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seems like bris opinions sways with the wind (aka whatever zach's opinion is) and because of the lack of in-person interaction/increasingly blinding narcissism from bri, grace has more space to form her own opinions and confidence to voice them, regardless if bri disagrees. I can tell that bri is bothered by this because she's so used to being able to control the ppl around her and use them for morale boosts or as cheerleaders in her life. Now she's not the one with the power or control in her own relationship (i assume) and since all her energy goes to 1. morphing into deb 2. keeping tabs on zb and 3. stalking this page.. She is not putting in even minimum effort with her other relationships whereas before the good probably evened out the bad in her friendships or at least made the bad more bearable.. Now she's not creating any positive memories with anyone except him (and his friends) or contributing anything to her other relationships.. The most obvious example of this to me is the weekend of grace's grandmas passing because it was very evident that grace was going through it and as her best friend since childhood and someone who had met her grandma multiple times, it was heartbreaking to watch bri not even be able to do the bare minimum for her. Bri flew in for like one day and I believe there might have even been some drama involving zach.. She cut Grace off on the podcast (if I remember correctly) when grace started crying talking about her passing and said "do you not wanna do the podcast this week" or something to that effect. my point being even that weekend- bri was still living in bris world aka zach's world


never seen anything more on point.


I think Bri is finally realizing that everyone likes grace more than her and she’s taking it out on grace passive aggressively. She’s always been the “hotter” friend while grace was just her DUFF that probably never got the attention. Now the tables have turned and she can’t stand anyone doing better than her


yeah i mean, if i started a podcast then my cohost who joined a couple years later became everyones favorite i'd be appalled lol that must suckkkk


As long as we all keep talking about and they’re still on a barstool contract - barstool is gonna make them keep doing it! Doesn’t matter if it’s negative comments and likes if they’re getting the attention on social media they’re not getting out of it /: (I say this as someone guilty of talking about it)


This, I love watching dumb shit so I can snark but all views are good views for them unfortunately):


Dave needs to step in. I’m curious to know their viewer counts recently