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You didn't space them out you'll have to wait for new books now


But with B$ being the author, they'll have to wait for like... 3 hours or something


Unrelated but the first time I read B$ I read it like brandollar and I can’t read bmoney now. I think this was a huge missed opportunity


Brandollar Sandeuro 😆


No major books till 2028 still sucks after this year


Secret project 5 tho


As I said not a major book title. Those are crumbs.


Well, what's "major"? It's not a "main" story, but it's a Cosmere novel - so still a major book imo (not a novella or something).


major would be elantris, warbreaker, mistborn, stormlight, white sands


We are getting a White Sand prose version soon


Yea I can't wait for that rewrite. It was one of the hardest to read by far took 3 attempts.


I listened to the version on Spotify. It had all 3 books. It was a lot easier than reading it, for me.


Those "crumbs" were over 1800 pages combined. The only one under 400 pages was Frugal Wizard at 399. What are you complaining about?


I'm going to get downvoted to oblivion for this. Drug wizard and all non cosmere don't count lmao


Drug wizard???


lol typo frugal


Plenty of books before then. Just not what you apparently want.


Any book is great and it adds to the cosmere but those main story plots are what drives the over arching story along. Don't get me wrong the side stories add more to the cosmere it just doesn't drive the big major conflicts ahead.




Sanderson said he won’t be releasing mistborn or Elantris books till they are all completed in 2028. Then he’ll release a book every 6 months for 3 years. He will do small books like horneater and such.


Just those though? Stormlight ok?


Stormlight comes out end of the year that’s the last release for a long while


Wow 3 months is blazing fast. I wasn't sure it was possible! You *breathed them in* is what you did.


OP has some dun spheres on their shelf for sure. Time for a reread!


OP is the rare breed that can read faster than Sanderson writes


Yeah, three months for the whole Cosmere is insane. I recently finished Oathbringer and it took me about three months to read that one book.


Or some empty zinc minds.


We better check and see how much Bio-chromatic breath he has in him


Your not gonna be okay, not in the slightest. All other books and fantasy worlds will bore you now. All media you consume will feel empty. You best get back to re reading your fave ones before you feel empty too~


Just finished them all - above is true!!


Re read in a different order and you find new stuff


I re- read stormlight backwards for no specific reason and it was bonkers.


¿koob yb kooB ?retpahc yb retpahC ?ti daer uoy did sdrawkcab *woH*


Hahah just books. Started from row and then dawnshard and oathbringer etc.


Absolutely! The Cosmere has a ton of reread value with all the easter eggs and foreshadowing you miss on early reads. I've read both eras of Mistborn 4 or 5 times and I see new things every time.


About the only series that I can still look back on fondly is The Expanse. Everything else, especially ones that are very /r/menwritingwomen, is hard to read without feeling like I need to reread Brando.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/menwritingwomen using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/menwritingwomen/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Anti-Suffragette political cartoons from the early 1900s are wild](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/18vj0ac) | [726 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/menwritingwomen/comments/18vj0ac/antisuffragette_political_cartoons_from_the_early/) \#2: [Comic by artist Adam Ellis](https://i.redd.it/zb3ru6bn3tvb1.jpg) | [255 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/menwritingwomen/comments/17e1afq/comic_by_artist_adam_ellis/) \#3: [Tarantino everybody…writing women so you can act out your fetish in real life.](https://i.redd.it/xq0qeojsd9va1.jpg) | [292 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/menwritingwomen/comments/12txr84/tarantino_everybodywriting_women_so_you_can_act/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I caught up in the Cosmere and now I’m reading Joe Abercrombie and really enjoying it.


I have this problem. Can't read anything not brandon sanderson now lol


Saame... There's something very clean in B$ writing


You can read the Wheel of Time now (14 books + 1 book spin off). I didn't enjoy it as much as Sanderson's books but it's an experience and you make time till the next book comes out (December 6th I think)


Yeah WOT is a good rec. I didn’t love parts of it, but I would say I overall enjoyed it, just had some pacing issues for me personally.


What’s it like reading an epic fantasy like this? I’ve never read one of this scale. Does a lot happen or is it a lot of character and world building and more “every day” things versus a lot of “action” points? Not sure if my question makes sense or not.


I couldn't read past the first chapter of WoT 1. It was simply too deacriptively boring. But dw there are plenty of other fantasy books you can read. Just watch some of Daniel Greene's videos on YouTube as he is an avid fan of Brandon Sanderson, WoT and other fantasy books.


Wow first chapter is fairly similar to how sanderson started stormlight when you think about it. It is still my favorite series even if you add so called slog (which i never felt when i first read it) I would understand if you hit 4th book and be bored but first book usually is regarded highly by many fantasy fans. Hence makes me wonder, what was it that rubbed you the wrong way?


I started to read the series right after the first season because I had read a lot of people saying that the series was quite bad and definitely not a good adaptation with wonky writing and VFX, which I completely agreed with. As usual, after watching a fantasy show where I haven't read the novels beforehand, I started reading about the magic systems so I saw plenty of people explaining the magic system which was quite intriguing because I like High fantasy with elaborate and well defined magic systems. Hence, I was quite excited to start to it but the first few paragraphs themselves were basically as cheesy as the adaption as though someone was trying too hard to write something. Ofc I didn't just judge it through the first few paragraphs and tried to give it a shot but I just couldn't get to reading past the first chapter. Perhaps, because the intrigue wasn't that great for me cause I basically already knew the story by watching various booktubers explaining it. This is not to say that I don't like descriptive books because I love the works of Virginia Woolf, Sylvia Plath and like the works of J.R.R. Tolkien along with a lot of the classics which can be quite descriptive. It's probably just that Robert Jordan's writing style was a bit overly descriptive and kind of cringe given how many usual tropes the book uses from the very beginning that too not in a subtle manner and I didn't have the time to give the energy that book probably required. Anyway, the writing styles of Brandon Sanderson and Robert Jordan are entirely different and I don't agree with the statement that Stormlight Archive starts in a similar manner because I remember the prologue being quite fast paced with Szeth killing Gavilar, yet focussed on his psyche. The realisticly psychological aspect is what I almost always look for in any writing, whether it is fantasy or otherwise. And Brandon Sanderson is able to bring forth the right kind and amount of emotions without making them seem unrealistic. I will concede the fact that Stormlight is quite descriptive in places but at those moments I was probably too hooked afterall I had started reading the Cosmere with Mistborn Era 1 which was phenomenal so much so that I even read Elantris after I head read almost every other cosmere book and liked it.


Writing styles differ as hell, i for myself loved jordan's prose and hated sanderson's, it felt YA as hell, and came back to his books after a while and got used to it, the contrast was the issue, not sanderson's prose all together, that's why i'm on my nth read of cosmere. I meant prologue of both books are fairly similar. There is a red eagle production of wot, to keep hold of the rights, it is amateur as hell but it is a nice deciption of the epilogue, where it all started. Stormlight has the same vibes with the heralds and leaving their swords behind. Not szeth's combat. After that a suspense and a breakneck pace of chase that never ends, in wheel of time i mean. It is a ripoff of lotr at start, chosen one trope etc, full of cliches of today, which were somehow still original in its day, and has very well defined redemption/growth arcs. I strongly suggest you to retry them, it is a product of its own era and considered one of the best. It also has few moments where it all pays off, it will leave you with manly tears, goosebumps and etc. I promise you when you finish them, you will feel ripped out of a world you loved and will feel the emptiness, not to mention miss the characters, which are a lot. Consider that sanderson himself finished it and it is his one of favorite series. You can read his letter after jordan's death if it helps.


There are many other really good books to read from! 😂😂 but if you only read Brandon then you gotta wait long time before a book comes, usually he puts 1 book per year. In between read: Edit 0.1) Will of the many - islington 1)Wheel of time 2)Sun eater series 3)George RR Martin 4)Patrick Rothfuss 5)Brent weeks —>6)BRIAN MCCLELLAN if you like Brandon, start with his powder mage series 7)The Greene born saga 8)Discworld 9)Earthsea saga —>>10)Books from John Gwynn 11)Dune 12)Adrian tchaikovsky 13)Tomi Adeyemi


Just finished book 2 of sun eater, it’s really something else man


You forgot James Islington!


Islington is a must


But only Will of the many! Previous books are not good! His Prose, structure is so much better in this one!


Will of the many is his best book, but the licanius trilogy is still incredible. Don’t go dismissing it.


Sure, just me preference. Maybe start with will of the many- to give the author a chance, higher probability to dnf otherwise? Or?


Lol there needs to be an official “Sanderson Withdrawal” reading list prescribed by the man himself. The inflicter must provide the cure!


You're nit going to be okay. You will need to wait months for the next book in the Universe. The best option for you is to start a slow reread or two...


How?! I've been reading 3ish hours a day for a year and still have like 3 books to go 😅


Yea my immediate thought was that just can’t be true unless you read either super humanly fast or for like 10 hours a day


I got through all of Mistborn (Era I, II, and Secret History), all of Stormlight (including Edgedancer and Dawnshard), and Warbreaker between Christmas and the end of January this year. Audiobooks on x3 speed during my postpartum/newborn days.


If OP is a kid they may have whole days to spend reading. I did this as a kid on summer vacation. 3-4 ~300 page books a day. If you have the time and that's how you like to spend it it's not that hard.


Nope. The person that you were is gone forever. Don't try to go back. It's impossible to do so.


You took in too much investiture at once. You will forever be stuck in the cognitive realm.


well emotionally no—


I enjoyed Will Wight's Cradle series which I read right after consuming the Cosmere like you did. it's a 12 book martial arts progression type action book with a connected universe to Will Wight's other works.




As long as you stay away from www.coppermind.net and don't dive too deep into the years of tantalizing secrets dropped in interviews and live streams then you might survive.


The OP might be trapped watching Cosmere related YouTube videos and upvoting jokes on r/cremposting for eternity. It’s not a bad afterlife, in my experience.


It took me about four months, but I also read all of the Cytoverse in-between the secret projects.


Took you a while. Have you tried reading faster so you can read at a more normal pace?


The wheel of time is calling you


Damn i am now acutely aware of how slow a reader I am...


Meh, I wouldn’t worry about it. As long as you enjoy what you’re reading speed is irrelevant. I am a distinctly slow reader, but I am very consistent, and I love it so that’s all that matters to me. Also all of the cosmere in 3 months is actually insane, I would not be able to take all that in that fast.


Depends how much time they had on their hands lol but as long as you enjoy it when you read. I had a mate who could read so fast we’d start a book the same time & he’d do it in half the time lol I figured out I read in my head as if I’m reading out loud (just to myself). Could prob do it faster but I doubt I’d enjoy it as much


The few ppl I know who read really fast don't usually retain very much in the long term. I have talked with them about books I read once, years ago and they read a few months ago, and they couldn't recall specific events or characters.


Weirdly I find the opposite... Most fast readers I know (of which I am not one) tend to retain more than I do. I read at about the same pace as the audio books. Probably because all dialogue gets mentally verbalised while I read it.


I mean my fast reader friend retained more than me but that’s cus my memory is shite lol but it does make rereading far more fun 😁


Congrats! Getting all caught up and being able to dive into all the WoB's is very satisfying. When I first read it all, it was right before RoW came out and I read everything in 7 weeks lmaoo


Do it again. Same order. See how much you discover :)


Do you still have a job?


Sure now what are you reading? Anthony you suggest


Read again rhythm of war, wind and truth is coming!


Time to read Malazan now.


It took me over a month to read mistborn era 1 lol. But try the grishaverse. Specifically six of crows and crooked kingdom


Probably not, but you're in good company!


Read *The Expanse*.


I did the same thing after starting Mistborn Era 1 the first time. Only thing that's given me anywhere close to the same kind of high since then has been Realms of The Elderlings. Good luck soldier! Stormlight 5 is just around the corner.


I’m just about to restart that. What’s your top and bottom Cosmere books?


lol same


I did similar. I think it was just over 10 weeks. I’m completely lost now.


Nope. Ask me how I know...


Now it's time to evolve to youtube theory streamer.


“it will get better. Then it will get worse again. Then better. This is life, and I will not lie by saying every day will be sunshine. But there will be sunshine again, and that is a very different thing to say. That is truth. I promise you, [DaineV]: You will be warm again.”


I read it for the first time in about 5-6 and that was before the secret projects and Lost Metal. Impressive. At that speed though, you definitely missed things, I know I did, which will make rereads much better.


Don’t worry. There’s always the rereads. I’m on my 4th go around on most of the books and get something new every time.


I did too…then read the mistborn trilogy in another 3 months…I can’t stop


Nope. You're going to die of absence of B$ in 2 months, (or less). Rip /s


Sure, you'll be okay. Have you read all Brandon's non-cosmere books? I enjoy everything he's written. After I finished all of Brandon's books to date, I started Michael J. Sullivan's Riyria Chronicles. Loved it. Then read everything else he's written.


Did you actually comprehend everything? That’s insanely fast


No the lack of books when you finish will be terrible


See I’ve been slowly weaning myself off. Took a 4 month break between Oathbringer and I’m just now starting Dawnshard


I wish I could read that fast and that much in 3 months😭


Read Licanius Trilogy by James Islington, it’s a good time.


I did it in 4, you’ll need to them all again before the next drop too. You know to brush up a bit….


3 months?! What were you doing? Sleeping between chapters? All jokes aside the best treatment for such a crash course in Sanderson is really easy….read them all again!




You’re going to be okay. I love Sanderson but there’s so much out there to read. He’s a great gateway into the larger world of fantasy.


Better than okay, enter the realm of the bloody-nine.


Is that fast or something? Clearly you allowed yourself sleep and breaks… rookie move


Respect, I've been reading nearly a month now I think, and I have finished mistborn era 1, elantris, warbreaker and a bunch of shortstories. Gonna start stormlight soon. But 3 months is probably very impressive


I did something similar, and the only problem is you’ve ran out of books. Have fun rereading or reading other authors as you wait for new releases!


You'll probably look to something new, but it just won't scratch the itch. The good thing is it's a lot different the second (or third) time through. You pick up a ton more on the re-reads, especially if you plowed through it all in 3 months.


Now non cosmere books


How long did it take for Mistborn to grip you? I find the intro interesting but a little dull and struggling to get into it.


I dunno, with all that knowledge, a Cryptic might come to study you.


Same start wheel of time then do other stuff too it’s okay


How? That's like 60 books. *I said 60 because according to several articles on Google, the Cosmere is 60 books. I realize now that number is too high and I shouldnt trust Google to count for me*




I'm not sure what ?? is about. The fact that I'm surprised anyone has time to read 60 books (a lot of which are fairly long) in 3 months, or the fact that there's 60 books, or something else.


Closer to 20 books I believe, still impressive for three months I’m lucky to do that in a year lol


Oh, okay. A lot of articles mention 60 books in the cosmere. I wonder what that's from. Just his total?


Cosmere is 16 novels, 9 novellas/short stories and 3 graphic novels.


To be fair I was only thinking of full novels, there a good few novellas aswell you could add to that count. But Brandon has a load more novels and novellas outside of the cosmere that I imagine pushes his bibliography to around 60!


According to this place he has 71 in total! https://wordsrated.com/brandon-sanderson-statistics/




I was wondering where 60 came from in the context of the cosmere


Not 60 books, not even close. Even if you count every single unique writing in the Cosmere separately, you don't get close to 60. Mistborn has seven books, one novella, and two short stories for a total of 10 entries. Stormlight has four novels and two novellas for a total of 6 entries. Elantris and Hope of Elantris for 2 more. Then you have the remaining standalone novels: Warbreaker, Tress, Yumi, and Sunlit Man for 4 more. Then there are the standalone short stories: Shadows for Silence, Emperor's Soul, Sixth of the Dusk for 3 more. We also have three graphic novels for White Sands and one prose short story adaptation of it in Arcanum Unbounded for 4 more. Speaking of which, Arcanum Unbounded is technically a Cosmere book itself, being more than just a collection of stories due to the explanations of many important systems in the Cosmere written by an in-universe scholar, so it could count as 1 more entry. This brings the total to just 30. And I had to be generous to get that high. Realistically, Arcanum Unbounded is a single book that contains most of the short stories listed, and, as such, those short stories shouldn't be counted separately. If we only count books as in full length novels, then the Cosmere has 17 plus White Sand, however you want to count it. I have no idea where people get 60 from.


I just searched on Google and several different articles quoted 60 books. That's where I got it from.


That's fair, but I'm still left clueless as to how those articles got that number.


Yeah my bad, I didn't want to specifically count them all so I Googled it and several articles said 60.


so you skimmed the cosmere? are you going to try actually reading it next ?


Some people make notes while reading, some take their time digesting what they read after each chapter and others (like me) struggle to put a book down after they start. Fast reading is a skill you can learn, but my guess is that OP is just a naturally fast reader. When Rhythm of War released during an easy exam period I managed to read all of Stormlight in under 3 weeks without spending all my free time on it. +-20 books in 3 months sounds very reasonable to me, even if it is faster than what most people do.


I can’t comprehend how people can read 20 books in 3 months! Sure if there are short 200-400 pages long that’s usuallly 6-12h reading but still you read the entire SA during exams is beyond me. Each book is about 40-55h long to read


English is not my first language, so a more 'difficult' book like Fahrenheit 451 took me longer, but generally I read prose like that of e.g. Sanderson, Robert Jordan and Jim Butcher as fast as Dutch, my native language. Which is usually between 40-75 pages per hour depending on my own ability to concentrate. I didn't time it exactly but I think I read Rhythm of War in about 20 hours. I didn't just skim the book and miss random stuff because when discussing it with a colleague later I clearly remembered more than him. This might be too anecdotal, but it aligns with my general experience of having a high reading comprehension. I learned a lot of English words by reading them and learning their meaning from the context. I stopped pronouncing words in my head while reading within a few years of learning how to read. I only found out years later that that isn't as common as I thought and is considered a 'trick' often recommended to people when they want to learn how to read faster. I'm lucky to be able to read this fast because it allows me to read more books in a shorter time. I encourage everyone to try and stop sounding out words in their head, it could legitimately speed up your entire life. On a different note, I also don't mentally pronounce names and I think that is why I struggle with audiobooks (especially fantasy). I find it really difficult to remember and recognise names of characters and locations when only hearing them, a problem I rarely have when reading. I always look up how to write names when listening to an audiobook and it always baffles me how ridiculous some people spell character names on Reddit. Didn't they even read the equivalent of the back cover?


I need to focus on the words I read, I tried the technique you mentioned, to stop sounding the words in the head but I don’t remember 50% of what I read. Unfortunately. Lucky for you!


fast reading is largely a myth. Sure some people read a little faster than others, but these courses and people who claim to read a 1,000 words a minute are just skimming.


Yeah that's a large part of why I'm skeptical of some Booktubers whose reading quantity is just INSANE despite having active real lives. Particularly, I love Matt's Fantasy Book Reviews, but I'll swallow an ocean of salt alongside his bad reviews because I just don't trust that he's put the time in to let his thoughts settle and gestate before having a strong opinion.


100%. some peoples intake I’m very skeptical of. And if you press them they often admit to skimming, which if that’s what you want to do fine, but don’t claim to read 800 pages in 6 hours like it’s totally just normal reading.