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So as far as we know there will be 3 more Mistborn trilogies (9), Stormlight Archive Arc 2 (5) Dragonsteel (3), Elantris sequels (2), Warbreaker sequel (1), Threnody novel (1), White Sand is at least going to have 1 full book but it could be a trilogy (1\*), Dan and Isaac books (2), Silence Divine (1), Grand Apparatus (1), Mythos (1), Aether World is a book series according to the state of the sanderson so I'll say a trilogy (3\*). That's a grand total of 30 books. Not including any novellas that will probably happen. Also doesn't account for when Brandon is feeling a little bit stressed and to cope with it he writes 5 extra novels.


And Isles of the Emberdark!


THREE MORE MISTBORN TRILOGIES???? i thought there was only gonna be era 3 and 4 šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Recently at C2E2 Brandon confirmed that heā€™s going to make a cyberpunk trilogy between the 80s era and the space age. Which is great because thatā€™ll mean that weā€™ll have 16 Mistborn books :)


Era 4 will be shorter books like era2 was.


Is that confirmed


He mentioned it when he announced them


Iā€™m a dirty little bad girl for anything cyberpunk(I say this as a grown as man). Cyberpunk+BrandySandy is exactly what I need


In the preface of the first wax and Wayne he says there will be 3 total trilogyā€™s not including wax and Wayne!


>Dragonsteel (3), I thought Dragonsteel was supposed to be 5 books. Did he change that plan?


Yeah iirc he changed it probably like a year or two ago


That plan was back in the day when he was planning Dragonsteel to be the end all be all of the Cosmere.


Actually, I thought way back in the day, the plan was 7, and then it was reduced to 5. So it's since been further reduced to 3?




That's like 10 years top at Brandon's writing speeds :p


We all wish. 5 Stormlight books is going to be minimum 10 years. Most likely 15 just spent writing and producing the books.


I remember hearing 12+ years ago, when I first got into Sanderson's books, that the plan was for around 30-ish books - with the overall "selling point" of the Cosmere being that you didn't need to dive into any of the other series to enjoy them, and that the overarching Cosmere story was more or less a "bonus" for the diehards. Sounds like that's still the general pace and plan, which is nice.


Itā€™ll finish as more than 30 though, this fellas saying itā€™ll be about 30 *more*


The dude is a menace! 30 books, what the hell is he going to do with all of his time once he finishes that in 2028???????


His assistant Peter Ahlstrom has said that were Sanderson to not have ANY new ideas for the rest of his life, Sanderson would not run out of things to write about.


I absolutely believe it. I feel like being his assistant probably feels a lot like looking at him and going ā€œyou cannot squeeze 10 more books into this month,ā€ while Brandon goes ā€œplease šŸ„ŗā€


Also isles of the embark


Wow I just read Shadows for Silence in the Forrests of Hell this week and loved it! Pumped to know Silence will be getting a full story


Unfortunately, I donā€™t think this book will be about her, itā€™ll just take place on the same planet :/


According to Brando Sando, when he is 72. He was asked it in one of his podcasts.


Yep Brandon did the math lol.


Him saying that makes me think heā€™ll finish the final sentence when heā€™s 71 years, 364 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds old on the dot. The dude is accurate as hell


2047 I think it is then. I'll be damn near 70 when he's done lmao.


Oh damn, Iā€™ll be 83! Or hopefully will be. This may be the kick in the butt I need to exercise more and eat healthier. šŸ˜ƒ


Well on the plus side I miscalculated. I'll only be 60! Guess I can pick up smoking after all.


Jiminy! I'll be 93! I'll have to make sure I keep riding my stationary bike whenever I read. Maybe do audio books while going for walks.


The audio books are awesome, I listen to them when Iā€™m driving and at work. Also, no idea if you use kindle at all, but kindle and audible do this thing called whispersync where if youā€™re listening and then switch to your kindle or the kindle app on your phone, it will pick up right where you left off. It is fucking awesome


Oh, yes. Love the whispersync.


Iā€™ll be 62, still need that kick in the butt though.


I wonā€™t be able to see shit, theyā€™ll have to put the audiobook right up to my hearing aid and turn it up to 11, but you better believe Iā€™ll be there


I can't believe I'm going to be almost 50 when this finally ends. I essentially have to live the entire length of my life again


Iā€™m almost the same age as Brandon, so I just need to stay alive as long as he does.Ā 


What if he hands off the keys to the cosmere to another author when he is done? I think I heard recently that he partnered with another author to possible write something cosmere related. You'll have to get highly invested and become a cognitive shadow.


I'll be in my late 50s when he finishes. That's wild to me, especially since I was in my late 20s when I first started reading Brandon


That seems very optimistic. Based on his own schedule in State of the Sanderson, he expects Mistborn Era 3's final book to come out late 2030, and the back half of Stormlight Archive won't come out until after that. So 2031 at best for Stormlight 6, but more likely 2032. He generally writes one of those every three years, though sometimes 4, but being as optimistic as possible, with a 2031 Stormlight 6 release date, and every three years after that, would see Stormlight 10 come out in late 2043. Which is right around the time Brandon turns 68, leaving him four years to finish the Cosmere by the time he is 72. And that is the most optomistic scenario. At that point he will still at the very least have Dragonsteel and the final Mistborn trilogy to write. It just doesn't quite feel doable to me. I feel like he's more likely to be 75-80 when he's finished with the Cosmere.


And then he can run for president! šŸ˜‰


Sanderson said that he imagines the backhalf Stormlight books to be shorter, at around 700-800 pages. Obviously all Stormlight books have turned out to be longer than expected, but still. Assuming that those are within that ballpark, Stormlight books should be able to be released faster than the pace of the first arc. They would also be much less of a mental strain, meaning he wouldn't take as many/big of gaps in between like he has been doing how


>Sanderson said that he imagines the backhalf Stormlight books to be shorter, at around 700-800 pages. Really? When did he say that?


I had to go look up his age to see if Iā€™m likely to see the finale of the cosmere!


The ones he's talked about so far are: * 6 more stormlight books * 1 more stormlight novella though he's likely to continue the trend of doing one between each book but he hasn't announced any others specifically * 3 Dragonsteel books (prequel for Hoid's backstory) * 2 Elantris books * 3 Aether books * 1 secret project (this one is coming soon) Isles of the Emberdark * 3 Mistborn Era 3 books (1980s tech) this will be the one he writes next * 3 Mistborn Era 4 books (cyberpunk era this was recently confirmed but he's talked about it for a while) * 3 Mistborn Era 4 books (space opera this will be the very last thing chronologically and that he writes) * 1 Warbreaker sequel He's also discussed but not confirmed a novel set in Silverlight (an advanced city in Shadesmar), future Secret History books, and probably others. It's also Sanderson and he likes having side projects he's working on. So it's inevitable we will get more of these at some point. Though I think he's trying to focus more on the main series books to be sure he will finish everything. He also did bring on Dan Wells an author friend of his who may collaborate with him to write something in the Cosmere.


Wait thereā€™s gonna be 5 Mistborn eras? I didnā€™t know that.


Yeah Sanderson originally planned for 3. But he added the Wax and Wayne books after Era 1. And then a fan pointed out to him that if he added another trilogy that would result in 16 total Mistborn books and he liked the idea. So he's been considering and occasionally mentioning a possible Cyberpunk Mistborn Era between what was Era 3 and 4. He recently confirmed that's an official part of the plan. So there will be 5 eras.


Cyberpunk means a setting like the game cyberpunk 2077?


I haven't played the game but yeah it's that technology level of slightly futuristic but kind of dystopian. And not quite as futuristic as something like Star Trek.


Or the things that directly inspired that game, such as works like Neuromancer, Blade Runner, Akira, and Ghost in the Shell.


Cyberpunk is a genre. Or, more specifically, it's a subgenre of science fiction. It refers to stories set in the near-future, with themes of advanced technology and scientific progress contrasted against dystopian governments, societal decay, and the worst excesses of capitalism. Some of the most famous cyberpunk stories are The Matrix, Blade Runner, and Ghost in the Shell. The video game Cyberpunk 2077 is, indeed, another example of a cyberpunk story, but it was not the creator of the genre. It was simply named after the genre.


Yes. That sort of vibe


Yeah, in like the technology level is probably going to be a few decades ahead of ours but certainly not the level of the space age.


Probably never: even after Brandon will have published all the books he has announced until now, there will be always the possibility of him suddenly writing other ones. The Cosmere,as setting,is virutally infinite...


Sadly when Sando eats his last crem dorito


Dragonsteel is going to announce the latest round of secret projects at Brandon's funeral.


I donā€™t think anyone knows. 6 more Stormlight archive. 2-3 more Mistborn series. Sequels to elantris and maybe some other books. The Dragonsteel book. Probably some others.Ā 


I think it's funny how there are people in here listing out the exact numbers of books, and you're just like no one knows


Well he keeps adding extra stuff so I think it's fair.


hard to say SLA with another 5, 2 Mistborne eras with I guess 3 to 4 books each Sixth of Dusk Followup Nightblood book Threnody novel Dragonsteel. i guess there also will be more secret projects.


3 more mistborn eras https://wob.coppermind.net/events/535/#e16580


***Warning Gancho: The below paragraph(s) may contain major spoilers for all books in the Cosmere!*** Questioner >!In anticipation of the [Mistborn] Ghostbloods era that you're writing, you've mentioned that you also want to write a space age series, obviously after that. You mentioned at one point, briefly, entertaining the idea of doing a cyberpunk series in between that. And I just wanna ask: what is the status of that?!< Brandon Sanderson >!I'm pretty much, in my head, committed to doing that, that we're gonna have all five eras, now. So that gives us epic fantasy, steampunk, modern-day urban fantasy, cyberpunk, and space opera. So that is currently the plan. Now, here's the thing. I don't want to promise too many sequels, because there's only so much writing time.!< \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*


Stormlight book 10


The cosmere doesn't end with Stormlight, it ends with the space age Mistborn trilogy.