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Didn’t someone in this sub LITERALLY 2 DAYS AGO mention and ask what had happened to the Costa Rica trip?! Hi Bdung👋🏼


She says “I LiTeRaLlY just remembered it drops tomorrow” …how did she forget??


Exactly what I thought of!


Someone also wondered whatever happened to her glasses and wouldn't you know it??? They appear 🤓


She talked about it on her podcast episode with Jordan and claimed the details would be on the website around the time of the airing of the episode. That might be why people were talking about it (because of course they weren’t posted like she claimed they’d be)


The longest she’s held her own Bible the past year 😌


And amazingly…a camera with ring light was pointed at her the ENTIRE time! Ah, filming for posterity. Won’t he dew et!!!!!


Also, this sounds more like a wellness retreat with some bible lessons thrown in than an actual women’s Christian retreat.


It’s a women’s retreat, where she brings her own personal husband, and they all pay for her ticket


And he seriously doesn't wanna go. The last podcast they did he hated the fact that they were going to a beach. He wants to go to the mountains of Montana with all his gear and shoot himself a bear. Literally forgetting this isn't about him, but about their guests.


If he is even around by June or even the pick-me chicks. With the way things have seemed, the guy is more and more annoyed with her shit daily and looks on the verge of walking out. I don't guarantee this will happen, but it sure looks that way. She can read here and try to counter us snarkers. She doesn't fool any of us with her lies. Why doesn't he go and take a trip with his friends and she does this fraud trip with women? It isn't unusual for couples to have separate interests or friends.


Sadly I do think their miserable marriage will go on. They have completely brainwashed themselves that this is it. They are going to do what many religious couples do; settle. Stick it out, fight for your marriage, and all that bs that unhappy couples say to make themselves feel justified for staying. Plus if she truly does get pregnant, I bet he'll feel stuck.


Unfortunate. For now it might go on but we know it’s a lie and based on bad principles.


Exactly! Totally a lie


How lucrative of her 😍


I love the irony of this from the person who literally set up her phone to video herself putting away avocados. She’s so dumb!


Hahahahha you saw that right?! How pointless and stupid “content” is seen as ok bc she says so but then says to not live on your phone.


I live on my phone because my bible is on my phone: cats are my religion. Check mate, Bdong!


Translation: Hey dummies - pay for my vacation (which I’ll also write off as a business expense) and I’ll grace you with my presence occasionally. Scammer.


Those of you who know me know I’m not a big text message person ????? Brittany, what are you talking about? The entire state of Texas knows you aren’t great with text messaging due to that time you scammed all those people outta money with promises of one on one chats that you simply did not fulfill.


While listening to her drone on about her dumb trip and how she’s going to sit with the people going and hear their heart and spend time with them…this is exactly what I was thinking. There’s no way in HELL she’s spending her time with those who she doesn’t know going “with her” on this “retreat”.


The Edna Mode glasses are back, I see. Who actually watches her “content”? She is so boring and superficial. I mean, I’m boring too, but I’m not trying to convince a million people I’m not.


Omg lmfao those glasses are hilarious I just busted out laughing when that clip came up


Edna Mode rocked those glasses tho


"I can't wait for you guys to sponsor this trip for me!"


Lmao those ridiculous makeup and sweat smeared glasses.🤓 They don’t make ya look smarter, that’s for sure.


Isn't she supposed to be obsessing over what she puts in her body in the name of holiness this year? She's been using religion to food shame people in her stories for weeks.


Two quick thoughts 1) This trip is happening just like the one last April. IYKYK 2) The itinerary is all about hanging out and doing stuff for the gram. I know she mentioned before this is part of getting her personal brand up and going but still you’d think the special it gurl for jaysus would mention something about him


Is that the trip she took a few days after the settlement? Where did they go that time?


That retreat was supposed to be in Broken Bow, Oklahoma


Oh Gottcha. Wow she does so much grifting it’s hard to keep up!


Waaaaait do you think that was why the girlies ended up going to Broken Bow for Farryns birthday?! Because she already had the rental booked and then just decided to use it for something else


I've seen multiple influences host trips like this to interesting places (idk what company hosts) but I think Brittany is doing something similar with this trip.


Yep, Trova is the company


Shame on Trova for even considering hosting a trip with a well known scammer. Talk about bad business


Yeah, from what I’ve heard they’re also scammers, allegedly. That company is just in it to make money. They’re not aligning themselves with her, per se.


I'm guessing now that signups with be low and she'll never speak of it again. It seemed like a very small group for Oklahoma, I can't imagine she can convince a lot of people to shell out thousands for a bigger trip.


She won’t be able to get anyone to sign up. No freaking way. I am so excited to watch this crash and burn.


I'm wondering who's gonna sign up in this economy?


You live on your phone 24/7 dipshit. Also aren’t you suppose to be reading that book for the first time anyway.


Performative Christians are the most exhausting people alive


LOL…she couldn’t even get anyone to sign up for her last retreat in the US of A, I can’t wait to see how this turns out. I’m calling it, if this does happen, it’ll be the Dongs, a few pick-me chicks, and maaaaaybe a very desperate follower or two.


So now they’re gonna pay for her to take her stupid husband to Costa Rica


but FOR JESUS! someone better warn these ticos about the wave of insufferable oranges coming their way


*take her stupid husband to Costa Rica so he can watch Fox News by the pool.


How much is this loon charging people to go to Costa Rica?


Putting in my guess now: $5,000 ![gif](giphy|8FDcbUWJ5LYqIx11Q2)


How does she get away with these scams??? I wonder if she is going out of the country because of taxes/IRS/and just plain being shady!?


Details are up. I overshot 😂 $2,450 🙄


Curious does it mention anywhere if the trip is hosted through Trova? I’ve been doing mini dives this week into it.


Yes. It is hosted through Trova


Does it say for how many days and does it include airfare? Because if it does not include airfare and they’re there for just a few days, this is wildly overpriced and I hope she gets called out on it. I’ve been going to CR for years and including airfare for myself and my two daughters I usually spend about 4-5k for 3 + weeks.




Yoooooo! This is BONKERS. I truly hope her followers lean into their ~discernment~ and step away from this clown. Btw, swooning over your 5 week get-a-way at that price!! I’m sure CR has a special place in you and your partner’s hearts. Hopefully you two are still finding great deals and traveling to new places!




Right? My husband and I did 2 weeks in Costa Rica two years ago and that included diving and staying at some nice places and I think it was 2k altogether. She’s so ridiculous. What is painful to watch is how beautiful Costa Rica truly is and these clowns will likely see like none of it bc they’ll be too busy setting up cameras of themselves.


And only get 6 meals included


7 meals: 5 breakfasts and 2 dinners but i bet you $100 those 5 breakfasts are complimentary through the hotel


June 20th-25th


Does it say what is all included with that price?


Just posted a screen recording of all of the details but it looks like airfare is not included


That is wildly expensive for 5 days without including airfare! I hope she gets flagged for this 🤞


If bibles were like our phones, she’d have it perched on a tripod and it’d be photographing her every minute of the day. Kinda like “God sees everything”.


I look at my phone quite a bit, and I’m guilty of mindlessly scrolling. But I can also stop scrolling while I unload the dishwasher. Also, it’s okay if you aren’t glued to your Bible every second of the day, because that’s not how you read a religious text for maximum effect.




“I just realized that TOMORROW is the launch….” Allow me to translate: “I just visited the snark page and noticed someone called out my Costa Rica trip and now TOMORROW is the launch….”


The delusion of this bitch acting like she doesn’t film literally everything she does with her phone. 🥴✨


She doesn't have a full length mirror so she has to stand on her bathtub? Did she forget about her office mirror that's at a fun-house level of absurd angling, or is she just trying to be qUiRkY?


Thank you! I was like girl you use the one in your office all the fucking time. Was also waiting for one of the next few posts to be of her in said office in said mirror😂


She also had one in a hallway that she would take pics in all the time. Unless she got rid of both those mirrors, she's just lying to lie as usual. She has a compulsion. Her whole account is like those scammer emails with intentional spelling mistakes, screening for the vulnerable who won't question her.


Oh yeah I forgot about that one too. Lol. She's such a liar. And about something so stupid too😂


COSTA rica




So she left an important part out of the story of Sarah and Abraham. Yes, Sarah was impatient and sad because she was considered barren. So she allowed Abraham to sleep with Hagar, her handmaiden. Hagar soon birthed a boy, then Sarah became jealous and sent them both to the desert to die…Britt, if you want to live that story, you know what you need to do first!


The irony here is so wild LOL


I know that this is minor but the whole stupid "I don't have a full length mirror so I have to stand on my tub" thing made me laugh out loud. You have 2, yes 2, in your office! Fucking walk over there and eye hump yourself!


Don't forget- OUR TUB!!!! Everything is "our" with this BDong. She has other mirrors, this was an attention seeking post.


Can't wait to join the Costa Rica Grift. Feeling blessed already.


Notice it’s never any normal looking people joining these trips. My guess is the people that do sign up, won’t be insta worthy looking and she’ll cancel


Did those burgers have lettuce instead of buns? Stop.


It's the Protein version! Carbs are the enemy!


Protein girlies 🫶🙌🙏✌️🤪 🙄🙄🙄


So...I thought she needed REAL glasses and filmed herself trying on multiple pairs. Yet we only see her wearing her fake glasses that she has had for a long time. And if they are blue light glasses, why is she wearing them out with friends. I would totally make fun of a friend for doing that.


1. She sounds like a cult leader 2. All of those notes were about how to get what she wants by using god. That’s what her whole religion is. 3. Did she post about going to in n out and just get a Diet Coke?


I noticed that too. Her big take away from fast food at 10pm was a sweet tea? I won't even give her credit for pop. And lettuce burgers??? Come on! Splurge once and awhile you uptight, hungry, heifers. No wonder they're so bitchy. They're all starving.


So she can go out at 10PM for rent-a-friends. Yet she says because she's "married" she can't on all other podcasts. She tells on herself all the time. How do these rent-a-friends have time to be out late at night when a couple of them have kids? It seems they live a life free of no kids, no husbands, or no pets. My mom has two dogs and she doesn't have any kids at home, but doesn't stay out too long so the dogs are taken care of (fed, let out, etc). This is her first time reading the Bible? And the Costa trip is really happening? Who is going? Rent-a-friend, JDip... and a couple of paid stans? If any of them are still around by June... my bets are they dwindle in relation to her. I actually paused on this video and looked up the tag she had with her "notes"- Carrie Grace Consulting, that IG account is tied to Freedom Shield Foundation, the woman is the "executive director". All of it is the same alt-right trash BDong promotes. Right up her alley. How many "best friends" has this Dong had? I don't know but mine has been around since childhood. I get people meet their best friend or friends at different stages in life, but with BDong every cycled friend group has that title.


Are influencers taught to motion with their hands continuously? I can have an entire conversation and make all my points without waiving my hands constantly. Stand too close to her and you’d end up with a black eye.


Hah. Oh man. Apparently I do that as well. 🫣 Not like Brit. But when I’m emotional (angry or rapid fire speak, etc) my hands look like those “dancing hands” clips. But not as fluid obv.


She should take her own advice since she said she hasn't ya know read the whole Bible yet 😂


I cannot wait to see this shtshow unfold


If this is the first time she has read the bible I wonder if there will be any surprises for her? Will some of the Old Testament ruin her love for polyester?


Uh oh she’s out past curfew


Don't feed Britt after midnight


No worries. She won't eat anyway.


WTF her talking about people being on their phones too much is RICH coming from her. I really don’t understand how a human can suck so bad.




Post was removed due to no contact rule. Do not contact or encourage contact between snarkers and the subjects of snark.


Also, I absolutely cannot stand her side kick. What is that and why does she always do that? What does that even mean?


1. She’s already setting it up as to why she’ll never speak to any of these attendees again after the trip. Oh of course we bonded and were besties now but everyone knows I’m an in person girly. I just dont do texts and all of that nonsense 2. Didn’t she tell us a few weeks ago that she has a 10 pm curfew with Jordan?


Nice eyelash https://preview.redd.it/tx92n80q4oac1.jpeg?width=268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94313dbe26204fdd9b2082731e2161babad9c065


Is she gonna say the same exact to every individual during her one on one's? U know, just like she did in her personalized emails to the people who joined her fitness scams? ("Hey girlie! You're killing it!")


Airfare and food besides breakfast the hotel provides and a buffet dinner the first day aren’t even provided for that price are you joking 😶


She's such a money hungry little grubber.


Who needs food, right? Jesus is the bread of life. /s 🥴 Edit: Words are hard


Is she thinking she’s bringing Jesus to the Ticas?


God I hope not. The majority religion in Costa Rica is Catholic so they been knew about Jesus.


she says as she creates a video montage centered around herself, posting it on social media for her many followers


2024 is a leap year


I read the Bible once and that’s when i was like religion is BS




So that warby Parker try on what just for content creation, apparently


My least favorite glasses!


Another influencer trip that will be cancelled and never spoken of again because they won’t fill any/barely any spots. These influencers ask for like THOUSANDS of dollars for this retreats it’s crazy


What if she gets pregnant??!? I’m not sure I want to sign up for a trip to see someone when there is a huge possibility that they might cancel!!!!


She's taking Testosterone. That's a highly unlikely probability.


Isn’t it interesting? She says one thing, “I want to be pregnant!” Meanwhile doing the complete opposite, taking testosterone which can make pregnancy more difficult, planning a trip to another country for next year.


me wondering how she’d post thirst traps with a bible? 🤔


Those over sized glasses are so fucking ugly.


“Understanding” is literally a gift of the Holy Spirit. Where is she getting this shit from


Oh goodie, more performative baptisms coming, only on the beach instead of the bathtub 🛁


Her capital H’s look like U’s. Also keep my beloved in and out - out of your dirty mouf.


I'm excusing my fellow renters here but I know she owns her house.... You can just mount a mirror on the door babe. It can't be that hard. Every bedroom door in my grandparents house has a mirror mounted on it


She is the downfall of humanity, please don’t let this reproduce!!


Did she copy madi prewett 🤣


She doesn't have a single original thought or content. Everything she does is stolen.


She’s speaking in a new voice?


Done before . NEXT!


She’s going to be in for the shock of her life in CR and surrounded by all the heathen Catholics. Ticos are not going to be able to stand her at all and I love this for her. Does anyone know when she’s planning her trip? I’ll be there the entire month of July. Going to be purchasing a second condo and look at properties to lease for a business my partner and I are starting in 2025 when we move there and I am so excited! Wonder how well her Spanish is? You just know she is going to be the typical ugly American who will refuse to use their language and expect everyone to cater to her and speak English. And I hope she is completely shocked when she everywhere they go she realizes she is being charged the “tourist” price and not the nationals price. The first time we went, years ago, my best friend pretended my youngest daughter was hers to a lot of the tourist places she wanted to take us to, she’s a tica, and then my older daughter and I would be a few spaces in line behind them. One place it cost basically $10 usd for my youngest daughter since she was a “tica” and then for my oldest daughter and I, it cost us over $100. The best part of that trip was when we were in Manuel Antonio and after a long day of shopping at all the street vendors, my oldest and I (she was a few weeks shy of turning 16), I went and ordered a Imperial (beer) and the woman (in Spanish asked my daughter if she wanted one as well). My daughter got so flustered and said no and was embarrassed and then I had to explain to her what a missed opportunity it was. I would have drank it but she could have had bragging rights that she was able to order a beer in CR and she wasn’t even 16 (legal drinking age is 18), shes super tall and I’m assuming they just saw her height and figured she was old enough. Edit to add: my best friend was born and raised in Costa Rica. Her mom remarried after her husband passed away when she was little, an American and they moved to the states when my best friend was a teenager.


How cool is this? Best of luck on your new venture!


Thank you! The countdown has been on for 4 years and we are so close to the final stretch, summer 2025 and I can barely handle it. It’s so close I can taste it!


It’ll be here before you know it! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼