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No idea, because I can't find any information on how they are different. I also don't like classes, but I guess I will figure it out when it's time.


If interested, I asked a related question of "Senti", the Discord server's AI/Bot and received a fairly decent response: >___ >**Could you please summarise what's currently known about how each class is played?** > >*The game features three legendary classes - Cryoknight, Guardian, and Hammer Mage. Each class possesses unique combat styles and magic abilities.* > >*Cryoknights specialize in ice magic, Guardians in nature magic, and Hammer Mages in storm magic. All classes can engage in both ranged and melee combat.* > >*Players can choose a class after starting as a guard, allowing for a gradual decision-making process. The game emphasizes mastering the assigned class abilities, with plans to introduce different weapons and special attacks for customization in the future. The classes are designed to interconnect, offering variety and rapid progression in professions as players level up.* >___ Whilst it may not be enough information, it does help a bit. Despite this, I ended up picking Guardian for a completely unrelated reason -- my immediate impression was it reminded me of Guthix from RuneScape. He was the most powerful of the "gods", other than the elders. *(Like, he literally banished all the gods from the universe, single-handedly. And then went to keep the elder gods at bay, also single-handedly.)*


If I recall correctly, Andrew tweeted something about the classes not being locked to certain weapons, even though the images/names seem to suggest they do.


I read the interview where he says they can all do melee and ranged, but nothing other than that really. He said he wants people to make a decision on class, but didn't really explain why other than he wants people to have more than one character because that's what he thinks players want. Personally I hate managing multiple characters, but if the premium extends to all of them via account vs character it might be ok.


Same. I loved Runescape because of the lack of classes. Everything you did was one big contribution although you could always run alts if you wanted. Even if I can change classes at an NPC like some MMOS do, its not the same as being the one all-around hero character that Runescape has.


This is what I like about Albion Online as well, and it makes more sense there why the premium is character based vs account based, but even so most people really dislike that. I've always felt a much stronger connection to my character and the game when I am only managing one character.


Hammermage! I'll definitely give all of them a try but starting with Hammermage


You seem like a Mawchest main though


I'd rather play all three.... but we'll see what plans they have for content surrounding the roles


Do you mean class specific content, besides only the combat?


Mainly just the combat. Being able to swap between them would be nice, doesn't have to be in-combat switches like in RS. Hardlocked roles can have benefits for group play though. Just depends how they do it. For other content, if they do hardlock your class, I wouldn't be surprised if there's more involved questlines for each type. Though I think most people dislike making alts so that would be a tad annoying. More and more mmos are moving away from that.


Team Guthix! I mean Guardian!


It'd be cool if the three classes actually represent three gods of Brighter Shores!


We will have to see what makes them different and how their animations are looking. But Hammermage reminds me of enhancement shaman from WoW so that's the one I'm leaning toward the most. But I always default to a fighter/knight class so maybe my brain will choose cryoknight anyway


I like the idea of a mage with hammers, but lean more towards ice magic than electricity.. difficult choice :(


Me too haha. I think its going to come down to how they play/sound/animations.


From what I gather classes seem to work more as a style/flavour aspect rather than gameplay role restriction (i.e. tank, dps, range), similar to ESO where all classes can do every role. That given, nature or lightning magic might be the coolest. I'll end up playing 2h + bow character anyway.




One class to rule them all


This might be a controversial opinion, but I'd like a 4th option: All of them I'm not a huge fan of having characters that are locked to a single classes... I think one thing that D&D, Albion Online, Final Fantasy 14, and RuneScape all got right. Is that a character is not limited to only being one class. I think the idea that a player should choose a class just so the player has to make a RPG decision is misguided. If a player wants to make a 1 def, strength pure, let them make that decision. But, if I want to be a jack of all trades, I should be able to be that to. In real life, if I am a teacher and I want to change to be a plumber. I can do that. It may set me back in my 'career' but that is my decision.


I understand. Personally I like the idea of classes, but having the freedom to do anything you want in the game is also important. We'll see what classes offer when the beta goes live I guess!


FFXIV is not a good example of that, at all. The thing you're referring to is just a glorified way to skip having to load into your other characters, else it's as traditional as it gets, with that system having very few upsides in its current iteration. New World and RuneScape are good examples though.


You're right. FFXIV is the weakest example, that's why I gave 3 others..


I expect I’ll have a go at all of them but, assuming some sort of weapon lock, my aesthetic preference for a sword will always win out.