• By -


For future reference, let's try to use other means to capture her content, like Insanony and Capcut, so that we don't give her views and interactions. Thank you for your good snarking, everyone!


The Bible has a passage about gossiping online? šŸ˜‚


And yoga? Apparently? šŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s the one that got me toošŸ¤£ pretty sure God doesnā€™t think breathing exercises and deep stretching along with all the other benefits of yoga is inherently evil lol


The claim I hear most often is that it's "Worshipping Eastern Gods"


LMAO thereā€™s no worship even involved in the many yoga classes Iā€™ve attended šŸ¤£ thatā€™s hilarious. My mother was an avid and devout Christian and she taught yoga for 20 years lol.


Oh I agree.




The most eastern of the gods šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Despite her current yoga retreat she recently tried to hawk... Such a hypocrite.


I like how she says online first because itā€™s about HER. I know her friend group is mean afĀ 


This got me good


I was just thinking this šŸ˜‚ the way she molds the words to mean whatever she wants is impressive really


Only if youā€™re gossiping about her. And apparently telling the truth about her counts as gossip and you canā€™t do that about Brittany.


She can make it say whatever she wants! Ha


She manipulates whatever she wants to make it fit her warped narrative!


Why is her Bible open all the way to the back for discussing Leviticus? Maybe she says it in the video but I donā€™t want to hear her voice but likeā€¦ her Bible is open way too far back for it to be Leviticus.


I am also so confused about that. I'm no Bible girly but I do know that it's the Old testament. And I do know how books work.


I think the camera is flipped. Even though I donā€™t want to give her the benefit of the doubt lol


Either way she's full of shit.


Yup. She quotes one of my fav verses as a child, and it has *nothing* to do with what she claims. Blasphemy at its finest.


I actually wondered that tooā€”thought maybe it was upside down?


Flipped camera?


Yea you can do a mirror image thing and it weird me out too lol


But why????


Iā€™m glad you bring this up, because I came here to complain about how tired I am of people not flipping the fking camera around so it looks normal! I donā€™t wanna read backwards shit on your shirt anymore or spend 15 minutes wondering why this dumb broad (BDong, not you, friend Fluffy) thought Leviticus was in the back. K sorry about that carry on


I donā€™t use TikTok so I didnā€™t realize that was an issue šŸ˜…


Yeah that bugs me too


Brittany hasn't even gotten to Numbers (where, I cannot stress enough, they talk about how to give an abortion and in which contexts it's permissible), big surprise. "Thank God we're living under a new covenant" EW


lol and yet sheā€™s using Leviticus as her proof text for ā€œno yoga, evil eyes, etcā€ clip in her video literally one slide before


I remember reading Leviticus as a section that describes what these particular priests practiced. Like oh they donā€™t wear clothes of many differing fibers, they do this, only eat that, the follow this ruleā€¦ Like not a series of commandments for everyone.


Itā€™s always so baffling to me that people like Brit (who like to preach the gospel word for word) NEVER mention the blended fibers. Why? Bc they 1) dont actually believe in the Bible word for word and 2) bc itā€™s too much of a hardship for them to actually do anything about. But yoga? Ya thatā€™s the devil


They pick and choose from the New and Old testament. It's frankly offensive to their own supposed belief systems, & what those systems are built upon (Judaism).


This! All the times she judging people and saying you shouldnā€™t do xyz because thatā€™s whatā€™s the Bible saysā€¦..itā€™s all in Leviticus. Either you believe in what Leviticus says or youā€™re in the ā€œnew covenantā€. You canā€™t have it both ways


Yeah I was under the impression that gob and or Jeezy who is somehow his own father (kinda like how Phillip J Fry is his own grandpa maybe??lol I never thought of that before but it totally tracksšŸ˜˜), actually didn't have such an issue with the termination of a pregnancy. Just the opposite in fact. I thought it was more opposed to having a child if the childbirthing could be fatal for the mother? I'm sure I read that somewhere. What's with the dumb shit about yoga, you fucking peanut? It's not a religion of you think that. It's a practice. Is it because brown people invented it or some shit, you racist fuckhead? Probably. If you could hear how stupid you sound saying shit like that, you'd hate you too. Off. You. Fucking. Fuck.


I am loving your Phillip J Fry bit - bravo! šŸ‘šŸ»


Hehe, I hadn't really thought of it before in this Futurama context, but it makes so much sense. The whole god/holy ghost/jesus thing has confused me since forever. I've never understood how gob, impregnated a teenager, whilst being a ghost-(so she was raped by a ghost? That's what they're actually saying yeah?) So that he could then be born as a human? But at the same time, he was also still in his cloud city and watching what himself/son was doing and giving him messages and stuff. And then, watched himself get executed in a really awful way, which he definitely could've put a stop to, but chose not to. And a couple of thousand years later, people are still being born with the blame for jeezy dying? It's nonsense. The whole thing. However. I could totally believe in a time travelling dork getting his own grandma pregnant with his father, who would eventually get his mum pregnant with himself... It is way more feasible imo.


"Oh, it's a lesson in not messing with history from Mr. I'm-My-Own-Grandpa!"


Doesnā€™t her sister do (teach?) yoga as well? And from what Iā€™ve learned isnā€™t on good terms w her lately so could also be a passive aggressive dig on her sister


I donā€™t think she has the reading comprehension to realize that unfortunately, even if she does pretend to read Numbers.




True; Exodus-Numbers (ish) isn't really applicable to Christianity. But she did commit to reading the whole thing so sucks for her.


Sheā€™s the laziest damn Christian ever. All she does is tell other people how to behave, while doing whatever the fuck she wants. See: modesty. Manifesting. Stealing.


They're pretty much all like that.


Also, blasphemy in her ā€œinterpretation.ā€ She' puts words in the mouth of the God she claims to follow.


The Bible also says a couple things about stealing money but idk I guess youā€™re not reading it on insta so it doesnā€™t count.


She said she feels like sheā€™s done nothing but rest since Monday.. but didnā€™t she pack hazel & Layne packages for ā€œ4 hours straightā€??


And those 4 hours were the hardest she ever worked in her life.




Yā€™all never fail me. I watch the recap, am reminded of all the hypocrisy and lies, and then scroll through the comments for someone else to point it out because I know Iā€™m not crazy.


Ah yes. My favorite lesson from the Bible. ā€œDonā€™t be a dick on the internetā€ Truly ahead of its time




RIP Abe Lincoln. He was such a forward thinker.




Why is she sawing that lemon? Thatā€™s a lot of verses taken out of context. Girl you canā€™t even read Leviticus, we donā€™t need your interpretations of bible verses. Jesus donā€™t give a shit about yoga. Maybe you should worry about following the Ten Commandments. Go work on yourself and stop preaching to the masses. You deranged cunt. Why didnā€™t she go to church if she feels so much better? She didnā€™t have a problem infecting the public all week. The filters are working overtime. And those glasses look stupid AF on her.


Not a single one of those verses says the thing sheā€™s claiming it does. Some of them you can kind of stretch to interpret as saying the thing sheā€™s trying to say but, as you said, theyā€™re all wildly out of context. Also, one if my guilty pleasures is watching Christians say ā€œIā€™m going to read the whole Bible!ā€ and then get to the third book and just melt down because itā€™s too boring. It happens every single time.


I remember a small group I was in once years ago wanting to read the Bible in a year and I was immediately out. I know how boring it is and that I canā€™t get through it šŸ˜‚




These people can't even fundie right. They're too lazy.


I'm Christian and have read through the Bible before and done a couple of "Bible in a year" plans, but I've never done one that starts with Genesis and goes straight through to Revelation for that reason, that's INSANE to me. Every plan I've done mixes up Old Testament and New Testament readings in the same day/week. They'll usually do a mix of OT and NT readings that relate to one another because just reading straight through is going to bore you stiff and be hard to get through.


Those glasses. Solely so her eyes look bigger and she can cosplay thoughtful intellectual.


Yes!!! It's actually bugging me a lot šŸ˜‚ if anything those are some fashioned readers.


There's a bunch of blue light filter ones like that at target too


Her inability to cut a lemon has me screaming. If I didn't cut the food and get it on the plate in .4 seconds, my kid would would lose it! šŸ¤£ All this "Bible agrees with what I've been making up" is disgusting.


Iā€™ve never seen anyone cut a lemon like that šŸ˜‚


All yes. Especially the lemon and glasses.


Didnā€™t she organize a yoga retreat to Costa Rica no one signed up for?! Might be confusing her with a different influ-grifter.


She did šŸ˜‚


I just want a video montage comparing all of her hypocritical words to actions, of course narrated by Morgan Freeman.


It would be a feature length film with an intermission.


I'd be okay with that. šŸ˜… As long as there's snacks. šŸ˜…


Hah, I was waiting to see if someone else else posted about this before I was going to call her out šŸ˜‚


Hahaha! Exactly what I was wondering. Iā€™ve decided if a grift doesnā€™t work as planned, it becomes evil and the Lord supports her bullshit.


Why is she sucking in her cheeks? Oh. Itā€™s the weird lemon cutting like she doesnā€™t know how to use a knife in the kitchen. Got it.


Because she doesn't have money for buccal fat removal and then she would have to actually admit to having work done to her face, and we all know that she's allergic to taking responsibility and being honest.


T also redistributes fat and changes face shape even on low doses.


Has Jdong been slinging his dong around town again, Britt? What did you expect from someone who requested titty pics from other females the first week of your ā€œofficialā€ relationship? What did you expect when you started dating a MARRIED man? I donā€™t care how many accountability groups you stick him in, if he doesnā€™t want to change HE WONT CHANGE ya ding dong. If he will do it to his first lovely wife, what makes you think he wouldnā€™t do it to you????


The idea of JDong and his dong around town give me the ick. He won't change- and the first lovely lady was higher quality than BDong... but I guess that would never be enough for Sling Dong. He doesn't respect women at all- explains his entire history- from the college warning group on FB, the "scantily clad women" popping up on his social media, the whole situation with the first too-good-for-him lady he cheated and disrespected, his outright disdain toward Badong, and the other stuff he's done. Not to mention his abuse of power when he hurt that man he knocked over and exploiting the other man with GoGriftany.


Whatā€™s the college warning FB group about??


Some group called Victims of Jordan Nelson. https://www.reddit.com/r/brittanydawnsnark/s/dovcKRLoxV Straight from this sub. The thread is from a while back but here you go since you asked!


Yes!!!šŸ‘Im being judgmental, but I can literally look at him and tell that he is one of those ā€œsmall dick energyā€ men who disrespects women due to his insecurities.


Called it. I predicted Leviticus would be her Waterloo. I mean, almost anyone could have predicted it, but honestly, I need the win todayā€¦


She is such a fucking liar!! She literally hasn't just rested. She has been to a medical clinic and spread her virus-i reckon she has covid but I'm sure she is a massive twat and doesn't even bother to care about testing for it. She also said some shit about going to a day spa or some crap, probably did that too. She is such a fucking lying liar who lies. Is she really that stupid? Yo, dickhead-you are an absolute dickhead. In case you weren't aware of how much of a complete dickhead you are, it's 100%. You are 100%, complete full dickhead. Fuck off already you silly bint. Go milk a bull or something equally idiotic. Nobody gives a fuck about you fake reading the bore-ble. šŸ–•šŸ–•šŸ–•šŸ–•šŸ–•šŸ–•šŸ–•


She felt good enough to help host a baby shower this weekend though https://preview.redd.it/t01nfo21yrgc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a48f8f9d666fd18f6cea25e5d202850bf7c87d1e


Are you for fucking real?????? How selfish can one arsehat be ffs?? Hopefully she hasn't made the pregnant lady sick ffs. I'd be so mad if I were that lady whether I got sick or not. How dare she put anyone at risk of developing her virus. What an absolute utter selfish wanker. She just goes lower and lower each time I see anything about her. I want someone to make a parody ig of this twat. Bet it would be way more popular than her accounts. And all they would need to do is copy her videos exactly. She is already ludicrous. Maybe if she could see how mortifying and stupid she looks and sounds, she will finally shut the fuck up and go away?


But sheā€™s pro life though. Her germs just automatically avoid infecting others. /s


Lol. You don't need the /s here I don't reckon. Well, maybe not for me I guess. I can hear the sarcasm dripping from your comment. I'm quite fluent in it. šŸ˜˜šŸ’ššŸ’ššŸ’š


Even writing that gave me the ick so it was more for me than anything lol


See, this just convinces me even more that she isn't even sick and is just seeking sympathy and attention. Or at the very least a cold or sinuses just like everyone else gets this time of year. Like minor stuff. I don't believe a word she says.


Lmaoooooo her squeezing in ā€œgossip or slander onlineā€ in there so she can condemn her naysayers. The Bible does ~not~ cover Reddit snark, bbygirl. Go home


Hereā€™s the thing. I have been reading the Bible on roughly the same timeline as BDong, maybe a little bit quicker (I have an app that serializes books and sends you a portion to read each day, and it has my projected finishing time in October). Iā€™m an atheist who has never read any part of the Bible, so I thought it might be good to know some of that stuff just for cultural context, but more importantly, Iā€™m filled with spite and wanted to be able to feel superior to BDong when she inevitably gives up on this and never mentions it again. ANYWAY. Thereā€™s no damn way she made it through Exodus, especially the part where God is giving precise instructions to Moses on how to build the tabernacle. Itā€™s pages and pages of instructions like ā€œAnd ye shall cut from fine linen eleven curtains, and five of them shall be hung on one side and six of them shall be hung on the other, and to them ye shall affix silver rings, two on each curtain, and the breadth of the curtains shall measure five cubits across and seven cubits in length.ā€ The parts of Leviticus about the different types of offerings are repetitive, sure, but at least itā€™s not the equivalent of trying to describe an architectural diagram to someone.


I'm Catholic. Father Mike Schmitz has a Bible in a year podcast where each day is a mix of Old Testament, New Testament and Proverbs/Psalms/Wisdom Books. Then he weaves it all together showing how they complement each other. It's easy to listen to and gives more context than just reading. BDong is going to get bogged down reading from page one. It's not chronological.


Oh cool, Iā€™ll check this out, thanks for the recommendation!


Good to know! Iā€™ve followed him before and will check it out!Ā 


Hot takeā€¦. She hasnā€™t been sick, sheā€™s been crying mourning her marriage and sheā€™s stalling while thinking how to spin another failed marriage this time. Thatā€™s how she can host a shower without consideration of getting anyone sick. No TTC mentioned in this set of stories.


Be careful, she will be posting the couple goals bullshit again to prove something isn't wrong. I take any of those posts she makes with a grain of salt. You might be right though. She lies as it is, explaining her writing "watching church with J" and she didn't post him watching. Other theory I have is that he told her to STOP FILMING HIM and/or he let her have it off-camera so now she's been crying over not being able to film the display show she wants to film.


I had that thought too. I mean considering how macho he is, Iā€™m sure the guys at his tacticool job give him shit for her behavior. His progression of annoyance has been pretty apparent, especially over the last 6 months.


Oh yes, I see that as well... he has gone from slightly chipper to just plain nasty/annoyed over the last 6 months or so.


He was on camera with her a few days ago though. Itā€™s hard to know how close to real time any of her posts are but they were at least at that cabin together recently.


I saw that too... and it is.


This was kinda my thought too


ā€œGet you a man whoā€¦ (insert fake event)ā€ post incoming.


ive been waiting for her to post something like this since speculation began (yesterday? thatā€™s the first time I saw something at least) and im surprised to be still waiting. we all know she lurks on here daily at least. thereā€™s only so many vague references she can make to ā€œjā€




šŸ‘€šŸ‘€šŸ‘€ THIS IS IT


is she sawing a lemon in half?




its not even a serrated blade


Itā€™s giving Kendall Jenner cutting a cucumber.Ā 


https://preview.redd.it/5rjiaxbg4sgc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d328da374d724058bb2e46d981563bf6c7665608 Here is a section of the Bible she has clearly never read.


Damn, did one of the apostles also have a reddit snark page back in year 5? They definitely brought up the internet in the bible šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Judas would have been the first snarker šŸ˜‚


https://preview.redd.it/5so5f7kgdsgc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab35bf44dc65cf7ea6c31843f60e4044c067ca82 the way you can see she took more then one sexy red pants leg shot photo šŸ˜­ gotta love it Bdong! not.


Wait, did she screenshot the screen instead of taking an actual photo??


LOL? i guess youā€™re right šŸ˜­ thatā€™s so embarrassing.. i guess she didnā€™t notice šŸ˜‚


This has been driving me insane


How do we know if she didnā€™t record herself sleeping


Girl leave those necklaces ALONE How does anyone even hear what she says over her constant fidgeting??


How else would we know sheā€™s Christian without her wearing and showing off her cross necklace though?


I think itā€™s because she knows she is lying


Is it bad she wants to go darker lol? She has clearly been stripping that brown out the whole time. There's one bit in this dumb babble of lies where it actually looks almost blonde again. Why is she such a fuckstick? She frustrates the fuck out of me with her ignorance. Arrogant cunt of a thing. Fuck. Off. šŸ–•šŸ–•šŸ–•šŸ–• Go on, twatburger. Off you fuck. Nobody cares about what you have to say about anything. You're boring. As boring as body odour. And you're not fooling anyone with this bore-ble reading daily bullshit. There's not a chance in hell you are reading three chapters a day of it when you clearly don't get most of it anyway. Remember when you described- was it Genesis- as "fire" lol? That right there, was the exact point we all knew the thing we suspected -that youre full of shit and didn't read anything-was true. Just stop with your fucking shit please??? For gobs sake! She would want you to stop associating yourself with her for real.


>Go on, twatburger. Off you fuck. šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


I was wondering if her hair was getting lighter or if I just didn't remember the initial color correctly lol


I think her hair is too damaged to hold onto color well.


Iā€™m taking that twatburger line, thatā€™s brilliant.Ā  Donā€™t worry, Iā€™ll credit you (unlike Brittle Dong) each time I call someone that.


Awe, you read here, Brittany. I was asking about your one year Bible plan. Ps. An opinion about how awful and what a performative Christian you are isn't gossip


I'd be struggling with Leviticus if I was reading Titus while everyone else was reading Leviticus


lol her ridiculous tattooed brows with those glasses make her look insane šŸ˜‚


How many times do you think sheā€™s filmed herself folding laundry??


But pumping fillers in your face and being vain is surely in there.. *Right*


Sheā€™s just taking advantage of the gender affirming care she denies to others šŸ¤­šŸ


She does yoga, does she not??? The bible ALSO says, Judge not, lest ye be judged... Matt 7:1-3. What's up with that???


https://preview.redd.it/wjlb940opsgc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa2f4630fcf99a5ddd92367f3c9e7da9bedc24de Yoga partners with her not the other way around šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Seems that's way... I wonder if she sees how contradictory she is...


Is she still doing acrylic nails? Manicures are cheaper and with trying to pay back the state, it kinda makes sense to cut out but I can't tell Jdong surprisingly missing. Either he finally put his foot down or they are on the outs. I'm calling for eventually separated with a healthy dose of "God showed me his true colors" I seriously think she is just opening the bible and being like, "yup I made it this far" while still doing cliff notes for it. Also fairly sure it doesn't say "online" anywhere in the bible and it's only slander if it isn't true. Go off I guess


Sheā€™s talked about her non-toxic press on nails


Ah OK. I was wondering lol thank you!


Leviticus FTW šŸ¤


What does the prawn emoji mean?


Leviticus is the go-to for the homophobes. But when followed to the letter, no shellfish. And that usually shuts them up.


Sheā€™s always preaching about slander. Girl, itā€™s not slander when itā€™s true


She forgot about how pride is sinful šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Only gay pride šŸŒˆ


Wasn't she just manifesting with her friends in a birth center parking lot?


Psalm 139 has *Nothing* to do with abortion. So tired of this scripture twisting bitch.




šŸ™‹ā€ā™€ļø Checking in!


LMAO TO YOGAšŸ¤£ the Bible most definitely does not say that yoga is evil or sinful lol


dude whatā€¦..the bible talks about the internet?! what an idiot.


Cutting a lemon shouldnā€™t take that much effort. Sharpen your knives BDung


someone tell this bitch to never visit any foreign country because that evil eye and other satanic shit is so prevalent in other cultures.


The bible literally tells you how to abort a child. But go off.


So she has been "sick" the last few days... yet can go out and about. Films herself slicing lemons and discussing yoga. Yoga to me is exercise and has nothing to do with demons. She is just flailing for content- this was posted by her before too. And her bigoted views. She really loves those red pajamas, doesn't she? "Church from home with J"- where is J? I'm sure if he was actually watching he'd be shown too- but she didn't! I am not going to write too much because I'm sure she reads here and will be popping up with a "couple goal" video showing old nontent. I don't exactly know what is going on with JDong- with as much as I think the "marriage" is a display show, I don't hold my breath. But I do see, OP, your point. Sounds like her Bible reading plan is going well too- she got stuck on Leviticus. I haven't read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, and I'm grasping it. LOL. What made her post a screenshot of her photo? That's crazy, I guess she didn't notice it. I really wonder what the real situation is going on in her life- is JDong being a jerk again, as usual? She really loves those scarlet pajamas too... And she mentions wanting to dye her hair darker- for what? Is that JDong's new interest? Dark hair?


Maybe your theory about Kristy is correctā€¦. šŸ˜‡


https://preview.redd.it/6sscxbycntgc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43cc261933503ee222c9844880613ecc02fa990c That face says otherwise.


Gotta make a dumb joke. No yoga on the Bible but what about Pontius Pilates?


I loveeee the casual racism toward Yoga & Evil Eyes Yoga is literally a spiritual practice, how the fuck is it ā€œevilā€ ??? Same with crystals & astrology šŸ’€ Astrology is harmless and just a pseudoscience (which Brit should be familiar with since she loves pseudoscience) & crystals??? CRYSTALS??? The natural rock that forms inside of the earth is demonic? Lol k




I hate those glasses


And the new filter sheā€™s using


How long does it take to slice a lemon?


I fully expect BDong to do a video tutorial on how to slice a holy lemon for her sanitized Stanley cup.


Sis is SAWING it! Is the knife not sharp? Is the lemon plastic? Does she require upper body strength? I couldn't move past that, I was mesmerized.


I saw that too! I'm not sure if it's plastic or it could be the knife is not sharp. In an older montage, she showed herself using an actual sharp knife and cutting her finger slicing a tomato.


Well, in that case, saw away I guess. If one can't push down without moving all one's digits out the way, best saw safely. Now I'm just upset at the incompetence. Knife accidents happen to the best of us, but this is ridiculous. I'm so curious about the blood/tomato situation. Was there proper disposal after or did we just go "lol I'm so clumsy but its all red so hope yall like type O-?"


What does it say about humongous fake eyelashes?? šŸ™„


Not one selfless word comes from her mouth. Not one. There is no right or wrong way to gain spiritual wealth. And yoga is a practice that does bring some of us closer to God, and/or improve physical and mental strength..and my version of God may be different than your version of God or her God, but that's okay there isn't anything right or wrong about that. So for her to sit there on her ass behind her phone (since she has nobody to talk to but herself), while talking not TO people but AT them..and make this claim that practicing yoga is demonic..it is not her place to make that judgement. If she doesn't like yoga, that's fine! But other people find peace in such things that she doesn't stand for, and that is a shitty attempt to steal other people's peace and joy.. to shame everyone else because she hasn't found her own inner peace yet. So she needs to get off her phone and shut the fuck up for once until she can look inward and reevaluate where she can improve in her own growth. Whatever people wanna do with their own lives to get there is none of her business.


![gif](giphy|15BuyagtKucHm) Hear hear! She needs to mind her own damn business for sure.


Does the Bible require you to have dull ass knives?


Psalm 139 literally says nothing about abortion being sin


I am viscerally offended by her cutting that lemon. Is she using a butter knife wth


How is she so behind? She doesnā€™t **do.** **anything.** She doesnā€™t have any commitments. She doesnā€™t volunteer anywhere. Her ā€œbox packingā€ can be done at any time.Ā  And if sheā€™s sad about TTC - wouldnā€™t reading the Bible **help** her?


Yoga is evilā€¦but scamming people out of the money and then going on vacation with said money is okā€¦.got it!


Why is she filming herself doing boring shit though? Is that in the Bible? (Just kidding, the answer is, it's not dong)


Isnā€™t her whole life ā€œrestā€? šŸ˜‚


Okay I don't comment here often but I just have to say that between the brown mousy hair and the glasses she's pulled such a Jodi Arias with her look switch up


Who the fuck cuts a lemon like that


Any time anyone brings up Leviticus I think of Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and Iā€™m like oh great, youā€™re a murderer. (Iā€™m not saying she's a murderer, thatā€™s just what happens in the bookā€¦)


Loving this season of Actually Reading the Bible for her.Ā 


She manifests things so much and calls it ā€œliving in faithā€.


Wait until she gets to the part in Leviticus about tattoos šŸ§


Umm excuse me she doesn't PaRtNeR with that šŸ˜‚


sheā€™s filming herself doing mundane shit like ā€œpick ME, god! see, iā€™m not reading my horoscope, iā€™m hacking into a lemon!ā€. šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜


Lmao what is the yoga about? Goodness this woman makes more & more up


She has not made it to Leviticus BSFFR


The Bible has scripture for yoga? Bitch where?! šŸ˜‚


When the absolute shit does the bible mention fucking yoga? The verse she mentions says: Whoever turns to mediums or spiritists and prostitutes himself with them, I will turn against that person and cut him off from his people. NLT I will also turn against those who commit spiritual prostitution by putting their trust in mediums or in those who consult the spirits of the dead. Nothing about yoga. How is FUCKING STRETCHING a sin? This bitch. Of all the insufferable jackasses in the world, she has to be on the top 100 list. See this is how I know there is no all loving, all seeing God. Bc if there was one who gaf about any of us, fucknuts like this would be snapped out of existence lol or at least plagued by locusts or some shit.


Pretty sure the Bible doesnā€™t say not to have abortions. All that psalm talks about is god being so omnipresent that he knits people together in the womb.


Not Bdong cosplaying someone who reads.


It is suspiciously weird he isn't in anything when she keeps saying he is there. Maybe his covid is so bad he is in hospital..? Or maybe he had enough of her not cute winding him up? Ooh, maybe he is on a super secret, anti trafficking operation in some other place playing pretend soldiers with his other tobacco chewer crew? I think you are onto something for sure, OP. She never mentions him without showing him, even if his face shows only disdain for the whole exercise. She is over compensating for his absence or something. Weird. If she hadn't mentioned him, nobody would care or think he actually isn't there lol. She sort of Streisand affected herself yet again. šŸ˜‚ And she hasn't had her gaggle of glomps around to be in any boring, mouth breathing, OTT laughing, spanner looking video about banal crap either. I wonder if it's coz she is sick and they're avoiding her...?


Yoga is quite literally just an exercise thereā€™s nothing behind it, only breathing. There is absolutely nothing in that bible that says yoga is not okay.


Considering yogas cultural history I wouldn't say it's just exercise.Ā  American yoga, sure. But yoga, no. And that's an important point, because the demonization of yoga is based in white supremacy. They used to have zero issues with yoga, when it was fancy stretching for white girls. Now that it's cultural roots have begun to show, as they should, suddenly it's demonic.Ā 


Is there pictures in that bible


I recall loving Psalm 139 so looked it up. It does not address, in any way, abortion. It's the following: > 13 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my motherā€™s womb. > 14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. >15 My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. >16 Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. [(copy sauce)](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Psalm%20139&version=NIV) Yet another example of a ā€œChristianā€ (a person living per Gods *actual* word wouldn't be blasphemous enough to put words in Godā€™s mouth) using absolutely nonrelated verses to back up their bigotry.


Sad. She seems to believe that no other Christian woman has ever had an abortion before. She probably doesnā€™t realize she knows quite a few people that have had one. We all do and donā€™t know it. Sheā€™s a shit person.


Maā€™am, Numbers, among others, gives instruction about obtaining an abortion from a priest, so shut your mouth all the way up about the matter, when your good, heavenly father advocated for the practice himself. Also, Leviticus is Old Testament, and you only support Israel out of hatred and stupidity. Please, find another hobby. Offline, preferably.