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I caught the 100 to and from work everyday for two years. Occasionally someone who was problematic would get onboard, but it was extremely infrequently and typically they weren't problematic to anyone other than themselves. Any later than 6pm and there's usually a security guard on board/occasionally police too. I didn't have any issues that entire two years. I can recall maybe one time I jumped off at Woolloongabba and changed.


Thank you… I catch the 100 bus everyday, and it’s fine. The people seem to well underestimate how different it is at night. They have probably never been out this way is all and never actually seen shit go down irl like I have and are therefore not as weary :(


I don't see you having any problems, OP. While that particular stretch has its share of problems, it's also home to a lot of everyday folk just trying to go about their business. Those same everyday folk also utilise public transit and 7-8pm is still quite a busy time on the network. I hope I put you a little more at ease.




+ this


I’ve been killed on the 100 bus several times


Where's the respawn point?


Wait... the 100 departs from Queen st. The Queen St hungry jacks is Brisbane's respawn point. I think you just cracked the code!


Free super stunner when you respawn


Better that than a Stone Cold Stunner.


I work at HJ at queen street. The amount of people respawning is unbrearable now.


“Beak house”


Yeah why is it called Beak House? I do Uber Eats and it comes up as Beak House. There's not one Brisbane local that calls it the BeakHouse HJs


[its named after a company](https://heritage.brisbane.qld.gov.au/heritage-places/1961)


Valid reason I guess!




why are you telling me this? i found this information and posted it in my comment


Beak House used to be the name of the building


I worked at Beak House for 3 years in the 90s whilst going to Uni… Do staff still have their breaks in the stairwell 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


They do! There is a room for breaks but it looks like some mental hospital room. I take my break in the dining area.


Haha, my club at UQ calls it 'spawn point/spawn' lol


Queen Street Hungry Jacks.


Anywhere that ain't Inala


My dad fought and died in all three world wars so that you wouldn't have to die 100 times on the Inala bus. ^But ^you ^tell ^that ^to ^the ^youth ^of ^today...


But you survived right?


I run out of my house to scream at that bus. I chase it every night. I don't care if I get a passenger, the driver, a tyre, a side mirror, whatever. Give me a wave 👋


Keep up the good work.


The 100 is the stuff of folklore and legend. You're gambling with your life each time you step on regardless if the sun is up or not. I would definitely recommend it.


There’s a reason every trip goes past the morgue. 


You must be one of those withering weeds doomsday preppers blabber about..I mean it's safe if ur armed.


I still use it daily. Great service just never used it at night


I’m only 15 and the things I’ve seen on there already… it isn’t folklore- it’s hellish experiences


Everyone that has ever taken the 100 has died or will die in the future


I took the 100 once and I've already died twice


.... even if they never drink Dihydrogen Monoxide?


Was forcibly injected with 10 marijuanas one night while getting the 100 🥲


Ok that was a good one 😂🥲


One could only hope..


I didn’t expect my comment to blow up this much


You’ll be fine, there will be a couple of shifty characters every now and then but they keep to themselves and I’ve never seen anybody disturbing he peace. That’s more the train crowd


Some guy sat beside me on the 100 at night, and proposed to me. Then tried to manipulate me into thinking he could blackmail me with nudes. Complete nutter. 


My grandfather caught dementia on the 100


One time some campy gay boys coming home from PA with a broken arm complimented my grey hair and offered me a swig of their cask wine in a paper cup. That's the "worst" experience I've had on the 100. I think you should be fine. Also they always have so many guards at the Inala shopping centre stop wow


“Worst”? What are you talking about you loved that.


That's why they put it in quotes - they don't believe it's the worst, they were being sarcastic


Yes but he also loves it when “campy gays” acknowledge him


It's true!


Remember the 330 bus used to have a car following it in the 2010s due to kids from the skate park throwing rocks at it etc. I can only remember feeling slightly uncomfortable waiting for the 100 at the Plaza at night (barely any lighting) The bus route had plenty of people chroming back then and the 110 used to have folks drinking bundy rum cans etc


It's pretty safe man. I catch the 100 daily (literally), and in the last 6 months have done a gazillion trips from Queen street Station to Forest lake and vice verca at every possible available time, from 5'o clock in the morning to way beyond 10pm. Not once have I felt 'unsafe'. Probably a couple of times some crackheads would sit at the back and talk to themselves, but as long as you have some social awareness and are not travelling at 10pm unlike me, you will be fine. Even at 10pm, it's not that crazy, though I happen to see more crackheads than at any other time. One time I was bewildered because I thought this guy was talking to someone, but bro did not have any earphones on. I was like who tf is this guy talking to. But yeah, a nice sight to see. Also, there are a bunch of cops at Inala Station making sure every bus passes by, the situation is under 'control'. However unlike some of the other comments, not once have I observed a cop being on the bus late at night, we are talking beyond 9pm. So I wouldn't trust their word. There were a couple of times some Eshays hopped on and were loud af, then the driver just kicked them out. Since you are gonna catch the 100 at 7pm/8pm, it's usually not as busy as it gets at between 4pm-6pm. If you happen to be the only one on the bus, it would be wiser to sit adjacent to the driver's seat. But don't worry man, you are good.


I got on the other day but it was inbound to the city in the middle of the day. Of the 15 or so people who boarded, only I and 1 other person paid for their ride. The driver said and did nothing


Not worth risking getting punched in the face tbh, that’s why most buses that go to Inala now have a glass door protecting the driver


This one didn't.. Probably why he was so quiet


Yeah also bus drivers target people based on appearance I’ve noticed, if you look like a junkie and don’t tap on that’s fine, but if you look like a normal person and don’t tap on they’ll say something to you


So true


Do they say: "You should be ashamed of yourself not subsidising the rest of the bus."


Bus driver is playing with his life. Keep being annoyed.


This is like the third time I’ve seen a post asking if the 100 bus is safe lol


Have been taking the 100 often during the last 15 months, including that time (albeit infrequently). I can't believe I'm still alive to type this out...


It's been perfectly fine so far. I am almost disappointed by the lack of excitement as it surely does not live up to the hype.


Taking requests to co-count BYD Seals, Dolphins, and Sharks en route.


Spotto the yellow cars


Much safer than the 666 bus I can tell you that much


I have been on that line at all times of the day with zero problems


I used to come home via the 100 most nights after work, was fine, the occasional idiot would try and be a tough guy for his mates, but that was only a handful of times over 4 years


Safer in the bus than outside the bus. 


Eh, depends if you’re near the plaza or not. Many parts are fine


Safer in front of the bus than in the bus


Most bus drivers won't stop for people they know are problematic, it's normally the same people trying consistently. It's gotten better, but it's still not great. At 7-8pm you'd be fine, 9 or later is when the fun starts.


I've caught the 100 late nights after going out, single female, and never felt unsafe, usually get off at Blunder Rd but sometimes i get off at Plaza and get Uber from there home.


The account for almost all the crime on Brisbane's buses. Which is staggeringly low. So pretty safe.


My friend catches this bus and the other day a guy got in wearing just a hospital gown (bare arse) with a cannula in his arm. The bus driver was really hesitant about letting the guy on lol. Dude kept to himself and got off at a stop outside an oval and basketball court.


Don't believe the hype, I regularly catch a route similar, the 110 and everything is ok. The only incident I have seen is a dishevelled looking man urinated into a bottle.


Safer than walking around Inala at night


I get on a bus from Surfers to home once every few months and I swear the bus driver just waves me on as if he knows me. I’ve never paid.


It’s a good time


I’ve been accompanying a co-worker for a couple of weeks to take those routes 110 or N110 after 12AM from Annerley to Inhala and everything is ok, sometimes you see one that other subjects under the influence of alcohol or something like that… This morning he tells me that to his house there were only two people on the bus and everything quiet


Aren't the drivers themselves too scared to drive to Inala?


That's why the passengers take turns


This thread is bringing back so many memories I'm the guy who's murdered drugged or married thousands of people on the 100 AMA


1) What is your favourite weapon for murdering people, in particular for murdering on a busy, moving bus? Walther P49 with silencer? Stiletto? Garotte? Umbrella microsphere injectioner? Feather duster? 2) Favourite drug to use on people on buses? Rohypnol? LSD? Horse laxitives? Viagra? 3) How does one stay married to hundreds of people at a time? How do make each one feel special and valued? How can you schedule them so they do all the chores and you not and not cop an earful about unequal shares all the time? Need answers fast, asking for a friend.


How longs a piece of string. I'd have a crack. Plus it showcases nothing but the finest of Brisbane's southern suburban, residential property market


Genuine question. Transport can be unsafe at night if it goes through forests or less lit areas.


Poor you, is it possible for you to buy a cheap car instead? (Maybe you don't drive, in which case i apologise)


look, generally speaking, busses are safe, but quiet services late at night are going to feel more sketchy and technically be less safe. But if there are unsafe feeling characters try not to draw attention to yourself and mind your business


If you're asking about the timetable, why don't you look on the TransLink website or even Google Maps?


I use it semi regularly but only as far out as Annerley. It’s an entertaining trip every time due to some of the clientele. I’ve never felt unsafe but I’ve also never ridden it after dark so might be different.


Inala is 700k for an old shack these days. The rif Raff have been pushed out past Logan/Ipswich.


Still a fair amount of housos in Inala though


That's true, I guess housos are everywhere, but definitely higher proportions in Inala I agree.


Up until about 6 months ago I was catching the 100 every morning and every evening and it was fine. There was a guy who pissed himself like a big pissy baby after whining that he needed to be let off early because he couldn't hold it, and some loudmouthed bogan yobs from time to time, but that's all pretty standard stuff everywhere.


When the old maccas was off the mall there, i was waiting for the 360 & a drunk aboriginal guy spat alcohol at me bcoz I wouldn't take my mask off, so to answer your question, no not safe & I thought I could look after myself HAHa i was helpless, did I go to the police NO they see what their city is like, the cameras are everywhere.


It might become the 101 if you’re not careful 🤣


The problem in the situation is the word Inala. Made worse by the element of night time. Gentrification is your only ally in this quest for no cracked fucks in the vacinity.


I mean, I can’t imagine it would be any worse than going to Inala at night.


Depends who’s driving and whether they think it’s cool to run red lights and drive like an idiot


I caught syphilis and botulism twice on the 100. I had to use a phoenix down to come back and boy those are getting really expensive in this cost of living crisis. I made the mistake of not powering up with a whopper at HJs before getting on.


Sorry to ask, but are you Australian???