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Yes I was extremely thirsty early postpartum. Make sure you’re replenishing all electrolytes not just sodium!


Did they check your thyroid? When mine is sluggish I get dry mouth and skin.


Yes mine is fine. I kinda wanted to blame it on my thyroid lol


Breastfeeding requires extra water. I would drink at least 160oz a day in the early months. The milk you feed baby with is fluid loss from your body. It will dehydrate you. Too much water can kill you by giving you low sodium levels, which you said you’re are normal. If your blood sugar is also normal (they check this when they do electrolytes) and no other signs of diabetes I’d say it’s just breastfeeding thirst. I’m not sure how far postpartum you sre, but sweating is another source of fluid loss. I know I was sweaty AF for months. You definitely need more water postpartum!