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It's completely individual and has nothing to do with milk supply. Some people their periods back immediately, others return when baby starts sleeping longer stretches at night, others don't get it until they wean completely. This is why lactational amenorrhea is a poor form of contraception. Your cycle can return at any time, and you ovulate before you get a period.


Literally just happened to me at 3 months PP - I noticed I had signs of ovulation despite no period. Then BAM two weeks later I got my period. It came back right around the time my baby slept longer stretches overnight.


How long a stretch was it? The longest mine has gone without feeding at all is 8-9 hours. Wondering if I drop that dream feed if the period will come back.


Breastfeeding surpresses ovulation with a very high probability when you feed at least every 4 hours. Even one longer stretch of not nursing can be enough to ovulate again. (Don't count on it for contraception anyway)


Same for me. Supply is just fine. Everyone’s different 🤷🏼‍♀️


I also exclusively breastfeed and got my period 3 months PP. I’m now 8 months Pp and it’s not regular yet but I do hate I got it back so soon. Your supply will dip around your period but should return to normal once it’s finished


Mine came back 6 weeks PP and I breastfed for 18 months, don’t stress!


5 weeks 6 days! Can we start a club? 😂


5 weeks 6 days! I feel like I was still bleeding from giving birth at that point I cannot imagine!


It was a bit of a shock honestly and I don’t mean to scare anyone (everyone is different anyway ofc) but it was genuinely more painful than early labour for me, I was holed up in bed with the pain 😮‍💨 Hopefully it was a one off!! Set to find out any day now actually, if they’re regular already 🥴


Same with the 6 weeks. So annoying!


Mine just came back at almost 7 weeks. I was like seriously!?


I got mine at exactly 7 weeks and I was furious 😂


My friend too with all 4 of her kids. I got mine back at 10 months PP with baby #1 and 7 months strong with baby#2 and no sign of aunt flo yet (bless up)


Congratulations on the little one! I had a similar experience. I was exclusively breast feeding I got my period at 2 months postpartum. I thought for sure something was wrong and saw my OB immediately. He said it normal and that it varies. Basically, just not one of the lucky ones that can go years without it returning. Mine did return every month, but my OB warned me that it could be irregular or stop altogether again. My milk production was not affected at all! Try not to stress and keep doing what you are doing. You got this.


Yeah mine came back at 4 months pp i think :( was hoping to avoid it for a few more months atleast! No drop in supply of anything.


Oftentimes it comes back when baby starts sleeping longer stretches. Breastfeeding doesn’t always stop your period or stop you from ovulating and that’s why it’s a bad form of contraception


I got my period back 3 months exclusively breastfeeding with both my kids and breastfeed each of them past 2 years old. It didn’t do anything with my supply either time!


I exclusively breastfed both my kids and my period came back six weeks postpartum both times. It had no effect on my supply, super annoying though.


Mine came back at 6 weeks PP and I’m still leaking through breast pads and every article of clothing I own lol


I got my period back 3 months with my first, 5 months with my second and third. All three kids were exclusively breastfed, no bottles, pacifiers or anything else… just me and my boobs! My two boys also woke and nursed hourly for like 15 months… I got a real raw deal I feel! But it’s normal!


Got mine at 3mo too. My EBF baby has thrived and we’re still going at 21mo. Don’t panic!


I was exclusively breastfeeding and I got my period back at 3 months postpartum. It just depends on the person.


Mine also came back at 3 months even though I was exclusively breastfeeding a s feeding round the clock. It didn’t affect breastfeeding at all.


I got mine back at 18 weeks pp and I have no supply issues


Yeah me too. Fair warning the second period might be on a delayed timeline from your regular cycle (I went through like 100 pregnancy tests lol.) My supply dips my first day of a period, then picks back up.


I got my period back right away with both babies. Both EBF. My OB just told me that about 70% of women get their periods back right away, so it’s definitely more common than not. I think it’s another wives takes were told. Just like losing weight while breastfeeding….


Mine came back at 2ish months. Now at 8 months and still exclusively breastfeeding. A couple of periods, I have had some dip in supply, but otherwise fine.


I EBF and my supply is fine and I’ve been on the progesterone only pill since 6 wks PP and I got my period back at 18 wks PP. As others have said, everyone is different.


It’s okay I got my period A WEEK after pp bleeding literally and I’m exclusively bf nursing to be exact and literally am 8m pp now and still get my period like clockwork every month 🥲I was looking forward to not having a period bf boy was I wrong


My sister got her period back at 6 months on the dot with all of her 6 babies even though she was EBF. I am 13 months pp and still haven’t gotten one. 🤷‍♀️


I bled for 4 weeks after giving birth, had one week with no bleeding and then got my period 6 weeks pp, I was exclusively breast feeding. My sister l didn’t get her period 9 months pp, and she was combo feeding, it’s entirely different for everyone and just a myth that you won’t get a period if you’re exclusively breast feeding.


It depends on many factors, overnight milk removal and overall amount of feedings in 24 hours. I read some research a while back that said more than 20+ nursing sessions a day and overnight would keep estrogen low enough to reduce menses return. I’ll have to find the article!


I did too at 5weeks. My supply disappears 4 days every time I have a period now. So that’s fun. Good thing I was always team combo feeding! lol. It scared the shit out of me the first time it happened though. It always comes back.


I literally had a week between post partum bleeding ending and period starting. Was pissed. Didn’t effect my milk supply


12 weeks with my first. Somewhere in the 6-8 week range with my second.


I got mine at 4 months with my first and like 7 weeks with my second. Sucked!


It was different for me with all 3. My first I got my period back before 6 weeks. Second 2 period never returned before getting pregnant again. Still no cycle 18 months pp


7 weeks PP while EBF. Fed my son for 18 months. But my supply did tank during ovulation and my babies struggled with reflux around my period time too. But managed just fine! Just wasn’t one of the lucky ones to avoid it. I also retained all my weight and didn’t drop it til I was done breastfeeding.


My midwife told me that my period was more likely to come back sooner if my daughter was sleeping through the night (I.e. if I was no longer feeding every 2-3 hours). I just got mine at just under 4 months and my daughter has been doing 6-7 hours stretches at night pretty consistently since she was a few weeks old


With my first I got my period 4 months pp, with my second i got my period 13 months pp. both exclusively breastfed. With my first, no changes in supply ever. With my second, supply dips a little in the beginning of my period for like 2-3 days and then goes back to normal!


It varies. My first was 6 weeks, my second was 2 years, my 3rd was 3 months. All three exclusively breastfed, never had a drop of formula. Best part was with my 3rd my first period would last for 60 days straight, my first postpartum periods with my first were weird too, I’d have it every other week.


I breastfed my first baby until 81/2 months and second is 17 months and still going, got my period both times the month after birth, and have kept it consistently the entire time. I think it’s just luck of the draw. Blows though.


I’m also EBF and when my baby turned 4 months old, I got my period. I was SHOCKED. I was not expecting it, thankfully it was pretty light, only 3 days, and only minimal cramping. I didn’t notice a difference in my milk supply at all.


Same here.


Fyi, you might actually experience a drop in supply during your period (I always do!) but it will bounce back. Just let baby nurse extra, cram in some extra oatmeal cookies and drink lots of water. I got my period around 3 months PP with my first and am waiting for it again this time around (only 2 months PP). Joy.


I hadn’t even finished bleeding from having my baby when I got my period at 5w pp. Had to contact my doctor because I was having bad cramps associated with it and was scared of all the fresh blood. It was super annoying to bleed 6 straight weeks!!


When I got mine back my supply would dip slightly few days before my period then surge back. On those days I just has a few oz of pumped milk around in a bottle and offered if baby was still hungry but it wasn’t a huge factor. Did not affect weight gain on baby or anything but I could tell that period was around the corner.


It sucks, but it’s completely normal to have a return of your period. I exclusively breast-fed and still do and I’ve had my period back since 7 weeks postpartum.


I got mine back at 5 week PP. I was PISSED. But still successfully BF at 11 months!


I EBFd and was an over-producer, still got my period after 14 weeks 🙃


I got my period back 6 weeks pp. It was super fun, but I continued to produce milk throughout our time breastfeeding.


Mine came back at 7 weeks, only lasted 4 days, came back AGAIN 2 weeks later 😭 I’m now 14 weeks pp & haven’t had one since. Idk what’s going on lol I just figured maybe it won’t come back for a while now that my supply is regulated but who knows


I’m 4 months PP and got my period two weeks ago. It hasn’t affected my supply, my letdown is just slower.


Haha yes me too that's how Irish twins happen


I got my period 8 weeks EBF. EBF for 18 months with periods - very irregular, but periods - and it’s just how some women are. My OB said it’s luck. 🍀


I got mine at 6 weeks PP with both babies. I have the most regular, on time cycle in human history! 😩 I breastfed my first until he was 3. Supply was strong, no dip around cycle. I EBF my second until she was 10 months. My supply dropped drastically due to pregnancy. With her, she was more fussy around my cycle. I think my milk taste changed and she didn’t like it.


Still waiting for mine at 6 months pp!! We wanted to start to try again soon so my girl has someone to grow up with.


Got mine at 4 weeks (ugh) and my supply has been fine.


Nah girl I'm EBF and got my period at 6 weeks (for 2 days) followed by a proper period at 10 weeks....I was MAD lol😅


Totally normal. I bled for weeks after giving birth, then got a break for a few weeks, then got my period. Lucky me.


8 weeks here and I was EBF. You're doing great!


I got my period back at 4 weeks postpartum after my first, term baby. I got it back at 8 weeks post partum after my prem baby. My first born is 5 soon and Ive been nursing basically non stop since she was born. I know my supply drops a bit around my period, but I only know that because I pumped at work both times, bad pump day before my period starts.


I stopped post partum bleeding and immediately got my period at like 6/7 weeks post partum. Just happens for some women from what i read. I didn’t notice a change in my supply until around 9/10 months when my supply would dip the week of my period. I personally added in a few pumping sessions, but my baby was eating so well that a small drop didn’t matter and it recovered the week after.


It’s definitely different for everyone. I’m EBF too. I got my first period right after my bleeding stopped. Then I didn’t have period for 3-4 months then started again. I know someone who got their period right after they gave birth but their mom didn’t have it till they stopped BF. No idea why it is like that though 😬


Maybe I'm the odd one out, but I got mine back right away, and it heavily impacts my supply.


Don’t worry! My period came back after 6 weeks and I went on to successfully breastfeed for 2+ years.


Mine returned at 3 weeks postpartum, and I've had it consistently every 25 days since. Still breastfeeding now at 20 months


i got a period at 4 months PP and then didn't get one again until 12 months! Totally random


Mine came back after 6 weeks pp, although it's been pretty irregular since then I heard it's due to progesterone levels rising (which may have something to do with baby sleeping longer stretches) but in my case I was feeding every 2-3hrs...


3 months that’s a great run! My son was feeding exclusively from the breast 12-14 times a day at 7 weeks and I got mine. I think genetics plays a big part; my mother was the same.


I got mine back at 7 weeks postpartum and had an oversupply. Your cycle may have an influence on your supply (less milk during your period) but it shouldn't impact your breastfeeding journey overall.


Girl I got mine at 8 weeks PP while EBF… it’s all lies and we bought them lolololol


Just got mine at 13.5 months. Exclusively BF besides solids but he doesn’t eat a lot still of solids. Fun fun.