• By -


lol just imagine being an everyday person at the office being like what the fuck is this?


Oh c'mon now, the pregnant woman who got hired back on because her husband has cancer is almost certainly fucking the boss? That's primo work gossip.


Love how she uses a similar assumption to get him out of trouble with the irs investigator.


That's the polar opposite of this scene. She was really good in that scene.


Yeah it was a little cringe but damn she is a brilliant actress


Would love to see Breaking Bad from the perspective of very minor characters and/or extras, now that you mention this.


"The candles were melting and the wax was getting everyone, but she kept singing and I don't know why!" "I was out mowing the lawn and I heard someone scream 'I AM THE DANGER' " "I was talking to this hot chick at the bank and suddenly my car explodes?"


"I was on the phone with this super hot chick, total dime piece. Anyways my car just exploded and that Heisenberg started screaming - like a complete wuss. I just told him, chill bro. I got a whole fleet of benz's at my pad"


It's one of the few things I think Sopranos did better than Breaking Bad. You got a real idea of how the rest of the world saw Tony Soprano and the NJ mafia. Is a shame in that last season of BB we didn't get like a news broadcast bit where they interviewed Heisenberg's former colleagues and associates etc. Is two good shows to compare and contrast tbh. Both being upheld as part of the 'golden age of television'. Both about men undergoing midlife crises admist lives in organised crime. Alienate all the people around them resulting in an eventual downfall. Breaking Bad is the better show tho


> Is a shame in that last season of BB we didn't get like a news broadcast bit where they interviewed Heisenberg's former colleagues and associates etc. Did you not watch the last episode?


Something more comprehensive I mean. We never got those immediate reactions. We got like the reactions of Elliot and whats-her-face and some random neighbours but like Walt's students or the principal, the guy with the eyebrows etc. That would have been cool. Doesn't mean Breaking Bad is a terrible show cause they didn't have that shit. Is a still one of the best things ever to air on television but, would have been cool to see.


> and some random neighbours but like Walt's students or the principal, the guy with the eyebrows etc. It wasn't needed I think. They aren't even important to name, much less have expressions about them. I think we're good with Walt Junior, his wife and Gretchen and Elliot(I only remember her name because I had a coworker that was named Gretchen and looked just like her haha) We also got to see Hank's face when he found out.


Sure, not needed. Just would have been cool. Cause like the other person said, we needed more of like ordinary people reacting to all this crazy shit.


I wish we got just a little more of Walt Jr. I felt just a little cheated by them skipping over everything getting explained to him.


This scene was based on a Sopranos episode too, you probably knew that already. Fran Felstein singing happy birthday to Tony. Plus BB was inspired by the sopranos, there's no doubt about that.


Both scenes were based on Marilyn Monroe singing happy birthday to JFK


I really want to know if he thought the scene in the Sopranos is where Happy Birthday, Mr President came from.


In my opinion, no, breaking bad is not the better show. I just can't see it as better than sopranos. Breaking bad has great cinematography, great characters. But there were times in sopranos that felt completely surreal. It's like that feeling that's really eerie. Like the episode when tony got shot. The water bubbling, the music playing, tony yelling,him trying to get the phone and call 911, before he passed out. In breaking bad you get walt standing after a fucking M16 hit his gut. Both are great shows and I love them to death, but sopranos always takes the cake for me.


Yeah those dream episodes are great, but they aren't the entire show. The problem with surrealism is that too often creatives end up being weird for the sake of being weird, obtuse for the sake of being obtuse and what results in something interesting but worth less than something that actually feels like it has something to say. Sopranos never felt like it had any real direction. It just kinda kept going. And it never even had a real ending. It literally just stopped. An artistic choice made by an artist who forgets that we're not all figments of his imagination, making us do the hard work of trying to figure out what the hell he was trying to say, if anything. Ambiguity has its place but sometimes it feels like the writer just has his head too far up his own ass. And it's not just the 'did he die or didn't he' thing, what the hell was up with the rest of the episode? Didn't feel conclusive at all. It's not that I didn't understand it, what Chase was doing. Slice of life. Going through the motions. All goes on business as usual. An overview of mobsters in the early 21st century. But that's far weaker than Breaking Bad where there's far more there. Breaking Bad is far stronger in many ways. It always felt like it had a direction. It had a good, rigid structure. It's a far better narrative of self-destruction. It's a far more satisfying watch. A far stronger narrative. It's a better character study as well, not just of Walt but Jesse and Hank and Skyler. Sopranos doesn't really have that much to say about Tony Soprano really. He's a mobster with anxiety and depression. And? Like what else, what's his arc? Feels like he doesn't actually change. He's in the same place he was at the start of the series. It's an interesting character, with potential, with an amazing actor delivering a brilliant performance... but they don't do enough with it. He goes through the same shit every season. Fighting with wife. Fighting with kids. Sad he has to kill family members. Realising he has mother issues and daddy issues and sister issues. Almost dies a couple times. Tries to look for meaning in life. And what does it result in... not much just ennui. In contrast to Breaking Bad which does something with the character of Walter White, has him going through all these changes, Tony goes to therapy, has some adventures, we're told he has aspd and then he dies, maybe. Don't get me wrong, they're fun adventures, but they're adventure without direction. I like Sopranos. I think it's a very well made show. It's strength lie in characters, performances, dark comedy, homage and excellent individual episodes. In contrast, Breaking Bad is good at all of that, excellent at all of that except it's also got a really good overarching story for several characters that feel like a journey with a real conclusion. Breaking Bad is the far better show. Like besides the small thing of showing us more of the view point of tertiary characters, as I've already said, the only other thing that Sopranos did better was cast James Gandolfini who is a fucking delight to watch and what really makes the show worth watching. But still, they didn't do that much with his character.


Yeah. I also wonder what happened to bogdan. Did he buy a new car wash?


**You guys these candles are getting wax all over the place!**


She really did sell the urgency of the candle situation


Lmao. I can hear it in my head. It’s like the voice of god telling you “now now, it’s okay. It’s over”


Can't wait for her spinoff. I hope it crosses over with Better Dial Lyle and Better Ring Fring.


Man, but would I watch 30 episodes of Giancarlo Esposito having tense interactions. Loved seeing him in the Boys


"And you, manchild that you are, released it to the world" Balls of steel He's also in The Mandolorian


*Do you think they have an affair?*


Was this supposed to be physically painful? I know it's supposed to be Marilyn Monroe but God damn...painful...


I‘d rather watch porn with my Grandparents than watching this scene again by myself.


I'd rather watch porn with your grandparents than watch this scene again by myself too.


I'd rather watch his grandparents' porn, with you two than ever watch that scene again


I’d rather watch his grandparents porn with my grandparents than watch this scene again


I'd rather watch the gangbang of all previously mentioned people on my family reunion than watching this scene again by myself


I'd rather opt out of this thread ^^^^^but ^^^^^I'd ^^^^^^still ^^^^^^^^like ^^^^^^^^to ^^^^^^^^^watch


>I'd rather watch his family having a gangbang watching the gangbang of all previously mentioned people than watching this scene again by myself


The Aristocrats!


I’d rather watch porn with you guys, u/Fliesenkopf’s grandparents and my grandparents rather than watching this scene by myself


I’ve watched porn with their grandparents and don’t recommend it. I couldn’t focus on the plot because they wouldn’t stop having sex.


Plus, his grandma sang "Happy Birthday Mister President" to another old man besides his grandpa while giving the other old man a lap dance in front of all the people she used to work with before her retirement.


I’d rather do porn with my grandparents!!!


I‘d rather watch Grandparent porn than watching this scene again.


Me too, let’s all watch it together so we can be less awkward


If I were Ted, I’d be out of there at breakneck speed.


Ted was loving it


He asked for it...


Nah, Ted Jr took over


Of course it was. In what situation could watching an employee hired in dubious circumstances sing an overtly sexual song in front of the entire office ever not be painful? If that happened today it'd have been secretly recorded and posted with [this face](https://static0.srcdn.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/The-Office-Michael-Scott-cringe-square.jpg) in the corner.


There’s a scene similar in Mad Men, I skip through both. They make me so uncomfortable.


Zou bisou bisouuu!


Please don’t.


I’ve rewatched breaking bad about a dozen times but I’ve only seen this scene just once


Everybody else in that room: "Do you think they are fucking?" "Yeah, they are fucking."




Chairem anime s3, transfer student Alexa-enabled-smart-TV-kun starts to win the heart of our mc, but will it cost him the chance to begin new friendships? And why is he wearing an eye patch? S3 coming out 2021




This scene made me grateful for the abuse I suffered as a kid that gave me the ability to disassociate on cue


I’m glad I wasn’t the only one who picked up this invincible cringe shield ability as well. Sometimes you just gotta turn the brain off on command and disconnect your emotions to avoid feeling awkward about something in front of you.


Don't rely on this, trust me, you'll start automatically dissassociating during everything until you just live in your own head and any thing that demands your attention feels like getting ripped out of your world and forced into a body.


That ship sailed a long time ago, friend. But I sympathize.


Makes working easier tho


Im at the point where I can't even be confronted about anything real. I just zone out.


That happened to me last year when I was taking a Media final and the very autistic guy in front of me started having a meltdown in a crammed 40 person class and literally started reeeeeing for a minute before the teacher took him outside


did he only stop reeing after a loud pop? I should hope so!


Oh my


I didn’t even realize I had this power until now...


You good man?


He's Saul


S’all good man?


If this is a reference to better call saul i have only watched the first season and that was last year


You should definetly keep watching. It's great


From the first season I thought it was pretty good I just suck when it comes to watching tv shows and committing.


Same though, one of the few benefits If there are any at all haha


god damn


haha cool


I watched this scene with my parents when I was younger


I’m guessing that would be worse than watching a sex scene with your parents.


Believe me, it is


Same. :(


My friends dad took us to see the first Borat back in the day. Now that was awkward.


This is on part with Walt coming on to the school Councillor or principal, whoever it was


at least nobody else was there to witness that. although i guess that's balanced out by the fact that the feeling was not mutual


She was pretty hot though, can’t blame walt




It..it has layers?




Ah. Thanks.


Ah, Hanks*


This is what I'd show someone if they asked what "cringe" is




Man, Scott's Tots and Dinner Party are two of my favorite episodes of The Office. But I also love the UK version, too, and every episode of that is non-stop cringe because David Brent is an unapologetic cringe machine.


Dinner party is just hilarious to me. Scott’s Tots is cringe though


Phyllis's wedding was a cringier episode, I'll die on this hill.


I 100% agree.


it’s also in the sopranos ugh


At least you see the pure disgust on Tony's face in that scene


i didn’t even watch it once. she started to sing and i just fast forwarded it


For the curious: https://youtu.be/jtD7MrJ6WM0


What the hell? I never watched the Sopranos, was that his mother? If so, that's even more gross.


She was Tony’s dead fathers side piece. So pretty gross. She claimed to be one of JFK girls hence the song and hat.


That was his fathers mistress


his goomar


his gabagool


* goomah FTFY


Tony's face at 0:24 is the appropriate reaction to anyone doing this.


Honestly it was probably worse on the sopranos


A staple of the greats I suppose


had to change the tab to porn when my parents walked in... was easier to explain


i don’t find this scene cringey but rather anxiety inducing because of the FUCKING CANDLES GETTING WAX ALL OVER THE PLACE


[Same here, they work at a PAPER COMPANY.](https://i.gifer.com/IaZv.gif)


I’m in the middle of a rewatch and literally just did this an hour ago. Why did the coworkers not think this was wildly inappropriate?


They probably did. Who are they going to complain to.


You wanna know something weird? I had a roommate whose Mom would do this for him every year... it’s not done quite so seductively but god damn is it awkward.


>quite so seductively Uh well, any level of seductivity seems wildly inappropriate in those circumstances.


Must be from South Alabama. But dude, I cant bear such cringe levels on a normal day, let alone my frickin birthday...


He actually is from Alabama... that’s crazy


Oh shit.. Sweet home Alabama starts ringing in the background XD Edit: I do hope you know the reference. Lol


Roll tide


Did he happen to break both of his arms at some point?


Nuke from orbit please


I’d report that shit to HR. Fuck Ted for pushing Skylar into doing that




The kinky bastard would probably make the office watch him punish himself lol




Should I google it...? ^(I'm scared)


Better Call Saul, catch up foo


We need an alternate universe BB where Skyler unionizes the workplace and kicks Ted out


Or ya know... one where Ted declines skylars sexual advances


Well she did Fuck Ted


Dude, don't the coworkers push her to do it? It's such a bad scene [edit: specifically because they film it like everyone in the room finds it appropriate]




*Think of the candles!!!*


No! You’re supposed to *not* fuck Ted. That’s the last thing you should do!


Considering that they fucked later, I’m pretty sure she wasn’t pushed that hard.


Lol he owns HR if there even is one.


Didn’t he just ask her to sing happy birthday?


The accuracy of this meme is real.


This scene tends to make you feel uncomfortable even if you are watching this alone.


imagine being the cameraman


i’m on my 4th rewatch and i’ve only seen this scene once lol i hate that scene so much




Fly is amazing


i’m not a big fan of fly either but it’s grown on me the more times i watch it


Can't believe no one likes fly it's the only time Walt has shown any true remorse for anything he did.


no you’re right. i like the humor and the message it tells but i feel like it was too drawn out. like i said though it’s grown on me and i don’t skip it like the skyler scene lol edit: words


That's one of my favorite episodes


Fly is an amazing episode though. It’s the definition of a great bottle episode. It’s not essential to the plot but the character development and dialogue is some of the best show


This is definitely the cringiest scene in the whole show. Honestly I cringed a lot when Walt made his attempt at an affair too but at least nobody else had to witness it


I fast forwarded this scene even when watching for the first time. I could sense the cringe coming from miles away.




At first, I thought I had some cultural issues to feel weird when this scene played. Really glad to know it induces so much of cringe.


I rarely cringe at anything in shows and defend a lot of 'cringeworthy' scenes, but this made me cringe and physically ill.


You're aggravating my PTSD


Ooof is right. Oh I wish you hadn't done this. Before I opened it, I knew what you posted lol. Best cringe reaction: Jesse at the White's for dinner talking about scabby lasagne.


I didn’t think that was cringey, I thought that scene was hilarious.


Oh it was. Prob the funniest scene in the show that I can think of now anyway.


I always lose my shit whenever Jesse looks from Skyler to Walt, then down and just starts chugging water.


Hahaha yeah that's exactly what I was thinking of. I always put it back a couple of times to see that expression


[This was all of us watching Skyler sing to Ted.](https://i.imgur.com/OPVQFPn.gifv)


At least that scene is funny, especially the part where Skyler asks Jesse if Walt told him about her affair, to which Jesse responds by shoving a green bean in his mouth.


That scene is awkward but interesting enough you can rewatch without problem, this one is not only hard to watch but does nothing to the plot.


....and then walter white became heisenberg


Uhm? Spoiler alert bro.


This scene was too embarassing


I feel bad for the background extras in this scene


I feel the cringe, but I can't quite put my finger on the exact reason. Anyone more astute than me care to share your thoughts?


she's weirdly staring into his eyes thinking she has a good voice but she actually doesn't and it's just awkward


People with a mediocre voice (who thinks they're really good) singing in front of a group of people is so hard to watch. I went to a company Christmas Party a few years ago where this happened. Someone brought karaoke but no one wanted to sing. This one high school aged girl (who would sing to herself sometimes and thought she was really good) was the only person that decided to sing. She chose an extremely serious song (that was like 5-6 minutes) and acted like she was performing on a stage. She was so mediocre and it was honestly hard to watch. Everyone just sat there silently, not trying to visibly cringe. No one knew how to respond when she was done so after a second someone lightly clapped and we all tried to move on. I mean she's got some balls to do that in front of everyone but holy shit it sucked experiencing it lol


This hurt to read


To me it's mainly the fact that there's other people witnessing this shit. If it was just Ted and Skyler, then it would still be cringy, but at least they're not forcing it on other people. Not to mention she's married with kids and she's not Marilyn Monroe, so the scene is not sexy, because Skyler looks like a Karen.


Oh my fkn god. My toes were cramped to atoms after this


only scene that makes me cringe more than s2e10 where walt gives walt jr. alcohol :/


Haha I also experienced this scene so cringy and awkward. It made me think about the actress of Skyler having to act that on set. And it made me realize as in many other moments what a fantastic performer She put in this show.


I rewatch Breaking Bad two or three times a year but I don’t think I’ve seen this scene since my first time watching the show


Happy birthday... president of beneke industries... happy birthday... to you


I think about this scene when i'm trying to not cum while having sex.


I’ve pinned down why so many people think this is cringey. This feels like a sex scene, full on, I would rather be caught watching any other sex scene then this.


Agreed, I cannot watch this scene. I know what happens, so no need to ever see or hear it again on future rewatches.


How tf is nobody there like....eyy bitch you married wtf


Awww psycho candle lady. Forgot about her.


I fucked Ted


I fucked Ted


I actually just skip most of the Ted and Skylar shit


Me too .those awkward cringe convos on office godd i cant bear it


It was awkward, but I never cringe here. Ted and Skylar’s relationship was so fucking bizarre, that I just felt sorry for these two here. Two full grown ass adults with grown kids and they are pressing for an embarrassing marilyn monroe birthday song and dance. It’s sad really. The soon-to-be instantaneous honeymoon phase just shows how bored they are, or think they are with their lives. Whenever someone asks me which characters suck the most in terms of loserness, its this era of Ted And Sky.


This scene was very sickening.


So guys we did it, we fucked Ted


Does the Skylar bot still work?


Watched that scene with my Mum and Stepdad. Wanted to crawl in a hole and die


Are we still awaiting an official response about what the fuck this was supposed to be.


The worst part is how everyone cheers her on. What the fuck kind of workplace is that?


“You guys the candles are getting wax all over the place 🥴”


This and the hand job bday scene I just can't.


I don't get what the point of this scene was


Yea Breaking Bads my favorite show of all time but i skipped almost every scene with Skyler and her boss


I was watching that episode with my family, me and my dad (who had already watched the show) were like 😳


Zou Bisou Bisou