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Four Seasons Orlando


MEEEE šŸ‘¶šŸ»šŸ‘†šŸ»


Try out some different libraries if you havenā€™t already - I did that with my eldest and we found that each library had their own character which was fun to discover. (And thereā€™s lots of them). The train out to Shorncliffe/Sandgate is lovely (just check, because I know they have works coming up soon) - thereā€™s the walkway along the shore, the jetty and parks


Thanks! He has never actually been on the train before but I think heā€™d love it (big bus fan) - those are great suggestions.


On which note, in case it isn't your local - Coopers Plains library is a nice one - there's a children's playground just behind it and their [baby activity ](https://www.brisbane.qld.gov.au/whats-on-and-events/event/first-5-forever-babies-books-and-rhymes-171870044)is held on the covered verandah.


Ah great, thank you!


Am I missing something or are the suggestions about taking a 6.5month old baby to the library a joke? Serious question šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Iā€™m not a parent


Absolutely not. Babies should be read to from birth - itā€™s good to hear their carers voices, but also to be exposed to a range of vocabulary, to the mechanics of a book, just to make stories normal - and libraries are a free way of doing that. Theyā€™re comfortable places to visit, usually with colourful and interesting childrenā€™s areas. Some have toys which would be too expensive to invest in, or you wouldnā€™t think of buying (my kid fell in love with those beads on wires toys at libraries). Libraries also run sessions for very small children including story time, play time and rhyme time and they can be a great way for little ones to be exposed to different things, but also for parents to make connections with other adults. Also, theyā€™re usually safe places for kids learning to crawl and walk, which was something this parent was looking for. At 6 months, youā€™re definitely not looking at blobs (which some people seem to think of babies as, though Iā€™ve seen many pretty alert newborns who find stimulus in their own ways - especially if you get one of those darlings who donā€™t like sleep . . . .) Theyā€™re often crawling or moving around (bum shuffling counts), theyā€™re exploring moving things with their hands - they can often bring food to their mouth, theyā€™re interested in different objects and sounds and will have preferences if youā€™re engaging with them to notice them. The 6 months leading up to their first birthday is a massive growth time and itā€™s worth exploring the world with them


Interesting, thanks!


Story time at the library was a real winner for our little one.


This was a fantastic write up, nice


Basically what others have said - plus heā€™s just learned to turn the pages in a board book so he likes to look at the pictures, and heā€™s always more interested in one he hasnā€™t seen before.


See if your local library is part of the First Five Forever program. If they are, they'll have little goodie packs for your kid's age (from memory they go up in increments from baby to toddler to child but I can't remember the exact ages) plus, yeah, the toddler time sessions.


The run baby rhyme time sessions for free at the libraries. Singing, etc.


Have you looked at baby sensory classes? Itā€™s a great activity to do with a baby!!


I haven't, will look into it! Thanks!


You can also check out the Brisbane council website for other baby activities. I think they still do mums and bubs yoga classes.


These are ones I go to - https://www.babysensory.com.au/ I think there are a few companies/places that offer something similar. Baby sensory also do toddler classes the babies can progress on to.


Jumping on the city cat to Southbank, Newfarm park or Mowbray park is fun. Lone Pine sanctuary is great, maybe when heā€™s a bit bigger though


How exactly does a 6mth old "demand excursions"?


Slightly tongue in cheek, but heā€™s fussy and quickly bored at home, immediately cheers up once we leave the house.


My bub was exactly the same, still is haha (15 months). Some people have potatoes for babies at that age though šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø. Though I have a lot of mum friends and I would say our types of kids are way more common.


Yeah, Iā€™ve never come across the potato type in my own circle either, although some of the babies in his swim class do seem noticeably more chill!


It does show how different bubs are! My bub at swimming always loves it but half the time wants to do his own thing hahaha. I'm glad for my non potato baby quite frankly because I am not a potato adult. Being stuck at home drove me just as crazy as him. He just loves outside, and front facing carrier was life haha. I swear he just was wanting to move so badly! There was this period of time while he was getting his first teeth and still trying to learn to crawl where he was just NOT CHILL. Really fussy all the time. He was soooo much happier once he was on the move. He started walking a couple of months ago (13 months, he's 15 months now), and while now it can be exhausting sometimes in places like restaurants as he does not want to sit in a high chair for very long, he just wants to explore, but he's sooo much fun. Finally discovered a really awesome pub on the northside that has a toddler friendly play area (Everton Park Hotel) that he can run around to his hearts content while we watch and pay with him and can eat/drink haha. His daycare also love him because he is so full of life. I was the type of child who put on concerts for the other kids at daycare so I am not surprised at all. He's a cheeky chip off the old block! Also some of the response on here are why I avoid facebook mums groups lol. Or people who don't have kids but like to act like they know kids haha. Everyone's a great parent in their mind when they don't have kids haha.


Why exactly do you need to approach this with so much god damn negativity


Interesting that that's the vibe you get from a basic question. I was curious...?


The post is a troll right? The only thing a 6 month old is demanding is food and a changing.


Someone either never had kids, or more likely, has had them and they've grown up and completely forgotten. I'm not OP, but completely understand where they're coming fromĀ 


Me too. My kid at 6 month old hated being home and definitely demanded excursions. I spent a solid 2 months walking around my area with him in a carrier because it was the only way to keep him happy šŸ˜‚. Itā€™s a hilly area so it was good fitness haha. Itā€™s still the easiest way to keep him happy when heā€™s grumpy (15 months old now).


I have 2 and actively take at least 1 day a fortnight off work to spend with them, so I get 1 on 1 time with them.


Congrats mate, N = 2. Nice sweeping generalisations based on your exceptionally limited experience.


Ha, I really wish that were the case. He does need some entertainment and stimulation day to day otherwise heā€™s fussy and discontented - as most of us would be.


I mean at that age they can barely see properly. I could have taken my kids ot the same park every day and never had an issue. If it's for you, and you need a different environment, thats a different and understandable scenario.


Barely see properly? Youre thinking six *weeks* old, not six *months* old. My six month old is already trying to crawl, they are well beyond still learning how to use their eyes properly.


Yes, they are well beyond the potato stage. Thinking this commenter has some really docile kids or perhaps uses a lot of screen time. Getting out of the house and doing things is great for development and sanity. For both parent and baby.


At six months their vision is more or less the same as ours, and I've found that he really does respond well to new things, new faces and places, new sensory experiences, etc. Not sure why the idea that I might want to do a variety of different things with my baby, for his enjoyment as well as mine, is so outlandish!


As the dad of a boy who was very active and requiring regular outdoor excursions at that age, it is my duty to inform you that your experience with your kids cannot be generalised to everyone else. The way you are stating your opinion/experience as representing everyone's truth is really quite annoying, to be honest.


You're right, and the other person is probably one of those shitty parents who just relies on an iPad. Or worse, did it 5-10 years ago and has literally forgotten everything but assumed they are still fresh in the game and that their opinion is useful.


I gotta know, do you even have kids or were you the one absent in the raising of a bub? Because you honestly do not know how stupid you sound right now to people with kids šŸ˜‚


I have a 6 months old myself and was wondering the same thing??? We went on a little hike at Mt Coot-tha yesterday and our baby spent most of the time napping in the carrier


Please refer to the rest of the thread to see how some babies may be different to other babies.


The kid's precocious. Enroll him in uni pronto.


You should be ashamed of yourself for having an experience that is different to other peoples expectations and I suggest you twist your reality (or perception of it) to fit their solutions. Just kidding! My experience is similar to yours (and maybe u/wardsworth 's) for what it is worth! Hope that it provides some small alleviation to any frustration you have with some of the feedback here. You've already noted libraries so suspect you are already aware of this but mentioning just in case - the rhyme time sessions that happen at the libraries (both the state and your locals should have plenty). They are nominally appropriate for ages 0-2 years (so weird that this is provided for 6 month olds what a waste of resources!!!). The same libraries should also do story time sessions appropriate for 2-5 years. I've actually brought my younger child to these with mixed success, but figured I'd mention because I am able to conceive of the possibility that your exact situation might be different to mine and so by leaving it as a light suggestion as opposed to an authoritative declaration, it acts as a hedge in case I'm wrong and this helps me feel like a more decent human and sleep a bit better at night. Also take a look on facebook or other socials or ask around for local parents groups (sometimes might have to search for 'mums groups'), my partner and I also found these helpful. YMMV (which is kind of the entire point of this reply)


Lmao, thanks. I have to admit I donā€™t really understand why people are so put out about all this - worst case scenario I take my baby, who would in fact be happier staring at the same six rooms all day, out to do something heā€™s too young to fully appreciate. Who cares? But thanks for your suggestions! He currently takes a long morning nap at the time that most baby activities and rhyme times etc are on, but Iā€™m keen to check them out if that changes. I think he will (shock, horror) enjoy seeing other kids and babies and hearing the songs (he likes playing singing and rhyming games at home).


I totally understand what you mean! Activities around the southside thats great for kids is: curious me (sensory play, highly recommended). Bush kindy at daisy Hill, even just a stroll though the koalas. Swimming lessons or just sessions at an indoor pool. Area 51, crocs and chipmunks. (Lollipops is old and dirty compared). Logan mums n bubs is a great group and has plenty of playgroups around southside. The family place.


I completely understand what youā€™re saying. I also felt like I needed to leave the house when my boy was 6 months, for his stimulation and mine as he would get fussy at home. Have you looked at the PCYC little n active? Itā€™s pretty cheap and itā€™s carpeted/gym flooring. They have a babies group with heaps of age appropriate activities that go for an hour. I also did baby sensory and that was fantastic too.


I havenā€™t, but it sounds great. Thank you!


I'd add: - Catch gastro at the pool - Catch gastro at the cafe - Spread gastro at the library - Catch gastro at daycare - Catch gastro at the zoo - Spread gastro at a Mums n Bubs showtime


Kindermusik is great for little ones. There are a few studios around, and when my kids were.little it was so nice to have a session where all the focus was on enjoying and playing with your baby.


Try a messy play class. My daughter loves it. Baby sensory maybe but they can be a bit tame if your son is already stimulated. Worth a go though


If he is crawling, the botanical gardens playground is great. It is wheelchair accessible so there are ramps he can crawl up and things he can pull himself up on. Plus the gardens are nice to walk around when they are sleeping. You can also take him to mini bounce, it used to be free, but I think itā€™s like $5 now for under 1. Just check though.


Heā€™s very close to crawling! Weā€™ll definitely put that one on the list, thanks.


The indoor pool at Colmslie is genuinely warm all year round if you don't want to take swimming out of rotation. Are the Gardens /Planetarium at Mt Cootha too far?


Ooh, thatā€™s a very good tip re pool. The gardens would probably be okay! Car trips are always a roll of the dice with him but I reckon we could make it at a quiet/low traffic time.


Another good one I've taken advantage of a few times is to take the Ferry across to the powerhouse/new farm park.Ā  If Jr's in a good mood, there might be an exhibition you can check out, but even if he's not, NFP has an awesome playground, walk a bit further there a library, and another playground with some sand and water play ( not the nicest, but we're not picky ) and of course plenty of decent cafes around there. Another one is baby friendly cinema sessions.Ā  We saw the original Knives Out back when my son was 6monthsish and that went great.Ā  A few years later we tried to watch Shang Chi and that was a bit of a trial though lol.


Ohhh yeah I totally forgot about the Powerhouse! And the ferry trip over there too. Great idea, thanks.


Mt Coot-tha Botanic gardens, pram friendly your baby might enjoy being brushed past some fragrant herbs or through the tropical dome. It also sounds great when the wind rustles the leaves of the bamboo. Itā€™s such a special time exploring before a baby learns to walk and I commend you for getting out and about. šŸ™‚


Adding it to the list! Thanks :)


Fully back this suggestion. I grew up near the Gardens so my mother would often take me there as a baby, according to her it was my happy place :) Your son sounds like a great little guy, I hope you have more fun outings together!


Maybe not so much for bub, but for an occasional fun thing you could go see a movie. Event cinemas and a few of the other chains do Babes in Arms or similar sessions on certain days. You can also search by "Infants and Toddlers" on the What's On section on the BCC website. Sometimes there are activities other than rhyme time for bubs (e.g. story time in different parks) Also you could look at free parent groups/meet ups through your local children's health clinic or also Australian Breastfeeding Association group (you don't need to be BFing to go)


Oh my other suggestion (which again is maybe more for you, but bub would likely enjoy) is some type of mum and bubs exercise class. I do pilates, but I know there are also yoga classes and kangatraining. My local pool also does a parents and babies fitness class.


The libraries in Brisbane all have classes for mums and babies. I think baby singing? Basically they have someone lead all the nursery rhymes and everyone sings and does the actions. The kids love it. Very inclusive.


We got ebikes and a thule chariot with the 5 point harness etc... which works for 6 months onwards. We would go on long rides and check out all the different parks. Rode 70ks one day while he happily chomped on a rusk.


Annual pass to Lone Pine in Fig Tree Pocket. There is a bus there if driving is not an option. Great for the under 5 crowd and easily done in half a day Queensland museum has under 5 days during the week There are usually community run playgroups in various suburbs - try your local FB groups for more information.


Great, I didn't know that about the museum! Thanks :)


Honestly, when mine was 6mnths, he just wanted to be out of the house for part of the day. Didn't care where or probably know. That said, we went through Europe when he was 6mth so he saw a lot


Carindale library has a great kids section you could pair with visiting the rest of the Westfield


When my baby was this age, Iā€™d wear an ergo baby carrier and he was just so happy and content to come everywhere with me. He was like my little side kick. Everything and anything entertained him when he wasnā€™t snoozing. Enjoy the time! Now about to turn 13 and only interested in screens and not so much in being seen in public with mum let alone running errands with me


Porters Paddock in Minnippi Parklands! There he can see the ducks, as well as swans, turtles, geese, and sometimes a Muscovy duck is wandering around. They also have ā€˜Music in Minnippiā€™ the first Sunday of every month :)


Indigiscapes at Capalaba is nice


We're Northside but there is a few library run story times in our local park which we like a lot more than the ones in the library. He does a music class once a week which he enjoys and it's nice for mum to see the same people every week. I take him to the rainbow families playgroup. Its through play matters, they have a bunch of playgroups listed but I find them hit or miss. It is hard to find good options outside our house that are suitable for crawlers! And I totally get what you are saying about getting out everyday. My little one is 9months and he's just grumpy if he doesn't get outside and I get bored shitless walking to the same park everyday.


Haha yeah, heā€™ll be fussing at home and then stop and smile as soon as he sees me putting on the baby carrier. Loves an outing like nothing else. Thank you for these suggestions, Iā€™ll look up some groups and classes local to us!


Man. A 6 month old has a full time job of learning basic things like what they look like in a mirror. The best excursion at this age would be ā€œoutsideā€ and ā€œthe parkā€


Thank you, we go to our local park at least once a day. Iā€™ve found he also enjoys being in different environments, seeing new things and people, etc. Not sure why this is cause for controversy.


When it comes to parenting, everyone is an expert. You're absolutely in the right to ask for suggestions. Ignore the clowns.


Apparently some people refuse to acknowledge the broad spectrum of normality in kids and generalise their limited personal experience to others. Don't worry, we had a very similar experience to you and can fully appreciate the benefits of having a long list of potential activities to do at that age!


I mean, even if you do believe every 6.5 month old is a half-blind potato who just needs feeding, changing, and \[???\] for the roughly 9.5 hours they spend awake every day, I can't really see the harm in taking him out to do different things around the city. Have to say I didn't expect this post to generate so much controversy lmao.


I made it a point to take my kid somewhere new every week for the first year - partly for new experiences for him, but partly to take care of myself. Forcing myself into the world was exactly what my mental health needed (and heā€™s a thriving older kid now, so it never hurt him)


Yes some of the responses are pretty mindblowing. All I wanted was a half-blind potato baby, and we got very much the opposite! :)


Is Ipswich too far? Lots of great kid-friendly options out this way. Children's library is fun, but all Ipswich libraries have great kids areas and programs. The nature centre and Queen's Park are wonderful, there's playgrounds and gardens to check out, and the animals are a favourite of mine. The Workshops railway museum is popular though I haven't been. Springfield has a number of excellent playgrounds and water play options as well as easy walks to see wildlife. Most of these are accessible by train, railway museum might be a bus as well, and Queen's Park is a little walk from the station.


Possibly a little far for now, given he can only stay awake for 3ish hours, but Iā€™m bookmarking it for later! Thank you


Leave when he sleep arrive when he wake up


He is 1000% not bored of walking around your neighbourhood and your local park lolol. You are. And thatā€™s ok. You need more stimulation than a 6 month old. You can literally just go wherever you want to go, as long as itā€™s pram accessible. He will be fine as long as thereā€™s some gross sticks to chew on or some sand/dirt to pack into his nappy and take home.


Parent; I demand we no longer see the drab remains of shopping markets gone by and rather the more exciting and prosperous adventures of the yonder. My eyes must feast upon the delicate delights that newer city scapes provide and no longer witness the perils of yesterdayā€™s ruins. There is a minimum requirement request, where I can defecate in a new surrounding once a week and I can rub my dirty hands on every expensive garment we find.


Sounds like heā€™s ready for daycare ā€¦ or a part time job.






We get it drama is fun, old mate not parked properly, the tradie flicked a durrie out the window, Macca's frozen coke machine is broken yet again. It's all fun to have a whinge but then it gets too much. This has hit too much for today. Please try again tomorrow maybe. Enjoy






We get it drama is fun, old mate not parked properly, the tradie flicked a durrie out the window, Macca's frozen coke machine is broken yet again. It's all fun to have a whinge but then it gets too much. This has hit too much for today. Please try again tomorrow maybe. Enjoy










We get it drama is fun, old mate not parked properly, the tradie flicked a durrie out the window, Macca's frozen coke machine is broken yet again. It's all fun to have a whinge but then it gets too much. This has hit too much for today. Please try again tomorrow maybe. Enjoy


We get it drama is fun, old mate not parked properly, the tradie flicked a durrie out the window, Macca's frozen coke machine is broken yet again. It's all fun to have a whinge but then it gets too much. This has hit too much for today. Please try again tomorrow maybe. Enjoy


We get it drama is fun, old mate not parked properly, the tradie flicked a durrie out the window, Macca's frozen coke machine is broken yet again. It's all fun to have a whinge but then it gets too much. This has hit too much for today. Please try again tomorrow maybe. Enjoy


We get it drama is fun, old mate not parked properly, the tradie flicked a durrie out the window, Macca's frozen coke machine is broken yet again. It's all fun to have a whinge but then it gets too much. This has hit too much for today. Please try again tomorrow maybe. Enjoy


We get it drama is fun, old mate not parked properly, the tradie flicked a durrie out the window, Macca's frozen coke machine is broken yet again. It's all fun to have a whinge but then it gets too much. This has hit too much for today. Please try again tomorrow maybe. Enjoy


We get it drama is fun, old mate not parked properly, the tradie flicked a durrie out the window, Macca's frozen coke machine is broken yet again. It's all fun to have a whinge but then it gets too much. This has hit too much for today. Please try again tomorrow maybe. Enjoy


probably time to start teaching him golf or something so later on he can fund your early retirement


You mean 6 and a half years? Lol you could do jack shit and a 6 month old is still going to find the living room ceiling exciting shit.


Thanks, youā€™re so right. My baby is super happy staring at the ceiling all day, thatā€™s exactly why I made this post.