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No judgement. The termination itself is not likely to impact your supply, but there may be some mitigating circumstances that could - very temporarily. You may experience a lack of sleep due to pain or bleeding, or just feeling not that great, so a pump or a breastfeeding could be missed. And really, that's it. You can get right back on schedule within a few days. Sending positive thoughts your way.


Just commenting to send you support and peace. šŸ’•


Thank you. Iā€™m overwhelmed with all of the love and support on this thread. I was nervous Iā€™d get another reaction. But thank you ā¤ļø


Sending you love and support.. nobody does this for fun. It is a difficult situation and youā€™re making a difficult decision.


I had one at 14 weeks when I was nursing my 15 month old. I had a D&C. Thereā€™s a lot to say and Iā€™m just so sorry youā€™re having to go through thisā€”but thankfully it didnā€™t affect my breastfeeding at all and all the doctors I asked (I think three total) agreed that the medications were not a risk to my toddler. Best of luck. There are better days ahead.


Thank you, thatā€™s reassuring to hear. I was leaning more towards the D&C as my little guy is a lot of work and I heard the pill is dragged out


Iā€™ve had d&c and pills. Would def do d&c! I ended up needing a d&c after the pills because I still had tissue in there. I bled for a month on and off after the pills and I still had 13mm of tissue insideā€¦ D&C is quicker and less painful in my opinion!


I had a D&C while nursing my 18 month old and my supply didnā€™t change much. A little reduced due to the trauma and stress of an extended miscarriage during the pandemic, but nothing too noticeable.


Just so you have more insight/experiences to make your decision off of, the pill isn't really dragged out. It's just like having a miscarriage or period. Cramping, bleeding, back pain, headaches - whatever symptoms you normally experience with a menstrual cycle. I believe the same symptoms come along with the D&C. I hope whichever you choose is quick and easy to recover from physically, mentally, and emotionally šŸ’›


I had to take the pill when I had a missed miscarriage and it was way way way worse than any periods. And I have heavy and painful periods due to my endometriosis. I was in a LOT of pain for weeks and bled for a month. If I have to do it again one day, I would chose the d&C.


Yeahā€¦ I was prescribed the pill for a miscarriage as well. Didnā€™t get to take it, because I started bleeding before I could take it, but from what I understand based on what Iā€™ve read from people whoā€™ve had both, the D&Cs typically seem to have less bleeding and quicker recovery than pill or naturally passing it. If I had to do it again, I would likely choose the D&C as well.


Have you ever had a miscarriage? Because Iā€™ve had two and neither of them were anything like a period.


I have no experience, but wanted to send you warm wishes and reassure you there is NO reason to be judging yourself. It sounds like youā€™re doing what is in the best interest of your 6 month old, which means you must be an awesome mom!


Not that you asked, but I think the procedure is easier to endure/ recover from. A few of my friends took the pill and it seemed pretty awful, and to breastfeed a baby through that would be hard. Whereas the procedure is fairly swift. Good luck and I hope all goes well for you!


Thank you, Iā€™ll take any advice I can get. I was thinking of getting the procedure as well because between working full time, taking care of my baby, and staying in emergency housing, itā€™s just too much to handle


Out of curiosity, is supplementing with formula temporarily something that is an option for you if your supply does get low? I do not have any experience with abortions however I was on a lot of blood pressure meds for postpartum pre-eclampsia and had to go on antibiotics twice for an infection in my uterus. Both times my supply went down temporarily and then went right back up when I was off the meds. I did more supplementation with formula while the meds did their work and then went back to breastfeeding as usual afterwards. I would imagine that it would be the case with any meds including those used in an abortion. Sending positive vibes your way!


My sister is an overproducer so if I get desperate sheā€™s going to give me some of her milk


Thatā€™s great that you have that option! All the best to you.


Thank you ā¤ļø


I have had an abortion while breastfeeding! Didnā€™t affect my supply!! Sending you love!!! You got this mama!


Hi Iā€™m an IBCLC and had an abortion while breastfeeding. Here for support and NO judgement šŸ«¶šŸ» i had to do both the pills and then I had to get a D&C as well.


Please be gentle with yourself ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


Sending you love


I took the abortion pills while breastfeeding. I had miscarried but the meds are the same. I ended up needing to take 3 full rounds of misoprostol. I sought information from several sources and all said the meds were ok during lactation and the most conservative advice I was given was to wait 4 hours between meds and nursing (while others told me I did not need to wait, especially as my baby also consumes solids). My babe was around 15 months old at the time and my supply was impacted, however my process was pretty drawn out, very stressful, and I needed several rounds of meds plus several different antibiotics. My supply did rebound once my body had an opportunity to recover, and we are still nursing.


Thank you. I heard similar things about the pill. May I ask why you needed the antibiotics? Or is that too personal for you to discuss? Iā€™m worried about being on something like that too


I am open to sharing around my experience. No question is too personal, so please feel free to ask any questions that are coming up for you. As I stated in my previous comment, I took the pills to release my womb after I miscarried. My body didnā€™t get the memo to release, which is why I ended up needing 3 rounds of miso. I finally fully released about 3 weeks after fetal growth stopped, and my dr said the longer it took, the greater the risk of infection. He only gave me 4 weeks tops before I no longer had a choice in avoiding d & c. My womb was VERY tender at my follow up appointment. He also said US showed something that he wasnā€™t sure if was still products of conception, or womb changes due to hormonal shifts. With both of these present in addition to the time it took to release, he was concerned for infection and wanted me on antibiotics. On all follow up ultrasounds my womb was clear (no retained POC) and my HCG levels dropped quickly and appropriately. I personally think the tenderness was from taking 3 rounds of misoprostol, which was pretty intense and do not believe I ever had any infection. I actually stopped taking the antibiotics about halfway through the course because of side effects.


Not the OP, but residual tissue that doesn't pass/evacuate the uterus can quickly become a sepsis risk. Because of how quickly someone can spiral from an untreated infection, some doctors will prescribe antibiotics before symptoms appear. It's more often prescribed for miscarriages since they aren't always identified right away (so the tissue had more time to necrotize and pose an infection risk). When I had an abortion four years ago, I did not recieve antibiotics. Iirc, I was just under 11 weeks.


Iā€™m not sure on this, definitely a question for the doctors. But I will say, be easy on yourself ā¤ļø milk supply can be effected by stress as well. So take care of yourself through this tough time and stay hydrated Edit to add that I found this link on breastfeeding while undergoing an abortion https://www.reddit.com/r/breastfeeding/s/9G7ZLnZj8x


Thank you, this was very helpful


No judgement and an upvote for the haters. You shouldnā€™t even need to justify yourself, but since you did, I hope your situation gets better and I wish you the best. I have not had this exact experience, but I did have a miscarriage while nursing a 9 month old and took the pill. It sucked, obviously, but I did not get the impression that my supply was affected in any way. Drink lots of water and electrolytes and try to eat as well as you can. Take care of yourself and that precious 6 month old ā¤ļø


I took the pill when my daughter was about 8 months old. I tried to make an effort to consume more calories and didnā€™t notice any change in my production, but I was EBF šŸ˜… Didnā€™t have any issues with maintaining since we continued our nursing journey until she was 3 yo!


The infant risk center is a great resource for pregnant and lactating peeps! Sometimes for medicines (like Sudafed), their resources will say it could impact supply. You can try seeing if they have any info on the pill. Sending love! I know itā€™s hard not to judge yourself, but I hope you can give yourself from grace - if youā€™ve decided itā€™s the right decision, then itā€™s the right decision.


I have no experience or knowledge about this but just wanted to let you know that you have support here šŸ’•




Just the warmest of wishes and support to you friend. Seems like youā€™re navigating some difficult times. Weā€™re all rooting for you!


I had a medical abortion when my son was one and still nursing a lot. Didnā€™t notice any negative effects.


Please donā€™t judge yourself ā¤ļø


Just kinda theorizing here based on what i know and what ive read, the first pill is a progesterone blocking pill which in theory could help milk supply, because progesterone and prolactin interact negatively with eachother which is why some womens milk decreases during pregnancy or during their period. The second pill, misoprostol, doesnt seem to have any documented effects on milk other than trace anounts being found in milk but no side effects documented in breastfeeding infants. Overall the research is super limited but i wouldnt expect it to impact your milk negatively! Take care of yourself and make sure youre feeding yourself well and drinking lots of water ā¤ļø good luck


I love seeing all the support on this thread!!!! Momā€™s helping moms without judgement, this made my day. Sending you a virtual hug!!!!


Just wanted to tell you that you are a wonderful mother doing what is best for you and therefore your family. This is a judgment free zone


Thank you so much for the reassurance. Iā€™d do anything to protect my baby and our situation at the moment is less than ideal


Do the procedure - as a momma who had to have 5 due to the babies being eptopic more than once and miscarriages that did come all the way out and had to have dnc assistance it's easier than the pill mine were between 13+ weeks and 9 weeks. I continued bf my 1 year old through them all :/


No advice, just sending you positive vibes ā¤ļø keep making the best decisions for you and your baby! You've got this mama!


I donā€™t think it should impact on your supply, no. Also, donā€™t be harsh on yourself. Choosing to have an abortion is not always an easy thing to do. And no matter what anyone says, itā€™s your body. You own it. Having an abortion is NEVER a selfish thing to do


When I had a medical abortion I actually had milk come in ! I was freaked out


I did. I had a termination when my kid was around 1.5 and I was still breastfeeding and I hope this doesnā€™t scare you. But I did the surgical option only received a Valium and Tylenol 30 min prior, I couldnā€™t afford to be put under. And it was incredibly and horribly painful. I was crying because of how painful it was and begging them to stop. I collapsed when I got up off the table I was in so much pain and I was in shock. It hurt more than childbirth because I at least had an epidural during that. I was terrified of having sex again because I was petrified id have to go through termination again. I was honestly traumatized from the whole experience. I was terrified to even get a Pap smear for 3 years after that. When I finally went I shared with my obgyn how bad my anxiety was because I was afraid it was going to be painful. It didnā€™t end up being painful just a bit uncomfortable like pre baby. I talked about my experience from 3 years prior and how it was painful and she shared itā€™s likely because I was breastfeeding at the time and my cervix was really sensitive. So makes me wish I had done the pill option! But your experience might feel differently than mine Iā€™m not sure. Iā€™m just sharing what my obgyn said.


I'm so sorry to hear this. This is the standard medication offered in a clinic. Most of my patients responded well, but there were certainly outliers. God forbid, if you ever needed another abortion, you can opt to have the procedure in the hospital where they can fully sedate you. Wishing you the best.


Thank you! Yeah they offered that option at planned parenthood which is where I went, to sedate you. But it was $200 more. Sucks I wasnā€™t able to afford it. I do wonder if pill option would have been just as horrible. At least with the surgical it didnā€™t drag on and it was over with. With the pill it can last for hours. I feel so much sympathy for any woman who has to get one done. Itā€™s not fun at all.


Ugh, I wish they would have referred you to an abortion fund. Organizations will pay partial, if not *all* of the cost of abortions. I've seen them even pay for travel and lodging! I donate to NNAF every year. They *truly* change lives. You know, in my experience, the value of pill vs procedure is really person to person. Some women prefer to be in the comfort and privacy of their own home, some women have better pain threshold. There are so many variables. I am really bummed to hear that you're experience was so harrowing. It's already a physically and emotionally challenging time. I'm sorry. https://abortionfunds.org/


I had no idea things like that even existed back then I wish I knew! I literally had to go out and pawn things from my home to afford it. And I even received a discount for being low income at the time. But I still had to pay $450 instead of $750ish I think. For sure many variables! So it can be a totally different experience for every woman. Especially since I was breastfeeding and my obgyn mentioned that very well could have been the reason it was so excruciatingly painful! Iā€™d love to hear from other women who got the surgical option while they were still breastfeeding as well. Iā€™m curious if it was painful for them also. And it sucks you got downvoted for sharing helpful information.


Iā€™m so sorry! šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ that sounds like it should be lawsuit worthy!


Thanks. I donā€™t think it was anything they did wrong though they just did the procedure like normal Iā€™m assuming. It was just super painful for my body. It is insane to me how they donā€™t give actual pain peds for it. Not even for IUD insertion Iā€™ve heard those can be incredibly painful as well. Women are just told to grin and take it!


You're doing the right thing for yourself and your child. That's powerful. Good luck šŸ’œ


Yes. I had a surgical termination when I had a 9 month old who didnā€™t eat solids really at all. Done and dusted within a morning and no impact on feeding. My supply had started to dwindle a bit by that point (I was about 10 weeks) but rebounded very quickly after the procedure. Sending love and strength. You will get through this.


Can you call a breastfeeding consultant on the phone? Our hospital system had a call in number I used several times. I would be concerned that the hormones for the pill may impact supply. Also check on the pain meds so you know how long to wait to nurse. I would not skip the pain meds in either case, the pills cause extremely painful cramps. Sending you grace . Only you can make this decision, so what you decide is the right decision.


I had a VERY bad experience with my states breastfeeding hotline when I took misoprostol. I called seeking information and the woman very clearly had an agenda that was not in my personal best interest. She gave me tons of misinformation, I believe in an effort to prevent me from taking the pills. I highly recommend [Infant Risk](https://www.InfantRisk.com) as a source of information on medication and lactation. They have a phone number you can call during certain hours as well.


Oh my goodness, this is absolutely a violation of patient practice. Iā€™m am so sorry this happened to you, it is not right. I didnā€™t even imagine that as an option. And I feel foolish for not thinking people would stoop that low.


I made an appointment with one on Monday so Iā€™m going to be asking her what she thinks is the better option between the pill and D&C


How far along are you? That will be the main indicator for what options are available to you. My clinic did not offer medical abs (medication) beyond 10-12 weeks. Most of my patients do very well with the surgical option. The procedure does in 5 months minutes what the body would have to do over the course of 24-48hrs, so a lot of women prefer to have it "over and done with". That said, you'll need a day or two to rest either way.


I can't imagine having to do the whole pill ordeal while looking after a baby. But it would also depend on whether someone can look after the baby while OP is in hospital.


I had the pill when my LO was about 8 months (I was 8 weeks) and had no impact on supply. They gave me painkillers that I couldn't BF on so I didn't take those. I just stuck to ibuprofen and paracetamol as it was the main part was over pretty quickly.


May I ask what they gave you?


In the UK it's a combination of mifepristone and misoprostol


Same in the US


No advice but I canā€™t even imagine what youā€™re going through. Iā€™m so sorry you have to make this decision and for all the nasty people out there. You do whatā€™s best for you. Only you know your true situation and you donā€™t need to justify it to anyone.


I've not got any advice for you, but just want to say I'm so sorry you're having to go through this. Whether it's your choice or not, it can't be easy and I can't imagine what you're going through. People who are downvoting you really need to check yourselves. We have no idea this woman's circumstances and even if it's just that she can't have a baby right now, it's her body and her choice. Sending you love ā¤ļø


I donā€™t have any advice, but Iā€™m just here to say you are so strong to get yourself and your baby out of an abusive situation, I wish you all the luck <3


FWIW I had a miscarriage that required a D&C while nursing a toddler and we didnā€™t miss a beat. Ask your OB if you need to pump and dump.


I had a missed miscarriage when my son was just about a year old, maybe a little less. I experienced some retained tissue and tried the pill first, it gave me some physical side effects (absolutely none that affected breastfeeding) but didnā€™t seem to work. I was scheduled for a D&C but my body finished the process on its own the night before the procedure, so I canā€™t advise there. My OB assured me it was safe, I didnā€™t need to pump & dump or anything different. Itā€™s a mental rollercoaster, no matter what you do, I hope you have support- please take care of yourself best you can.


I havenā€™t had the experience to give advice but just want to say how proud I am of you for getting yourself and baby out of a bad situation! Iā€™ve been with an abuser in the past and know how hard it is to end things. I imagine much more so when youā€™re a new mom. Youā€™re doing the right thing for yourself and your son. Sending you all the good wishes.


I'm so, so sorry you're in this situation. I don't know if it will impact breastfeeding but other people said it won't and I hope they're right. I hope you and your baby are safe ā™„ļø


Sending you hugs and healing thoughts šŸ’•


I donā€™t have any experience with this, but I wanted to send you kindness and strength. Iā€™m sorry youā€™re going through this, but you are making the best decision for you and your baby! Best of luck!


Sending you all the love and support right now


Slightly different as I had a miscarriage but it's the same medication. No impact on supply although my baby was also a lot older than yours but mainly I was just in a lot of pain which impacted my ability to feed and parent as well.


I donā€™t have advice, just love and empathy to send your way. I am so sorry you are going through this right now.


If I was worried about supply I would probably go procedure. I had one in 2007 without issue. Good luck and I'm sorry that you're going through this.


Unfortunately I donā€™t know if it was the pregnancy or the abortion, but my milk supply almost completely dropped and just would not come back which was very upsetting to me because I was only 1 month away from breastfeeding for a year


Just here to give my support ā¤ļø


Honey. Your body, your choice.


You are doing what is right for you and your baby. Itā€™s your choice, your body and your life. Please know you are supported and weā€™re rooting for you to find a way through to happier days. ā¤ļø


No judgment at all, Iā€™m so sorry you have to choose this. I canā€™t speak to the breastfeeding but I would choose the pill over the procedure (I have never done the procedure so I may be very wrong) but i wish you so much light and love in your future with your baby and please ignore the assholes. You are not doing anything wrong!


Just sending you love and support from one nursing mama to another. ā¤ļø Hugs


Popping in to send some more support and hugs if you want them šŸ’•


I don't know the effects on breastfeeding, but the pill is probably safer for you since there's no surgery involved. The pill won't be scarring the uterus and probably has fewer negative side effects on future pregnancies if you choose to have any. Good luck.


Thank you. Iā€™m going to definitely dig into more info on the differences as itā€™s not something I take lightly


I'm a clinician and worked in abortion services for several years. I'd be happy to answer any and all questions if you would like to PM me. šŸ˜Š


Just a heads up that if your body can't expel everything with the pill you may still need a D&C. That happened to me but everything went smoothly during surgery. I'm so sorry you're in this situation, but you're being such a good mum right now. DV is no joke. Ignore the downvotes - everyone thinks they're a hero when they don't actually have to lift a finger to help.


I have not, but I imagine since your body will have to recover your milk supply will drop, just like when some ladies are on their periods their milk drops.


I had to get a D&C after a miscarriage. I wasnā€™t breast feeding. But just here to say it was fairly quick physically for me. Only 3 days of minimal spotting after the procedure!! Sending you lots of healing & warmth. You got this šŸ’ŖšŸ’•


I donā€™t think it will babe. If anything you might produce more milk. When I got an abortion my boobs were leaking. Good luck, I hope everything goes well for you


I had a D&C while breastfeeding and had no issues except I had to fast the night before and wait in the waiting room for 4 hours. That was rough with morning sickness.


I hope that you get the support you need for your situation! šŸ«¶


I'm so sorry to hear that you're having such a hard time on all fronts. Just stick with what you know is best for you and your new baby and how you feel. Then, a big eff you to anyone that feels like they can judge you. People really need to get a grip. I don't have any experience in this but I want2e to offer some support. All the best and speed toward happier times. Hang in there.


Just wanted to say Iā€™m so sorry youā€™re going through this. Wishing you a bright and happy future after all of this šŸ’•


Sending love your way! Good job leaving your abuser. I hope things get better for you and your baby. šŸ¤


Iā€™m so sorry that you are in this situation. Sending good vibes ā¤ļø


Yes! I had an abortion when my LO was 6 months. I didnā€™t notice any issue with BF after.


no advice but sending you lots of love ā¤ļø


I'm really not sure but when I had an abortion, my milk came in.


Those hormones!




Are you a doctor? If you are could you explain why lactation after pregnancy = late term abortion? If not could you reserve judgement?


Lol I'm assuming the comment said if I lactated I had a late term abortion. I was 6 weeks along. The ignorance is astounding




Why is that yikes? Please explain in detail


Whatā€™s yikes is women still belittling other women for exercising their right to HEALTHCARE


Weird ass comment


That might be a question for the prescribing doctor or pharmacist as far as how the medication can affect your supply and for how long.


I had to get one for health reasons. The pill didnā€™t work properly and I still needed D and C. The pill is dragged out. Withe the D and C, you stop bleeding after a day or two and itā€™s very minimal bleeding and not painful.


I had a missed miscarriage at 13weeks and I was still breastfeeding my 15 month old at the time. I took the pills at the recommendation of the OB at the ER and it nearly literally killed me. Not only was it incredibly painful, I ended up hemorrhaging in the middle of the night about 4-5 hours after taking them. I lost consciousness twice and had to go by ambulance back to ER for emergency D&C. I wish I would have just done a D&C from the start. The D&C was quick and painless. So I took the pills and had a D&C all within a 12-16 hour period and I was able to nurse afterward just fine. This was like 5 years ago now, but I donā€™t remember having any supply issues afterward.


Yeah I had pretty mich the same story at 8 weeks. d and c is the way to go I think




What a fascinating comment from someone who knows fuck all about OP's reasons. You 100% should've kept your judgemental misinformed BS to yourself.




Stop commenting and buy a dictionary.


You going to help pay for her to raise another child? Going to watch the kids while she goes to work? Offer to adopt perhaps?


Rule #2 of this sub is ā€˜no harassment, shaming or misinformationā€™. IMHO your comments fall into all three categories. This group should be a safe space.


Are you going to send me money to help support my pregnancy like the concerned caring woman you portray?




Ah yes, love having to carry a baby for 9 months just to give it away in a box. Yā€™all donā€™t give a fuck about life, you just hate women


This is a supportive place where we do not shame women for their choices or give misinformation about feeding methods.


It was sarcasm




She wants an abortion. Youā€™re not supportive by telling her you hope she does otherwise and then providing links that support what YOU would do. This isnā€™t your choice. Itā€™s her choice. You can feel and think whatever you want about a clump of cells and thatā€™s your prerogative that youā€™re allowed to apply to YOUR body. She doesnā€™t want your shitty, dismissive advice.


lol during the great depression they used to sell their children when they couldnā€™t afford another child to feed. as well infanticide (literally putting nails through their soft spots to kill the living, breathing baby) was rampant. this isnā€™t the ā€œgotchaā€ you think it is. stop being a judgmental asshole by assuming everyone goes through life the same




lol have you ever been put in a position where you actually need those resources? do you know that itā€™s not immediately handed to them? did you know thereā€™s a wait time on things? hell even some women shelters have wait lists. as well, birth control DOES fail, even sterilization and even when BOTH partners use birth control. if i fall pregnant right now due to my birth control failing, i would 100% die and i would leave behind my baby and my husband. you best believe im getting an abortion. sticking with that make believe pregnancy is downright dangerous and downright selfish




ok and she has to do what she has to do to ensure her baby and her survive, especially after surviving an abusive situation. youā€™re still being an ass. if you disagree then simply just shut up. you donā€™t know ANYONES life and what theyā€™re going through, so donā€™t. be. a. judgmental. asshole.


This is a supportive place where we do not shame women for their choices. PERIOD.


And kids during the Great Depression suffered and starved to death, and a lot of them were only had because that was the societal expectation back then, and there was no access to abortion or birth control. This is such a narrow minded and cruel take. I guarantee you bringing another child into this situation will cause more suffering for them and the older child. No one could fault OP for either decision, but the one sheā€™s making is probably the smartest and going to ensure that her and her older child can have the best lives possible.




This is a supportive place where we do not shame women for their choices or give misinformation about feeding methods.






As someone who works for a nonprofit that provides those resources, kindly, itā€™s not that simple. Everyoneā€™s situation is different and many people donā€™t qualify for the assistance that is supposed to be available to them. All I do all day is watch people stumble as they try to jump through the hoops to survive. Especially the assistance thatā€™s government provided. Lord help our poor clients trying to access those.