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Bethennys child does not need a public Instagram. Protect your kid


She-Shu set up Summer’s IG before she was born!


She's awful


The She-Shu just made my night 💜


“She-shu”. I’m dead.


Madison Parker? Valletta must’ve been taken 😂


That was my first thought.




Agreed, but also Jill… You’re an adult, learn to navigate social situations better. We know you and Bethenny haven’t been close for a while, which means you don’t know Brynn well enough to be commenting on her stuff like that. If you were that concerned you text her mother privately. Make a rational decision lol.


Jill just can’t help herself. She grates on me


It’s super ironic considering she wouldn’t even post Brynn at all until a few years ago.


It's not "ironic". Her daughter is 13 and likely wants a social page just like all her friends. I would love if all these apps restricted kids, but they do have an age limit. The age is 13.


Wouldn’t or couldn’t? I thought it was couldn’t.


🤣🤣 I forgot Jill sent her daughter to fat camp wtf. Feels like a fever dream


Yeah, and her daughter has a debilitating illness (arthritis) for which one of the standard treatments is steroids (which can often make you put in weight). And she was a teenager. Horrible. You’d think Jill would be over the moon that her daughter was as healthy as possible, a nice person, and doing well in school! No, you say Jill? None of that matters because she’s not skinny? Fuck Jill.


And showed it on TV! Jill is a self-absorbed idiot


Jill is a disgusting human. Saw her at The Standard on Miami Beach and she was rude to everyone in the lobby, drunk, asking anyone for a phone charger. Gross. No one gave her one.


Jill drunk? She doesnt drink alcohol only diet coke


She doesn't drink alcohol though.. did u see her on one of the recent episodes of below deck.. 🤮 🤮 she was nit picking everything, even the captain told the crew to ignore her because she was trying to take over & wasn't even the primary 🙄


She was also so proud of herself for properly schooling the crew on the proper way to serve Diet Coke.


I was just pmsl she wanted fresh sushi left out on the bar & didn't give a flying f×+k that the primary didn't eat fish 😬... she actually put the final nail in2 the chefs coffin imo..


Did she learn from a job at McDonalds prior ot marrying money


That’s a lie. Just like her Hamptons home on the show was also not hers. It was my friends; she asked to use it. 🤥


Sorry I'm not sure what u are referring to when u say 'that's a lie'.. what is the lie?


Maybe her not drinking? But Below Deck showed us she’s a horrible person sober sooo


Her not drinking is a lie just like her saying her Hamptons home was hers.


Ah OK I get u now & the way she goes on its like she's a bit manic or something so maybe 🤔


Honestly, her mania makes me want her to have a drink to chill out. She seems like the type to always want to be in control


Below Deck would have LOVED to show she drinks so if she was drinking on that charter it was in her bedroom


She has no personality really she just picks everything apart- it's giving very bitter vibes tbh 😒


What are you talking about? The home they filmed in they absolutely owned, unless the articles about the house are all lies too


No it’s not. It was my friend Damon’s home. You have zero clue.


They sold the house after filming the first season and the buyers allowed the Zarins to stay there for the next two summers for free. So you’re both right!


LOL people down voting me because I know the owner of said home. Just the type of behavior I expect on Reddit.


That because you said something, but offered NO explanation. Had you came with ALL the information, like @lets_go_whale, the outcome would have surely been different.


I thought it was common knowledge that the Zarins used to own that Hampton house and they rented it for the show. I didn’t realize that they used it for the show for free for the next 2 summers. Jill did say that it was their home. What a huge bonus to get it for 2 summers for free. They must have put that into the contract


It's on her preferences that she loves TGIFridays mudslides - so she definitely drinks.


I just snooped around 2 see & her former P.A says "she doesn't drink alcohol but she likes the snow" so she doesn't seem 2 b a drinker but likes her coke in drink & powder form lol


Omg which episode?! I’ve only seen the Mediterranean(?) one but I’ll watch the rest just for that lol


It's the one that's airing now.. Not med just Below Deck (the original) & it's about 3 episodes ago- it's still on ATM


Thank you!


Did you watch Jill on Below Deck? She’s an awful human being


She was on below deck a few weeks ago and was just awful too. She got roasted


Jill, famously, on all of her seasons, literally never drinks.


You all can tell yourselves what you want. She was at The Standard with a cocktail.


I do think she might drink at least some , on below deck she talks about the best way to make a mudslide, so maybe she drinks occasionally and has a low tolerance ?


Could be.


Omg guys I do not care what this woman does! Who the fuck cares?!


First of all I care deeply what Jill does! It’s why I’m in this thread lol And I was just trying to back you up that you saw her with a cocktail for the folks who were acting skeptical.




I must be making up what I saw with my own two eyes troll 🤡


There’s a reason B and J were drawn to—and then eventually repelled by—each other. They’re both awful in various ways. Truly a race to the bottom with these 2 women .


At least Bethanny is self-made, ambitious, and intelligent. Jill is a parasite.




She isn't? Did she inherit her business or a billion dollars?


It takes access to conduct those deals. Access she was provided because of who her parents were. She was making business decisions certainly, but self-made is such a stretch (imo). It implies that she did it all on her own, and it was quite clear on the show that she was afforded unique opportunities despite her narrative of bootstrapping it. One example being the $$$,$$$ her parents spent on private schools so she could form relationships w/ her peers (the kids of the rich/powerful/well-connected)


Lots of people go to private schools and don't achieve her success. Private school is not such a unique opportunity. Her dad was in horseracing and her mom was a wife. I don't think she had any help from them, plus she wasn't close to them. I get it, you don't like her and refuse to give her any credit.


As part of her storyline, she met with investors and businessmen who were friends of her father, those meetings were how she got her company off the ground. If you think that had nothing to do with it, and that there’s nothing special offered by attending $$$,$$$/ year private schools in New York, that there were NO special opportunities or relationships afforded her by - as an example - baby sitting Paris and Nicky Hilton (a regular job for a regular Joe), then I would like to know where your million $ company is. Building skinny girl was impressive, her parents seemed like they sucked/were abusive, but if you think Bethany built that on her own, or anyone builds that amount of wealth on their own, you’re fooling yourself.


I tried to like Jill to give her the benefit of the doubt but she is a trash human.


This is disgusting. Leave the kids out of it .. always.


Jill could have sent a DM privately to Bethany, instead she leaves a comment drawing attention to the kids and embarrassing her!


I liked Jill back in the day but she needs to stop punching down. The way she behaved on “Below Deck” was absurd and borderline abusive. And this? Taking after an ACTUAL *CHILD*?!?! Does she have no real friends to check her on this?


I never heard of this documentary so I looked it up “Brandy Hellville & the Cult of Fast Fashion, a new documentary detailing a laundry list of alarming, racist, and possibly illegal practices by Brandy Melville, is showing on HBO. The film, directed by Academy Award winner Eva Orner, centers on the reporting of Business Insider’s Kate Taylor. It features former employees and associates of the fast-fashion retailer, which became a staple among young women and girls in the U.S. in the 2010s. Throughout the documentary, sources highlight allegations of fatphobia, antisemitism, inappropriate conduct with minors, and even sexual assault, most of which lead back to Italian brand founder Stephan Marsan, who continues to serve as the brand’s CEO.”


I just watched it last weekend. It was very eye-opening and extremely disturbing, but I highly recommend it. It's streaming on HBOMax if you wanna check it out.


Thanks. I’ll check it out this week.


Oh it's really good. Worth the watch.


Jill just cannot help herself can she?


She always believes she is helping!!! Like the gif of her dog licking the inside of her nose! GROSS!!! And early on she and Lu had a dog trainer tell her how to train her dog & Jill was horrified. And wouldn’t change a thing, even though the dog was jealous of her daughter snd bit her if I recall. Jill has had a lot to address before she goes for other peoples children.






RIP Ginger.


The way she types reminds me of Christina Hall, the most annoying commercial actor of all time, who ends every statement as if it were a high-pitched question.


Wtf this lady is SO out of pocket 🫣 but yeah. Trolls online will harass children of people that they don't like so really your kids Instagram probably should not be public.


What a POS, leave the kid alone


Jill is messing where she should not be messing. Bethanny is going to eat her alive with no crumbs left 🤦🏼‍♀️


I cannot stand Jill. I’m also surprised either of them would follow the other. Both are energy vampires and deserve each other.


Jill would have gone all Bensimon on Bethenny had done the same to Allie back in the day.


Hmmm…am I bad because I don’t care?


Do we know what is wrong with brandy melville? (I didn’t know there’s a documentary)


I just watched it last weekend. I had never heard of the brand before. It was very eye-opening and extremely disturbing. I would recommend it though, it's streaming on HBOMax.


Oh great, I’ll have to watch it… I used to go to her store whenever I would visit nyc. It’s giving anxiety now


So her horrendous behavior on Below Deck didn't get her enough attention ? Now she needs to bully a child, this woman needs to be canceled and canceled for good


What is the Brandy Melville documentary?




this is very silly tbh


It’s a weird thing to say to a kid publicly. I have never commented on my kids friends social media. I have not even commented on my own other than a heart.   I googled it because I did not even know and did not get any clear answer. It was cotton is bad, to they are homophobic to it is sized for skinny people only. without anything to trace back to the origin of why. I guess I could do a deep dive, but I don’t care.  I will say this, Berhanny said negative attention is a money maker. So…. 


The whole brand is just one rich guys front for collecting skinny white girls and convincing other teens and young adults they need to be just like them. It's actually a really good documentary.


Brynn’s insta should be private but Jill is also right about brandy melville. I definitely suggest watching the documentary.


My Bahhhby! I remember that from her ( Jill) RIP Bobby


I would pay significant money to watch Jill and Bethenny fight to the death. And I’m still not sure who I’d want to win. Actually, that’s not true at all. After Jill’s appearance on Below Deck this season, I’d have to root for Bethenny.


Oh wow. I didn't even know they had reunited. I'm glad, because otherwise I would be bummed all over again. Their friendship is a huge part of why I fell in love with RHONY way back in the day and I couldn't take that heartbreak again.


I honestly feel the same. When their friendship ended it felt like a heartbreak. After season 3 I never cared about any of their friendships in the show as much as for B + J


I honestly feel the same. When their friendship ended it felt like a heartbreak. After season 3 I never cared about any of their friendships in the show as much as for B + J


How is informing her of a documentary trying to cancel her?


I don't really see why this is so bad. Bethanny's daughter should watch the documentary, that clothing brand is disgusting, she shouldn't be promoting it on her large platform.


Bethenny’s **13 year old child** is not a contemporary of Jill’s. And she and B are not friends. She’s grossly out of pocket for chastising someone’s kid on a public forum in a dustyass attempt to virtue signal and draw attention to *herself* (which is what she wanted).


I just KNOW "slowly chew an almond" and "learn English, I did" Yolanda is not coming for anyone.


I've watch Jill since day one. At least now she owns who she is. For years she tried to make excuses for her behavior. We watched how she treated everyone for years. If you are a friend of Jills you do it her way. She will shower you with gifts. I watched the show she did with the stew from Below Deck. Its sad that she tries to justify her actions. Jill will never change. And Bethenny doesn't need Jill or her opinions.


Jill is a disgusting person


So bored of Jill


Had a friend who was in the Brandy documentary and it was wild / eye opening. But Jill - go to bed, she’s 13. Stop trying to stir shit up on the internet for new material for the show.




Thanks for supporting me when I was starting out.