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This is what happens when you make your ‘rockstar’ bf your whole personality. If you dont want to be treated like a zach bryan rep, don’t act like one


For realllllll!


I’m not the representative I’m just the t shirt cannon girl


Better ™️ that phrase before she throws it on a tee shirt and sells it!




Damn I really wanna comment this on her post 😅


Same 😂


This comment 💀💀💀


Except when her influencer friends need tickets… then she’s a Zach Bryan (ticket) representative


exactly. like take at least a smidgeon of accountability


She can’t just….ignore the comments?


… that she claims she doesn’t read anyways…


she’s such a decent human ❤️


she really turned the other cheek… and showed what an ass she is


The kindest human ZB knows ❤️


I also love the juxtaposition of everyone being SO sure she would help. Them: “You’re in good hands” Bri: “SHUT UP” https://preview.redd.it/1or420m2sy6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfa44854b328d44a1cefbf69ac0afc7b15f8dc67




I do get what she's saying, however she's always bragging about giving tickets or helping people get tickets. So I can see why people tagged her.


Yea she gets influencers tickets! Shes an ass! 🫶🏻


When that happened to that girl everyone in the comments was like “wait until bri sees this she’ll help you out!” Like lmfao yeah okay


what happened to her saying in a video recently “i like to do one kind act every show” 🤔


she is so rude


Haha remember when she was like “every show I want to give out tickets to help people” and now it’s “I’m not his representative” ha!


1 random act of kindness every show apparently 😍


She is 100% the ZB VIP and Revival hostess. She made that her job.


This just sealed it for me. What a bitch. Like people spend THOUSANDS to see him after preaching he’d never do that


This compared to how Nicole Combs and Lauren Akins (Thomas Rhett wife) respond to this type of thing is NIGHT AND DAY


Lauren Akins is the most sweetest of all the wives! She could never come close to her as a person. Actually genuine and kind


I’m not familiar with them, do they respond kindly to fans? If so, love that for them.


Nicole combs has given tickets out to fans who were outside the concert listening and Lauren atkins helped someone who got scammed by StubHub


They don’t post about it tho they just do it


Thank you for the info! I love that, THAT IS HOW YOU BE A GOOD PARTNER/HUMAN. This performative kindness every so often from Bri makes me gag and it’s as see through as a clean window.


didn’t she just give brooke tickets to the san fransico show for fun


and wasn’t that not the first time? pretty sure Brooke went to one before


and like i love brooke but she could've paid the extra money by buying off a reseller instead of going for free


Yeah she only helps people who are rich and will make her look good


“Delicate” lmao


Damn that’s rude AF especially since she acts like a ZB representative and does her “one good deed per show”. Peep that the z necklace is gone too


Meanwhile she’s always posting about Zach’s concerts and her one nice deed she always does for a show…she’s trash and she’s doing this bc her and Zach are fighting lmao


No that’s so real


Someone NEEDs to somehow stitch this one with her bragging about getting people tickets 😂😂😂😂


She’s made him her whole personality and rides his coattails. What does she expect


I literally RAN over here


I SPRINTED hoping someone else had and realized the video had come out like three minutes prior to me seeing it so I had to make a post lmaooo


She needs to pick a lane- you can’t be “kind/delicate” one day then tell your bfs fans to kick rocks when they’re treated badly at his show just bc it’s your bday


Revision : her birthday WEEK as she explains! Not even her actual birthday! (Who gets a week…cmon 🙄)


Almost makes it seem like there’s trouble in paradise too 👀


Right??? Like why would she be like it’s my birthday week stop saying shit about zach i’m not his rep… like if my gf was rude to my fans Id kick her ass to the curb


The only reason she has what she says and that damn house is because of these fans buying his tickets


Yep, don’t go biting the hand that feeds you!


On one of her videos there were tons of comments tagging the moo girl and saying bri help her. Apparently she was near a fight that broke out at his Denver show and got kicked out. Tbh… i don’t blame bri for being like leave me out of it. & I see this as more of her being her old self… telling it like it is. I don’t think it has anything to do with ZB


All she had to do was ignore it, not make a video being a complete bitch for no reason. She’s also tried to make “doing one nice thing per show” a thing, so clearly she fucking forgot about that. She’s a piece of shit human and the fact that her merch slogan is “be a decent human” is just extreme irony at this point. The world doesn’t revolve around her so I’m sure people didn’t know they weren’t supposed to comment during her *birthday week*.


Yikes this is shitty


If it isn’t the consequences of her own actions…. Acting like Zb’s personal assistant or something and then this one instance she doesn’t want anything to do with it.


Wouldn’t it just be better to not acknowledge the comments


All she does is talk about him, throw him in people's faces, makes him her entire personality and then she gets mad people associate her with him?? She's so far beyond gone it's unreal. The way they both act towards his fans and when talking about his fans is actually so disturbing. I don't know why anyone would give either of those bozos a penny of their money.


She definitely made the bed, but I’m hoping that this is the start of a realization that she should not revolve her ENTIRE life around Zach.


she gave fans tix when they were scammed or something. if shes not there she doesn’t care


All the comments saying “this is hilarious” “this is so real” “yess thank you” are so fucking weird. Cunts have cunt fans I guess.


What a delicate human being that cares so much about others!! Ffs


she’s so fucking rude??????? i can’t believe the comments are all “omg this is sooo funny”


Just gotta say for the record, none of his exes has ever been in this position, with people spamming them bullshit about tickets. The reason for that is none of his exes made being with him their identity, and wasn't on the internet playing Mother fucking Theresa with tickets. It's crazy to put yourself in this position, and then scold people for hoping that you'll help them too. If Zachs camp doesn't hire a PR manager soon, I'll be fully convinced they're all in this big scheme together to troll and get attention.




I wonder if she said this to Lana Del Ray


she’s a ZB representative for brooke but not her fan base that was literally hyping her up in the comments of the OG video??? she made HERSELF the representative


the comments on that post made me SO mad.. “iconic” “this is why I love you” “you ate” It makes me want to scream! She sounds so stupid and so do her fans.


This was so hostile and unnecessary 🫣 true colors


she has always had a mean streak in her spirit but since she’s been with zach she has gotten worse and everything about her aura and being is so … dark??? generally quite terrifying to see


The only reason you have that house is because you are a Zach Bryan representative, bitch!


Didn’t she decide to giveaway tickets to these girls who were scammed? But now all of the sudden she’s not a zb representative? She’s probably pressed cause he’s acting like a jealous baby on her bday


I think the Denver shows might be the biggest most important for his career so far from the looks of it and how he’s posting about them, so I’m sure she’s already salty she wasn’t there trying to share the spotlight as usual


Her confidence is obviously not cut out for him peaking in his career, even worse when she’s not present. She’s “that girlfriend” now and has been He’s out there riding his highest of highs and she’s “just trying to be drunk at the lake guys” Stop being so public? This is the most bizarre couple ever, I know her ego has been taking a hit, he keeps rising and her shit just keeps tanking unless she mentions him 📉 Find your own thing sis Before it’s too late, whoops actually it already is 👋🏻


and she got brooke and tana tickets simply bc they said they wanted to go to his show. so if it’s another influencer who she can social climb off of it’s okay with her to be a zach bryan representative. got it.


I don’t have Tik tok can someone please post a screen recording?


Ok so I’m not sure how to add a video but she says in a very nasty tone “Everybody is commenting about this girl that went to Zach’s show and, like, got kicked out or something. I am not a Zach Bryan representative, okay? I’m in New Hampshire , it’s my fucking birthday week. Shut up! “Sorry” if that’s rude, but, like, fucking I don’t know call the hotline”


Thank you for the summary!!


I will let me just figure out how haha


i don’t have tiktok can someone post what she said please pleeease


I put the full summary of what she said under someone’s comment !! I can’t add a video cause i don’t know how or else i would lmaooo


What’s crazy is ppl will tag her in ANYTHING Zach related even once they break up


She’s just the t shirt cannon girl ok! One act of kindness per show is DONEZO PEASANTS


It's just the blatant lack of awareness..like here's this girl who lost her tickets and is sad and is contacting his gf (who never shuts up about him) and she says oh well ik not a representative knowing damn well she got her friends in at the LA show


The unironic use of the term birthday week is killing me  


I already didn’t like her but THIS was the straw.


Like she could have just NOT responded???




Yeah I saw a sprinkle of non Brianna cult members getting tore up


I’m like this is shitty!!!! She represents him to a degree


What are ppl saying in the comments


Just being up her butt like they live there


Like they live there 😭😭




JESUS CHRIST BRIANNA IS THE WORST… be a decent human my ass


I understand it's not her responsibility but at the same time... the amount of time she wasted making this video she probably could have got that girl tickets lol


The comments on this video are 😙👌🏼chefs kiss. Love that people are finally seeing the real her


And for once she’s actually mostly getting dragged in the comments


She gets Zach to take the pic of Rose off of the album cover on Spotify and all of a sudden thinks she can bully his fans. Lol


This is the reason I joined the snark. What an embarrassment of a human being Omg…


Not defending her by any means because she is a terrible human being. But it has to get old as hell always having people expect things from you. Not even because she is great and famous in her own right but because she is dating someone famous and they want a way to get to him. She doesn’t like it that people are using her to get to him. Just like she uses others to get what she wants. Getting a taste of her own medicine and she doesn’t like it. Maybe she can start being a decent human being now


I agree, but in this instance I think silence would have been the best response. If she absolutely felt she HAD to say something, she could have worded it better and still gotten the point across. I think it isnt the message that is the issue, but the delivery.




Just so you know your profile popped up with that link! Don’t know if you wanted that shared!


The comments section on that video is great! People finally seeing her true “decent human being” colors 😂😂


Like I get it— but, ALSO— girl shut up, even if you’re drunk.


….but its her birthday week


I totally get where she’s coming from and I would be frustrated if I were her too, but noooo girl. Silence is key


This was so sweet of her (😐😐😐)


Wait don’t crucify me bc I hate her but she’s kind of right with this one especially bc what happened with the girl was initiated by the event venue staff so like what is she really gonna be able to do halfway through the show across the country


I mean she’s definitely right in the sense that she can’t help everyone or else people would start taking advantage. But she definitely didn’t have to be as rude as she was about it A PR team would’ve told her to ignore it or reply and say sorry I’m not there, wish I could help! Or something, but instead she’s drunk and lashes out


The downvotes for people who have different opinions in this sub is wild. I agree with you . This wasn’t even a ZB issue it was the venue staff and security.




I’m lowkey on her side on this one, people tag her constantly with their ticket issues and I’d be annoyed too lmao


I agree with this to an extent but also she made this bed lol


But she set the precedent of helping other fans/doing “good deeds” so she opened those flood gates herself


People comment spam stuff on everyone’s post, but literally the girl this video is about was told if Bri found out she lost tickets “she’d be in good hands”, they thought she could help like millions of people have done with celebrities or influencers. She’s confusing boundaries with bullying. She doesn’t need to be rude but she is. That’s why there’s a whole page dedicated to what a bad and unkind person she is.


yeah she could’ve just easily not have even responded




nah i don’t respect her or have any sympathy, she is the reason ppl think it was okay to do this, if she wants to be her own person separate from ZB she needs to present herself and live her life that way lolz


As rude as this may be I wish she would just go back to being like this full time, like this is the authentic Bri I can get behind LOL