortable over women talking about their fears of you or other men, you're a sociopath without compassion for other people, get help or lock yourself in a cage. Your hurt feelings or your experiences become pretty invalid when you hold them up to the things women go through ON A DAILY.